Chapter 208 The Great Sui Collapses, Yang Guang hangs himself!.


“Brother Yang Guang doesn’t know Lian?”

The most political light laughs.


Yang Guang suddenly woke up.

His thoughts were finally pulled back to reality. His Majesty the Summer Emperor looked at him and smiled at him.

Yang Guang hurriedly bowed down to Hongzheng and said, “Yang Guang has seen His Majesty the Emperor Xia. ”

“Brother Yang Guang doesn’t need much courtesy, fortunately he came in time, otherwise wouldn’t he have not been able to see Brother Yang Guang?”

“However, these chaotic courtiers and thieves are indeed very hateful, as long as Brother Yang Guang says a word, Lian will help you slaughter them all here.”

The most political smiled and patted Yang Guang’s shoulder. But it was also at this moment.

Three thousand grimaces and green coats looked at each other with a sinister gaze. The blood-dripping machete in his hand slowly lifted.

Looking at the eyes of the Great Sui Qunchen, he crossed the bloodthirsty killing machine.

“Your Majesty, spare your life.”

“Your Majesty is gracious, Your Majesty is gracious and gracious, all of them are Yu Wenhua and this old man who forced me to wait for the tent to rebel.”

“Your Majesty, the courtiers are mistaken.”

Listening to Emperor Xia’s words, he saw the blood-dripping machete in the hands of the three thousand grimaces in Qingyi’s hand. The Great Sui courtiers were frightened and knelt on the ground, constantly prostrating their heads to Yang Guang and praying for their lives.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the old minister is blinded by lard, and please spare Your Majesty’s life.” Yu culture and face is miserable. ”

He knelt down and climbed to Yang Guang’s feet and prayed.

Even more dead, he was crying and complaining about Yang Guang’s pants.

Where is the previous vicious and triumphant appearance? Watching the Great Sui Qunchen wag his tail like a dog and beg for mercy. Yang Guang smiled.

It’s just that his smile is somewhat bleak. Because he knows.

The Great Sui Qunchen was not afraid of himself. Instead, it was Emperor Yi of Xia standing next to him. I thought that although Yang Guang was sorry for the people of Dasui.

It can give the courtiers Takakan Houlu glory and wealth all year round. But these dog-like things turned against him.


They are not even as good as dogs.

Dogs also know how to be faithful to the Lord! Boom.

Only to see the most political hand pull out the Heavenly Sword from his waist and hand it directly to Yang Guang’s hand.

“Brother Yang Guang, if these traitors don’t kill, what’s the use of keeping them?”

The regent said lightly.

“Your Majesty the Summer Emperor is right, what is the use of these chaotic courtiers and thieves?”


The next moment.

Seeing Yang Guang’s sword, he wiped Yu Wenhua and his neck. A streak of blood was spraying out.

Yu Wenhua and directly fell into a pool of blood.

“Your Majesty spares your life!”

Such a scene.

The Great Sui Qunchen was horrified.

They cried and prayed for Yang Guang, and their foreheads were all broken and bleeding from the prostration.

They are afraid to die!

They are really afraid of death.

If they were not afraid of death, they would not have turned to Yu Wenhua and plotted to restore the throne. A bell rang.

The Heavenly Son’s Sword fell from Yang Guang’s hand to the ground.

Yang Guang looked at His Highness’s Sui courtiers sheepishly, but in the end he did not slaughter them one by one.

“Soft-hearted”]? ”

“However, according to Yixiao, the Yang Guang brothers are not soft-hearted people!”

The most political smiled and looked at Yang Guang.

“I know what the intention of His Majesty the Emperor Xia is to come down to my Great Sui.”

“It’s just that these people are the mainstay of the Great Sui, and if they die, how will His Majesty the Emperor Xia receive my Great Sui territory?”

Yang Guang smiled bitterly.

He silently took out the Great Sui Yuxi from his sleeve robe, and then presented it to the government with both hands held aloft. The most political is not polite.

Directly take the Great Sui Jade Seal in your hand.

This scene also made His Highness’s Great Sui Qunchen secretly breathe a sigh of relief. They all felt that their little lives had been saved. ”

But the next moment.

Something came to everyone’s horror. Broken!

A muffled sound came.

Only to see that the Great Sui Yuxi was directly pinched and exploded in his hands by Emperor Yi of Xia.

As Emperor Yi of Xia raised his hand, the jade seal turned into fly ash and fell down.

“Brother Yang Guang, since you don’t kill these chaotic courtiers and thieves, then Shuo will kill them for you, after all, these wastes really have no value in Yuan’s eyes.”

“Kill them!”

The most political indifference speaks. Boom!

The next moment.

Before waiting for the Great Sui Qunchen to react.

A terrible bloodthirsty cold light passed before their eyes.

Countless human heads tumbled to the ground, and all the Great Sui courtiers fell to a pool of blood in a different place. Three thousand grimaces were cold and speechless, only the machete in his hand was dripping blood.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia?”

