Chapter 194 The Rise of Great Xia, I really don’t want to be an emperor for thousands of years!

Four years is not a long time, and it is not a short time, but it can change many things. First of all.

The biggest change was the Bactrian Dynasty.

Originally, Bactria was the weakest dynasty of the Seven Kingdoms.

However, under the rule of Emperor Yi of Xia, he directly jumped up and became the second Taichao Dynasty of the Nine Zhou World. Even compared to the Great Qin Dynasty, it was not too much to let go.

Four years ago!

The territory of the Qing Dynasty was completely annexed by Xia.

More Xia Emperor used trickery to urge the Five Kingdoms to cut down Qin.

The other four countries invaded Great Qin, causing Great Qin to counterattack, causing the four countries to suffer heavy losses.

Bactria seized the opportunity to invade the territory of the four countries, and even occupied the Great Wasteland City, a military fortress that connected the throats of various countries. In addition to Daming’s failure to negotiate peace by ceding land, the Sui and Tang Dynasties all cut off land, which further promoted the territory of Bactria to become more and more extensive. Among them, the Great Sui is particularly serious.

Yang Guangzu ceded twenty cities to Xia, and his Sui territory was only about thirty cities, becoming the smallest of the kingdoms.

However, the most shocking thing to the people of the world was that Yang Guang actually offered Bactria tens of millions of gold, three hundred million silver, 100,000 war horses and other supplies.

Yang Guang’s approach completely lost the hearts and minds of the people.

And the Sui people who ceded to the twenty cities of Bactria instead rejoiced that they belonged to Bactria one after another.

Datang and Daming have been recuperating all along, and it took four years to restore half of their national strength. If there is no loss, the only one is the ancient country of Loulan.

Because its geographical location is in the western desert, this also saves it from the scourge of the chaotic standing of the countries. Four years.

The number of soldiers and horses in Bactria has exceeded 10 million, of which more than 16.63 million are Iron Riders in Bactria County. It can really be said that the soldiers are strong and strong, and they have reached an unprecedented prosperity.

After four years, the soldiers of the Great Xia practiced day and night, and all of them became elite divisions. Moreover, Bactria talents were abundant, and various sophisticated weapons and armor were developed.

In particular, Sima Yi developed a sharp weapon no less than the Great Qin crossbow. This weapon was called the four-star crossbow.

The four-star crossbow can fire four arrows at a time. And the time to change arrows takes only three to four seconds.

The power of the four-star crossbow is extremely great, and the ordinary wooden shield and iron shield are absolutely unable to resist. Moreover, the arrows used in the four-star crossbow are all Mitsubishi arrows made of stainless steel.

But all enemies who are shot by the four-star crossbow, not to mention dead or alive, but the chance of survival is only 30%. Because of the emergence of the four-star crossbow as a sharp weapon.

Emperor Yi of Xia specially ordered the formation of a battalion of 200,000 crossbowmen in the Great Xia. Let’s just say so.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a land god or a celestial being.

Under the ten thousand arrows of the Bactrian Crossbow Battalion, it was absolutely necessary to be shot into a sieve. And that’s just one of them.

The most powerful thing is that Emperor Yi found a talent. This talent is called Gao Shun.

He had eight hundred elite soldiers under his command, and these eight hundred elite soldiers were brave and good at war, and were called trapped camps. In the simplest and most popular terms.

The trap camp is like the modern special bell team. Its marching speed combat style is swift and brave.

If we use one sentence to summarize the trapped camp, it is: the momentum of the charge, there is no retreat, the ambition to fall into the front, there is death and no life!

Emperor Yi of Xia was ecstatic to get this camp of eight hundred traps. Because he knows too well how strong it is to fall into the camp.

However, the trap of eight hundred people did not satisfy Emperor Yi of Xia. Four years.

Gao Shun expanded the trapped camp of eight hundred people to 100,000 people.

But in order to train a hundred thousand trapped camps, the money spent by Bactria was unimaginable.

Because the conditions for wanting to join the trap camp are too harsh.

I don’t know how many soldiers can’t withstand the training of the trapped camp and die in vain.

It can be said that this camp of 100,000 people not only poured endless money, but also killed too many soldiers. Fortunately, four years have passed.

The trapped camp finally reached 100,000 people.

This terrible invincible division will sweep the world for Emperor Yi of Xia. The other side.

With Wei Zhongxian’s efforts, the East Factory was also expanding.

The spies of the East Factory infiltrated the countries and formed a tight network of contacts throughout the Nine Weeks World. The news of the countries was closely conveyed layer by layer and transmitted back to Bactria at a very fast speed.

The East Factory has become an extremely powerful intelligence organization. One more thing that has to be mentioned.

