Chapter 202 shocked the whole world, and nine weeks of shock.

Perhaps Zhu Di had suppressed it for too long.

Or maybe it was a rebellion against the oppression of his father Zhu Yuanzhang all his life. Zhu Di was very excited at this moment.

Excitement is hard to control!

It was as if he wanted to pour out all the words that had been suppressed in his heart.

“Father, do you remember the defeat of the Blue Jade army and the capture of your son Zhu Di by Emperor Xia?”

“Now your good son Zhu Di tells you that Emperor Xia once made a bet with me with a country, and if you are willing to exchange the frontier city for the lives of Zhu Di and my whole family, Emperor Xia promises to return to the Ming Dynasty!”

“But Daddy, how did you do it?”


Zhu Di let out a wild laugh, but he laughed and laughed and cried.

His eyes were red as he looked directly at his father Zhu Yuanzhang, a drop of tears crossed his cheeks, his voice was cold and terrible, and he began to repeat Zhu Yuanzhang’s reply to Emperor Xia!

“That’s how you replied to Emperor Xia, we don’t lack anything in Zhu Zhongba, that is, we don’t lack sons, and if Brother Di Yi wants to slaughter my son who is not a tool, then let it be you.”


“My good father and emperor Zhu Di?”

“This is the cold affection between you and my father and son, right?”

“You said you didn’t have my son, but how could you ever be my father?”

“In the eyes of your Ming Emperor Zhu Zhongba, except that my eldest brother Zhu Biao is your relative, I Zhu Di is just your courtier.”

“Even if I died in front of you, why would you ever look at me Zhu Di more?”

Zhu Di roared in anger.

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent.

The fierceness and anger in his eyes had disappeared.

Only a hint of confusion emerged from under his eyes. Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart had already set off monstrous waves.

I even asked myself, am I really wrong?

Is it true that today Daming has become like this, and father and son turn against each other, which is all self-inflicted? Finally.

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have woken up.

He looked at Zhu Di’s tearful face, and a trace of heartache that had never been felt before was growing. I am indeed as Zhu Di said.

I really never treated him as my own son.

The grievances and anger that Zhu Di told are indisputable facts!

“Father, I woke up that year, let the Summer Emperor wake up.”

“So when I returned to Daming that year, I no longer regarded you as a father, but only as a courtier of Daming.”

“But Your Majesty Emperor Ming, for your own selfish desires, you still let the stinking Zhu Yunjiao inherit the throne.”

“I Zhu Di am not convinced, the thesis Tao Wu strategy, on the art of governing the country, what is not ten times stronger than that Zhu Yunzhuo?”

“Originally, I didn’t want to rebel, after all, that boy was the heir of the eldest brother Zhu Biao, but he wanted to cut the domain, and he regarded me as a threat, forcing his uncle Zhu Di, the King of Yan, to rebel!”

“So Zhu Di reversed, completely reversed.”

“This Ming Emperor should have been Zhu Di’s, and I should have been the Great Tomorrow’s Son!”

“Daddy, you’re so eccentric, you’re the cause of all this!”

“If the eldest brother Zhu Biao dies and you pass the throne to me, where are there so many things behind me?”

“Why did my uncle and nephew fight among themselves and cause the people of Daming to suffer from military casualties?”

Zhu Di roared angrily.

Finally, I said all the words that I had suppressed in my heart for a lifetime. Zhu Yuanzhang was silent.

It’s just that his body is trembling silently. He couldn’t refute it.

Because there is no rebuttal at all.

What Zhu Di said was the truth, and everything was caused by his own selfish desires.

“Emperor, you’re right, we’re wrong!”

“Daming Jiangshan will come to this step, and the reason for everything lies in us.”

This moment.

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be ten years old, and he no longer had the anger and hatred he had before. It was the second time in his life that he had apologized.

The first time was for the horse queen.

The second time was against Zhu Di.

Zhu Yuanzhang has been proud all his life, and he has also been conceited all his life. The only person who could make him apologize was Queen Ma. But he was apologizing to Zhu Di at this moment.

I’m really too eccentric!

Daming has come to this point today, and the opposite is all because of his own causes. Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang’s apology.

Zhu Di was stunned on the spot.

He clenched his hands and shed a trail of blood without knowing it. Zhu Di never thought that his father would apologize to him.

This proud and conceited iron-blooded son of heaven for a lifetime would apologize to him! Looking at the appearance of old father Zhu Yuanzhang’s eclipsed soul.

This moment.

Zhu Di suddenly felt as if his grievances were nothing. Even Daming’s throne was completely indifferent.


All he was waiting for was Zhu Yuanzhang’s words. Until this moment.

Zhu Di found out that he had never let go of the approval of his father Zhu Yuanzhang. Finally, he waited for this sentence from his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

And that, perhaps, is enough!