Watching the Great Sui group of ministers all die tragically on the spot. Yang Guang was speechless.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t bear it.

Instead, he couldn’t understand why His Majesty the Summer Emperor had killed these people.

After all, if there were no such courtiers to take care of the government, the Great Sui would definitely be in chaos.

“Brother Yang Guang, the so-called indestructibility is not broken, although the Yuanhui will annex your dynasty, but these people are just a pile of garbage, and it is useless to keep nature.”

“And the useless person, of course, there is no need to live.” The most political smiled and patted Yang Guang’s shoulder. ”

Yang Guang smiled bitterly and nodded.

Maybe this is where he is inferior to Emperor Yi of Xia.

Although people all over the world praised Emperor Xia as a mediocre and cruel killer. But now it seems.

Everyone in the world has mistaken this Summer Emperor. As Emperor Xia himself said.

For useless people, living is just a waste of air and food.

These rebellious courtiers and thieves of the Great Sui Dynasty were the mainstay of the Sui Dynasty for themselves. But in the eyes of Emperor Xia, it was indeed a pile of garbage.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, in fact, as early as the moment Yang Guang killed his brother, Yang Guang knew that there would be a day when the country would be destroyed.”

“However, Yang Guang’s worst regret is the people of the Great Sui, and Yang Guang pleads with His Majesty the Emperor Xia to treat these people well after annexing our Great Sui.”

Yang Guang bowed down to the most political authorities.

And this also makes the most political person look slightly sideways at Yang Guang.

Looking at Yang Guang’s eyes, there was also a touch of complexity. What did Yang Guang say about this person?

It is a person with an extremely complex personality.

You say that he killed his brother with ants and had no way out, but this is indeed a fact.

However, he opened the canal and raised the imperial examination, so that everyone in the Great Sui Han Men had the opportunity to obtain a meritorious name, and did the things of the Ming Dynasty.

Perhaps he felt the complicated gaze of Emperor Yi of Xia. Yang Guang smiled bitterly, “In fact, from the day I ascended the throne, I already saw the fate of the future of the Great Sui. ”

“The future of the Great Sui was either annexed by Qin or annexed by Xia, so this is a doomed fate.”

“In the next nine weeks, the Emperor of the Ages will only appear among you two Emperors of Xia and Emperor Qin.”

“However, it seems to me that the Great Sui was able to be annexed by the Great Xia.”

When Yang Guang said this, he bowed down to the most political leader and said, “Your Majesty Emperor Xia, the Great Sui will be handed over to you, and even if Yang Guang is dead, he will die without regrets.” ”

“Brother Yang Guang, if you are willing, you will be a Happy Prince in the future.” The most political calm road. ”

“No way! No! ”

Yang Guang slowly shook his head.

He slowly untied the jade belt around his waist, and then climbed on the table again and tied the jade belt to the beam. Such a scene.

Jean frowned slightly, “Brother Yang Guang, although you want to annex your dynasty, you don’t want to kill you.” It is not the most political hypocrisy. ”

But he really didn’t want to kill Yang Guang.

In the view of the most political government, although Yang Guang’s deeds deserved to die for his sins, they were even denounced by the people of the Great Sui, but what did this have to do with his most political affairs?

For his most political affairs.

Yang Guang is still a friend.

Although just friends who have some use value.

But his friend had great respect for him, and never failed him, but was constantly used by him.


The most political government never wanted Yang Guang’s life.

“His Majesty Emperor Xia’s heart Yang Guangxin has received, but as the son of heaven who perished, my final destination should also be to die with the Great Sui.”

“This is also my last dignity as the Great Sui Heavenly Son, and I hope His Majesty the Summer Emperor can understand it.” Yang Guang muttered a word, and then smiled and put his head into the jade belt. ”

Yang Guang’s eyes were a little confused, and he chuckled and muttered, “Your Majesty Emperor Xia, I seem to have seen my father and my brother, and they are waving at me.” ”

“It’s really the sun that wants to fall, and the soul is pinned down!”


The next moment.

Yang Guang kicked down the table under his feet, and the whole person was suspended in mid-air.

He did not struggle fiercely until the time of a stove of incense passed, and Yang Guang finally turned into a cold ass and disappeared into this world forever.

Looking at the relieved smile on Yang Guang’s face. The government is silent.


As Yang Guang himself said. This is his best ending.

“Wei Zhongxian.”

The most political whisper.

“The old slave is here.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly bent down to answer.

“Bury Yang Guanghou.”

“The old slave obeyed the order.”

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly ordered someone to bury Yang Guanghou.

“Pass on the will, and order Zhao Kuangyin to invade the Great Sui, but whoever resists will be killed without mercy.” The most political whispered words and strode out of the Daxing Palace. ”

Although lamenting Yang Guang’s death.

But the government knows that there is still something serious that has not been done.

At this moment, all parts of the Great Sui Dynasty had risen up, and they had already become a chaotic mess.

Only by attacking the territory of the Great Sui as soon as possible and suppressing all these rebels can the Great Sui be truly annexed.

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