Chapter 204 The Return of the Summer Emperor and the Excitement of the Subjects!

“Look at your listless look, a killing god is white, are you afraid?”

“Even if Your Majesty is not there, am I afraid that he will not be able to rise in vain?”


Lü Yan lifted the beaded curtain and walked out with a frosty face.

“What Lü Hou said is that although Bai Qi has the name of killing gods, my Great Xia is definitely not the Great Xia of the past.”

“If Bai Qi dares to send troops to our Great Xia, he will certainly have to come and go.”

Cao Cheng came out in a crowd and looked around at the group of ministers and said it was a pity.

Even if Lü Yan and Cao Yan spoke at the same time. But Manchu Wenwu remained listless.

Even the oppressive and heavy atmosphere did not soothe half a point. Such a scene.

Lu Yanfeng’s eyebrows frowned, and a wisp of worry crossed the bottom of his eyes.

In his heart, he even secretly hated why Emperor Yi had gone for half a year and still hadn’t returned. You see.

Your hateful fellow disappeared for half a year, and Manchu Wenwu seemed to have lost his main heart. Even Zhao Kuangyin, the world’s Terracotta Grand Marshal, was depressed at this moment.

In fact.

Lu Lu understood one thing very well. The birth of the killing god Bai Qi.

Although it made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu look worried.

But the real reason for their depression is not to kill the gods in vain.

Instead, Emperor Yi of Xia had been gone for half a year, but no news had been sent back. Over the years, Bactria has become increasingly powerful.

It seems to be the result of the joint efforts of the Manchu Dynasty and the Wen and Wu. But in fact, the real core is Emperor Yi of Xia. Lu Lu was very sure of one thing.

If this abominable fellow of Emperor Yi comes. What a killing god white out of the world.

The Manchu courtiers would not pay attention to it at all.

Because as long as Emperor Yi of Xia sat on the throne, he could give the group of ministers infinite confidence in 993. Damn Emperor Yi you still don’t come back?

Hongu is almost unable to hold on!

Look at the depressed appearance of the people in the palace. Lu Yan was secretly anxious in his heart.

If this situation continues, it will not wait for the killing god to rise up and attack. There will be a big problem within Bactria itself.

Maybe it’s a feeling.

Or maybe it was Lu Yan’s inner prayer coming true. A piercing and sharp sound came into the Dragon Temple.

It could be heard in the ears of Lü Yan and Manchu Dynasty Wenwu like a natural sound.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”


It was only the voice of the eunuch that came. Just look at it.

The originally depressed Manchu Dynasty Wenwu instantly became as spirited as if he had beaten chicken blood.

The depressed and unhappy look on his face was all swept away, and even his eyes were blooming. Just for a moment.

The extremely oppressive atmosphere in the entire Dragon Hall was swept away.

Man Chao Wenwu’s waist was straight and straight, and his face was even more full of excitement.

“Why are all the secretaries of state so listless?”

Nie Zheng smiled and strode into the Dragon De Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang was wearing a linen cloth shirt and followed on the side. Until Nie Zheng sat on the throne of Bactria.

Just look at it, the courtiers looked surprised and prostrated themselves on their knees.

“See long live our Emperor.”

The mountains are deafening and deafening.

The entire Dragon Hall was rumbling and trembling.

“All the secretaries of state are at peace.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly, and at the same time gave Lu Lu a stable look. Lü Yan glared at Nie Zheng with hatred.

Then it was made back into the beaded curtain phoenix chair.

It’s just that the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes through the beaded curtain is extremely soft.

“Your Majesty, you have finally returned, and your majesty wants to die.”


Nie Zheng hadn’t sat still yet.

The baby came out in the crowd, and with a thud, he fell to his knees, which was really a snot and a tearful cry

“Okay, okay, get up, Tangtang Hubu Shangshu is one of the Nine Qings, look at your unproductive appearance.”

Nie Zheng laughed and scolded.

“Your Majesty, Bai Qi, the god of killing, was born and is mobilizing two million Great Qin elites to assemble at the border pass, and the old minister is willing to lead the army to go out to protect my Great Xia border pass, and will never let Bai Qi cross the thunder pond one step.”


And the baby just finished crying.

Sima Yi immediately jumped out to show his loyalty.

“Your Majesty, it is only a white rise, and the people of the world are afraid that he will kill the god and be famous, so I Cao Mengde wanted to see how capable he was, and there was no need for Sima Yi to go on a campaign.

Cao Yi also came out of the crowd, and that was even more crazy than Sima Yi. Killing God Bai has become a child in his mouth.

“Cao Cheng Xiang, you are a civil servant, and this matter of leading troops to fight a war should be entrusted to Ben Shuai.”

“But it’s just white, scaring others, but I can’t scare Zhao Kuangyin.”

Before Cao Huan could finish speaking, Zhao Kuangyin directly stood up and retorted.

