Chapter 198 Old Zhu Tou, Hungry!.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang gradually fell silent.

He naturally remembered what Emperor Yi of Xia had said to him. When he dies.

Zhu Yunjiao would cut the domain, and the kings of the various clans would rebel.

Civil strife will break out in Daming, and the people of Daming will suffer from military disasters. At that time, there was no need for Great Qin and Bactria to attack Daming.

Daming will be torn apart because of this internal station.

The people of Daming will also be displaced, and there will be countless deaths and injuries because of this internal station. But!

Zhu Yuanzhang did not believe it!

He did not believe Emperor Xia’s inference.

Will the Daming Dynasty laid down by Zhu Yuanzhang really be destroyed in the hands of future generations? Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang was silent.

Nie Zheng already knew what was going on in his heart. But Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

Because he had anticipated the result. What did Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang say about this person?

Although Shen Wu was decisive in killing, he was dictatorial and arbitrary. Of course.

Acting arbitrarily is not a good thing, but too much blind confidence in oneself will cause problems.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, since you have been allowed to live for a lifetime, your life is also degenerate, and since then you are no longer for the Great Tomorrow’s Son, so follow your life from now on.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

“Emperor Yi, do you want us to submit to you?”

“Do you think we might promise you?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were cold.

It should be known that Zhu Yuanzhang has been a great tomorrow all his life, and let him submit to Emperor Yi of Xia, which is absolutely impossible in his opinion.

Even if he dies, he will never be subordinated to others.


Nie Zheng smiled.

For Zhu Yuanzhang’s cold and fierce attitude, it seems that he did not take it to heart.

“Zhu Zhongba, surrender or not surrender, in fact, it doesn’t matter to Yuan, after all, everyone knows that you have passed away from heaven, and there will be no one in this world since then.”

“However, I want you to watch a play with you, and this drama will also be staged in your Daming, as for how to make a final decision, it is naturally up to you.”

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined the taste of play.

“Well, let’s accompany Brother Di Yi to see if our Daming is really as you say.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said coldly.

“Well, then you and my brother will stay in this Suncheon Mansion and watch this drama slowly.”

Nie Zheng smiled indifferently.

He casually closed Zhu Yuanzhang’s coffin.

Then he disappeared into the Fengtian Hall with this great tomorrow’s son who had revived the first life.


Daming, Suncheonfu.

In a small farm yard north of the city.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor who lived again, was wearing a farmer’s undershirt and ploughing the land shirt. Even though the sun in the sky was a little poisonous, he still enjoyed it.

Zhu Yuanzhang was originally from a poor family, don’t look at the laying down of a Daming Jiangshan. But doing these farm jobs is a breeze.

You see.

There are also some chickens, ducks and geese in the yard.

This kind of peasant and ordinary people’s life made Zhu Yuanzhang experience the fullness and happiness that he had never experienced before. Maybe.

Don’t be a big-blooded son of the sky.

Being a contented farmer was Zhu Yuanzhang’s original dream.

“Old Zhu Tou, have you cooked a good meal, don’t you know if you’re hungry?”


Only a voice of displeasure was heard coming from the thatched house.

Only to see that the curtain of the grass room was lifted, and Nie Zheng walked out wearing a linen cloth shirt, looking like he was shouting five or six, and was scolding this former great Ming iron-blooded Heavenly Son.

“Emperor Yi, don’t go too far, go wash the rice and cook the rice yourself when you are hungry, we are not your servants, and we will listen to your call every day.”

Zhu Yuanzhang casually threw the hoe in his hand and coldly rebuked Nie Zheng with a look of resentment. Since being saved by Nie Zheng.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Nie Zheng lived in this small farm yard. This stay is half a year.

It was fine at first.

The two had nothing to drink, play chess, and quarrel. But after a long time, things went wrong.

Nie Zheng ran out of silver.

The two of them eating became a problem.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also diligent and quick, directly began to plow the fields, raised some chickens, ducks and geese, and usually planted some vegetables in the vegetable garden.

The two can also be regarded as returning to their true nature and living the life of ordinary people. But the thing that Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t accept the most was that.

Emperor Xia’s guy can really be described as ten fingers that do not touch the spring water of the sun. Farming will not.

Cooking won’t.

Watering and fertilizing vegetables in the vegetable garden will also not work.

You let him go out on the street to sell some vegetables for some money, he didn’t even bother to go. Get.

No way.

Zhu Yuanzhang could only come on his own.

Basically, he did all the work in this farmyard. Nie Zheng and Uncle Yang watched from the sidelines. Don’t say help.

It was difficult to bring Zhu Yuanzhang a bowl of water to drink. According to Nie Zheng’s words.

