Chapter 188: The Four Emperors are furious and swear to kill Emperor Yi!.

Just half a month passed.

The Bactrian soldiers quickly occupied the forty-eight cities of the Four Kingdoms. It was also at this time.

The abilities of Cao Yi and Sima Yi were highlighted. Cao Wei was able to produce many people.

Sima Yi had laid out the Great Xia for twenty years, and many protégés and former officials pursued him. At this moment, all of their powerful people were arranged to become the lords of these forty-eight cities. These people do have a set in appeasing the hearts and minds of the people.

However, there were still some people who rebelled against Bactria and secretly attacked and killed Bactrian soldiers and horses. But all of these people, without exception, were condemned.

Iron blood and benevolent government work together.

This set was also the method used by the Qin Emperor to destroy other kingdoms. But just repeat it again.

Or how to say that history is always strikingly similar…

The other side.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were covered with blood.

A series of urgent documents were delivered to him.

Let him know that the Ming soldiers and horses suffered heavy losses in the front.

It has been unable to invade the hinterland of Great Qin for a long time, and it can only advance five thousand miles into the territory of Great Qin, and then it will not be able to advance a single bit.

On the contrary, because of the fierce battle with the elite of Great Qin, the Great Ming Tiger and Wolf Division was defeated and retreated, and only hundreds of thousands of its two million soldiers and horses remained.

“Emperor Qin!”


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were red.

He slammed the dragon case hard, and his face was full of cold colors. But there was a hint of helplessness under his eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang had long known that the Great Qin elite was very strong, especially the Great Qin Iron Horse was famous in the Nine Weeks World.

However, he never imagined that under the alliance of the Five Kingdoms to cut down Qin, Great Qin could resist so tenaciously, and even let the Ming soldiers and horses retreat one by one.

This station can be said to have made the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang clearly understand a fact. That is, the Qin Emperor was too strong.

It was so powerful that even the Five Kingdoms could resist the Qin, and they did not fall behind in the slightest, but there was a counter-offensive trend. This moment.

Although the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was known as the Iron-Blooded and Heartless Heavenly Son. But a deep sense of frustration also emerged in his heart.

Thinking that he was a pig iron and bloody horse, from a fallen beggar to a bowl, successfully ascended to the Ninth Five-Year Dignity, and even laid down a great Ming Dynasty, he thought that he was also a generation of founding Ming Emperors.

However, compared with that Qin Emperor, he was indeed inferior. Now.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang finally woke up from the delusion of world domination.

As long as Emperor Qin was alive for one day, his Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang would not be able to unify the world for nine weeks, let alone ascend to the throne of the Emperor of the Ages.

Don’t talk about Zhu Yuanzhang, then the situation of Tang Emperor Li Shimin is similar to his. As long as the Qin Emperor was alive for one day, they could not delusionally unify for nine weeks.

However, what slightly made Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang feel a little better was that although the Ming soldiers and horses suffered heavy losses. However, the four million troops under the command of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty were also casualties, leaving only a few million soldiers and horses, and there were many wounded soldiers among them.



Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty looked frightened.

He always felt as if he had forgotten something. But I couldn’t vaguely remember what I had forgotten.

He quickly looked over the expedited paperwork sent in front of him. Tang Emperor’s four million soldiers and horses suffered two.8 million casualties? Loulan warriors only have 300,000 soldiers and horses left?

The Sui army was defeated, and only half a million soldiers and horses were left, and they were beaten out of the frontier by the elite of Great Qin. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang looked sheepishly at the four urgent documents placed in front of him.

However, I did not see the casualty figures of the soldiers and horses of Bactria. No!

Not for nothing.

Instead, the urgent documents sent from the front had no news about the Bactrian soldiers and horses at all. Suddenly!

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty groaned inwardly.

The harmless sound and smile of Emperor Xia’s people and animals came to mind! Wrong!

There is a problem!

“Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s face changed suddenly.”

An extremely ominous sense of foreboding appeared in his mind.



A panicked voice was heard.

Only to see a Jinyi guard with a miserable face break into the Fengtian Temple. Even bowing down to Zhu Yuanzhang had already forgotten.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was scary.

Because just seeing Jinyiwei so panicked. The ominous premonition in the heart of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang also became stronger. Even more vaguely associated with something that made him extremely frightened.


Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was vicious and frightening, and his eyes were flashing cold.

“Kai… Kick-off at the top… The soldiers and horses of Bactria entered the frontier of our Daming… Already occupied the twelve cities of my great Ming Dynasty….. At this moment, he is still waving his army towards my Daming hinterland. ”

Jinyi Wei shuddered and reported.


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty only felt that the sky was spinning, and an extreme sense of vertigo made him take a few steps backwards. He quickly supported the dragon case next to him, so that his figure could stand firmly.

However, Jin Yiwei’s words constantly hit his heart, making Zhu Yuanzhang tremble with shock and anger. Burst!


A mouthful of blood couldn’t help but spurt out of his mouth.

It was also this spew of blood that made Zhu Yuanzhang’s inner depressed breath spit out. It’s just that his face is miserable and livid.