“Father, I will retire, not because of you, but because of Emperor Xia.”

“Because Emperor Xia has the grace of knowing me, and even more the grace of not killing three times.”

“But if my nephew Zhu Yunjiao continues to force him, then don’t blame me for being ruthless as an uncle!”

Zhu Di finally calmed down.

“It is said that since ancient times, the royal family is the most ruthless, the same room is dry, killing each other, and there is no need for us to exist in this great Ming!”

Zhu Yuanzhang whispered bitterly.


Zhu Di was shocked.


Zhu Yuanzhang’s words made him vaguely guess what he had done, and he suddenly looked at Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Three days later, Daming will return to Xia, this is something we promised to Emperor Xia, and as for Zhu Yunjiong’s side, we will personally go through it.”

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be really tired, and when he finished saying this, his face was full of exhaustion.

“Daming to Xia?”

Zhu Di muttered.

Then a bitter smile also appeared on his face. Maybe.

This is the best home for Daming. Even if their uncles and nephews did not have infighting.

Sooner or later, Daming will also be annexed by Great Qin or Laoxia.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has returned to the summer and saved the people from the pain of standing in chaos, this may be the best choice. Suddenly.

A sigh came from Nie Zheng’s mouth.

“Although your father and son have made trouble to this point today, although there are their own reasons, it is said that Shuo is the initiator, but on this road of unifying the world for nine weeks, Shuo can only do extraordinary things.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Brother Di Yi needn’t say more, since the nine weeks will be united sooner or later, then it is imperative for me to return to the summer with great light, and my father and son are for you to drive it.”

“As for whether this contrarian still recognizes my father, then let him do as he pleases.”

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be cold.

Zhu Di opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he still didn’t say anything.

However, he could feel that his father Zhu Yuanzhang had changed, and Yin Yin and himself had a father-son relationship that he had never had before.

And this also made Zhu Di’s heart throb, but he did not dare to show it.

Seeing that the father and son wanted to reconcile and pretended to be indifferent, Nie Zheng smiled and did not speak.

Both father and son had been proud all their lives, and it would take some time for them to shake hands right away. After all, time is the best medicine.

“Brother Emperor Yi, without further ado, let’s go to the Fengtian Temple.”

Zhu Yuanzhang put on the Dou Kao Dao again.


Nie Zheng smiled and nodded, “But you, the good emperor Zhu Di, I feel that I should also go with you and me.” ”

“Yes, since Daming returned to Xia, I don’t have to fight with Yun Jiong anymore.”

Zhu Di nodded slowly.

The so-called family affairs and state affairs are the world’s affairs.

Nie Zheng finally got the old Zhu family father and son done, and his heart was also extremely pleased. It didn’t cost him six years to plan!

The next thing is simple 057. Zhu Di directly ordered the troops to retreat.

Although the soldiers were shocked.

However, he still followed Zhu Di’s orders and retreated.

Nie Zheng took the father and son to the Fengtian Temple.

… Fengtian Temple!

When the Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiao saw the emperor’s grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang appear alive. It almost didn’t scare him to death.

However, when he woke up, he still cried and held Zhu Yuanzhang with red eyes and refused to let go. Under the comfort of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yunjiao also stopped crying.

And the appearance of Zhu Di also made Zhu Yunjiao understand the course of events, and sincerely admitted to Zhu Yuanzhang’s guilt and confessed that things were developing very smoothly.

Zhu Yunjiao ordered the troops to retreat, and even under the orders of the emperor’s grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang, he beheaded some traitors. Because it was these people who tricked Zhu Yunjiao into cutting Zhu Di’s domain.

Then Zhu Yunjiao issued a holy decree that shook the world for nine weeks. The content of the Divine Decree is simple.

The meaning is that Daming returned to Xia, and since then there has been no Daming Dynasty in the Nine Weeks World, only Mingzhou exists, and the lord of Mingzhou is also succeeded by Zhu Di.

When this holy decree is given.

It’s a shock.

No one in the Nine Weeks Kingdom had thought of it.

Bactria did not take a single soldier to annex the Ming Dynasty, and let the Ming Dynasty return to Xia and turn it into a state.

When this news spread throughout the world of the Nine Weeks, it caused an uproar in the world.

In particular, when he received the news, the Great Xia Manchu Dynasty Wenwu couldn’t believe such a far-fetched thing. Although they knew that Emperor Xia had disappeared for half a year.

I don’t know where Emperor Xia went. But the news of the return of the Ming Dynasty to summer came.

The Great Xia Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu knew it clearly.

Obviously, this matter must have been facilitated by His Majesty the Summer Emperor! The other side!

The Heavenly Sons of the Nine Kingdoms couldn’t sit still! Especially after Great Qin learned of this news.

Li Si was shocked and went straight to the Xianyang Palace where the Qin Emperor was located!

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