Chapter 199 Daming returns to Xia and submits the Ming Emperor!.

Nie Zheng was also not polite.

I picked up my rice bowl and ate it too. No one would have thought of it.

The sons of heaven of the two countries actually ate the meals of the common people in the most ordinary farm yard. If the scene at this moment is seen by the world, it will definitely shock the jaws of the world.

Bells and bells!


Just as the two were eating dinner relatively wordlessly. Just listen to the urgent sound of the gong beating from the outside.

It was accompanied by a panicked panic and the sound of horseshoe vibrating over it.

“Your Majesty cut the domain, and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, rebelled against the kings of various clans!”

“All men of my great people who are over the age of sixteen must go to the military headquarters to register…”

“Don’t… Don’t arrest my son…”

“Mother… Mother…”

“Let go of my son….. I would like my son to join the army…”



There are also all kinds of chaotic scolding and scolding that are constantly coming. Bells!

Zhu Yuanzhang had been devouring the food in the bowl. But this moment.

His body stiffened completely.

The rice bowl in his hand fell to the ground, and the food in the bowl fell to the ground. Zhu Yuanzhang!

Daming Iron-Blooded Heavenly Son!

This great tomorrow son known as the Hongwu Emperor!

His eyes froze, his eyes gradually turned red, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.267 Suddenly!

There was a mist of water in his reddened eyes.

But he gritted his steel teeth to prevent the mist in his eyes from turning into tears. Zhu Yuanzhang!

This great tomorrow’s son.

He stiffly stretched out his hands to grab the spilled food. Take the dusty meal into your mouth one bite at a time.

He was chewing the food in his mouth, as if ignoring that the food was no longer clean, but he still chewed hard, and then slowly swallowed the food.

Until he has eaten all the food clean.

His whole body squatted on the ground stiffly and motionless, but his body trembled wordlessly. It was as if he was experiencing some kind of pain that outsiders did not know.

Nie Zheng watched silently.

He did not say anything to comfort Zhu Yuanzhang. Because he knows it very well.

At this moment, this iron-blooded Heavenly Son of Great Ming was suffering from the pain of devouring his heart.

Whether he can really change his mentality and be subdued by himself will also start from this moment. Long!

Half an hour passed.

Zhu Yuanzhang moved.

He slowly raised his head to look at Nie Zheng.

It’s just that both eyes are already red as blood, and the whites of the eyes are covered with blood.

“Brother Emperor Yi, our Emperor Sun has really cut the domain, and our Emperor has really turned against him!”

Zhu Yuanzhang said this very slowly, very slowly, his mouth was already bitten off, and a trace of blood flowed out without knowing it.

“Old Zhu Tou, from the moment you were buried, Daming was already in chaos.”

Nie Zheng said calmly.



A mouthful of blood spewed out from Zhu Yuanzhang’s mouth.

He could no longer bear the heart-crushing pain, and the whole person fell to the ground. He wanted to climb up hard.

He propped the ground with both arms and tried to get himself to stand up.

However, the pain coming from his heart made him unable to breathe in pain, and he eventually collapsed to the ground. This moment.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were dead ash, and his body that collapsed to the ground was silently trembling. In fact.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s heartache was not that these emperors were plotting rebellion. He did not complain that Emperor Sun Zhu Yunjiao had slashed the domain.

What really made him feel extremely heartbroken was that his descendants of Zhu Yuanzhang actually ignored the life of Daming Zi for the sake of the throne.

Civil unrest together, standing in the field of fighting.

Who are the dead soldiers? Those are his great people! Listen to it.

Outside, there came the cries of the people. The mournful voices of parents, wives and children.

Their father, their son, their husband. They are being pulled to be strong and asked to join the army to kill the enemy. Fight the enemy?

Who is the enemy?


They killed their own people.

The cries of the Ming people came from the outside.

It was as if thousands of steel needles were constantly stuck in Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart. In pain, he can’t breathe, and in pain he is better off alive than dead! This iron-blooded son of the Great Ming!

I only care about two things in my life.

First, it was Empress Ma and Zhu Biao.

Second, his great people. Empress Ma and her son Zhu Biao died. He sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man.


The people of Daming are suffering.

This almost crushed Zhu Yuanzhang’s steely will. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

Bactria and Great Qin did not let Daming perish.

But his own indisputable descendants were fighting over the throne. Whoever of them finally won.

But how many people are going to die? Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart was bleeding.

The killing chance in that eye couldn’t stop soaring.

Zhu Yunjiong, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, and even all the descendants of his descendants. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to cut off all of them with one knife at this moment.



The wooden door of the farmyard was kicked open.

Only to see two Ming soldiers and fierce gods break into the farmyard.

When the two Ming soldiers saw Zhu Yuanzhang and Nie Zheng slumped to the ground. The eyes of the two Ming soldiers suddenly lit up.

“Your Majesty has a decree that all those of us who are over the age of sixteen will join the army and kill the enemy, and you two will quickly follow us.”

The two Ming soldiers were talking, and with the rope in hand, they strode towards Nie Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang.

But the two had just walked to Nie Zheng’s side, and before the two of them could put the rope on Nie Zheng’s body, they saw a cold light in their eyes!



A knife!

A wood knife.

Two streams of blood spurted from the throats of the two soldiers. Then he slowly fell into a pool of blood.

Even to their deaths, they did not understand why they would die in this small farm yard. Zhu Yuanzhang!

This iron-blooded son of the Great Ming!

He didn’t know when he stood up. The knife in his hand was still dripping blood.

It’s just that his look is vicious and frightening. His whole body was filled with a terrifying and murderous atmosphere.

“Old Zhu Tou, I told you before that after your funeral, it will be the time of civil strife in Daming.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

It was also with Nie Zheng’s voice entering the ears.

The wood knife in Zhu Yuanzhang’s hand fell silently to the ground. He slowly turned around and looked at Nie Zheng dully. A hint of hesitation crossed his eyes.


The hesitant color in Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes disappeared, and in its place was a touch of cold and resolute color. As if in this moment.

He finally made a decision, a decision about the future of Daming!

“Brother Di Yi, is your promise to us before still valid?”

The expression on Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was very serious.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes showed an extremely complex color.

“Nature is effective, as long as Daming returns to Xia, we will protect your Daming people from the suffering of military disasters, and even more ensure that everyone in Daming has enough food and clothing.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Well, we promise you!”

“Since then, when the Ming Dynasty returns to Xia, we will be your pawns and help you unify the world for nine weeks and win the government with the Qin Emperor for a long time.”

Zhu Yuanzhang threw a loud voice.

Because he already thought it through.

It is better to let these unscrupulous descendants fight among themselves, causing the people of Daming to suffer, and it is better to return to the summer of Daming and so that the people can avoid the suffering of war casualties.

As for Emperor Yi wanting him to surrender. Okay, then surrender.

I can’t fight Emperor Yi myself.

Even more fighting, the Qin Emperor won the government.

Then he would help Emperor Yi and Emperor Qin for a long time. Although Zhu Yuanzhang was very bitter inside.

But he didn’t want to see the people of Daming suffering.

If you can help Emperor Yi of Xia to unify the world for nine weeks, there will be no more chaos in the world from now on, and everyone can be peaceful and prosperous.

Then he Zhu Yuanzhang can also be regarded as completing the dream of once ruling the world.

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