Chapter 191: Who in the World Does Not Die? 【This chapter must see!】 】。

The eldest grandson of the Tang Dynasty was gone.

With a lonely and lonely back, he left Bactria with a lonely and cool back. Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Yang Guang and Zhu Di stood as His Highness. Neither of them took the lead in speaking.

However, Yang Guang’s eyes moved slightly, and he smiled at Nie Zhengyi and said, “Your Majesty Emperor Xia, Xiao Wang is willing to offer ten cities as a condition for Your Majesty to retire from the army.” ”

“Well, Your Highness is indeed cheerful, and tonight he will set up a banquet in the Imperial Garden, and His Highness will not be drunk or return.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Thank you Your Majesty the Summer Emperor, Xiao Wang will resign first.”

Yang Guang bowed down and then withdrew from Weiyang Palace. Now.

In the entire Weiyang Palace, only Nie Zheng and Zhu Di were left. Zhu Di smiled.

Similarly, Nie Zheng also laughed.

“Brother Zhu Di, I haven’t seen you in a year, but I miss you very much.”

Nie Zheng got up from the throne and strode to His Highness, without the slightest hint of a king’s shelf.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, Zhu Di is also very grateful for His Majesty’s kindness.”

Zhu Di solemnly bowed to Nie Zheng, and the expression on his face showed great seriousness.

Although Emperor Xia called him an elder brother, Zhu Di put his posture very low, and did not have the slightest transgression because of Emperor Xia’s enthusiasm.

“You and my brothers don’t need to be so polite, come, sit down and talk.”

Nie Zheng kindly stopped Zhu Di’s shoulder and sat down on the jade steps again.

Zhu Di was also not polite, and Shunshi sat next to Nie Zheng, with a trance in his eyes. If I remember correctly, this was the fourth time that he and the Summer Emperor had sat here. The first three experiences seemed like yesterday, which brought great changes to his life.

“Your Majesty, I will not give up ten cities, and I hope that Your Majesty can retire.”

In front of Emperor Yi of Xia, Zhu Di spoke bluntly.

Because he knew very well that if he was with Emperor Xia and the snake, it would be self-defeating. Hear Zhu Di’s words.

Nie Zheng did not have any surprise, as if he had already anticipated this result. Seeing Emperor Xia smiling and looking at himself.

Zhu Di looked solemnly at Nie Zheng and said, “I am not friendly with Daming, I do not pay tribute, I do not cut the land, the Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, the king dies in Sheji, the Sun Moon Mountains and Rivers are forever there, and the Daming Mountains and Mountains are always there!” ”

“Your Majesty, this is my Daming faith, and my father, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, will never compromise, even if the country is destroyed!”

“Your Majesty Mingjian, although I Zhu Di and His Majesty are good friends, I Zhu Di is still the prince of Daming, and even though this king wants to usurp power and seize the throne to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Zhu Di cannot betray Daming’s faith and hopes that His Majesty will forgive him.”

Zhu Di said a lot.

Although he was grateful that the Summer Emperor had awakened him.

But at this moment of the country’s survival, he still had to guard Daming and fight with Emperor Xia.


“If you are given this face, you will order them to retreat, but the city I occupy in Bactria will not return you to Daming.”

Nie Zheng smiled.


Zhu Di was stunned!

He stared blankly at the Summer Emperor who was smiling at him. The whole person did not return to God for a long time. Originally.

Zhu Di thought that Emperor Xia would be very angry when he heard his refusal, and would tear his face with him, and then threaten him, but did not expect that Emperor Xia did not threaten him, but directly agreed.

“Your Majesty, you…?”

Zhu Di was stunned, but there was a faint hint of guilt under his eyes. From beginning to end, he had always owed Emperor Xia’s affection.

The grace of not killing three times.

It also helped him wake up the father-son relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang. It’s been their fourth time together.

Emperor Yi of Xia even unconditionally chose to retire. These four favors made Zhu Di feel guilty in his heart.

Because these people were so big, so big that Zhu Di didn’t know how to pay them back.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, Daming’s integrity has always been very appreciative, and he dares to say that except for Great Qin and my Great Xia, Daming’s integrity cannot be compared with any dynasty.”

Nie Zheng sincerely praised.

In fact.

As early as the arrival of Zhu Di.

Nie Zheng already knew very well that Daming would not agree to the cession of land.

Even if the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang stood in the country of death, there would definitely be no half-point compromise.

Because this is the integrity of Daming, and it is also the tradition that Daming left behind since Zhu Yuanzhang. The Son of Heaven guards the gates of the kingdom, and the king dies!

No peace, no tribute, no cutting of the land!

Just Daming’s integrity made Nie Zheng admire it very much, and he admired it in his heart. Pity.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was born at an inopportune time, but in the same life he met the Qin Emperor and Nie Zheng. Perhaps this is also the greatest sorrow of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life.

