Chapter 207 When the Summer Emperor arrives, Sui Chen is terrified!

“Dusk, what are you laughing at?”

A minister angrily rebuked.

“Laughing at what?”

Yang Guang muttered to himself.


Yang Guang sat on the throne and laughed again with his stomach covered.

“Laugh at the fact that you people are just a bunch of wall grass, and have given you glory, wealth, and fine clothing, but now look at your dirty and shameless faces, but you want to please your new master?”


Yang Guang laughed unusually loudly.

But no one noticed that the light in Yang Guang’s eyes had long since turned into a dead gray color. Is Yang Guang stupid?

A: He’s not stupid, and he’s very smart. In fact.

From the day he ascended the throne.

Yang Guang has already seen his miserable end in the future.

It’s just that Yang Guang didn’t expect that this day would come so early. And Yang Guang did not expect it.

Great Sui was not destroyed by Great Qin, not by Great Xia. But the first to oppose him was his Manchu courtier. This is simply a big joke in Yang Guang’s view. How does this keep him from laughing wildly?

“Emperor Xiajun, you are arrogant and extravagant, causing the people of the Great Sui Dynasty to be unhappy, what qualifications do you have to sit on this dragon chair?”

Another courtier let out a loud rebuke to Yang Guang.


Hearing this, Yang Guang laughed loudly.

He looked around at the group of ministers with a contemptuous expression and said, “Is Qing Qing really against me for the sake of the people?” ”

In the face of the Sui Emperor Yang Guang’s questioning, Manchu Wenwu’s face changed slightly, and he did not answer.

“Well, there are indeed the people of the Great Sui Dynasty!”

“However, the 20 secretaries of state are all courtiers of the Yuan, and they have been waiting for the high hall all year round, but have they ever owed anything to Er and so on?”

Yang Guang’s eyes looked sharply at Manchu Wenwu.

Manchu Wenwu blushed and chose silence again.

“For the people?”

“Are you willing to do this inverse thing?”

“Jokes, it’s a big joke.”

Yang Guang sneered and looked into the eyes of Manchu Wenwu, all of which were contemptuous and sarcastic. Boom!

Only to see a civilian minister pull out his sword and angrily point at Yang Guang.

“Emperor Xia, if I don’t kill you today, how can I be right to the people of Sui?”

This Wen Chen raised his sword and was going to kill Yang Guang.


He didn’t wait for him to take three steps.

Yang Guang’s face was gloomy, and he shouted in a cold voice, “The Wufu tent is just that, you poor and rotten Confucian also pairs the sword and the staff?” ”

“Roll on!”


Although Yang Guang was extremely faint, the Heavenly Son’s majesty was fully displayed, and he immediately shocked this Wenchen on the spot.

“A bold rebellious thief, who dares to be unreasonable to His Majesty and does not back down!”


A ‘click-click-click’ sound of horses’ hooves came from outside the Daxing Palace.

Only to see Yu Wenhua and the horse enter the temple, followed by thousands of soldiers.

“How is the emperor doing lately?”

“Now that there is great chaos in the Nine Weeks, Great Qin Xingxing is fighting against Tang, and I have no people in Great Sui who have no people to oppose, and Your Majesty has long lost the will of the people and is difficult to control the overall situation.”

“In the opinion of the courtiers, wouldn’t it be better for Your Majesty to hand over the jade seal and hand over the throne in the future, so that he could still be a prince of the Runaways?”

Yu Wenhua rode on top of the warhorse, and looked at Yang Guang’s eyes with cold indifference to the extreme.


Seeing the arrival of Yu Culture and the horses, Yang Guang laughed loudly.

“Shuo had already guessed that among the great Sui Wen Wu of the Manchu Dynasty, it must be you Yu Wenhua and the courage to dare to seek the restoration of the dynasty.”

“Otherwise, how dare these poor and corrupt Confucians turn against the sword today?”

Yang Guang laughed loudly.

Seeing Yang Guang smile so happy.

Yu Wenhua frowned and said, “It seems that Your Majesty does not want to abdicate and give way to Xian, so it is unreasonable to blame the old minister.” ”

After Yu Wenhua said this, he made a look at the people around him. Only to see four or five generals with fierce faces, they strode towards Yang Guang. The next moment.

Yang Guang was directly dragged down to the throne. The imperial robes on his body had been torn up.

He was punched and kicked by five generals. But although Yang Guang was beaten and curled up on the ground.

But the laughter in his mouth was still endless.


Yu Wenhua and a big hand waved, and the five generals hurried to the hand. At the same time.

Yu Wenhua jumped off his war horse and went straight to Yang Guang.

Looking at the once towering Sui Tianzi crouching at his feet, Yu Wenhua and his eyes flashed a touch of pride.


Yu Wenhua casually drew his sword, and the sword blade of the Sen Han was directly mounted on Yang Guang’s neck.

