Chapter 189 The Two Emperors bow their heads and make a humiliating decision!.

The world is in chaos, and the whole world is shocked!

Originally, the Great Station of the Four Kingdoms Logging of Qin was declared over because the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia conquered the territory of the Four Kingdoms.

The soldiers and horses of the four countries all withdrew from the territory of Great Qin, ready to rush to the rear to retake the territory occupied by Bactria. Pity.

The four countries retreated.

But where is Great Qin so good at cheating? Fight as much as you want?

Just go when you want?

How can it be?

Although the Four Kingdoms cut down the Qin, it also caused Great Qin to lose soldiers and generals.

But the Great Qin power was there, and there was still a standing force.

Two hundred thousand Great Qin Iron Riders plus one million Great Qin elites frantically pursued and killed the soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms. The soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms fought with the elite of Great Qin while retreating to the frontiers of various countries. However, the Great Qin soldiers and horses drove straight into the territory and counterattacked the territory of the Four Kingdoms.

They slaughtered the soldiers and horses of the four countries in a frenzy, and even occupied many cities and pools in the four countries one after another. All of a sudden.

The four countries can be said to be external and internal troubles.

Outside there was the Great Qin Iron Horse counterattacking the territory of the country. In the rear, the soldiers and horses of Bactria attacked the city and plundered the land.

Under the two-sided attack of Great Qin and Great Xia, the soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms really responded to what is called the defeat of the army. What about the Five Kingdoms of Qin?


Now it has evolved into the merger of Great Qin and Great Xialiying, which is constantly annexing the territory of the Four Kingdoms. Now.

The soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms fought with the Great Qin in front, and they also had to dispatch large armies to fight with the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia. It can really be said that it was caught between the two sides of Great Qin and Great Xia.

If you continue like this.

The Four Kingdoms had to be completely divided up by Great Qin and Bactria alive. And the four countries are going to be completely destroyed.


Not the Four Kingdoms.

The Loulan Ancient Kingdom is not among them.

Because of the 543 geographical location of the Western Desert, Great Qin and Bactria did not send troops to Loulan at all. The other three countries can be described as surviving, and they have already faintly appeared as the image of the fall of the country.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian was old and had already fallen ill on the dragon bed, and this serious illness almost cost him half his old life.

The crown prince was weak and incompetent, and only Yang Guang led Yu Wenhua and his father and son to raise national forces to resist the attack of the two countries, but they were also defeated and retreated.

Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s four million army was only more than one million, and he once again dispatched three million troops to participate in the station, and there were no soldiers available in the territory of Datang, desperately resisting the two-sided attack of Great Qin and Great Xia.

As for the situation of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, it was not much different from that of the Tang Emperor Li Shimin. Now.

Face the pinch attack of Great Qin and Great Xia.

Although Emperor Tang and Emperor Ming were eager to eat the meat of Emperor B of Xia and drink the blood of Emperor B of Xia, they could only hate it in their hearts. The two emperors were no longer able to retake the territory and cities occupied by Bactria and had to resist the trampling of the Great Qin Iron Horse. Now.

The situation is extremely grim.

If the three countries can’t think of a way to deal with it.

According to the speed of siege and land grabbing in Great Qin and Daxia, it will not exceed three months at most, and the three countries will inevitably face the fate of national subjugation.

The pattern of the Nine Weeks Great World will also be completely broken, and only the two kingdoms of Great Qin and Great Xia will survive. Right!

There is also a Lou Lan.

But Lou Lan will only be annexed in the face of these two behemoth dynasties after all, and this is only a matter of time.


Emperor Tang and Emperor Ming could not sit still.

After all, the two were a generation of saints and an iron-blooded Heavenly Son.

“But the two emperors met the two fierce characters of Emperor Qin and Emperor Yi. It actually forced them to the end of the road. ”

The two knew that if they continued like this, the destruction of the country would be an inevitable end. So now they are left with only one way.

And this method simply made Emperor Tang and Emperor Ming ashamed and indignant.

If it weren’t for the fact that their dynasty was about to perish, killing two people would not have used this method. What way?

Negotiate peace!


It’s peace!

With whom to negotiate peace?

Nature is to negotiate peace with Emperor Xia!

This was also the last method that Emperor Tang and Emperor Ming wanted to use.

And this method makes the two people ashamed of their landless self-esteem.

Obviously, Emperor Yi of Xia dug a big pit for them to jump into, and also lit a fire in the pit to roast on them.

But now the two emperors could only bow their heads, put down their posture, and send emissaries to humiliate Emperor Yi of Xia to negotiate peace. Because there was only peace with Emperor Xia.

Only then could they concentrate all their forces against Great Qin, so that they could protect their own country. Some people may wonder.

