Chapter 190 The Myth and Legend of Su Daji!.

Bactria and Shouxian Palace.

The violinist plays the music and the singer dances.

Nie Zheng and Su Dai have pushed the cup to change cups, which can be said to be fun. However, there was one thing that had always made Nie Zheng feel very strange.

Su Daji seemed to be born not to laugh.

No matter what rare and funny things he brought, Su Daji had never laughed. The previous Beacon Theatre princes had never made Su Dai laugh at him.

Even the most able to make people happy, Hezhen Baobao, using various methods, could not help Nie Zheng laugh at Su Daji. Although Su Daji had always been very accommodating to him in terms of talking to his heart, Nie Zheng felt very enjoyable. But Nie Zheng had never seen Su Daji’s smile.

And this also made him feel a little doubt in his heart. Isn’t Su Daji born to laugh? Wrong!

Nie Zheng vaguely felt as if he had overlooked something. Sudae!

Thousands of Demon Princesses!

This name is definitely not in vain.

Although in this world Su Dai had been well protected by him, he did not suffer persecution from harem women. Su Daji has also maintained an innocent and kind surname, and has not transformed into an ancient demon concubine.

A woman who may be called a demon princess of the ages.

Will it really be just such an ordinary little girl, except for the amazing charm or face, there is nothing else?

“Beauty, haven’t you ever laughed since you were a child?”

Nie Zheng put down his wine glass and smiled at Su Daji’s stunning face.

Su Daji shook her head in confusion, “Your Majesty, the concubines also want to smile at Your Majesty, but they really don’t know how to laugh, and the concubines have never laughed.” ”


Nie Zheng’s eyes were surprised.

He could see that Su Daji liked him very much.

And more than two years have passed, and Su Daji is very willing to be by his side under his care.

Nie Zheng was also sure that Su Daji had not lied to himself either. But this made Nie Zheng wonder.

Su Daji had never laughed.

I don’t know how to laugh!

Is this a disease?


Nie Zheng had a feeling in his heart that Su Daji had a secret in her body, and it was a secret that even she herself did not know.

And this secret may be the reason why she can’t laugh. Nie Zheng carefully recalled the legend about Su Daji.


He looked frightened, and vaguely thought of some myths and legends about Su Daji. No way?

Nie Zheng scattered the fantastic thoughts in his heart. Myths and legends are only legends after all.

Moreover, he is in the Nine Weeks Great World, although there are many myths and legends, and there are some broken classical books that remain in this world.

But the ancient texts in the broken texts are difficult to read.

The deciphered text only mentions that there are so-called Ancient Qi Alchemists in the Ancient World. But what does all this have to do with Su Daji?

However, Nie Zheng did not completely deny it.

After all, he is a crosser, and he has a system that does not know the way. Even if there really were ghosts and gods in this world, Nie Zheng would not be surprised.

“Your Majesty, envoys of the three countries have asked to see you at Weiyang Palace and want to discuss peace with Your Majesty.”

Just as Nie Zheng was in deep thought, Cao Tian quickly stepped forward to start the Dao.

“Finally here?”

Nie Zheng woke up from his thoughts, and the corners of his mouth outlined a smile.

“Beauty, you should go back to the palace to rest first, and then come to talk to you after you have finished dealing with the right things.”

Nie Zheng pinched Su Daji’s nose, laughed and strode out of Shouxian Palace.

It’s just that Nie Zheng didn’t see it.

When he turned and walked out of Shouxian Palace.

A faint pink glow appeared on Su Daji’s body.

And the charm or color in a pair of beautiful eyes is getting brighter and brighter.

… Weiyang Palace!

The eldest grandson of the Tang Dynasty is unscrupulous.

Yang Guang, the Prince of Sui.

There was also Nie Zheng’s old acquaintance Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

At this moment, all three of them stood silently in Weiyang Palace waiting for the arrival of Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

As Cao’s sharp voice entered Weiyang Palace.

