Chapter 186: On the Orders of the Summer Emperor, Take Your Life!.


The void exploded, and the ripples said.

Two dead silent figures appeared in the Xianyang Palace. Lu Rong Lu Xiao!

The two were pale and cold, dead and silent, without any human emotion.

In particular, the eyes of the two were dark and dull, and they faintly bloomed with bloodthirsty light.


“Two heavenly realms?”

“It seems that Emperor Yi really gave the widow a generous gift.”

In the black curtain of beads, Emperor Yingzheng of Qin laughed softly.

“On the orders of His Majesty the Emperor Xia, come and take your life.”

Lu Rong Lu Xiao spoke stiffly.

The two were already living dead, and they wouldn’t have had as much nonsense as His Holiness Tenmatsu. The only thought in their minds was to kill Emperor Qin.

Because this was the task given to them by Emperor B of Xia. Kill!

No excessive words.

The two stepped out.

The void was torn apart by both of them in an instant.

The next moment appeared in front of the black curtain bead curtain, and the same two pairs of swords pointed at the Qin Emperor’s winning eyebrows. Zheng!

The sound of the Heavenly Sword Roar was coming.

When the two swords pointed out, the sword rays that burst out from around them raged through the long sky, and a supreme killing machine locked on the body of Qin Emperor Yingzheng, as if it was going to pierce his eyebrows at the next moment.

But it was also at this time of great success! Two cold roars were coming.

“Find Death!”


Something terrible happened.

Only to see the black curtain in front of the beaded curtain, two strange people appeared.

The two earth-shattering swords shone immaculately, and went straight to Lu Xiao and Lu Rong to slash the two of them. Heaven!

These two sudden people are also celestial beings.

And the two cultivated to a high level of horror, never under the Tenmatsu Venerable.

The two swords roared forward, and if Lu Xiao Lurong did not avoid it, he would definitely suffer a heavy blow. But what happened next completely shocked the two celestial beings.


Two brilliant swords directly cut off one of Lu Xiao Lurong’s arms.

However, they didn’t seem to know the pain, the color of dead silence in their eyes became more and more intense, and the two pairs of sword fingers were still killing the Qin Emperor in the black curtain bead curtain.

“Your Majesty rewinds!”

The two celestial beings were stunned.

They had expected the two Assassins to be repelled.

But where did he think that Lu Xiao Lurong was actually not afraid of life and death, even if his arm was cut off, he still wanted to kill the Qin Emperor. Whew!

Lu Xiao Lurong deceived him, a pair of sword fingers roared, the black curtain beads turned into powder, and at the same time, the figure of the Qin Emperor leaked out.


Even if the two celestial beings tried to stop it, it was too late. Because Lu Rong Lu Xiao had already come to the front of Emperor Qin’s body.

Moreover, a pair of sword fingers was only seven inches away from Emperor Qin’s Yingzheng, and the cold sword was about to penetrate the heart of Emperor Qin’s eyebrows.


Faced with the desperate blow of the two men, Emperor Qin’s face was calm, and there was no wave on his face.



When the two sword fingers were about to kill the Qin Emperor’s eyebrows, an earth-shattering dragon groan came from the Qin Emperor’s body and something extremely terrible also appeared.


The dragon groans and shakes the heavens, and the Kowloon protector is born.

A series of terrifying Nine Dragon shadows appeared around the Qin Emperor, and a momentum of looking at the world was blooming.

The sword on Lu Xiao Lurong’s two fingers was no longer able to make any progress. It was completely resisted by the Nine Dragon Shadow on Emperor Qin’s body. Boom!

Only to see Emperor Qin get up and casually pull out the Tai’a sword beside him. This Ancient Divine Soldier was emitting a terrifying sound of dragon groaning. Burst!

A sword!

Emperor Qin swung out a sword.

Just this sword alone slashed Lu Xiao and Lu Rong away. The other two showed a terrible blood stain in front of the Huns.


Lu Xiao Lu Rong slammed into the ground.

Emperor Qin looked at these two Bactrian visitors quietly. A pair of eyes finally appeared a cold color. Dangerous!

Just really dangerous.

Even though the Qin Emperor had the heart of not being shocked by the collapse of the sky, he had just felt that death was so close to him. But it was fine.

He had the Nine Dragon True Gang Protective Body, otherwise the two of them would have killed him not to say that it would kill him, but it would also cause him to suffer heavy blows.


Lu Xiao Lurong, who had originally fallen into a pool of blood, actually stood up again. In particular, a pair of dead and dull eyes completely turned blood.

And something terrible happened to both of them. Their bodies bulged like leather balls.

A terrifying force rose to the top of the two men.

“On the orders of Emperor Xia, kill!”


As the two of them stepped out, the entire Xianyang Palace trembled terrifyingly.

The two Huns were still spraying a large amount of blood, but they once again turned into two remnants and killed the Qin Emperor. And both of them entered the realm of human sword unity.

Man is the sword, and the sword is man.

