Chapter 200 There is Old Zhu Tou, and he will be obedient.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Conquer the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

The soldier did not blade blood to let Daming return to Xia, he seemed to have only spent half a year.

But who knows, as early as six years ago, he used Zhu Di as a pawn and plotted for six years! Six years!

Now the time has finally come to close the net.

He not only caught Zhu Yuanzhang’s big fish, but also harvested the entire Ming Dynasty! Nie Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang left.

Leaving this small farm yard where the two of them lived for half a year.

Although the life of ordinary people made Nie Zheng suddenly have some nostalgia. But his future will eventually be a vast nine-week world.


Daming, on both sides of the Yangtze River!

The flames are raging, and the heavens and the earth are slaughtered. On both sides of the Long River.

On one side is the million army of the Ming court.

On the other side were the kings of various clans led by Zhu Di, the King of Yan. The two sides are bounded by the long river and look at each other with hatred and waiting.

As soon as the war drums sounded, the soldiers and horses of both sides would cross the river and carry out a fierce battle.


Inside the tent of Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

Yan King Zhu Di had black hair and black whiskers, and his eyes were cold and intimidating.

Wearing battle armor and holding a soldier’s book, he was watching, and beside him was the demon monk Yao Guangxiao.

“Wang Ye, our army will win this battle, and Wang Ye will certainly be able to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan.”

Yao Guangxiao spoke softly.

“Old monk, you are wrong to say this, this king is rebelling against the king, he is a traitor to the side of the Qing Emperor, and there is no coveting for the throne.”

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, spoke lightly.

“What Wang Ye said is that the poor monks have a lot of mouths.”

Yao Guangxiao was slightly embarrassed, but still smiled and replied. Follow Zhu Di, the King of Yan, for so many years.

The old monk Yao Guangxiao realized that Zhu Di had become terrible. Once upon a time, the conversation between the two could be said to be all-encompassing.

However, since Zhu Di, the King of Yan, was summoned three times by Emperor Xia and returned to Daming. This Yan King became more and more unfathomable, as if he had completely changed into a person.

Even he, a resourceful man, couldn’t see through what was going on in Zhu Di’s heart.


Only to see a guard quickly enter the tent and bow down to Zhu Diyu to report: Unexpectedly.

“Prince Qi, there are two people outside our army camp who asked to see Wang Ye, and they said that they were former friends of Wang Ye, and there are relics to prove it.”

The bodyguard spoke, and hurriedly presented a dragon-shaped jade pendant in his hand to Zhu Di, the King of Yan. Originally, what the bodyguard said did not make Zhu Di care.

Because too many ministers in the imperial court secretly surrendered to him, those who asked to see him did not know how many. Zhu Di only thought that it was a minister in the Ming court who asked to see him outside the camp.

But when Zhu Di saw the dragon-shaped jade pendant presented by the guards. His originally indifferent expression suddenly froze.

Even the book of soldiers in his hand fell to the ground.

The look in his eyes at the dragon-shaped jade pendant turned into a shocked color. The next moment.

In Yao Guangxiao’s shocked gaze, Zhu Di suddenly stood up and reached out to grab the dragon-shaped jade pendant in his hand.

“Is it him?”

“He’s here?”

Zhu Di carefully examined the dragon-shaped jade pendant in his hand, and a trembling whisper came from his mouth. Maybe others don’t know this dragon-shaped jade pendant.

But for Zhu Di, this dragon-shaped jade pendant in his hand simply impressed him. Because this was a jade pendant hanging in front of Emperor Xia’s waist, how could he not recognize it?


“Invite this distinguished guest into the camp!”

Zhu Di was completely no longer calm, and hurriedly gave orders to the guards.

“No, it is the king himself who greets him.”

Zhu Di hurriedly strode out of the tent, obviously to greet this distinguished guest who had come from far away from Bactria to greet him. Such a scene.

It simply shocked the surrounding generals and Yao Guangxiao.

They had never seen King Yan lose his attitude so much, and the reason for the gaffe was only because of one person! This simply stunned the old monk Yao Guangxiao and the generals.

In their hearts, they even speculated about what kind of big people outside the camp had made their prince so out of shape.


I don’t know if it is the illusion of the soldiers.

They could fully feel the sense of awe in the words of Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

Even there was a great reverence in their eyes, which simply made them secretly frightened.

The generals did not dare to be sloppy, and the princes personally greeted the distinguished guests, and they naturally followed suit. Just look at it.

Under the hastily led by Zhu Di.

The generals quickly followed Zhu Di, the King of Yan, to greet his distinguished guests outside the camp.

This also caused the side eyes of the million troops, who did not know what happened in the army, and even led the Yan King and the generals to travel.

······ Outside the camp.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands.

Zhu Yuanzhang wore a bucket hat on his head, making it impossible for people to see his face.

“Old Zhu Tou, it is fortunate that you and I came in time, otherwise once the two armies open their stations, Daming will definitely shed a river of blood.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.


Zhu Yuanzhang did not answer.

At this moment, the breath around him was cold and terrible.

