Chapter 197 Promise you to live again, are you willing to give up the Daming River?.

Is it really suitable for making a big tomorrow?

Nie Zheng’s words were like a morning bell and twilight drum reverberating in Zhu Yuanzhang’s ear. He began to think seriously about the problem.


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty thought of returning.

He looked up at Nie Zheng and said, “Brother Emperor Yi, we know what you want to say, do you want to say that our emperor Zhu Di is more suitable to inherit our throne?” ”

“But Brother Emperor Yi, although our Emperor Zhu Di is both literate and martial, even if we pass the throne to him, in the future, when you open the station of Great Xia and Great Qin, we Daming will eventually end up in the end of a subjugated country.”

“Since the results are all the same, why can’t we choose Zhu Yunjiao to inherit our throne?”

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke out.

Although he did not want to admit it, he did not want to face the end of Daming’s future destruction of the country. But he finally said it.

Because this is an indisputable fact.

“Big Brother Heavy, maybe you’re right, but you’re wrong about one thing.”

Nie Zheng said calmly.


“Please also ask Brother Di Yi to make it clear where we are wrong?”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Nie Zheng doubtfully.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, the world of the Nine Weeks will eventually be unified, and Daming will indeed not exist, perhaps Great Qin will unify the world, or perhaps my Great Xia will unify the world, this is a doomed fact.”

“But there’s one thing you overlooked.”

“Whether I unify the world in Bactria or the world in Great Qin, I will not slaughter Daming’s people, still less will I hurt the lives of Daming’s people.”

“But you pass the throne to Zhu Yunzhuo, and when you are buried, he will follow the advice of his courtiers and cut the domain.”

“At that time, the 20 kings of the various domains of Daming will rebel, and there will be no need for our Great Xia to attack, nor will there be any attack by Great Qin, and Daming will continue to fight civil wars, and all that will be injured is the lives of the people of Daming.”

“Daming will eventually be torn apart by this infighting.”

Nie Zheng said a lot, pointing directly to Daming’s internal troubles.

This also made Zhu Yuanzhang sluggish on the spot, unable to return to his mind for a long time, and some could not believe what Emperor Yi of Xia said.

“They dare!”


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang drank fiercely, and his old and cloudy eyes were a little red.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, when you are alive, no one really dares to oppose you.”

“But after your funeral, the kings of Daming’s various clans will have no scruples, so why don’t they dare?”

Nie Zheng said softly.

“If we don’t believe it, how can our emperor fight in the nest?”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Nie Zheng fiercely, not believing that his Daming would change into what Nie Zheng said.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, this is a doomed fact, believe it or not only depends on yourself.”

Nie Zheng did not want to get too entangled with Zhu Yuanzhang in this matter.

He just came to give Zhu Yuanzhang a ride at the last moment of his life. Zhu Yuanzhang knew that he was impulsive.

He quickly calmed himself down.

Just a helpless bitter smile came out of his face. His life has come to an end.

Even if the world turns upside down after his death, he can’t see it at all. And why argue fiercely with Emperor Xia here?

See the lonely and lonely appearance of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

I thought that in a few days this iron-blooded son of great light would fall. Nie Zheng’s gaze was deep, and a hint of hesitation crossed his eyes. He was thinking about one thing, one thing that had not been decided.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, if you are allowed to live a new life, to protect your Daming people from the scourge of war, and everyone is well clothed and fed, would you be willing to give up this Daming Jiangshan?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.


Nie Zheng’s words were like nine days of thunder ringing in Zhu Yuanzhang’s mind.

He looked sheepishly at Emperor Yi of Xia, who was sitting next to him, unable to return to his senses for a long time. Revived?

To protect my people from the calamity of war, and that everyone will have enough food and clothing? What is Emperor B of Xia saying?

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was completely confused.

He was completely unable to understand the meaning of Emperor Xia’s words. Looking at the confused look of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Nie Zheng also knew that what he said was a fantasy in Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes.

However, Nie Zheng did not explain too much, but slowly got up and walked towards the outside of the Fengtian Temple.

“Big Brother Heavy, after seven days, I will send you on your last journey, and then I will wait for your reply.”

Nie Zheng had disappeared.

His voice kept echoing in Zhu Yuanzhang’s ears. However, he was unable to get this Ming Emperor back to his senses.

…. Seven days later!

The whole country mourned, and the white aya fluttered.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the iron-blooded son of a generation of great Ming Dynasty, died of illness in the Fengtian Temple.

The emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunzhao ascended the throne as emperor, changed the name of the country to Jianwen, and was called Jianwen Emperor in history.

