Chapter 205: White Rising Summer? No, it’s a matter of destroying Tang!.


As the words of the Son of Heaven entered the ears.

Cao Cao and Sima Yi and the others inhaled a cool breath without taking a breath.

Looking at this old Mr. Zhu’s eyes, there was a touch of shock. Capable assistant?

These four words seem simple.

But it made Cao Cao and the other courtiers giggle inside. Know that more than six years have passed.

Even these courtiers were not called the right hand men by Emperor Xia.

But now this old Mr. Zhu who suddenly appeared unexpectedly had received such praise from the Son of Heaven! Cao Cao and Sima Yi and others were secretly shocked in their hearts, and at the same time, they were also a little surprised.

Even more secretly speculated about who this old Mr. Zhu really was. His surname is Zhu?

Ming Dynasty to Summer?

How shrewd were Cao Cao’s Sima Yi and others.

Just from some side notes, a fantastic thing comes to mind. Did he suddenly do it!

Cao Cao Sima Yi and the others looked at this old Mr. Zhu with shocked faces. There was a look of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

And in his heart, he had already vaguely guessed the true identity of this old Mr. Zhu. No way?

Is this old Mr. Zhu really the one.? Cao Cao and Sima Yi and others were secretly surprised.

But no one dared to show it, let alone reveal the true identity of this old Mr. Zhu. Have to say.

Sima Yi and others were indeed shrewd.

Just from the matter of the disappearance of Emperor Xia for half a year and the return of Daming to Xia, the identity of Zhu Yuanzhang was guessed. But they were shocked and couldn’t believe it.

However, his face was very calm, and it was even more impossible to stupidly expose Zhu Yuanzhang’s identity on the spot. It’s just that the reverence for the Summer Emperor in their hearts has become more and more intense.

I didn’t expect that even this once iron-blooded and ruthless great tomorrow son would be taken into account!

The next thing is simple.

The most political canonization of the old Zhu head series of head Yan.

“One of the most intriguing is the Great General of the Qin Dynasty”

這個封号。 Of course.

Servants and maids of the mansion, as well as gold and silver treasures are essential. The old Zhu Tou, who can be rewarded, has a strange face.

Because it used to be his reward to his courtiers, now it is the other way around. This made him feel a little unaccustomed.

But when Old Zhu Tou saw the gold and silver treasures piled up in front of him. This old guy’s eyes were straight.

Know that he was diligent and frugal all his life.

Even a piece of copper has to be divided into two halves.

He could see the gold and silver in front of him, as well as all kinds of rare treasures, and the eyes of the old Zhu Tou began to turn red.


How do you spend it after this?

Old Zhu Tou was secretly shocked by Emperor Xia’s extravagance. But looking at the gold and silver treasures in front of you, they are all their own. Old Zhu Tou was also extremely excited in his heart.

After all, in the past, as the son of the great tomorrow, he wanted to set an example for himself and advocate frugality.

Nature cannot be extravagantly enjoyed.

But now he has no burden in his heart, and he can finally live a life of good clothes. Old Zhu Tou suddenly felt it.

Being a courtier yourself is actually a good thing. Especially when Emperor Xia was a courtier.

The next thing is simple.

The government bestowed Zhu Yuanzhang with the Tiger Charm and asked him to dispatch a large army to the border pass.

Regardless of the military generals and strategists of the Great Xia, they all let Zhu Yuanzhang choose and go out with him. But there’s an episode in between.

That is, Old Zhu Tou had found a man before he led the army to go out.

And this person is no one else, it is Liu Bowen, who is known as a divine scheming. When the government heard the news, he smiled slightly.

Naturally, he knew Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen is definitely a great talent of the world.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang was a Daming Jiangshan laid down with the assistance of Liu Bowen. Now these two old partners are back together.

It will certainly be able to regain its former glory.

The other side! Great Qin Border Pass.

Two million Great Qin elites were assembled.

There are also 300,000 Great Qin Iron Riders and Gan Great Qin crossbowmen on the left and right. An atmosphere of slaughter of heaven and earth lingered between heaven and earth.

Inside the tent. Individual.

An ordinary-looking man wearing black armor. The man was slowly flipping through the soldier’s book.

Although there is no momentum flowing out of the body.

But when his eyes opened and closed, they were all indifferent. His appearance is very ordinary.

Ordinary is not like a general.

But as he sat there, the Qin generals around him didn’t even dare to breathe much in the atmosphere. Even the occasional look in the eyes of this person will be crossed with a touch of awe and fear. And he’s no one else.

It is the killing god who rises white! No one would have thought of it.

A white face would be so ordinary.

But his name of killing the gods was spread more and more by the gods.

Even when his name is mentioned, even the baby will stop crying.

“General Qi, the army has been assembled, is the next step to invade Bactria?”

Youqin will half-kneel down on the ground to try to speak.

“Who said they were going to invade Bactria?”

Bai Qi slowly put down the soldier’s book, and a pair of eyes looked indifferently at this Qin general.


