Chapter 206 Great Qin Annihilates Tang and Annexes Great Sui’s Chance!

“Berwin, can you detect the problem?”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Shangwei, do you mean that Bai Qi is playing tricks, he seems to be attacking Xia, but he actually wants to destroy Tang?”

Liu Bowen was indeed wise.

Just from Zhu Yuanzhang’s words, he also sensed Great Qin’s trickery.

“Yes, the order issued by Emperor Qin is by no means to cut down Xia, but to destroy Tang in vain!”

Zhu Yuanzhang slapped the table case and cut through the railway.

“Lord, what do you mean?”

Liu Bowen wanted to say it again and again, but there was a glimmer of wisdom in his eyes.

“Great Qin destroyed the Tang Dynasty, wanted to occupy the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and then formed a siege and killing trend against the Great Xia, then we will take advantage of the fire and rob and copy the back road of the white children.”

“However, Bai Qi looked down on Li Er too much, he wanted to destroy the Li Tang Dynasty, and with Li Er’s wisdom, he would definitely perceive that Li Er would definitely fight back desperately.”

“Then we will naturally be able to reap the benefits.” Zhu Yuanzhang smiled coldly and cruelly. ”

Datang, Taiji Hall.

“The Qin and Xia armies have already assembled at the border pass, and the national station will erupt at any time.”

“Holy Lord, when Bactria and Great Qin open their stations, I Datang can sit back and reap the benefits of the fishermen.”

“The two kingdoms of Xia and Qin are like water and fire, and this station is bound to be extremely tragic. His Highness’s courtiers spoke warmly. ”

Everyone had a smile on their face.

However, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s brow on the dragon chair was slightly wrinkled. Because there was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

And it’s a very strong feeling.

“Come, people, take the border pass map and give it a look.” Tang Emperor Li Shimin said in a deep voice. ”


I felt that something was wrong with Emperor Tang’s face. The laughter of the courtiers came to an abrupt end.


A courtier presented the border map to Li Shimin. Emperor Tang solemnly studied the map of the border pass in his hand.

A full amount of incense time passed, only to see that Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s face was getting more and more ugly, and even his face was a little pale.

“Where is Li Jing?”


Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty trembled and drank, and his face became vicious. Especially his eyes were covered with blood.

“The subject is here.”

Li Jing was shocked and hurriedly bowed down.

“Pass on the will, immediately mobilize the military strength of our Great Tang Dynasty, and prepare to fight with Great Qin to the death!”

With the trembling and throbbing voice of Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

Manchu Wenwu was completely frightened and stupid on the spot.

Looking at the eyes of Tang Emperor Li Shimin was even more terrified.

“You idiots, where is the Qin Emperor going to start the summer in vain, and where the Qin Emperor is going to be white and destroy the Tang Dynasty.”

Emperor Li Shimin’s eyes were as red as blood, and he was shouting at the courtiers with all his might. Li Er is worthy of Li Er.

Just from a border pass map, we can see the hint of Great Qin’s annihilation of Tang.

He was also worthy of being called the Holy Emperor of the World, and he already felt the supreme killing opportunity of the Qin Emperor to destroy Tang.

“Your Majesty, Great Qin wants to destroy my Great Tang?”

Some courtiers spoke out in shock, and they couldn’t believe the news.

“Who is Emperor Qin?”

“How could he possibly open a station with Bactria at this time and not destroy the Great Tang Dynasty, how could he be at ease?”

Li Shimin completely lost his usual composure.

His whole being was thunderous.

Because he had already felt the breath of the subjugation of the country.

The Killing God Bai Qi waved an army of two million Great Qin elites, and there were also 300,000 Great Qin Iron Horsemen and 100,000 crossbowmen on the flank. This lineup naturally can’t extinguish Bactria.

But it was able to destroy his Datang.

How could this make Li Er unable to see it?

“Dear Qing family, Great Qin is going to kill me Datang, this station can be called a station for destroying the country, if Er Er and others do not want to become slaves of the fallen country, they will fight to the death.”

“If the Qin Emperor wins the government, and if you want to destroy the Tang Dynasty, then even if you stand on the battlefield of death, you will want Great Qin to lose troops and break the generals.”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin roared in hatred.

He directly ordered someone to take his armor and sword, and even more so to march in person. Because Li Er understood very well.

Since the Qin’s station five years ago, Datang’s national strength has long ceased to be what it used to be. This time the killing god Bai was born, and he was going to do the thing of destroying Tang.

But he would never sit still, even if he died, he would let the Qin Emperor know that if he wanted to destroy his Li Tang Dynasty, he would also want the Qin Emperor to win the government and pay an unimaginable price for a while.

The whole Datang was in complete chaos.

One by one, the holy will spread to all parts of Datang.

The entire Tang Dynasty began to gather troops in one place, and the Tang Emperor Li Shimin was even more personally conscripted. All the people of the Tang Dynasty learned that the killing god Bai Qi was going to destroy the Tang.

For a moment people were panicked.

However, this also just aroused the heart of all the subjects of the Tang Dynasty to resist desperately. Because whether it is Li Er or not.

Or the subjects of the Tang Dynasty.

They all know one thing very well.

Then the killing god will float the sea of blood where he passes.

Even if Datang chooses to surrender, he may not be able to survive. So.

