Chapter 209 The Revenant Howls, the Wraith Howl!.

The Sui Emperor died violently.

The Manchu Dynasty was all dead.

When the news spread throughout the Great Sui territory. The insurgents everywhere were all excited by the excitement. Pity.

These rebels were too happy too soon. They were not waiting for them to attack the Great Sui Imperial City.

Zhao Kuangyin had already led a million troops straight into the territory of the Great Sui. Kill!

There is no mercy.

The battle itself is cruel.

Millions of Great Summer elites are like tigers into the flock, and the place they have passed is really a sea of blood. The Sui soldiers and horses continued to rout.

Everywhere the rebels were blamed.

Bactria millions of elites attacked the city and plundered the land with lightning speed. Those who surrender do not kill.

Those who are stubborn and stubborn will be killed without mercy. Ten days!

It only took Zhao Kuangyin ten days to capture Dasui. The Sui soldiers and horses chose to surrender.

Rebels everywhere were also exterminated.

The entire Sui Dynasty also collapsed, and all its territory was occupied by Bactria. Have to say.

The Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang had indeed lost the hearts and minds of the people.

The fall of the Great Sui did not cause panic among the people. In the face of the annexation of the Sui Dynasty by Bactria, the people also gladly accepted it. After all, the rise of Bactria was already unstoppable.

Moreover, Zhao Kuangyin ordered the prohibition and did not burn and loot the Sui people, but appeased the Sui people.


The territory of the Great Sui became calm again.

However, with the fall of the Sui Dynasty, the Great Sui no longer existed.

At the behest of Emperor Yi of Xia, Great Sui was also renamed Sui Prefecture and became a state of Great Xia. All the Sui people also called themselves Xia Min, and all accepted this fact.

In fact.

Zhao Kuangyin was able to capture the Sui territory in ten days, and there was a large reason why Yang Guang had lost the hearts of the people. Therefore, neither the Sui soldiers nor the people did not make any resistance to the capture of the Sui Dynasty by Bactria.

757 Otherwise, if the people were bent on resisting the Bactrian invasion.

Even if Zhao Kuangyin led a million Great Xia elites, it would never be possible to swallow up Great Sui so easily. However, on the other side, the Great Qin Annihilation of Tang Zhi Station was not as easy as Zhao Kuangyin!

In the territory of Datang, everyone is a soldier!


The Tang general was covered in blood, and he held his sword and roared angrily.

The Datang elite shouted to kill the heavens, and was frantically killing the Great Qin elite.

The eyes of the Tang soldiers were all red, and they were completely caught in a state of seeing death as if they were homecoming. Faced with the killing of Great Qin’s million elites.

There are also 300,000 trampling of the Great Qin Iron Horse.

The Tang Dynasty soldiers and horses can be described as suffering heavy casualties, and they are completely unable to compete with the Great Qin Bingfeng. But there is a good saying.

Rabbits are forced to bite people, let alone people? Killing the gods in vain will do the things of destroying the country and destroying the species.

From the Tang Dynasty to the Son of Heaven and down to the subjects, there is no way to retreat.

If you take a step back, you will be in the abyss. Behind them is their homeland.

Behind them are their wives, children, and parents.

Even if they stood dead to the end, they absolutely could not let the Qin Army hurt their relatives. Just look at it.

The Tang Dynasty soldiers were indeed inferior to the elite of Great Qin.

But the eyes of each of them were already covered with blood, completely plunged into a state of madness and fearlessness.

This jade-burning look was too frightening. Even though the Great Qin Elite claimed to be an invincible master in a hundred stations.

However, in the face of the Tang Dynasty’s soldiers and soldiers who were not afraid of life and death, the elite of Great Qin was also killed and injured. Desperate people are the most terrible.

What is more, in the face of the enemy, it is necessary to destroy the country and exterminate the species?

Whether it’s for yourself, or for your wife, children, and parents.

Datang soldiers and horses will never take half a step back, and even if they want to hurt their relatives, they must also step over their ass.

You must know that the Tang Emperor Li Shimin is definitely not the Sui Emperor Yang Guang. Tang Emperor Li Shimin won the hearts of the people.

In this battle between Great Qin and Tang Dynasty, the subjects were united in one heart and vowed to fight off the elite of Great Qin to the death, so as to protect their relatives from being harmed.


“Brothers, for the sake of the family behind us, kill all these Qin dogs.”

“Brother, I will take the first step and bring a word to my old wife, if there is an afterlife, I will still be her son.”

The Tang soldiers were completely insane. Just look at it.

Many Tang soldiers wore rattan armor, and the rattan armor was smeared with fire oil.

They rushed towards the Great Qin Elite like crazy, and the raging flames burned on them. That flame not only swallowed them up, but also took away countless Great Qin elites. And this is just a scene in the field.

The Tang soldiers were armed with shields and killed by the Qin army.

Even if the Qin army had a hole in his body, he still killed the enemy with a knife before he died. Blood!


Poignant and magnificent blood. Tragic!

The horrors were terrible.