“Zhao Yuanshuai, who said that the minister is a civil servant?”

“You must know that when you attacked the Great Wasteland City, you were led by Ben Cheng Xiang to go on the expedition.”

“Pushing a little further, when Daming was in the summer, Ben Cheng was the master who destroyed Daming’s 800,000 tigers and wolves.”

Cao Wei immediately stopped doing it, and also looked at Zhao Kuangyin with the same eyebrows.

“Cao Cheng Xiang, are you raising a bar with Ben Shuai?”

“Then, according to what you said, when I destroyed the whole country in Great Xia, Ben Shu was the first to destroy the Great Qing of Na Kang Ma Zi, how do you compare with this Commandery?”

Zhao Kuangyin was suddenly unhappy. Get!

In order to compete for the matter of the marshal’s expedition, Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin actually quarreled in the court. But that’s not all.

The people of the full hall are also not too big to see the hilarity.

One after another, the Son of Heaven was going to lead his soldiers to break the wrists of the killing god Bai Qi.

Even Zhao Kuo, who was talking on paper, stood up and said how could he be his opponent? Looking at Zhao Kuo, he looked full of confidence.

Nie Zheng’s head was a little bigger.

If he really let this guy go to the town to guard the border pass, once he and Bai Qi fought. Only afraid that Zhao Kuo could pit his Great Xia elite.

This guy is okay on paper.

If he let him lead his troops to fight, then Nie Zheng would feel that he was purely a great wrongdoer. Watching the group of courtiers quarrel in the Dragon De Hall.

Lu Yan, who was sitting inside the beaded curtain, smiled.

Just now they are still depressed, but now look at it.

Emperor Yi Yi of Xia returned.

These courtiers are all in good spirits, where is the decadent appearance before? However, after this incident, Lu Lu also understood a truth.

No matter how powerful Bactria is.

But if there is no Xia Emperor B sitting in the town.

These courtiers will be alienated from Germany, and Bactria will be fragmented. Let’s say something ugly.

The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu were all heroes of the time. They disobeyed each other.

Only Emperor Yi of Xia could be revered and surrendered by them. To put it mildly, it is a bit disrespectful.

If Emperor Yi of Xia dies in heaven. Another Son of Heaven ascended the throne.

I was afraid that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu would have to plot against him. So.

Emperor B of Xia is the main backbone of Bactria. Once the main bone is gone.

Even if the national strength of Bactria in these years was strong enough to rival that of Great Qin. But there was no need for Great Qin to attack at all, and Bactria itself would fall apart.

“Okay, don’t argue.”


Just as the faces of the courtiers were arguing, Nie Zheng’s voice was coming. Stop.

Just a word from the Son of Heaven, the quarreling courtiers immediately fell silent. They all focused their eyes on Emperor Xia’s body.

“It is only a matter of time before the Great Qin Dynasty rises up, and all the secretaries of state need not make a fuss, because they already have in their hearts a candidate to guard the border pass.”

As Nie Zheng’s words fell.

The Manchu Dynasty was full of people and did not know who the candidate in Tianzi’s heart was. But it was also at this moment.

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang beside him, “Old Zhu Tou, this matter will trouble you, Shuo will also give you two million Great Xia elites and three hundred thousand Great Xia Iron Horsemen, and 100,000 crossbowmen, if that white rises to attack, you will play with him.” ”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked frightened.

Unexpectedly, he had just come to Bactria with Emperor Yi of Xia, and he had been arranged for an errand. Get!

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally could not refuse.

“In accordance with Emperor Xia’s will, that white boy dared to claim to kill the gods, and we also wanted to see if he had such a great ability.1 Zhu Yuanzhang bent down to receive the will.”

Zhu Yuanzhang, the name of Bai Qi, who killed the god, naturally knew it.

However, in Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart, he really wanted to compete with Bai Qi.

Was it his former Great Ming Iron Blood and Heartless Heavenly Son, or was this so-called Great Qin Killing God better. On killing decisively.

Old Zhu Tou really smiled. It’s not his old Zhu head bragging about himself.

He was a man of iron blood all his life, and he was able to grow from a down-and-out beggar to a son of heaven. Speaking of iron blood and ruthlessness, that white can only eat ashes behind him.

“Your Majesty, who is this…?”

Cao Qian looked tentatively at Zhu Yuanzhang, and a look of uncertainty crossed his eyes. Cao Cheng Xiang’s eyes were so poisonous.

With just one glance, I could see that Zhu Yuanzhang was extraordinary.

Although at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was wearing a linen cloth shirt and was holding a broken bowl in his hand.

However, the iron-blooded ruthless aura that faintly bloomed from his body made Cao Qian and Manchu Wenwu tremble in their hearts.

“He, from now on you will call him Mr. Zhu.”

“This old Mr. Zhu will be the right and left hand of the Emperor in the future, and you will have to be close to him a lot in the future.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

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