This station of the Great Qin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty is also a death battle to destroy the country.

From the Tang Dynasty to the Son of Heaven and down to the subjects, there is only a battle that breaks the cauldron and sinks the boat, and perhaps there is a glimmer of hope for victory at the same time. Great Qin Border Pass.

The killing god Bai stood up and put on black armor, and as his long sword pointed towards the territory of the Tang Dynasty, his cold killing words also sounded between heaven and earth.

“The generals of the three armies obeyed the order, and Ben will destroy the Tang Dynasty, and build an immortal merit for our Great Qin, kill!”


Bai Qi took the lead and led 300,000 Great Qin Iron to ride towards the Tang Border Pass.

Two million Great Qin elites followed closely behind, and the boundless wilderness earth was rumbling and trembling.

The other side.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

The most political leader stood with his hands in his hands, looking in the direction where Datang was located. An eerie smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Li Er, even though you are brilliant, you have already guessed in advance the mind of Emperor Qin to destroy Tang.”

“Unfortunately, your Li Tang Dynasty will eventually disappear into this nine-week world.” The regent spoke softly. ”

In fact.

From the very beginning, the god of killing was born in white.

The most political government had already guessed that the Qin Emperor was going to destroy Tang Dynasty.

The regent asked Lao Zhutou to lead two million Bactrian elites to the border pass to guard, but it was only for another meaning. Simply put.

The most political knew that the Qin Emperor won the political want to swallow the Tang Dynasty hard. But the regent of the fat meat of Datang did not want to let go.


If you Qin Emperor wins the government and wants to swallow the Tang Dynasty alone, then Emperor Yi of Xia will not agree. Killing the gods is certainly powerful.

However, the most political believes that Zhu Yuanzhang is not a vegetarian.

Zhu Yuanzhang must also be able to see the Qin Emperor’s intention to destroy Tang. Nature knows how to do it.

“Emperor Qin, thank you very much, if you don’t want to destroy Tang, you really don’t have a chance to annex the Great Sui 0.”

The most political dove smiled, and a touch of essence crossed his eyes.

“Wei Zhongxian.”

“The old slave is here.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly bent down to answer.

“Is the news coming from the Sui side accurate?”

The most political deep voice.

“Your Majesty, Emperor Yang Guang of Sui has lost the hearts of the people, and there have been one after another rebellion in the territory of Great Sui, and Yu Wenhua and his father and son are dispatching troops and generals, and they will overthrow Great Sui in the near future.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled at the negative test.


“Pass on the will, let Zhao Kuangyin mobilize a million troops, go to the Great Desolate City, and listen to the will of the Union at any time to attack and occupy the territory of the Great Sui.”

The most political laughed.

And the smile on his face is extremely bright.

Just a strange cold light crossed the regent’s eyes. Now.

In the Nine Weeks, everyone’s attention was focused on the matter of Great Qin’s annihilation of Tang. But no one would want to notice that Bactria was going to annex Great Sui.

However, the most important politician personally went to the Great Sui.

Go and meet Yang Guang, this ridiculous guy.

According to the regency’s plan, it was best to swallow up the Great Sui without bloodshed. Therefore, only if he personally went through it could he achieve his goal.

As for the Tang Dynasty, there is Zhu Yuanzhang, and the most political is enough to rest assured.

Great Sui, Daxing Palace.

Sing every day, get drunk night and night.

Since the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang ascended the throne, all kinds of absurd and cruel things have been done by him. Yang Guang is not the same as the most political government.

The most political and cruel but did not want to destroy the country.

Instead, he took the imperial power in his hands and suppressed the Manchu traitors. But Yang Guang, this guy, is really about to play himself to death.

Just look at it.

The people in the Great Sui Dynasty were not happy.

Every day, the news of the uprising is revealed.

And Yang Guang this guy actually handed over the military power to Yu Wenhua and his father and son.

He indulged in the gentle countryside all day long, and he did all kinds of absurd things that you could think of and could not imagine.


Yang Guang can say that 4.9 has completely lost the hearts of the people in the Great Sui. I don’t know how many people want to overthrow his tyranny.

“Come and come, beauty, and have a drink with you.”

Yang Guanglou drank and enjoyed the concubines of the former emperor. His Highness’s song Ji was even dancing.

Yang Guang was drunk, and from time to time there was a loud laugh in his mouth. But it was also at this moment.

A large number of footsteps came from outside the Daxing Palace.

Only to see that the Manchu Wenwu of the Great Sui Dynasty had directly broken into the Daxing Palace without Yang Guang’s permission. And every minister’s face was filled with indignation.

Looking at Yang Guang’s eyes, he showed an extremely cold color.

“How can such a dimwitted prince be worthy of being the son of my Great Sui Heavenly Son?”

“Yang Guang, your killing of your brother by an ant is intolerable, and you deserve to die.”

“Yang Guang, you, an unkind and filial beast, quickly rolled off the throne.”

In an instant.

Manchu Wenwu angrily scolded Yang Guang.

There was no longer the slightest sense of reverence for the Great Sui Heavenly Son. In the face of Manchu Wenwu’s angry accusations.

Yang Guang’s originally drunken appearance gradually became cold. Ge Ran!


Yang Guang laughed loudly.

It was even more breathless that His Highness the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu smiled.

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