For these unscrupulous descendants, they were already eager to slaughter them with a knife. At this moment, the fire in my heart is rubbing upwards. ‘Stampede!


A rush of footsteps was heard.

Only to see Zhu Dizheng, the King of Yan, leading a group of generals to march towards Nie Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Di saw Nie Zheng’s countenance, his eyes visibly trembled, and the pace under his feet became faster.

“Little King Zhu Di meets Xia… Nie Brother. ”

Just before coming to Nie Zheng’s body, Zhu Di originally wanted to call His Majesty the Emperor Xia, but he suddenly woke up and quickly changed his title.

“Brother Zhu Di, I haven’t seen you in many years, but you are still in good spirits.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly and cordially patted Zhu Di’s shoulder.

But it was also because of Nie Zheng’s words.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was wearing a bucket hat next to him, was visibly trembling, and he almost didn’t get carried away by Nie Zheng’s words. Emperor Yi, what do you call us Zhu Di Huang’er?

Brother Zhu Di?

So what do we count?

Before, you were screaming at a heavy eighth. I also have a bite of an emperor brother.

Now that you call this filial piety Brother Zhu Di, doesn’t that mean that Zhu Zhongba’s generations are the same as those of this perverse son?

Zhu Yuanzhang almost died of anger.

But he put up with it.

After all, he can’t identify himself yet.

“Brother Nie, please speak to the camp.”

Zhu Di did not dare to entrust the big, and even more put his posture extremely low, and hurriedly welcomed Nie Zheng and Zhu Yuanzhang into his tent.

But I don’t know why.

When Zhu Di saw the guy wearing a bucket hat next to Nie Zheng, Zhu Di had a vaguely familiar feeling. It was as if I had seen this person somewhere.

0 ask for flowers: It’s a pity, though.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang was wearing a bucket, people could not see his face clearly.

Therefore, Zhu Di did not think about it, let alone think of the person next to Emperor Yi of Xia, that is, his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

After all, in Zhu Di’s cognition.

Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang had already been buried half a year ago.


Inside the tent.

Zhu Di waved off all the generals.

Even his confidant Yao Guangxiao, an old monk, withdrew. Now.

Only Nie Zheng and the Zhu family were left in the tent.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, why are you here?”

See the soldiers exit the tent.

Zhu Di no longer had any scruples, and looked at Emperor Yi of Xia with a puzzled face.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, you and I have been friends for many years, and I will speak directly when I have something to say.”

“Shuo appeared here to make you retreat, but I don’t know if you have this face.”

Nie Zheng looked at Zhu Di with a faint smile.


Zhu Di’s face changed.

The whole person was shocked by the words of liking Emperor Xia Yi.


His face was cloudy and uncertain.

You must know that he has been waiting for this day for a full life. If only because of a word from Emperor Xia Emperor B that he would retire. It almost ruined his lifelong dream.

Although Emperor Yi of Xia only spat out these two simple words of “retreat”. This also means that if you agree to it.

He was going to cede the throne of Daming to Zhu Yunzhuo’s cowardly child. But Zhu Di knew that he could not refuse.

Because he is also not qualified to refuse at all.

Not to mention how terrible Emperor Xia’s methods were.

It was only the human affection he owed to Emperor Yi of Xia, and he could not pay it back in this lifetime.

“Well, since His Majesty Emperor Xia asked Xiao Wang to retire from the army, Xiao Wang withdrew and ceded the throne of Daming to Zhu Yunjiao’s son.”

Zhu Di did not hesitate for long.

He gritted his teeth and agreed to come down hard. But the loss in his eyes was so intense.

You could say so.

In these nine weeks, the only person in the world who could make him retire was Emperor Yi of Xia.

Even if his father Zhu Yuanzhang came back from the dead, but now that he had reached this critical step, he would definitely fight to the death and would not retreat a mile.

I heard Zhu Di say this.

Zhu Yuanzhang trembled fiercely, and the look in Zhu Di’s eyes through the bucket contained the burning heavenly anger. Although he had already guessed that the relationship between Zhu Di and Emperor Yi of Xia was not simple.

But Zhu Yuanzhang never imagined that the relationship between the two was so not simple. Just a word from Emperor Yi of Xia could make this filial son retire from the army.

In Zhu Yuanzhang’s view, this was simply incredible, and he was even more eager to slaughter this contrarian son with a knife. It seems that Zhu Di had already defected to Emperor Yi of Xia that year.

No wonder Liu Bowen had advised himself to pay attention to Zhu Di.

But he was too confident to choose to believe Liu Bowen’s words.

“Your Majesty Emperor Xia, although Xiao Wang is willing to retire from the army, he is only afraid that Xiao Wang’s nephew Zhu Yunjiao does not intend to let go of my uncle.”

Zhu Di’s eyes were gloomy, and he looked solemnly at Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di is assured, with this old Zhu head here, Zhu Yunjiao will obediently obey.”

Nie Zheng patted Zhu Yuanzhang’s shoulder, and then smiled and looked at Zhu Dishang.

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