The coffin of the Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was parked in the Fengtian Hall and buried in the tomb of the Ming Emperor on an auspicious day.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

As night falls, candles flicker.

A coffin made of gold silk nan wood stands in the Fengtian Temple. It’s late at night.

The eunuchs and palace ladies who guarded the spirit were all a little sleepy.

Zhu Yunzhuo, the newly enthroned Jianwen Emperor, also fainted due to excessive grief and was sent back to the palace to rest. Uh –!

A breeze blew into the Fengtian Temple. Strange things followed.

The eunuch palace ladies who guarded the spirit all passed out.

Nie Zheng’s figure also quietly appeared in front of Zhu Yuanzhang’s coffin. Look at the coffin in front of you.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep, and a trace of determination crossed his eyes. Airplanes!

Nie Zheng struck.

Only to see him gently pat Zhu Yuanzhang’s coffin.

The coffin lid was directly pushed open, and it also showed the withered and dead face of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

“Zhu Yuanzhang, you will help you live a new life, and you must not let you down.”

Nie Zheng muttered.

The next moment.

Something extremely amazing happened.

Only to see Nie Zheng’s five fingers sticking out, an invisible force made the body of this great tomorrow child float up. At the same time.

Nie Zheng pointed his two fingers together, one pointing at the center of Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyebrows.

A vast stream of vitality bloomed at his fingertips, and then quickly poured into Zhu Yuanzhang’s body. Something eerie and extremely shocking happened.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s originally withered countenance gradually became rosy. A burst of life overflowed over him.

The body that had been emaciated by the torment of illness was gradually drumming.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyelids were moving slightly, as if he was going to come back to life! Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Sixty Heaven and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong!

Nie Zheng was performing this supreme martial art technique.

The function of this practice is to prolong life, to make people stay young forever, and to make Nie Zheng live for thousands of years. Of course.

Don’t get me wrong.

No matter how strong this practice was, Nie Zheng couldn’t bring the dead back to life. It’s just that this martial arts supreme Dharma Gate already contains vitality.

And Zhu Yuanzhang was because of the rapid attack on his heart five years ago, which caused him to become ill and aggravated, and even five years passed, so that his life came to an end, but his own life did not end.

The vitality contained in this practice can completely drive away his illness, renourish and revive his internal organs, and prolong his life.

Therefore, the condition of “resurrection from the dead” can be achieved. Simply put.

[Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Heavens Changchun Immortal Gong] is the top healing and health method. Zhu Yuanzhang was just in a state of suspended animation.

This technique can completely heal him. Of course.

It is limited to twelve hours.

If it was more than twelve hours, Zhu Yuanzhang would really be dead, and even Nie Zheng would not be able to return to heaven. After all, Nie Zheng couldn’t do such a thing as resurrection from the dead.

However, it is precisely Zhu Yuanzhang’s physical function that is intact.

It just so happened that [Eight Wilds and Six Heavenly Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong 330] could treat him. In fact.

Nie Zheng had always been hesitant to save this great tomorrow’s son. However, he finally made a decision to save the life of the great tomorrow’s son.

However, Nie Zheng naturally did not save in vain, but had great conditions. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyelids were slowly opening.

There was a look of confusion in his eyes. Isn’t he dead?

Where are you now?

Is it the legendary Yin Cao Mansion?

But when Zhu Yuanzhang saw Emperor Yi of Xia standing in front of him. Zhu Yuanzhang’s pupils gradually focused.

“Emperor Yi?”

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke out in shock.

He hurried to look around, but found himself sitting in the coffin, and the entire Fengtian Hall was covered with white aya

“Heavy Eighth Brother, you said that you will live a new life, from now on you are no longer the Great Tomorrow’s Son, and now your life is degenerate.”

Nie Zheng’s face was solemn.


Zhu Yuanzhang was completely confused.

He looked at Nie Zheng sheepishly, but at the same time he could feel that his body was full of vitality. The pain of the previous illness and the pain of the body has disappeared now.

“Emperor Yi, you….. Can you bring the dead back to life? ”

Zhu Yuanzhang was really stunned!

He couldn’t believe what he was going through.

He clearly remembered that he had already swallowed his breath, and his thoughts were drifting farther and farther. But it was pulled back by an invisible force.

“You don’t have such a great ability to bring you back from the dead, but you just fake your death, cure your illness, inject you with a vitality, and naturally make your body recover.”

Nie Zheng was blunt.

However, Nie Zheng said this slightly.

Looking deeply at the great tomorrow son who had relived his life, he said, “Do you remember what you said to you seven days ago?” ”

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