In the middle of the boundless wilderness, the two armies were fighting fiercely.

I don’t know how many Tang soldiers were on the spot, but they also took away the lives of the Great Qin soldiers. Blood was flowing slowly down the grass.

It gradually converges into a bright river.

The smell of blood was rising from the sky.

You can see countless floating farts floating in the river of blood.

But it is also because of the determination and belief of the Tang soldiers.

The Great Qin Elite, who claimed to be invincible in the world, actually began to collapse faintly. Apparently.

The soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty were determined to die, and even before they died, they had to put a piece of meat under the mouth of the Great Qin Elite, and such a fierce attack that was not afraid of death really caused the Great Qin Elite to suffer heavy losses.

The other side.

The killing god has a cold face.

Watching the Great Qin elite actually retreat one by one.

A fierce and bloody color swept through his eyes.

“Where are the Great Qin crossbowmen?”

The killing god roared loudly.

Only to see the sound of footsteps shaking the earth coming from behind him. Only to see 100,000 Great Qin crossbowmen coming out in formation.

They all held the Great Qin crossbow in their hands, and the sharp arrows were the Tang soldiers who were not afraid of death.

“Shoot the arrows!”

The god of killing was ruthless and drunk. Whoops!

The next moment.

Something terrible happened.

A total of 100,000 arrows cut through the long sky of heaven and earth, and shot at the Tang soldiers with a whistling sound. Cover the sky, the sky is full of arrows!

100,000 arrows!

Enough to completely obscure this side of the sky. Boom!

The Tang soldiers were penetrated by arrows one after another, and all of them fell into a pool of blood. Although they are not afraid of death.

They want to protect their families behind them.

The faceless Great Qin crossbowmen shot the arrows of the continent, and they could only die tragically in the battlefield. Their eyes revealed reluctance before they died.

There were even more Tang soldiers creeping in pools of blood crawling towards the Qin army.

But in the end, he could only helplessly close his eyes and fall in this tragic station forever. Standing up is cruel.

There is simply no mercy to speak of.

Especially in this Great Qin’s campaign to destroy the Tang Dynasty, either you die or I die, and neither side can take a step back.


The killing god raised his sword across the sky.

Three hundred thousand iron horses of Great Qin took the lead and once again charged at the remaining Tang soldiers. One hundred thousand Great Qin crossbowmen responded on the rear side.

Great Qin’s elite soldiers and horses divided into four roads to directly take the city in front. Boom boom boom boom!

Victory was completely tilted on the side of the Qin army.

Great Qin’s siege vehicle was frantically ramming against the city gate, and deafening sounds were constantly heard. More Great Qin soldiers climbed the cloud ladder and killed them at the head of the city.

The Tang soldiers continued to throw fire oil boulders under the city wall, still desperately resisting the attack of Great Qin. Pity!

The Great Qin Elite was too strong.

And the equipment on their bodies is by no means comparable to that of the Tang Dynasty soldiers.

Even if the Tang soldiers were fighting in blood, the city gate was still breached. Nag!

The killing god Bai took the lead on the horse, and with one sword, he beheaded the Tang generals under the horse.

“Slaughter the city and destroy the households, and leave no one behind.”

The god of killing was ruthless and drunk.

Blood rose all over his body, especially a pair of eyes that were cruel and cold.

“Fight with Qin Dog!”

At the same time.

The people in the city, men, women and children, one after another held broom hoes and killed the Qin army. Their eyes were red, and the look in Qin Jun’s eyes showed the color of extreme hatred. Even more disregarding his own life, he rushed towards the Qin army.


Faced with the trampling of the Great Qin Iron Horse. Face the Great Qin Elite’s charge.

These Tang Dynasty people are constantly falling in a pool of blood.

A full day passed.

This frontier city of Datang directly turned into a dead city. Cruel!



This slaughter of the city and the destruction of the family, although over.

But the dead soul in the underworld did not seem to have dispersed.

Even the originally blue sky was covered by a thick dark cloud. Singing–!

The wind was howling.

Blowing the Great Qin flag with a grin.

The sound of the wind was so sad and thick that it was as if the undead were crying between heaven and earth, and the spirits of the wraith were roaring in hell. This lament of the undead was played in the fierce wind of heaven and earth.

The flesh and blood of the earth danced endlessly in the fierce wind.

Even the Great Qin soldiers and horses that occupied this city were silent at this moment. They looked at the floating farts all over the city, and their eyes showed an unbearable shiver.

But they knew there was nothing they could do. Because the battle itself is cruel.

In their hearts, they can only mourn for these dead people, hoping to forgive their own bloody crimes! Kill the god in vain.

He stood expressionless above the head of the city.

Let the fierce wind of heaven and earth blow his robe, but it also makes him stand still.

Even if there were countless blood sea floating farts under his feet, the killing god’s white eyes were extremely calm. Heartless indifference.

The heart is like ice.

Because he is the god of killing.

Even if the sea of blood is monstrous and he commits heinous murders, he is still calm and unwavering.

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