Of course.

Nie Zheng admired Daming’s integrity and integrity.

However, as an enemy country, Nie Zheng would never have any softness.

He did not choose to retire for Zhu Di’s embarrassment, not really looking at Zhu Di’s face. Plainly.

Zhu Di is just a pawn in his hand, where there will be any face.

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang thought, Nie Zheng understood what is called lip dead tooth cold.

If the Ming Dynasty were to fall, with the strength of the current Great Xia, it would not be enough to confront Great Qin. Now.

Summer’s benefits have been enough.

Pushing Daming to a dead end will only cause a crazy reaction. This was not the result that Nie Zheng wanted to see.

He also needed the Three Kingdoms to contain Great Qin.

Bactria needed to recuperate and begin to enhance its national strength, so that it could compete with Great Qin for these nine weeks in the future.

“Zhu Di has nothing to repay in this life, and can only make cattle and horses for His Majesty in the next life, and return the favor of this life.”

Zhu Di stood up and solemnly bowed to Emperor Xia.

Although Zhu Di wanted to kowtow to show his gratitude, he could not do so.

Because at this moment, his identity was that of an envoy of Daming, even though he no longer regarded Zhu Yuanzhang as his father, he was still the prince of Daming.

“Brother Zhu Di doesn’t need much courtesy.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly, and looked deeply at Zhu Di: “After this battle, Emperor Ming’s heart is exhausted, if Emperor Ming’s guess is good, within five years, Emperor Ming will return to heaven with a crane, and Elder Brother Zhu Di still needs to make preparations early.” ”

Hearing Emperor Xia’s words, Zhu Di was stunned.

He looked at Emperor Xia with pity, and a strange color crossed his eyes. Zhu Di was very clear.

Emperor Yi of Xia will never be untargeted…

He must have a basis for being able to say this.

“Your Majesty, will the Ming Emperor really be in five years…?”

Zhu Di’s look at Nie Zheng was extremely complicated.

Although he had woken up from a dream, he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang had never treated him as a son.

Hearing the news that Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang would be buried in five years, Zhu Di’s heart was still a little sour. He chased after and admired his father and emperor all his life, would he really pass away?


Nie Zheng also crossed the complex color under his eyes, and a long sigh came from his mouth.

“Who in the world does not die?”

“If you are proud of your generation and sit on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, you will eventually turn into a bunch of yellow soil.”

“Let your style be extraordinary, the world is beautiful, and in the end you are just a red and pink skeleton.”

“The long river of history rumblings and flows according to the immutable laws of eternity, and there has never been any change in the slightest from birth, old age, illness and death, natural and man-made disasters, from birth to twilight until it turns into a dry bone!”

“And this is the fate of mortals!”

When Nie Zheng said this, a touch of loneliness was released faintly.

He looked in the direction of Great Qin, and his voice murmured, “Even if the Qin Emperor’s generation wants to live forever, he can’t get rid of the fate of mortals!” ”

“Heaven and earth are vast, the heavens and the earth are vast and mighty, and eternal life and longevity are very simple to say, but looking at the world in these nine weeks, who can achieve it?”

“Even if it is Yuan, there is no way to find the path to immortality!”

Nie Zheng was whispering.

A faint hint of unwillingness crossed his eyes. People don’t want to die!

Nie Zheng is also human.

He naturally has seven passions and six desires of man. He naturally cannot be separated from the category of man. It wasn’t just Emperor Qin who was pursuing the path of immortality.

Nie Zheng had also been secretly looking for a way to the path to eternal life and long vision. The system is only secondary.

Even if the system rewards the “Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong”, combined with Li Yuanba’s mutant level of peerless divine power, it will only make his face stay forever, and his life expectancy will be as high as a thousand years.

5.4 But the system never gave him hope for eternal life! Nie Zheng had a vague feeling.

The origin of the system is unknown, and it is vaguely related to the nine-week world in which he lives. But the system was definitely not as powerful as he thought.

On the road of pursuing eternal life and long-term vision, the only thing he could rely on was himself! Moreover.

Nie Zheng vaguely sensed that the Nine Weeks Great World he had crossed over was extremely unsimple. Hidden secrets he didn’t know.

Nie Zheng trusted his instincts very much. And!

Nie Zheng’s intuition told him.

Perhaps Emperor Yingzheng of Qin could learn some secrets of the Nine Weeks that he did not know. Maybe give him some answers about the Nine Worlds.

Because Nie Zheng believed that Win Zheng had been pursuing immortality, and what he knew was definitely more than him, Nie Zheng was looking in the direction where Great Qin was located, and a deep color crossed his eyes.

He expected to meet Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. Pity.

Now the countries are standing in chaos, and it is not the time for the two to meet. But Nie Zheng could feel it.

The time for the two to meet is really not far away.

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