Chapter 195 The Ming Emperor will fall, and he will send his old friend on his last journey!

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.


“Even prevented the construction of the Star Picking Building?”

“The Manchu Dynasty is full of traitorous courtiers, and none of them even think about it, and you are really hateful.”

Nie Zheng was walking back and forth.

The expression on his face was very unhappy.

An extremely frustrated voice came from his mouth. But after he muttered, he had some regrets.

Didn’t he even bring his own empress wife and Lü Yan with this scolding? That’s right!

And his own little beauty was also carried by himself. However, Nie Zheng finally understood a sentence.

What is called a loner.

Nie Zheng muttered darkly in his heart, no wonder that guy who won the government called himself a widow. Now he understood that Yingzheng was in much the same situation as he was. Get.

Now it’s hard to even be a dusk yourself.

The thing that made Nie Zheng feel most angry was the hateful guy Hezhen. You say that the advice of other courtiers is enough.

As a small treasury of decay, you are not greedy, and you have begun to be a clean and loyal minister? You are not greedy, what about the private money of the decay?

Nie Zheng’s heart was really dark. In the past, the imperial meal was 108 dishes. Now it’s all down.

Although it is still 108 dishes, the dishes presented are a full half small. What about the good food?

In just four years, it has become like this? Nie Zheng was not without looking for Hezhen.

But as soon as this guy opened his mouth, Da Xia was about to stand with Da Qin. These are critical times, and money needs to be spent on the cutting edge.

Wait until His Majesty unifies the world for nine weeks and ascends to the throne of the Emperor of the Ages.

You can play as much as you want, how you faint, but now you don’t have any money. Your Majesty even if you cut off the head of your courtier, you have no money.

Na Hezhen stretched his neck out, and he and Nie Zheng came to see death as if they were homecoming. Nie Zheng thought about it and hated the itchy teeth.

If it weren’t for the fact that no one could compare with Hezhen’s financial management ability, he would really be eager to slash him with a knife. However, Nie Zheng could only think about it, where he was really willing to kill Hezhen.

After all, Hezhen had been loyal to him for so many years, and although he wanted no money now, he was really thinking about the future of Bactria.

Nie Zheng was helpless and let him roll.

“Lack of money!”

Nie Zheng looked up at the sky and sighed.

I didn’t expect to be a big summer boy for five years.

At first, the Manchu Dynasty was a traitor, and he didn’t worry about silver money.

Now that Bactria had turned into a behemoth, he could all contend with Great Qin, but he was so helpless for money. Nie Zheng thought about it and felt that he was really wronged.

However, he saw that Manchu Wenwu was doing his best to work hard for the future of Bactria. What can Nie Zheng say?

We can only accept the facts now.

“Shuo really has the ability to turn the Manchu traitors into Manchu loyalists, but why do I still like the way they used to be?”

Nie Zheng muttered darkly, his eyes full of helplessness.

“Your Majesty, Daming Zhu Di sent a secret message.”

Just when Nie Zheng sighed helplessly.

Only to see Wei Zhongxian quickly enter Weiyang Palace, holding a letter in his hand, and walking quickly towards it. Daming Secret Letter?

The helplessness in Nie Zheng’s eyes was swept away. A glint of essence rose from under his eyes.

Yin Yin had already guessed what was written in the secret letter from Zhu Di. Nie Zheng casually took the secret letter from Wei Zhongxian’s hand and flipped through it.

A full cup of tea time passed.

Nie Zheng took a handful of it casually, and the letter in his hand turned into fly ash.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, looking in the direction where Daming was located, a pair of eyes slightly drifting, and a touch of desolate and lonely breath gradually revealed around him.

The content of the letter is simple. Just wrote a paragraph.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty had fallen to the bottom of the Qin Dynasty since the station of cutting down Qin five years ago, and his territory was invaded by Great Qin and Xia, and he was seriously ill in a hurry.

This iron-blooded and ruthless great tomorrow son was already old, and after experiencing the station of cutting down Qin five years ago, he had not lived much longer because of his exhaustion.

Today, five years later, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty is approaching, and there is still half a month to go before the funeral.

“Zhu Zhongba!”

Nie Zheng looked in the direction where Daming was located, and a murmur came from his mouth, and a sad color crossed his eyes. Let’s be honest.

Among the Seven Kingdoms.

Only Emperor Yingzheng of Qin could be his opponent.

However, this iron-blooded son of Daming was a person that Nie Zheng admired unusually much. Start with a bowl, end with a country.

From a small down-and-out beggar, he grew into a son of heaven. He loves burnt bread.

He loves duck blood soup.

Very understanding of the suffering of the people at the bottom. He had no shelf in front of the people.

But in front of the Wenwu Hundred Pavilions.

He was an iron-blooded and ruthless emperor. Dare to take a piece of copper from the people.

Dare to occupy an inch of fertile land for the people.


A simple word.

Interprets the life of Zhu Yuanzhang, the son of the great tomorrow!

For the sake of the prosperity of the Ming people, he worked diligently and loved the people, worked diligently to reduce food and clothing, and never became a king of luxury for a day.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, is definitely known as a generation of Ming Emperor between heaven and earth. Pity.

He was born at an inopportune time when he encountered the Emperor of Qin and the Emperor of Xia. Otherwise Nie Zheng dared to be sure.

If there is no existence of him and Win Zheng.

This iron-blooded son of Daming may not be able to unify the world for nine weeks and create a prosperous world of Daming. Such a masterpiece will eventually be remembered by history and admired by future generations.


The Son of Heaven guards the gates of the country, the king dies, does not cut the land, does not pay compensation, does not pay tribute! Looking at all the countries, only the great light is clear.

But this iron-blooded son of great light is about to fall!

“Your Majesty?”

Seeing the sad breath flowing around Tianzi, Wei Zhongxian’s heart trembled. Because he had never seen the Son of Heaven show such a sad mood.

In Wei Zhongxian’s eyes, Tianzi has always been a moody and angry surname, and will never really show his emotions.

But now what did he see?

There was a hint of sadness all around this big summer. What exactly is written in this letterhead?

How could it make Emperor Yi of Tangtang Xia unable to control his emotions? Wei Zhongxian was secretly shocked in his heart, but he did not dare to ask.

“A bowl, a country, a generation of great Ming iron-blooded heavenly sons are about to fall, sad and sighing!”

“At the first thought, all rivers and thousands of mountains have feelings, and when a thought is extinguished, the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry fields have no heart!”

“Although Emperor Xia was hostile to him, he had to personally send this old friend on his last journey, so as to show his respect.”

Nie Zheng’s body had a lonely aura blooming, and his voice was hoarse. Whew!

The next moment.

Something that made Wei Zhongxian extremely horrified appeared. His master!

Big summer!

Emperor Xia B!

He stepped out, soared into the sky, turned into a brilliant streamer, and shot straight in the direction where Daming was located!

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