Chapter 196 is also an enemy and a friend, and they meet each other with a smile and a vendetta!.

Daming King’s City, Suncheon Province.

An air of sorrow lingered in Suncheon.

Since the people of Daming heard the news that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was seriously ill, everyone’s face showed sadness. They set up an immortal tablet in their home and prayed day and night for Zhu Yuanzhang, the son of the Great Tomorrow.

Pray that this great tomorrow, who loves the people like a son, will live a long life. It can also be seen from here.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang had an unparalleled position in the hearts of the Ming people.


Daming, Fengtian Temple.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was full of white hair, and his withered face was full of disease. But even so.

He was still sitting on the dragon chair, and his body exuded the majesty of the Iron-Blooded Heavenly Son.

Even if he was terminally ill and old, it made the group of ministers dare not look at it directly. This five years of time.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty carried out wanton killings and eliminated many powerful military generals. Today’s Daming, most of them are some new courtiers.

The purpose of Zhu Yuanzhang’s doing this was to safely hand Daming into the hands of the emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunjiao. It was to avoid that after Zhu Yunzhi ascended the throne, he would be suspended by the group of courtiers and become a puppet emperor.

“Grandpa Emperor!”

Zhu Yunzhuo’s eye circles were red and tightly held Zhu Yuanzhang’s old palm.

“Good grandson, we don’t cry.”

“Everyone has a death, and the emperor’s grandfather is no exception, but in the future, Daming’s country will be handed over to you.”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s voice was very light, and he gently stroked Zhu Yunzhuo’s hair bun.

It was just that when his cloudy eyes looked at Zhu Yunzhuo, a touch of sorrow rose under his eyes. Now his limit is approaching, and time is running out.

Although he purged Zhu Yunzhang, the powerful general of Daming, he ensured that his imperial grandson could successfully ascend the throne as emperor. But think of Great Qin and Great Xia outside the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang could only sigh helplessly in his heart. He understood very clearly.

After your own funeral.

Both Daqin and Daxia have a stop sooner or later.

Whether it is his Daming Jiangshan or the rest of the countries, it will become a funeral product for the two countries. Great Qin and Bactria will annex the kingdoms and truly open an unprecedented grand station.

This station will also determine who is the master of the Nine Weeks Great World. Looking at the imperial grandson Zhu Yunjiao in front of him, his eyes were crying red.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt sad in his heart.

I also had a kind of doubt about myself.

Was it right or wrong to pass the throne to Zhu Yunjiao himself? Will.

As early as a long time ago, Liu Bowen had said that the crown prince’s position Zhu Yunjiao was not suitable. The only one who could truly inherit the throne of Daming was Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

But Zhu Yuanzhang was dictatorial and arbitrary.

And only the heirs born to Zhu Biao’s lineage can be regarded as relatives.

Zhu Yuanzhang still stubbornly chose Zhu Yunjiao and chose to ignore Liu Bowen’s advice. Available to this day.

Zhu Yuanzhang did hesitate.

Seeing that although Zhu Yunjiao grew up, his surname was so weak.

How could he lead Daming to survive in the gap between Bactria and Great Qin?

“Grandpa Emperor, if you live a long life, you will be fine.”

Zhu Yunjiao cried and choked and lay on the knees of the emperor’s grandfather.

Watching his grandson cry into tears, Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart warmed slightly. Anyway.

Zhu Yunjue is his own grandson, and he is still a very filial child.

“Yun Jiong, you are the future son of Daming, you are not allowed to cry anymore, go, go and help the emperor’s grandfather to approve the repertoire, and handle Daming’s government affairs well.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang said comfortingly.

Zhu Yunjiao wiped a thousand tears and nodded seriously, which made him come out of the Fengtian Temple.

“Let’s all back off, we want to be quiet alone.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was half lying on the dragon chair and waved at the eunuch palace lady in the palace. As the eunuch ladies retreated.

There was only Zhu Yuanzhang left in the Fengtian Hall.

He closed his eyes weakly, trying to keep his life alive. Recalling his life as an iron-blooded horseman.

“Emperor Yi, we have never suffered a loss in our lives, we have never been deceived, but we have been fooled by you, and we are eager to unload you into eight pieces.”

“But we still admire you, we really miss you a little.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang murmured, recalling all kinds of things in those years. A miserable smile appeared on the face of the other person.

“Big Brother Heavy, I’m coming to see you.”


A slight sound came from the ears of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. This also made Zhu Yuanzhang’s terminally ill body suddenly stiffen.

He slowly opened his eyes, but saw Emperor Yi of Xia standing next to him smiling at him.

“Emperor Yi?”

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he was dreaming, and it was an illusory dream.