The three of them suddenly looked straight and raised their eyes to look outside the temple door.

Only to see Nie Zheng strolling into Weiyang Palace, and then sitting casually on the imperial throne.

“The Tang envoy Changsun Wuji visited His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

“Great Sui Yang Guang greets His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

“Zhu Di, the King of Daming Yan, met His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

The three of them bowed down to Nie Zheng, and their postures were extremely low.

Although the three did not bow down and prostrate, Nie Zheng did not care about this matter. The reason is simple.

Needless to say, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, was originally his man.

Yang Guang was even more useful to him, and naturally did not have to let him kneel and prostrate.

As for the eldest grandson of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Di and Yang Guang did not prostrate, and there was no need for Nie Zheng to let the humiliated eldest grandson Wuji let him prostrate.

If he really did this, it would show that Emperor Yi of Xia was bullying.

“The three envoys have come from afar, so let’s get straight to the point.”

Nie Zheng didn’t bother to be polite with the three people, let alone any nonsense, and directly let the three people make it clear. The eldest grandson should speak first.

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And to put his posture very low, it means that he hopes that Datang can negotiate peace with Daxia. In exchange, the territory and cities occupied by Bactria in the Tang Dynasty belonged to Bactria in exchange.

Yang Guang and Zhu Di were basically the same as what the eldest grandson Wuji said, and there was nothing to repeat about it. Hearing the terms of the three envoys’ negotiations, Nie Zheng laughed playfully and directly opened his mouth.

“Nonsense does not want to say more, your three countries are not qualified to negotiate terms with each other, in addition to the territory of the cities and pools occupied by my Great Xia, the three countries will each give up ten cities and pools as a condition for exchange for peace.”

The initiative is in Nie Zheng’s hands, and at this moment, the lion does not open his mouth, nor is it definitely his surname. Hear the conditions put forward by Emperor B of Xia.

Yang Guang and Zhu Di’s eyes moved slightly, and they did not show any discoloration. But the eldest grandson’s face was extremely ugly.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, I am already very sincere with the Tang Dynasty, and Bactria has already occupied more than a dozen cities and pools in my Tang Dynasty, but now Your Majesty still wants me to give up ten cities and pools in Datang, is His Majesty really going to force me to fight to the death in Datang?”

“Your Majesty Emperor Xia, don’t you know the truth of cold lips and dead teeth?”

The eldest grandson talked unscrupulously, obviously not wanting to accept Emperor Xia’s conditions.

It is even more implicit to remind Emperor B of Xia that if the Tang Dynasty falls, the next target of Great Qin must be Great Xia. Pity.

Nie Zheng didn’t even have the opportunity to persuade the eldest son.

“Of the ten cities, not one less will do, go back and tell the Tang Emperor that if he doesn’t agree, then wait for the country to be destroyed.”

The eldest grandson clenched his fists, and his eyes were a little red.

But he could fully feel that Emperor Xia was not just intimidating.

This big summer son is a notoriously crazy man, and there are no taboos in doing things.

Even the things that the Four Emperors of the Pit could do to cut down Qin, what else did he dare not do?

“Without His Majesty the Tang Emperor’s consent, the eldest grandson Wuji agreed on behalf of His Majesty the Tang Emperor, and the ten cities and pools were given to Bactria, hoping that His Majesty the Emperor Xia would keep his promise.”

The eldest grandson bowed down and bowed.

Because he knows that no amount of nonsense will help. The initiative was in the hands of Emperor Yi of Xia.

As Emperor Xia said, if the ten cities were not conceived, Datang would really have to wait for the country to fall. Even if His Majesty the Tang Emperor was here, he could only humiliatingly agree.

“Well, I will wait for Emperor Tang to give up the Ten Cities, and I will immediately retreat from the army.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, resign.”

The eldest grandson bowed down and strode out of Weiyang Palace, but his back was extremely sad.

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