Chapter 185 The Great Summer Guest from afar!.

Great Qin, Xianyang City.

It is also the Great Qin King’s City.

Have to say.

Under the rule of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin.

The people of Xianyang City can be said to be well-fed. And you see.

Although the people in Xianyang City wore linen cloth shirts. But each body is strong and has light in his eyes. Their eyes were full of confidence.

And the face is even more full of essence. It is said that the people of Great Qin are fierce.

This sentence is not just a statement.

Just from the spiritual outlook of the people in the city, we can see that this statement is not false. Why was Great Qin so powerful, and why were the Tang Emperors and Ming Emperors so jealous? The reason is simple.

Emperor Qin was one of them.

The second is the people of Great Qin.

Under the reign of Emperor Qin, everyone in Great Qin could go into battle to kill the enemy and be fearless of death. They pick up hoes to plow the fields.

Putting down the hoe and raising the sword soldier is the Great Qin elite soldier. To put it bluntly.

If the Great Qin Iron Cavalry is dead.

Great Qin was able to pull out a force of millions of elite soldiers to continue the battle to the death. And these elite soldiers are the ordinary people of Great Qin.

The power of Great Qin is by no means just talk.

This is the reason why it can be feared by all countries. Of course.

In the final analysis, the reason is still in the body of the Qin Emperor to win the government. If there is no Qin Emperor.

The Great Qin people’s style would not be so fierce.

However, today the Great Qin Xianyang City welcomed two distant guests from the Great Xia. Lu Xiao and Lu Rong!

The two men had white hair and white whiskers, wore sackcloth robes, and their eyes were cold and dead, and there was no emotion that human beings should have contained in them.

Step by step, the two of them were walking towards the Xianyang Palace, where Emperor Qin Yingzheng was located. Although the two will not shrink into inches.

However, with each step, its figure turned into a shadow, which was difficult for the people in Xianyang City to perceive.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

It was still the black curtain of beads.

The figure of Emperor Qin Yingzheng Wei’an sat in it. The entire Xianyang Palace was empty.

Unless he had the permission of the Qin Emperor, no one could get close to him within a hundred meters. Maybe some people are very strange.

Why did the Xianyang Palace, where Emperor Qin was located, not have any guards? Why can’t anyone get close to the Qin Emperor within 100 meters?

Actually, the reason is simple.

At the beginning of Emperor Qin’s reign and ascended the throne, he swept away the kingdoms and occupied half of the territory of the Nine Zhou Dynasty. I don’t know how many of the world’s top assassins and martial arts masters have assassinated him.

Sadly or sadly!

In the face of these world’s most elite assassins and martial arts strongmen, the Great Qin Guards were unstoppable.

Even though the Great Qin guards were not afraid of death and loyally guarded the Qin Emperor’s government, how could they be the opponents of the top assassins and martial arts strongmen?

Since then.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin issued a will. Xianyang Palace removed all guards.

No one was allowed to approach him within a hundred meters without his permission.

Even if it was Li Si Wang Qi and these people, they still had to kneel down a hundred meters away to start playing. So.

The entire Xianyang Palace was vast and empty, and no one could get close to the Qin Emperor within a hundred meters.

As long as someone appeared in the Xianyang Palace, or entered within a hundred meters of the Qin Emperor, there must be no doubt that they were assassins.

“Tenmatsu is dead?”

In the beaded curtain of the black curtain, the voice of the Qin Emperor’s surprise came from the government.

“Your Majesty, Tiansong is indeed dead, and is dead inside the Bactrian Palace.”

“Wei Chen is incompetent, and can only get the news that Tiansong is dead, but how Tiansong died, the spies lurking in Bactria have no way of knowing.”

100 meters away.

Li Si knelt down on the ground and began to play truthfully. Only Li Si’s eyes also crossed the color of horror. His Holiness Tenmatsu is a being of the realm of heaven and man. There are only a few people in this world who can kill him.

Li Si also couldn’t understand how His Holiness Tenmatsu died!

“Emperor B of Xia?”


In the black curtain of beads, the sound of the Qin Emperor’s whispers was heard. Hiss!

Hear the Qin Emperor’s whisper.

Li Si’s face changed suddenly, and a look of shock crossed his eyes.

It should be known that the Qin Emperor has always called Emperor Yi of Xia a little guy, and his posture has always regarded him as a junior. But now what did he hear?

His Majesty the Qin Emperor actually called Emperor Yi of Xia directly? The three words “little guy” have disappeared!

The so-called details can see the changes in a person’s heart. Lisi is definitely a smart guy.

Just from the simple words of His Majesty the Qin Emperor, I heard the different meanings. His Majesty the Qin Emperor is serious!

Li Si was secretly terrified in his heart, and his whole body shivered. He couldn’t remember Emperor Qin’s serious look.

Seems to be the beginning of the ascension to the throne, right?

·· 0 Ask for flowers… ...... The only serious thing the Qin Emperor did was to sweep through the kingdoms and occupy half of the Nine Kingdoms of the World. But since that time.

His Majesty the Qin Emperor did not seem to have taken anything seriously.

Even on this road of unifying the world for nine weeks, it is not hurried. But now Li Si could feel it deeply.

His Majesty the Qin Emperor’s tone began to be serious. And it’s the very serious kind!

“Interesting, indeed interesting.”

“I didn’t expect that the widow had actually underestimated Emperor Yi.”

“It seems that Emperor Yi of Xia is indeed worthy of being the opponent of the widow.”

From the black curtain beaded curtain came the sound of Emperor Qin’s chuckle.

“Your Majesty…?”

Li Si was horrified.

He just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Emperor Qin.

“Retreat, there are guests visiting in Bactria, and it seems that this is a generous gift from the Emperor of Xia to pay tribute to the widows.”

Emperor Qin spoke lightly.

At the same time!

Only to hear the fierce shouts of killing coming from outside the Xianyang Palace. It was accompanied by the sound of the Heavenly Sword.

Two terrifying killing machines swept towards the Xianyang Palace like a terrifying wave.

“Your Majesty, two assassins are coming to Xianyang Palace, and my Great Qin soldiers have suffered more than a thousand casualties, and I also ask Your Majesty to temporarily retire from Xianyang Palace until the last general captures and kills these two assassins.”

Wang Qi arrived quickly, his body stained with blood.

His left arm had already been pierced, but he still knelt down with his sword and bowed to the Qin Emperor.

“Who in the whole world can make the widow take half a step back?”

“Let my Great Qin guards all step down, since it is a generous gift from Emperor Yi of Xia to the widow, the widow also wants to see how valuable this gift is.”

Inside the black curtain beaded curtain came the calm voice of Emperor Qin.


Wang Qi’s face changed slightly, but he still knocked on the leader’s order and quickly left.

“Lisi, you should also back off.”

The Qin Emperor’s leisurely voice sounded again.


Li Si hurriedly bowed and retreated.

But there was no anxiety on his face.

Because he knew very well that the person who could kill His Majesty the Qin Emperor had not yet been born.

“Emperor Yi, you are really bold and arrogant and will repay you!”

“But the gift you paid back to the widow accepted.”

In the black curtain of beads, the Qin Emperor was whispering.

It was as if the two Bactrian guests who had arrived from the outside world were not put in his eyes.

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