The terrifying sword bloomed on the two of them, and it was bound to marry the Qin Emperor. What is the Living Dead?

A: People who are alive but are dead.

The two have long since lost the emotions that human beings should have.

There was no fear, no fear of death, and only the orders given to them by the Emperor Xia had in mind.

Even if he was slashed by a thousand knives, as long as there was still a breath, he would definitely continue to attack the Qin Emperor. Well?

Emperor Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A deep color crossed the bottom of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the two were first cut off an arm, and they were seriously injured by their own swords. But now he could even stand up and shoot at him.

This really made him feel incredible in the eyes of Emperor Qin.


He didn’t wait for Lu Xiaolurong to kill Emperor Qin.

The two celestial beings quickly turned their palms into swords and greeted them.

A burst of terrifying swords shone brightly, standing directly with Lu Xiao Lurong. Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The sword is whistling, and the sword is dancing.

The existence of the four heavenly realms fought fiercely together.

The entire Xianyang Palace rumbled and trembled, and a series of terrible cracks in the cobwebs appeared. As the battle between the four of them intensified, it was as if the entire Xianyang Palace was about to collapse completely. Now.

Emperor Qin frowned slightly.

He looked at the fierce fight between the four of them faintly.

The look in Lu Xiaolurong’s eyes crossed an inexplicable color.

“What about the dead soldiers of the Heavenly Realm?”

“Emperor Yi this guy does have some skills.”

Emperor Qin whispered softly.

A touch of admiration crossed his eyes, and the Dead Emperor Qin had not seen it before.

Even the land immortals and the dead soldiers of the Celestial Realm had them under his command.

However, the two Heavenly Human Realm dead soldiers sent by Emperor Yi of Xia made Emperor Qin secretly admire: 0What kind of eyesight is the Qin Emperor?

He was completely able to see that Lu Xiao Lurong’s eyes had no emotions that human beings should have.

As if it were just two killing machines, even if his arm was cut off, he suffered the fatal wound of his own sword, but he still obeyed the will of the Summer Emperor and killed him.

Such a terrible dead man.

The Emperor of Qin asked himself if his men did not.

Because as long as it is a person, there are seven passions and six desires.

Although the dead soldiers under his command were not afraid of death, they would never completely abandon human emotions like Lu Xiao Lurong. Punch.

The Qin Emperor was too modest.

And he didn’t know.

Lu Xiao Lurong was unleashed by Nie Zheng as an imperial might, and was a living dead person himself, so he would lose human emotions.

However, it was also because of the misunderstanding of the Qin Emperor.

Emperor Yi of Xia, who made him truly aware, was a threat. And it’s a great threat.

But at the same time, Emperor Qin smiled. And it’s that happy smile.

All along.

He had thought that in nine weeks, he would have no opponents.

Even if it is nine weeks of unification to become an emperor of all ages, it is only a matter of time. But now he knew that his opponent had appeared!

“Interesting and interesting, isn’t it a blessing to have a rival in life?”

Emperor Qin smiled softly.


The four celestial beings fought fiercely, and they had already killed from inside the palace to outside the palace. Have to say.

Great Qin’s two celestial cultivators were cultivated step by step.

Lu Xiao Lu Rong was raised to a higher level with the Bloodthirsty Dan of the Wild Beast. Logically, the two would not be the opponents of the two Heavenly Beings of Great Qin.

But the terrible thing is that Lu Xiao Lurong is not afraid of death.

They only attacked and could not defend, and this also made the two Great Qin Tianren gradually fall into the downwind.

After all, fighting with two killing machines without human emotion, how could the two Great Qin Heavenly People have the upper hand?


“Kill them!”

The Qin Emperor sounded like a heavenly might.

The next moment.

Great Qin’s truly terrifying strength appeared. 3.7 Only to see the sound of footsteps shaking the earth.

Only to see tens of thousands of Great Qin soldiers wearing black armor, each holding a crossbow aimed at Lu Xiao Lurong. The two Great Qin Tianren slashed out with one knife and instantly withdrew from the station.

“Shoot the arrows!”

Some Great Qin generals shouted angrily.

Only to see tens of thousands of arrows shooting at Lu Xiao Lurong with a terrible whistling sound. The sky is full of arrows and rain, covering the sky.

These arrows are no ordinary bows and arrows.

Instead, it was the arrow shot by the Great Qin Repeater’s crossbow, and its penetrating power was extremely terrifying. Poof!

Under the continuous firing of tens of thousands of arrows, even the realm of heaven and man will undoubtedly die.

Because there are countless arrows on all sides, there is no place to hide. In an instant.

Lu Xiao Lurong was directly shot into a sieve, which can be said to be dead and can no longer die. But the next moment.

Something extremely frightening happened! Bang–Bang!

The two were shaken in terror by the bodies of the range sieve.

With two loud noises coming, Lu Xiao and Lu Rong actually blew themselves up on the spot.

The force generated by the self-explosion destroyed the decay, and thousands of Great Qin soldiers were directly killed on the spot.

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