Chapter 192 Success or Defeat of the King, Right and Wrong Comments by Posterity!

Zhu Di was gone.

Not even a day long.

Return to Daming with his mission.

However, Zhu Di’s eyes when he looked at Emperor Yi of Xia before he left showed a touch of reverence. This is the second person he respects besides Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

In fact.

Zhu Di is not stupid, and he is not stupid.

He could see that everything Emperor Xia did was purposeful.

Emperor Yi’s city government means can be called sinister and cunning, and his work is fierce and vicious enough, not a Ming Jun, and some are not bright enough.

But Zhu Di witnessed the rise of Bactria with his own eyes.

It is precisely because of Emperor Xia’s unscrupulous means, even if he is scolded by the sons of heaven of various countries as a treacherous and despicable and shameless person, but the rise of Bactria to become the second dynasty under Great Qin is already an indisputable fact.

What kind of person was Emperor B of Xia?

He was a man who didn’t care about anyone’s opinion. Few people can understand him.

What is Mingjun?

What is Renjun?

What is a Tyrant of the Dark Lord?

What is an emperor?

Whether it is the so-called Ming Jun, the Ren Jun, or the Dark Emperor and the Tyrant, Emperor Yi of Xia does not care about these false names at all. What he wanted was practical.

Because he knows a truth. Since ancient times, the king has failed!

History is written by the victors for posterity.

You see those 20 Tang Emperor Li Shimin, he has the name of a holy king. But the change of Xuanwu Gate was a stain that he could not wash away in his life. Why did he become a holy prince?

Because he wants to wash away this stigma, he wants to let the people of Datang know that he Li Shimin is more suitable to be an emperor, he will love the people like a son, and he will create a prosperous world of Datang.

In order to be a good saint, he can listen to the words of his courtiers.

Even if a courtier rebuked him in the court, he humbly accepted the courtier’s opinion. Truly.

Datang became increasingly prosperous under Li Shimin’s rule, and the people of Datang revered Li Shimin. However, the change of Xuanwu Gate is still the biggest stain in the heart of Tang Emperor Li Shimin. Therefore, he wants to be a holy king, and he has to do many deeds to cover up his stains. Indeed, Li Shimin did.

His work is indeed remarkable.

But right or wrong, everything can only be commented on by future generations. Emperor Yi of Kexia was definitely not such a person.

He didn’t care whether others said he was a saint or a dimwitted king, even if he was cruel and unkind.

He would only ascend to the top of the Nine Weeks World step by step by any means, and the place where the sword blade pointed was his heaven and earth. If the people of the world say that he is a dim king, then he is a dim king.

If the people of the world say he is a tyrant, then he is a tyrant. But in Nie Zheng’s heart, he was just being himself.

Do as you please, be at ease, not bound by worldly etiquette, and don’t care about the opinions of the people of the world and the false name.

Nie Zheng’s Imperial Technique is also known as the Art of Killing. In the most colloquial terms.

Death to those who stand in my way.

He who disobeys us dies.

If you dare to hurt me with a single strand of hair, I will destroy you all over the door.

On this road of unifying the world for nine weeks, he was destined to step on the corpses of the corpse.

If he cares about the so-called false name. It will only become the bones of others under their feet.

Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have been burdened by false names. But this definitely does not include Emperor He Xia Emperor B.

If he bound himself for the sake of vanity and so-called benevolence and morality, he didn’t have to do it again in this big summer of Nie Zhengjue, and it was better to be a idle crane to come at ease.

As for the merits and deeds, only for posterity to comment that 00 Zhu Di has gone far.

Perhaps, only if he understood Emperor Xia Yi, he would have reverence.

As night falls, lanterns hang high. In the Royal Garden.

Nie Zheng smiled, and Yang Guang sat down with him.

The two pushed the cup to change cups, as if they had not seen each other for many years. The wine has passed three rounds, and the dish has passed five tastes.

Yang Guang knew that it was time for him to say the right thing.

“Your Majesty, Xiao Wang has something to ask for.”

Yang Guang said something and solemnly stood up and bowed to Nie Zheng. Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

A hint of playfulness came out of the corners of his mouth.

“Your Highness and Shuo are friends, and the affairs of His Highness are the affairs of Yuan, and His Highness does not have to be formal, but it is okay to say that it is okay.”

Nie Zheng took a sip of the wine in his glass and looked at Yang Guang with a smile.

“Your Majesty, Xiao Wang wants to borrow 30,000 Northern Dragons to ride.”

Yang Guang bowed down to Nie Zheng again, and a strong color of hope appeared under his eyes.