The surrounding Qin General’s face turned frightened, and his eyes looked at Bai Qi with shock. You must know that they gathered two million Great Qin elites to come to the border pass.

There were also 300,000 Great Qin Iron Horsemen and 100,000 crossbowmen.

Isn’t it necessary to make such a big show of posing a position, is it not to attack Xia?

“Pass on the military orders of the generals, make rice when they are young, go out on expeditions when they are ugly, take the frontier of the Tang Dynasty, and do the things that destroy the country.” Bai Qi spoke calmly. ”


As the white words fall.

The surrounding Qin would be shocked and stunned.

No one had expected that this time the killing god Bai Qi was born was not to invade Bactria but to destroy the country against Datang.

Don’t say that these Qin generals didn’t think of them. I’m afraid that other countries didn’t think of it either, right?

“They are all stunned about what to do, and quickly pass orders.” White frowned and frowned. ”


A group of Qin generals hurried to take orders. With a group of Qin generals leaving.

Bai Qi’s gaze was indifferent, looking at the border of Bactria from afar, and a trace of bloody eyes quietly crossed under his eyes.

“What about Bactria?”

“After I destroy Datang, I will naturally destroy Daxia.” White muttered. ”

Pick up the soldier’s book again and flip through it.

It was as if the destruction of the country was nothing more than a small thing in his mouth. In fact.

The order given by the Qin Emperor summoning the killing god Bai Qi was not to attack Bai Qi into Bactria. Instead, it is necessary to start in vain with lightning speed and cover up the ears, and destroy the Tang Dynasty within a month. 0 Ask for flowers.


Because the geographical location of Datang territory is very important.

As long as the territory of the Tang Dynasty can be occupied, and for the future to stand with the Great Xia, the Great Qin will completely have the upper hand. Now.

The border of Daqin Pass is the frontier of Datang and Daxia. When everyone thought that Great Qin was going to open a station with Great Xia. In fact, Great Qin wanted to invade Datang.

This is also something that no one expected.

After all, before Great Qin released all kinds of rumors to attack Xia, it was just to confuse Datang.

The other side. Bactria frontier.

The same two million Bactrian elites gathered here. Bactria and its generals and soldiers were waiting for him. Just wait for Great Qin to move.

A national station is about to open, and it is natural that a fierce fight will be indispensable. However, the morale of the entire Bactrian army was soaring.

They have also been waiting for this battle for a long time. Know that five years have passed.

Bactria was by no means weak as it had been, and its soldiers and horses had already been trained as elite divisions, enough to be compared with the elite of Great Qin.

In the tent.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat in front of the Shuai case.

The magic trick Liu Bowen stood beside him. A map of the frontier was in front of the two men.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, holding a Zhu pen and sketching on the map. Wrong!

Absolutely not!

Bai Qi definitely did not want to attack Xia! Ge Ran!

Zhu Yuanzhang slapped the Zhu Pen in his hand on the table. A pair of iron-blooded and ruthless eyes were flashing cold light.

Have to say.

Zhu Yuanzhang is worthy of the life of an iron-blooded horseman, and once became known as a generation of iron-blooded and ruthless great tomorrow’s sons. Just from this map of the frontier shows a huge problem.

Although Bai Qi waved two million Great Qin elites gathered at the border pass. There were even more rumors spreading in the sky, saying that Great Qin was going to open a station with Daxia.

However, when Zhu Yuanzhang saw this frontier map, he immediately realized that something was wrong. At this moment, the border pass where he was located did indeed border Great Qin.

However, on the other hand, the frontier of Great Qin not only bordered Bactria but also bordered the Tang Dynasty on the other side. Zhu Yuanzhang is thinking in empathy.

If he was the Emperor of Qin to win the government, would he really send Bai Qi to send troops to fight Xia? You must know that Bactria is no longer the Bactria it once was.

In addition to the fact that the territory was not as broad as that of Great Qin, the national strength was by no means under the Great Qin. If the two countries really open their ground, this will certainly be a lose-lose situation. How could Emperor Yingzheng of Qin issue an order to attack Xia?

Wouldn’t this make the Great Tang Dynasty Sui Loulan sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? What would he do if he was the Qin Emperor to win the government?

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes flashed with cold light. The same generation of Heavenly Sons.

Although he is now subordinate to Emperor Yi of Xia.

However, he could best understand the thoughts of the Qin Emperor, who was also the son of heaven, to win the government. Empathy.

If he were the Emperor of Qin, he would definitely destroy the other kingdoms first.

Occupying the most favorable geographical location, forming a circle of encirclement in Bactria, and then raising all the national forces to wipe out Xia in one fell swoop, this is the most correct choice.

Have to say!

Zhu Yuanzhang’s intuition was very accurate.

Once upon a time more worthy of the great tomorrow. His strategic vision was terrifying. Directly speculated on the truth of the facts.

Those rumors of the so-called Great Qin and Xiaxia are only afraid that they were deliberately spread by Bai Qi in order to confuse the Tang Dynasty.

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