Your old Zhu Tou is from a poor family, and you will naturally do these farm jobs. My emperor is originally a prince, where do I know how to do these farm jobs?

Therefore, old Zhu Tou, you said that these farm work are not done by you, do you still want me to be unable to do it? Zhu Yuanzhang was dumbfounded by Nie Zheng’s great reasoning.


Then do it.

After all, both big living people have to eat. He would have to be hungry if he didn’t do two.

But over time.

Di Yi this guy is getting more and more excessive.

Three meals a day are not a lot, and every meal is done by Zhu Yuanzhang. At first, Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t say anything.

But slowly he realized something was wrong.

This Xia Emperor B gradually shouted at him to drink five or six. It was as if he were his old servant. This immediately made Zhu Yuanzhang pick and choose.


You Dasha is strong, enough to compete with Great Qin.

But we Zhu Yuanzhang are also the sons of Daming, so why are we all the sons of heaven, and we Zhu Yuanzhang have to listen to your call? You saved my life.

But every day with the messenger of the servant calling me, are you not going too far? Finally.

Today, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t stand it.

Directly throw the hoe away, ready to turn the other cheek with Emperor Yi. But before he could turn his face and succeed.

Nie Zheng’s words gave him a whole word.

“I said Old Zhu Tou, do you really think you are the Great Tomorrow’s Son?”

“Now everyone in the whole world knows that you are dead, and does you know what is called funeral heaven?”

“Do you understand the day of the funeral?” Well? ”

“Now that the Great Tomorrow is Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunjiao, why do you still want to jump out and re-ascend the throne?”

Nie Zheng was not spared on his lips, and he was stunned by what Zhu Yuanzhang said.

He just wanted to refute it.

But before he could speak.

Nie Zheng spoke up again, “Old Zhu Tou, do you say that you are excessive?” ”

“Shuo is here to accompany you for half a year, Shuo Tang Tang is a big summer, ignoring the government and accompanying you to plant vegetables and cultivate the fields here, you say that you are too much?”

That’s it.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was sluggish, and he was dumbfounded by Nie Zheng. He sighed darkly and went straight to wash the rice and cook the rice.

Who really makes himself unreasonable?

People don’t care about their own summer, accompany you to live here for half a year. Just to verify whether Daming will be in civil unrest, he will cook some food himself! And indeed he is no longer the Great Tomorrow.

Cook as you cook.

You can’t always make both of you hungry because you and Emperor Yi are angry, right?

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang go to wash rice and cook rice in a row of frustration, Nie Zheng outlined a smile at the corner of his mouth. Punch.

The two spent half a year together.

Nie Zheng was subtly changing Zhu Yuanzhang’s mentality. This old guy got used to it.

If you want to subdue him, you must polish his mentality.

Although half a year has passed, Zhu Yuanzhang’s mentality has indeed changed somewhat. But Nie Zheng knew that this was not enough.

He wanted to return Daming to Xia without bloodshed. Zhu Yuanzhang is the key of the key.

Only when Zhu Yunjiong, the boy, issued the will to cut the domain, and the kings of various clans rebelled against civil unrest, could Zhu Yuanzhang be truly subdued by him.

Otherwise, where would Nie Zheng be willing to waste time with Zhu Yuanzhang as a farmer here for half a year? But seriously.

The difficulty of trying to subdue this iron-blooded son of Daming is absolutely beyond imagination. However, Nie Zheng never lacked patience.

He would rather waste half a year living with Zhu Yuanzhang in this small farm yard, and to achieve the purpose in his heart, patience is an inevitable factor for a person’s success.

This sentence applies not only to the son of heaven of a country, but also to ordinary people.

… Soon.

In a burst of fireworks, Zhu Yuanzhang made the meal.

He didn’t greet Nie Zheng either, holding a rice bowl and eating it himself. Watching Zhu Yuanzhang holding a broken bowl and swallowing it.

Nie Zheng groaned inwardly.

It wasn’t Zhu Yuanzhang’s eating appearance that shocked Nie Zheng.

Instead, he looked at the bowl that Zhu Yuanzhang was holding, reminding him of the magnificent life of Old Zhu Tou. Start with a bowl, end with a country.

This kind of thing can also happen to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Nie Zheng was vaguely aware that if he gave Zhu Yuanzhang another chance now.

Perhaps this old guy is holding a broken bowl to eat at the moment, and he can really create a Daming River that belongs to him in the future. No way!

He absolutely could not give Zhu Yuanzhang this opportunity. He has to do it for himself.

If you can subdue this old guy, it will definitely be a great help to your future and the Qin Emperor’s stop.

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