The enemy whom he had been longing for day and night to eat his flesh and drink his blood had appeared before him at the last moment of his life?


The next moment.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly sat up from the dragon chair.

The breath of old age and twilight on his body was swept away, and replaced by the iron-blooded and ruthless Tianzi Weiyi.

In particular, his old and cloudy eyes were erupting with a burst of essence, staring dead at Emperor Yi of Xia who was standing in front of him.

He didn’t know why Emperor Yi of Xia appeared in front of him.

I don’t know how Emperor Xia quietly entered the Fengtian Hall. But Zhu Yuanzhang knew one thing.

In front of Emperor Yi of Xia, he would never lose the last of his dignity.

“Big Brother Heavy, if you and I are not enemies, I think you and I will definitely become a very good friend.”

Nie Zheng spoke softly.

And for the first time he didn’t use the word “朕”.

It seemed that at this moment, he was not a Xia Emperor, nor did he regard Zhu Yuanzhang as the Ming Emperor. Just two old friends who hadn’t seen each other in years, getting together to reminisce.


Look at the calm countenance of Emperor Yi of Xia. Zhu Yuanzhang looked slightly embarrassed.

His gaze was a little confused, and the Iron-Blooded Heavenly Son’s power on his body dissipated. He understood.

Got it.

In the last moments of his life, Emperor Yi of Xia came to give him his last journey. There’s an old saying goes.

The person who knows you best may not be your friend, but your enemy. Now.

This sentence fully explains the relationship between Nie Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang. The two are mortal enemies.

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more eager to slash Nie Zheng with a thousand knives.

But at this moment when his life was coming to an end, Zhu Yuanzhang looked down on everything. Even the hostility towards Emperor Xia was much less.

Whether it is the hatred of the country and the family, or the contention of the country and the mountains, in the last time when life is about to wither, it is actually nothing…

If you put aside the grudge between the two people.

As Emperor Xia said, the two can really become very good friends. Because the two are so similar.

The same laugh hides the knife.

The same iron-blooded brutality.

The same killing decisiveness.

Even the thoughts of both men have many resonances. Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly found out.

I had no friends all my life.

Because no one was qualified to be a friend of his Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. But now he understood.

It turned out that the person he hated the most, in fact, from another point of view, was his only friend. Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

In the last moments of his life, he smiled happily, and suddenly realized more.

He threw away his hatred for Emperor Yi of Xia and only served as an old friend for many years to send him on his last journey.

“Brother Di Yi, please sit down.”

Zhu Yuanzhang patted the dragon chair he was sitting on and made a place to beckon Nie Zheng to sit down. Nie Zheng smiled slightly and sat down next to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.


Nie Zheng was not Emperor Xia.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not the Ming Emperor either.

The two simply treated each other as friends, nothing more. If this scene is seen by the world, it will definitely shock the world’s attention. No one would have thought of it.

Two people with hatred as deep as the sea could sit together so calmly!

“Brother Di Yi, we have been fighting for a lifetime with iron blood, but I didn’t expect that before I died, it seemed that you would be the only one who could be regarded as a friend by us.”

“I never imagined that the person who sent me the last ride would actually be you, which is really providential.”

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke hoarsely and sighed.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, leaving aside the identity of Emperor Xia, you are a person whom you admire very much, and you are inferior to you in the point of loving the people like a son.”

Nie Zheng said softly.


“Cough cough cough.”

Hearing Nie Zheng’s words, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly.

But because of the physical reasons, I coughed violently.

More faintly you can see that there is blood spilling out of the corner of the mouth of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at 0.9, but it was wiped by him with a silk papier.

“We should also feel honored to be able to make Emperor Xia Yi admire.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled bitterly, but the light of life in his eyes was faintly dissipating. Watch as the life of a generation of great tomorrows is coming to an end.

Nie Zheng sighed inwardly.

What about the Son of Heaven?

It is also necessary to face the barrier of life, old age, illness and death. After all, it is impossible to get rid of the fate of mortals.

“Big Brother Zhongba, have you really decided to pass the throne to Zhu Yunjiao?”

“Don’t you really regret it?”

Nie Zheng whispered casually.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.

He looked sheepishly at Emperor Yi of Xia beside him, and a complex color crossed his eyes. Maybe.

Someone asked him that.

Zhu Yuanzhang would directly refute it, and he would kill this person with a sword. But Emperor Yi of Xia asked him this question.

But it made him really start thinking. Did you really do it wrong?

“Heavy Eighth Brother, throughout the ages, there is no immortal dynasty in the world, although you regard Zhu Yunjiao as a relative, is he really suitable to be the son of Daming?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes looked deeply at the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

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