Chapter 193 Yang Guang ascended the throne, four years later!

Great Sui, Daxing Palace.

Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty had a white and withered face, a pair of eyes that were old and cloudy, and a sick face full of twilight colors. He’s really old.

Not only do they no longer have the ambitions of their youth, but they are also afraid that they will be terminally ill and will face the end of the funeral at any time.

After the farce of the Five Kingdoms cutting down Qin, the Sui Emperor Yang Jian fell ill on the dragon bed in a hurry, unable to handle even the most basic government affairs.

People don’t want to die!

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian was no exception.

Although he knew that he should not live long, he still wanted to live. He was even more waiting for his good emperor Yang Guang to return and bring him the good news of the retreat of Bactria troops. A small eunuch carefully gave the Sui Emperor Yang Jian a bowl of soup medicine.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s withered face was slightly bloody, and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

“Doctor Wang, tell Yuan, how long can Yuan’s life last?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian spoke weakly.

Wang Yuyi’s face was frightened, and some did not dare to answer, so he could only prevaricate: “Your Majesty is a body of ten thousand gold, and it must be good ↓”

Good care for the dragon body.

“Tell me!”

“Cough cough cough.”

Before the imperial doctor could finish speaking, Sui Emperor Yang Jian let out a weak roar, but it caused a violent cough, and his face, which had just been a little rosy, turned pale again.

“Your Majesty, the subject is guilty.”

Doctor Wang hurriedly knelt down and asked for the sin to kowtow: “Your Majesty Qi Song, when you were young, you suffered many injuries and injuries in the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, and although you were treated in time, you did not take good care of it, resulting in Your Majesty’s dragon body burying a lot of dark diseases.” ”

“Now that you are old, you have only one year to live, and because of the rapid fire that caused these dark diseases to erupt.”

The royal doctor replied truthfully with trembling.

“One year lifespan?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian muttered to himself, there was unwillingness in his eyes, and there was desolation and helplessness in his eyes.

“Okay, back off.”


Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s sluggish eyes refocused, and he weakly leaned on the dragon bed and waved his hand.

“Minister, retreat.”

Doctor Wang hurriedly wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead and bent down to exit the Daxing Palace. But that’s when it happened.

Only to see Yang Guangguang stride into the Daxing Palace, looking at the eyes of the royal doctor Wang across a cold light. Obviously, he had just heard all the conversations between Wang Imperial Doctor and Sui Emperor Yang Jian.

“Come, drag this quack doctor out to His Highness and behead him.”

Yang Guang said coldly.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The two guards quickly dragged the royal doctor out of the Daxing Palace, allowing the imperial doctor to cry and beg for forgiveness, but the final result was still a different end.

“The Emperor of the Fallen has returned?”

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s spirit was lifted, and he hurried to look at his good emperor Yang Guang.

Only to see Yang Guangbu walking towards him, directly kneeling on the ground and prostrating himself to his good father Yang Jian.

“Erchen was fortunate not to dishonor his life, personally met with Emperor Xia, and had reached the agreement and conditions, and Emperor Xia had already retreated.”

Yang Guang threw a voice.

“Okay, okay.”

“My son is alone in danger, and he is worthy of being a good emperor.”

Hearing the good news brought back by Yang Guang, the Sui Emperor Yang Jian was overjoyed, and his hanging heart finally fell, and he was even more relieved to praise Yang Guang.


Sui Emperor Yang Jian did not see that his good emperor was now looking at the cold killing machine.

“Father Emperor, you all say that I am your good emperor, but why do you want to pass the throne to your eldest brother instead of me?”

Yang Guang raised his eyes to look at Yang Jian, the Sui Emperor.

“Emperor, you…?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian frowned, looking at Yang Guang. However, he found that Yang Guang’s face was cold and terrible.

Especially his eyes are so ruthless and cold. An undisguised killing opportunity was flowing from Yang Guang’s eyes. There is no disguise, and there is no concealment.

Yang Guang looked at the Sui Emperor Yang Jian so directly.

“The Emperor… You…… What do you want to do? ”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s face changed drastically, he had never seen Yang Guang look so fierce.

Moreover, the look in his eyes at this moment was filled with the meaning of making him extremely cold. Yang Guang slowly got up from the ground.

He looked at his father and emperor coldly, “Father Emperor, if you look at yourself, you have become old and look like this, how can a pustule fool like the eldest brother inherit your throne, so why don’t you pass the throne to me?” ”


“You, you dare to talk nonsense, cough… Cough… Cough….. ”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian roared weakly.

“Father Emperor, if you look at your ugly state, you are already sick like this, and you still occupy the throne and do not give up, why are you so bitter?”

Yang Guang’s face gradually became a little sinister.

“Come man, come man, take down this perverse son.”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian roared breathlessly.

I saw the culture outside the palace and the father and son striding in, but there were no guards obeying the order.

Yu Wenhua and his father and son looked into the eyes of Sui Emperor Yang Jian, with a touch of cold and indifference.

“Father Emperor, don’t shout, the whole Daxing Palace is a courtier, so you can save your effort.”

Yang Guang whispered softly, and then took out a copy of the Zhao Shu from his arms and looked at the Sui Emperor Yang Jian: “Father Emperor, after signing this edict of succession, you are still a good father and emperor of your children, and your sons will certainly be filial to you.” ”

Yang Guang spoke and handed the Imperial Title Zhao Shu in his hand to Yang Jian, the Sui Emperor.