“Emperor Yi’er, how dare you betray your faith and deceive us like this?”


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty roared in hatred, his eyes were red as blood, and he smashed his fist on the dragon case. From here, we can also see to what extent Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and hateful.

“Come, quickly order Xu Da Tanghe Banshi to return to the dynasty and not to fight with Great Qin again.”

Zhu Yuanzhang could not bear the hatred for Emperor Yi of Xia, and he quickly issued his will.

The Jinyi guards hurried to take the order and left.

“Emperor Yi, you bastard king, let’s say where you would be so kind to the alliance of the Five Kingdoms, you treacherous and shameless bastard!”

Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang clenched his steel teeth with a clatter.

He was constantly striding inside the Fengtian Temple, and the murderous qi exuded from his body was simply terrifying. If the eyes can kill people in the air.

Nie Zheng, who was far away from the Weiyang Palace in Bactria had long been slashed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

At the same time.

The scene that takes place in the Fengtian Temple takes place almost simultaneously in the other three countries. Datang, Taiji Hall.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty has always advertised himself as the Holy Emperor of the World.

In the scale of the king’s etiquette, it is even more like the style of a heavenly son of a country. But you can watch it now.

Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s face was hideous and terrible.

Those eyes were red as blood, as if they were going to choose someone to devour.

“Emperor Yi, if you don’t cut your corpse into ten thousand pieces, it is difficult to understand the hatred in your heart!”

“Come, quickly order Li Jingban to return to the dynasty and mobilize all the country’s troops to expel the invasion of Bactria.”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin roared in hatred.

He had long since lost his usual demeanor. At this moment, it was like an angry male lion roaring. No wonder Li Er is so out of shape.

Originally, Datang raised four million troops to cut down Qin, but bad news came from the front line one after another.

Not only did Ling Yan Ge’s warriors die several times, but there were only more than one million soldiers and horses left, and there were many wounded soldiers who heard that Bactria had invaded Tang Dynasty and captured more than a dozen cities, how could this not make Li Er angry and corrupt and hate Emperor Yi of Xia to the extreme?

“Emperor Yi, you treacherous and despicable and sinister little man, you are not sharing heaven with you.”

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang roared in hatred in the Taiji Hall.

Where had His Highness’s ministers seen Emperor Tang so gaffey and furious.

At this moment, none of them dared to speak, and they all chose to be silent.

The other side.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian spewed out a mouthful of old blood. He is the most miserable.

Two million Sui soldiers and horses went to cut down Qin, but they were defeated and retreated by the elite of Great Qin. There are very few two million soldiers and horses left, not to mention the total annihilation of the army, but it is almost the same.

At this moment, I heard that the soldiers and horses of Bactria had invaded the frontier of the Great Sui and occupied more than a dozen cities, and were still attacking the hinterland of the Great Sui with their troops.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian was already old and sick.

Hearing this news, he fell ill on the dragon’s bed.

Yang Guanglin was ordered to lead Yu Wenhua and his father and son to dispatch Sui soldiers and horses to meet the enemy.


Loulan Ancient Kingdom, Wangmo Temple.

If the calmest person is this Empress Yaoxi.

Because the ancient kingdom of Loulan was located in the western desert, the soldiers and horses of Bactria only occupied five or six cities in the Loulan frontier. It did not continue to come towards the hinterland of the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

Because the western desert land is in the wind and sand all year round.

And the temperature is extremely hot, if the soldiers and horses of Bactria drive straight in, before they can fight with the Loulan warriors, they will retreat because of the disobedience of the water and soil.


In Nie Zheng’s will, it was only necessary to occupy the fertile land of the Loulan frontier.

As for the ancient kingdom of Loulan in the western desert, Nie Zheng was not prepared to let the soldiers and horses of Bactria attack. Plainly.

The ancient country of Loulan has survived in the world for a long time because of the geographical location of the Western Desert. There were too many dynasties in the Nine Weeks World, and there were countless dynasties that were destroyed in succession. And Loulan can survive forever in the world because of the harsh environment of the western desert.

Although the people of the Loulan Ancient Kingdom were a little bitter, because they were already accustomed to the harsh environment of the Western Desert, they did not feel how.

They know where there is water in the desert and where there are oases, and these factors allow them to be peaceful and peaceful and not disturbed by the chaos of the outside world.

And if there is an enemy attacking Loulan.

In this boundless western desert wind and sand, whether it can destroy Lou Lan is not said. Just the bad weather environment and water sources are the biggest problem. So.

This is the reason why Loulan has survived to this day and is called an ancient country. However, Empress Yaoxi was not worried about Bactria attacking Loulan Ti.

However, she still quickly ordered the Loulan warriors from the front line to return to the Western Desert.

“Emperor Yi, you are really bold enough to even dare to pit the Heavenly Sons of the Four Kingdoms, aren’t you afraid that the Four Kingdoms will raise troops to destroy your Great Xia?”

Empress Yaoxi murmured.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace!


On the throne.

Nie Zheng involuntarily sneezed, then rubbed his nose and said, “Who’s scolding?.” ”

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