Jing Ke stepped into the Land Immortal Realm and led the eight hundred Nether Ghost Assassins in the Smoke and Rain Building, and it took him four years to train tens of thousands of elite assassins. Bactria has risen.

In four years, it has grown into a behemoth. Of course.

This is not all due to Emperor Yi of Xia. It is the joint efforts of the Manchu Dynasty and the Manchu Dynasty.

Take the simplest example. Bactria was financially under the jurisdiction of Hezhen. Have to say.

As the head of the Hubu Shangshu, Washu will be the orderly management of the Bactrian finances. The financial expenses of the major arms and services of all sides are all allocated by him. The silver money it cost was unimaginable.

That is to say, Wazhen can operate freely, and any courtier cannot do it to the same level as Hezhen. He Yan was also jokingly called the God of Wealth by the Bactrian courtiers.

Of course.

It’s not just Wakan.

Such as Sima Yi, a talent for the art of war. There is also Cao Chengxiang, who is a powerful minister of the world.

There is also Zhao Kuangyin, who can command millions of large armies.

Too many powerful warriors will work together. As a result, the rise of Bactria was already unstoppable. And what is Emperor B doing in Xia?

He enjoyed himself day by day, ignoring the government and allowing these courtiers to use their talents. And above the court there is a curtain hanging down to listen to the government.

The recital was approved by Empress Wu Meiniang to help him approve and act as the emperor of Tianzi.

Nie Zheng completely became the treasurer of the hand, and talked and played with Su Daji every day.

More ready to do a big fainting thing, he wants to build a star-picking tower that can enter the sky. Why is it a big faint thing to build a star-picking building?

Think about it.

The star-picking building should be able to enter the sky.

It’s a huge project.

The money, manpower, and material resources to be spent are simply unimaginable. This will make the treasury empty, is it not faint? Now neither he dared to be greedy anymore.

Even all the librarians in Bactria don’t say that they are all incorruptible.

After four years of time, I don’t dare to steal money at will.

Because if you want the country to be rich and the people strong, the coffin of greed must be rectified, otherwise where does the money come from? Isn’t it all the cream of the people who have been looted?

The rectification of the corrupt pavilion is half of the credit of Hezhen, and it is implemented by Cao Chengxiang.

In the past four years, many coffins have been killed like carp across the river, and only then has the corrupt and corrupt wind of Bactria been rectified. And the people of Bactria also began to become well-fed and well-fed, and praised the Xia Emperor Yi.

Washu loves money though.

But he also knew that today’s Bactria was not the Bactria it used to be. He could only be a loyal servant and help Emperor Xia manage his finances.

And it’s not just Washu who understands this truth. Manchu Wenwu also understood this truth.

Because they have already seen it.

Today, there are only two behemoths in the nine-week world, Great Qin and Great Xia. The rest, such as the Tang Dynasty Daming and Sui Loulan, were no longer opponents at all. Great Qin and Bactria are bound to set off an unprecedented national station. This big station will also determine who can unify the world for nine weeks.

Who is the emperor of the ages? So.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was working hard for Emperor Xia and Bactria.

They were bound to let Bactria unify the world for nine weeks, and even more they wanted to push Emperor Yi of Xia to the throne of the Emperor of the Ages. And these courtiers will also be remembered by future generations!


Nie Zheng wanted to build the Star-Picking Building. That’s really no money.

He Yan even donated all the family foundations, just to make the Great Xia soldiers strong and strong to meet the upcoming Xia Qin Great Station.

And Manchu Wenwu even broke into Weiyang Palace together, crying and kneeling down to plead with Emperor Yi of Xia, that he must not build a star-picking tower because the project of picking stars was too huge.

The amount of money spent was unimaginable, enough to create a two-million Great Summer elite. Originally, Nie Zheng wanted to go his own way.

But looking at the tearful eyes of the courtiers, there was also the kneeling pleading of Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang.

Even his little beauty Su Daji came to persuade him, and Nie Zheng changed his mind for the first time. Get!

Lao Tzu now wants to be a dimwitted monarch and you will not let him.

You have to push Lao Tzu to fight for the throne of the Emperor of the Ages, right? Nie Zheng looked at the sky wordlessly.

He really wanted to say something.

He really had no interest in the Emperor of the Ages.

If he had a choice, he would prefer to seek the method of eternal life. For what is the so-called Emperor of the Ages, he is more willing to give it to the Qin Emperor. There’s a good thing to say.

There is no two days in the sky, and there is no two kings in the country. The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers.

Under the impetus of the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu, he could only compete with the Qin Emperor for one station. Because in the world of nine weeks, there can only be one emperor for thousands of years.

Nie Zheng understood this truth.

The same Yingzheng also understands this truth!

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