“Northern Dragon Rider?”

Nie Zheng was embarrassed.

Yang Guang is a smart man.

Seeing the look of embarrassment on Emperor Xia’s face, he naturally knew that he had to pay the same price.

“Your Majesty Mingjian, my father Yang Jian is seriously ill and will not be long before he will have to drive Hexi to the west, and Brother Xiao Wang, as a prince, is weak and incompetent, so how can this person inherit the throne of Great Sui?”

Yang Guang was blunt.

Because he understands that he has come to the most critical step.

If it is with the Xia Emperor and the snake, it will only make the Xia Emperor look down on himself, it is better to be direct and straightforward.

“According to the meaning of Your Highness, Your Highness wants to seize the throne and claim the title of emperor?”

Nie Zheng also asked without any concealment.

“I also ask Emperor Xia to be perfect, and if Xiao Wang can succeed in seizing the throne, he will certainly not forget Emperor Xia’s great kindness.”

Yang Guang bowed three times, his expression solemn and serious, and continued: “Xiao Wang knows that the Northern Dragon Rider is an invincible iron horse in Bactria and Xiao Wang naturally will not borrow it in vain. ”

“If Xiao Wang succeeds in seizing the throne, he will assure His Majesty the Emperor of Xia that he will certainly send ten million taels of gold, 300 million taels of silver, and 100,000 warhorses, and allocate them to ten cities and pools in Bactria as a token of thanks.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to help me.”

Yang Guang threw a loud voice and looked at Emperor Xia with a hopeful look.

Although he had already subdued Yu Wenhua and his father and son, he also controlled half of the military power of the Great Sui.

However, Great Sui also had a patron king Yang Lin, which was a great threat to Yang Guang. Only by seeking the help of external forces can we seize the throne with ten to nine.


Yang Guang seemed to have come to Bactria to discuss peace, but in fact, his real purpose was to seek Nie Zheng’s help. Only 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders could help him succeed in seizing the throne.

Seeing that Yang Guang’s eyes were a little red, and the killing machine in his eyes could not be concealed, Nie Zheng smiled. What kind of person is Yang Guang?

Nie Zheng knew too well.

The worm kills the brother, and the annihilation kills the sister.

If Yang Guang succeeds in seizing the throne, he will certainly be a desolate and ruthless man, and the Great Sui will inevitably be buried in his hands. Of course.

The so-called desolation and brutality are only one aspect.

Yang Guang still has many merits in this person, such as he once created the imperial examination, whether it is a cold door scholar or a door valve family, he treats them equally, and many benevolent policies have also been performed.

But Yang Guang’s stains were too many, extravagant, faint and cruel, and what he did completely covered up his feats.

And although Nayu Culture and Ambition Bo 617 Bo will help Yang Guang seize the throne, Yang Guang will certainly die at his hands in the future.

It can be said that the demise of the Great Sui is only a matter of time.

“Well, I promise you.”

Nie Zheng pretended to be brooding for a long time, and only then did he look up at Yang Guang with a smile.

“Your Majesty the Summer Emperor, Yang Guang will never dare to forget.”

“Today’s promise to His Majesty the Emperor Xia, when Xiao Wang succeeds in ascending to the throne of the Great Sui Dynasty, will certainly be fulfilled.”

Yang Guang’s face was overjoyed and he paid tribute to Nie Zheng.


Nie Zheng laughed loudly, “Where is Your Highness speaking, you are a friend of Yuan, can’t you even believe your friends?” ”

The next thing is simple.

Yang advertised Nie Zheng’s plan to seize the throne, and agreed with Nie Zheng on the day when the Northern Dragon would ride troops. Then Yang Guang resigned and left, returning to Dasui without stopping, preparing to launch a seizure of the throne. Looking at Yang Guang’s distant back, Nie Zheng’s gaze was deep and waveless.

Because he knew that the Great Sui was finished.

Within five years, the Great Sui would also become his bag. Within five years, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty returned to the west by crane.

Yang Guang ascended the throne and said that the emperor would play dead himself.

Only Datang still suffered heavy losses in the Great Qin station, and it was only wishful thinking to restore national strength within five years, and Nie Zheng would not give the Tang Emperor Li Shimin this opportunity at all.

The three kingdoms will gradually decline within five years.

And these five years are enough for Bactria to reach an unprecedented state of strength.

At that time, it was the time when the three kingdoms perished, and it was also the moment when Bactria and Great Qin really fought. Five years!

Nie Zheng knew that he only needed five years to compete with Great Qin. But it all starts with Yang Guang.

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