“Converse son, do you dare to kill the worm?”

“A wolf with ambitions like you, you will never pass on the throne to you.”

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian seemed to return to the light, tearing the edict to shreds fiercely, and looking at his good emperor Yang Guang with a face full of resentment.

“Father Emperor, this is what you forced your sons to do.”

“Sons and daughters are not filial piety!”

Yang Guang’s eyes were covered with blood, and his face was extremely vicious. Suddenly!

Before waiting for the Sui Emperor Yang Jian to react.

Only to see Yang Guang pick up the soft pillow on the dragon bed and press it the face of Yang Jian, the Sui Emperor. Well–!

Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s old body was constantly struggling, but Yang Guang held a soft pillow and covered his face to death, and no matter how Sui Emperor Yang Jian struggled, it would not help.

It was enough time for a cup of tea.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian no longer struggled and lay motionless on the dragon bed. Yang Guang slowly picked up the soft pillow in his hand.

However, he saw that his father Yang Jian’s mouth and nose had stopped breathing, and his body had gradually stiffened down, but he was looking at him with dead eyes wide open.

“The slanting sun wants to fall, and the soul is gone!”

A drop of clear tears slowly flowed from Yang Guang’s eye sockets, crossed his cheeks, and dripped to the ground. Yang Guang gently wiped the tear marks from the corners of his eyes, and reached out to close Yang Jian’s dead eyes. He slowly turned to look at Yu Wenhua and his father and son, and said expressionlessly: “Father Emperor has died.” ”

“The emperor has been ill for a long time, and the funeral is heaven.”

Yu Wenhua and his father and son knelt on the ground and shouted and prostrated their heads.

The eunuch palace ladies in the full palace were even more pale and fell to their knees.

Only Yang Guang’s eyes stood in the Daxing Palace, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian died in the funeral day!

The whole Great Sui was in complete chaos. But this was only the beginning of the unrest.

The Prince of Sui also fell seriously ill and died suddenly in the palace the next day. Subsequently, Yang Guang ascended the throne as emperor and was called the Sui Emperor.

Yang Lin, the patron king, heard the news and raised an army to fight. But he did not wait for Yang Lin, the patron king, to send troops.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders attacked his million-strong army. More Yu Wenhua and his father and son led an army to surround and suppress Yang Lin, the patron king. All of a sudden.

Yang Lin, the king of the mountains, was defeated and could only recognize Yang Guang’s throne in the end.

However, the news that the Sui Emperor Yang Guang killed his brother spread throughout the world for nine weeks, and it was even despised by all countries, and even the people of the Great Sui were spit on him.

But that’s just the beginning.

It is the so-called one heavenly son and one courtier.

The Great Sui Dynasty ushered in a wave of purges, and I don’t know how many Wenwu Hundred Pavilions were killed. Just a month passed.

The Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang monopolized imperial power and could no longer hear any opposition. But the most disgusting thing is.

The Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang even included his father’s concubines in the harem.

When this kind of absurd and unruly thing spread throughout the world for nine weeks, the people of the world spit on Yang Guang became more and more serious. Even the people of the Great Sui Dynasty did not despise their character in their hearts for His Majesty the new emperor.

However, after ascending the throne, Yang Guang, the Sui Emperor, did not know how to restrain himself.

He built a lot of luxury, and did all kinds of things that he thought and didn’t think of. Although he also did some things that contributed to the Great Sui Society, they were all covered up by his stains. The Sui Emperor Yang Guang also gradually lost the hearts of the people among the Sui people.

Of course, these are all afterwords.


The other side.

Bactria retreated.

Dasui, Datang, and Daming finally had no worries and could finally join forces to resist the counterattack of Daqin.

However, although the three countries resisted the Great Qin elite with all their might, they were still defeated and retreated. Finally.

The Bactrian soldiers and horses appeared.

Led by Cao Wei Zhao Kuangyin and Sima Yi and other capable military generals, he sent an army of two million to help the three kingdoms resist the conquest of Great Qin.

This is also what Emperor Ming of Tang and others did not expect. But after thinking about it, the two also understood.

Emperor B of Xia helped them, only for the sake of Bactria only. Finally.

It took a year for this chaotic stand of the nations to finally come to an end. However, Great Qin also occupied many territories of the Three Kingdoms.

The original great frontiersmen of the Great Sui Dynasty and the Great Tang Dynasty were divided up by Bactria and Great Qin, which was more than half less. It cannot be said that it has become a small country with a projectile, but compared with the five countries before the Qin Dynasty, its national strength is six out of ten.

Bactria came to the top and directly became the largest dynasty outside of Great Qin. This chaos in the kingdoms.

The biggest benefit is the Great Summer Dress.

Great Qin had wanted to wipe out the Three Kingdoms with a single blow.

However, after more than a year of conquest, Great Qin also lost soldiers and generals, not to mention that his vitality was seriously injured, and he also needed to rest and recuperate. That’s it.

The chaotic stations of the nations have finally come to an end. Nine weeks of peace has finally returned to peace.

All countries began to recuperate and regain their national strength.

Time is like water, and the white colt passes through the gap.

Four years later!

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