“Your Majesty, let the old minister personally send you on your way!”

Yu culture and cold voice out loud.

“Slow down!”


Not waiting for Yu culture and hands-on. Yang Guang drank loudly.

This also made Yu Wenhua and his brow frown, but he did not kill Yang Guang at the first time. Yang Guang slowly rose from the ground with his arms supporting the ground.

He smiled and straightened out his dragon robe, and even more pointed at the bronze mirror in the temple, tying his loose hair

“The Son of Heaven has the method of death of the Son of Heaven, how can he add to the sword?”

Yang Guang looked at Yu Wenhua coldly.


Even if Yang Guang has come to a dead end in life, his own heavenly temperament is still undiminished. This also made Yu Wenhua and his heart tremble and put down the sword in his hand.

“Take a piece of white aya and join the road from the association.”

Yang Guangdao. Soon.

Under the gesture of Yu Wenhua and his eyes.

Someone took a piece of white aya and tied it to the beam of the Daxing Palace. Yang Guang smiled.

He stepped on the dragon case and looked at it in a trance, as if he was recalling his life, but he still put his head into the white aya.

“This is really the sun that wants to fall, and the soul is pinned down!”

Yang Guang muttered to himself.


The next moment.

Only to see Yang Guang violently kick over the Halong case, and the whole thing was suspended in mid-air. Seeing Yang Guang hanging himself dead, Yu Wenhua and his face finally showed a smile. But it was also at this moment that a shock happened!


A cold light burst out. Tear it up.

Only to see that the white performance that hung Yang Guang was directly cut into two sections.

Yang Guang also fell to the ground, and then a violent coughing sound came from his mouth.


Such a scene.

Suddenly shocked Yu Wenhua roared out. But before he could react.

Something terrible has happened! Boom!

The knife light is cold. Blood spilled.

Only to see Yu Wenhua and the thousands of soldiers led all fall into a pool of blood.

Their throats were spewing blood and even their eyes were wide open as they were dying, wondering why they had died here at the same time.

Three thousand green clothes appeared strangely in the Daxing Palace. They have grimace masks on their faces.

The eyes under the grimace mask are cold and merciless.

The machete in his hand was flashing a bloodthirsty cold light, and a drop of blood dripped from the knife to the ground. Hiss!

Such a scene.

Suddenly, the Great Sui Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was scared silly on the spot.

In particular, Yu Wenhua and his face were white and bloodless, and the look in his eyes when he looked at the three thousand grimaces and green clothes showed a look of horror

“Emperor Xia?”

“Is it Emperor Yi of Xia?”

Yu Wenhua and screamed in horror.

Only because the three thousand grimaces are too famous. Its prestige had already spread throughout the countries of the Nine Weeks.

At this moment, three thousand grimaces and green clothes appeared in the Great Sui Palace, what does this mean? It shows that Emperor B of Xia is coming!

How does this not make Yu culture and fear extreme? Step by step!

Ge Ran!

A slight sound of footsteps came from outside the temple.

The footsteps outside the temple were not loud, but they were filled with a silent terror.

Just these 770 terrible forces overwhelmed the Great Sui Qunchen, and they looked out of the hall in horror.

But what did the Great Sui Qunchen see? A figure.

A figure like heaven! They were strolling towards them.

As this figure got closer and closer, the Great Sui courtiers all seemed to hear their own violent heartbeat. Even the eyes of the people who looked at them raised a great color of fear.

Emperor Xia B! Now.

Without Yu Wenhua and the frightened reminder, the Great Sui Qunchen also knew who the comer was. This also made some mentally weak people have weak knees and directly frightened the ground. Emperor Xia B!

Its prestige spanned the world for nine weeks.

“He is also known as a person who is enough to compete with the Qin Emperor.” But Emperor Yi of the Xia Dynasty actually appeared in the Great Sui Palace. How could this not make the Great Sui Qunchen feel shocked and confused? ”

“Get out of the way for the miscellaneous families!”

Before waiting for the Great Sui Qunchen to react.

Several unlucky eggs who stood in the way were directly thrown out by Wei Zhongxian with his neck broken. It was also at this moment.

The most political strolls into the Daxing Palace and walks straight towards the Sui Emperor Yang Guang. But when the regent walks by Yu culture and his side.

The old guy actually fell to his knees in fright, and his whole body was screaming violently. Pity.

The most political did not even look at Yu Wenhua and a glance.

Instead, he came to Yang Guang’s body and lifted him up from the ground.

“I haven’t seen it for many years, how did the Yang Guang brothers create such a mess?”

The most political smile slightly.

He personally swept the dust on Yang Guang’s body.

And Yang Guang looked sheepishly at Emperor Yi of Xia who was standing in front of him. It felt like I was in a dream.

I couldn’t believe that Emperor Xia would appear in front of him.

“Your Majesty the Xiaxia Emperor?”

Yang Guang muttered.

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