Chapter 203 The Killing God is born, and the nine weeks are all shocked!

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

It was still the black curtain of beads.

Emperor Qin sat in the posture of Emperor Wei Zhengweian.

Li Si knelt down a hundred meters away, panicked and reported the news of Daming’s return to Xia.


“Daming to Xia?”

The sound of the Qin Emperor’s surprise came from the black curtain bead curtain.

“Your Majesty, this matter must not be underestimated, because the national strength of Bactria has become stronger and stronger over the years, which is enough to rival that of my Great Qin.”

“Now that Daming has returned to Xia, although the territory of the Nine Weeks World occupies most of my Great Qin, the territory of Great Xia is also gradually expanding, and if Bactria is allowed to annex Great Sui and Great Tang, it will definitely be a fatal threat to my Great Qin.


To Li Si’s advice, the Qin Emperor did not make any response.

Instead, a murmuring chuckle came from the black curtain of beads.

“If you can let Daming return to Xia without bloodshed, Emperor Xia, you really have some skills.”

“It seems that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is not dead, and he should be subdued by you, right?”


When the voice of the Qin Emperor came.

Li Si’s brain roared, and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Emperor Ming is not dead?

This simply made Lisi can’t believe it.

But this sentence came from the mouth of the Qin Emperor.

Obviously, the Qin Emperor would not talk nonsense, and this matter was absolutely true.

“It’s funny and interesting, even the old guy Zhu Zhongba can be subdued by you, and the widow is really very interested in you now.”

“It seems that your next step is to annex the Great Sui and the Great Tang, right?”

“But how can the widow give you this opportunity?”

Emperor Qin muttered to himself.



The Qin Emperor spoke.

“The subject is here.”

Lisi hurriedly knelt down and prostrated his head.

“Pass on the will of the widow, and send your life to the palace in vain.”

Emperor Qin said softly.

Kill God in vain?

Hear the will of the Qin Emperor.

Lisi shivered fiercely. There was a look of extreme horror in his eyes. I didn’t expect that Emperor Qin would actually summon Bai Qi? You must know that Bai Qi is known as the Great Qin Killing God.

If Bai Qi is born, it can really be said that the sea of life and blood is monstrous. It seems that His Majesty the Qin Emperor really regarded Emperor Yi of Xia as an opponent.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to summon this killing god into the palace.


Lisi hurriedly knocked on the leader’s order.

Although he was shocked in his heart, the will of the Qin Emperor was still to be carried out quickly. As Lisi retreated.

A soft laugh came from the black curtain beaded curtain.

“Emperor Yi, Bai Qi is a great gift from a widow, I don’t know if you can bear it?”

The voice of Emperor Qin reverberated faintly in the Xianyang Palace.

The other side.



It should now be called Mingzhou.

Myeongju, Suncheonfu.

It’s still the farm yard.

Three generations of the old Zhu family have appeared here. Of course.

There was also Nie Zheng, the only outsider. I can’t say that I am an outsider.

After all, the three generations of the old Zhu family all called him His Majesty the Summer Emperor at this moment.

“Yun Jiao, although your surname is kind, it is not suitable for this chaotic world.”

“From now on you will be a rich man, and your fourth uncle will take care of you.”

Zhu Yuanzhang instructed.

“Yoon Jiong remembered.”

Zhu Yunjiao nodded, although he was no longer an emperor, but being a rich man might indeed be his best choice.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, this old bone of mine will follow you back to Bactria with you.”

“As for how you want to make the call, just give it a command.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was holding a broken bowl, which was also his only belongings, and was preparing to go to Bactria with Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Rest assured, old Zhu Tou, Shuo will not be kind to you.”

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang only brought a broken bowl on the road, Nie Zheng smiled slightly. The iron-blooded son who had once been a great Ming was finally subdued by himself. The broken bowl in his hand seemed simple.

But Nie Zheng clearly knew that on the road of competing with Emperor Qin for nine weeks in the future, Zhu Yuanzhang and the broken bowl in his hand would definitely become his greatest help.

“Your Majesty, the minister Zhu Di is on standby in Mingzhou at any time, and with just one order from His Majesty, my Mingzhou army will go to the Tang Dynasty for His Majesty and forge ahead.”

Zhu Di knelt and prostrated his head, also expressing loyalty to Emperor Yi of Xia. Looking at Zhu Di’s gesture of submission and awe, Nie Zheng smiled. Will.

There was Zhu Di in Mingzhou, and Nie Zheng was very relieved.

Moreover, he was very confident that Zhu Di would never disobey his yang and yin, and would take care of the land of Mingzhou for him. After all, Zhu Di had already surrendered to him.

Now that Daming had returned to Xia, Zhu Di had naturally become his courtier.

With Zhu Di appeasing the people of Mingzhou, it would not take a few years for the people of Mingzhou to identify themselves as the people of Bactria.

But it will take time.

Time is the best medicine. Nie Zheng also believed this sentence very much.