Emperor Ming of Tang hated Emperor Yi of Xia and was even more eager to unload him into eight pieces, but why did he send humiliating emissaries to negotiate peace?

Didn’t Emperor Ming of Tang send emissaries to negotiate peace with Emperor Qin? The answer is simple.

Emperor Huan of Qin had occupied half of the Nine Weeks of the Empire.

The determination to unify the world for nine weeks was clearly revealed, and he had long wanted to annex Datang and Daming. What’s more, the Four Kingdoms had already angered Great Qin, so how could the Qin Emperor give up and give up?

At this moment, Bactria was attacking the frontiers of various countries in the rear, and Great Qin naturally wanted to take this opportunity to frantically annex the territory of Daming and Datang.

Even though the two emperors wanted to negotiate peace, how could Great Qin possibly agree? Bactria, on the other hand, is different.

The national strength of Bactria was already the weakest.

Because of the appearance of Emperor Yi of Xia, it had just quelled the civil unrest and unified the imperial power.

It is also because the whole country is used to cut down the Qing Dynasty, occupying all the Qing soldiers, and Bactria began to rise gradually.

At this moment, it was even more taking advantage of the Four Kingdoms to cut down Qin and conquer their territory in the rear.

The four kingdoms suffered heavy losses, but on the contrary, Bactria did not lose soldiers and generals, but later came to the top and became the second most powerful dynasty under Great Qin.

But Bactria also has a fatal weakness.

That is, although Bactria occupied all the territory of the Great Qing.

And took the Great Wasteland City, the throat fortress bordering the frontiers of various countries. He also took the opportunity to occupy many territorial cities in the four countries.

But Bactria did not have time to recuperate, and there was no time to recruit soldiers and create more troops. If the three kingdoms were destroyed by Great Qin and Bactria together.

Great Qin’s next target is Bactria and will definitely raise all the country’s forces to wipe out Xia.

At that time, Emperor Yingzheng of Qin would really unify the world for nine weeks and become an emperor for thousands of years. So.

Emperor Ming of Tang could only send emissaries to negotiate peace with Emperor Yi.

Because the two believed that Emperor Xia must understand the truth of cold lips and teeth. If their kingdom is destroyed, you are not far from the fall of the country.

Although Emperor Ming of Tang hated Emperor Yi to death, Negotiable Peace was also the only way.

Not only did the two emperors decide to send emissaries to negotiate peace.

Yang Guang of the Great Sui had the same thought.

Moreover, Yang Guang only led hundreds of soldiers and horses to the Bactrian King’s City and personally came to the Xia Emperor to negotiate peace.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

“Emperor Zhu Di’er, you should personally go through the Great Xia, after all, you have dealt with the Emperor of Naxia, and it is only you who can go to the most appropriate thing to negotiate peace.”

The white hair on the head of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was not much.

But these days have made him anxious because of the back-and-forth attacks between the two countries.

At this moment, the hair on his head was mostly white, and the whole person looked more than ten years old.

“The sons and daughters obey the order.”

Zhu Di prostrated the leader’s order and bowed down and withdrew from the Fengtian Temple.

It’s just that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t see the cold and indifferent color in the eyes of his good emperor Zhu Di.

The other side.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty also sent his eldest grandson Wuji to the city of Bactria King. However, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin looked even more haggard.

If we say the loss, Datang can lose much more than Daming.

Originally, under his rule, Datang Guotai Min’an could be called a prosperous dynasty in the Nine Weeks World. However, because of this incident of raising troops to cut down Qin, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty fell to the bottom.

The people of Datang were distraught, and panic spread to the court.

Li Shimin had not slept for three days and three nights, and his eyes were covered with blood.

Originally, the heroic and extraordinary looks were more than ten years old, and the dark hair was mixed with many white hairs. What if you want to slash Emperor Yi of Xia with a thousand knives?

The so-called soldiers are not tired of deception.

Li Shimin knew this truth very well, and could only endure this evil breath and send his eldest son Wuji to negotiate peace with Emperor Yi. However, whether it is Tang Emperor Li Er or not.

Or the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Both saw Emperor Yi of Xia as their greatest enemy. And it’s the kind that doesn’t die.

If the two men regarded Emperor Qin as an obstacle to their own unification of the world for nine weeks. I was eager to get rid of the Qin Emperor and then quickly.

The hatred of those two people for Emperor Yi of Xia was an inexhaustible blood feud between the three rivers and the four seas. If it weren’t for Emperor Xia’s pit to kill them.

How did the two end up like this? But no amount of hate is useful.

The two emperors could only choose to bow to Emperor Xia. This is also the only chance not to be destroyed.

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