“Hmm, we really haven’t found out, you contrarian has a good set of.”

Look at Zhu Di’s obedient appearance.

Zhu Yuanzhang was angry. It wasn’t that he was jealous of Emperor Xia Yi.

Instead, the old man himself is going to go to Bactria. Zhu Di, the contrarian, did not say goodbye to himself.

This naturally made Zhu Yuanzhang taste a little.

“Daddy, the baby sends you all the way.”

Zhu Di turned and bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang.

This also made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned, and then nodded coldly, which was a response to Zhu Di. However, if you look closely, you will find that Zhu Yuanzhang has a warm color under his eyes.

In fact.

After a series of events.

Zhu Yuanzhang also understood that he owed Zhu Di a lot.

But he also couldn’t pull down his face and take the initiative to care for Zhu Di. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang is also an extremely face-saving person.

But when he understood the father-son relationship with Zhu Di, he still recognized his son in his heart. Although Zhu Yuanzhang did not show concern for Zhu Di.

However, Zhu Di could feel the change of his father, which also warmed his heart. After all, as Emperor Xia said, where is the overnight enmity between father and son.

Zhu Di had already been relieved.

The son first bowed to the father, and Zhu Di did not feel humiliated.

“Okay old Zhu Tou, don’t have a cold face, let’s go on the road.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Converse son, guard Mingzhou for Emperor Xia, if you lose Mingzhou one day, don’t use Emperor Xia to kill you, we will personally slaughter you, and you in the province will humiliate our old Zhu family.”

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be cold, but his concern for Zhu Di was still revealed. His old face was slightly red, and he did not stay, and strode out of the courtyard.

“Zhu Di, when you are reunified, your father and son will still be reunited.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly, and then strode out of the courtyard, leaving only Zhu Di and Zhu Yunjiao in place, sighing.

But looking at the distant backs of Emperor Yi of Xia and Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Di’s eyes flashed a strange color.

It was as if he had seen the scene of his father and son helping Emperor Xia to unify the world for nine weeks in the future. The other side.

A shocking news appeared. The Killing God Bai Qi was born!

When the news spread throughout the world for nine weeks. The kingdoms shook the government and the opposition.

It even made people in the world panic in the Nine Weeks. Kill the god in vain, shock the world!

His name of killing the gods has been praised for a long time in the Nine Weeks of the World.

Wherever the killing god Bai Qi led the army went, slaughtered the city and destroyed the household, and the sea of blood drifted. When the people of the world heard the name of killing God, they were all discouraged.

The most shocking and frightening thing for the world is.

Two million Great Qin elites were gathering at the border pass, and there were 300,000 Great Qin Iron Horsemen accompanying the army, and there were 100,000 Great Qin crossbowmen.

And the one who led the army was the one who killed the god Bai Qi. Nine weeks of shock, the world is shocked! The government and the opposition of all countries are like needles and needles.

The four kingdoms of the Great Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty sent spies one after another to find out which country the killing god Bai Qi wanted to attack. After all, the killing god Bai was born.

The sons of heaven of all countries do not dare to underestimate. If it attacks its own country.

This big station is enough to be called the station of annihilation.

Because if the killing god does not rise up and is not born, once he is born, there will be a country that will perish. This is already the iron law known to everyone in the world for nine weeks!

Back then!

There are more than a dozen countries in the nine-week world.

The killing god Bai Qi was under the command of the Qin Emperor and swept away the eight wildernesses and six combinations.

One of the countries was even slaughtered by the god Bai Qi slaughtered thirteen cities, no matter the soldiers and the people, all of them were dead or alive.

The corpses were piled up like mountains, and the blood turned into rivers.

It was also because of that station that Bai Qi was canonized by the world as a god of killing.

His ruthless and iron-blooded style is simply creepy, and when he heard the name of the killing god, the generals of the world were all terrified, and they did not dare to fight against it.

Of course.

The brutal killing of the god Bai Qi makes the world afraid, and this is just one of them.

The second is that the Qin army led by Bai Qisuo, the god of killing, is invincible and invincible, and there is no defeat in his life. Whoever encounters the killing of God in vain, no one can survive.

Therefore, the Nine Weeks Great World also circulated a sentence about killing the god Bai Qi. When the killing god is born in vain, it means that there is a country that is going to die.

And this sentence was recognized by the people of the Nine Weeks World, and the fear and fear in the heart of this killing god had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of the Nine Weeks countries.


During the Ninth Week, when the government and the public heard that the killing god Bai Qi was born, they were all shocked and uneasy. Deeply afraid that the killing god Bai Qi will attack his own country.

Bactria and the Hall of Longde.

The courtiers stood on either side of His Highness.

Lü Yan bowed to the government.

But the atmosphere of the entire Dragon Hall was extremely depressing and solemn. Apparently.

The birth of the killing god Bai Qi also gave the Great Xia Qunchen great pressure stalk.

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