Chapter 211: The Lotus Flower of the Tongue Seduces the Tang Emperor.

Who did Emperor Li Shimin see?

Emperor B!

Emperor Xia B! Right.

Emperor Tang knew that he had not read it wrong.

Standing in front of him at this moment was Emperor Yi of Xia, whom he hated to the bone. But Li Shimin couldn’t understand it at all.

Why did Emperor Yi of Xia appear in front of him. Shouldn’t the Emperor Xia be in the Imperial Palace at this moment?

How could he suddenly come to Datang and appear in the Taiji Hall?

“If you have friends from afar, Emperor Tang won’t really want to draw his sword at you, right?”

Seeing the sluggish expression of Emperor Li Er of the Tang Dynasty, the most political person smiled lightly.

“Emperor Yi, why are you here?”

Li Shimin quickly woke up, but he did not call for guards.

Because he found that Emperor Xia’s cultivation was extremely high, he was afraid that the worst was also the Terrestrial Immortal Realm. Even if he called the guards, he would not be able to capture him.


The most political laughed.

And the smile on his face is extremely bright.

However, his smile fell into the eyes of Tang Emperor Li Shimin, but it made Tang Emperor’s face gradually become cold. As everyone knows.

Emperor Yi of Xia smiled brightly.

This also represents the danger of the Xia Emperor Yiyue.

At this moment, Emperor Yi of Xia was smiling at himself, and Li Shimin was vaguely uneasy in his heart. But that uneasiness was fleeting.

He had already reached a dead end, and even if Emperor Xia wanted to engage in any ghosts, he might not be afraid. Plainly.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had broken the jar and broken it.

Anyway, sooner or later the Li Tang Dynasty will perish, will he still be afraid of Emperor Yi of Xia?

“It doesn’t matter why Shuo is here, the important thing is that Shuo wants to send Emperor Tang on his last journey.” The most political chuckle. ”

Hear the words of Emperor Xia.

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang sneered and said, “Emperor Yi, it seems that you are determined to die in the fall of the country?” ”

“Of course.”

The most political smile nodded, no comment. Li Shimin’s face became more and more gloomy.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes contained infinite killing chances.

“Emperor Yi, are you mocking Yuan?”

“Aren’t you afraid that you will be trapped and killed here by a single order?”

Li Shimin’s face was cold and terrible, and his voice was extremely cold.

“It’s too much ridicule to talk about, but Emperor Tang, do you think that if you dare to appear in front of you, will you be afraid of your threat?”

The most political casually found a chair to sit down, still smiling at the Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

“Emperor Yi, the Ming people don’t say secret words, what do you really want?”

Li Shimin gradually calmed down.

He believed that Emperor Yi of Xia would not come to see him for no reason.

Apparently appeared in front of him and did not know what trap was waiting for him.

“How’s it going?”

The most political carefully savor this sentence.

Then he smiled and looked up at Tang Huang: “Don’t say it before, as a friend, Lian came to send you the last journey.”

“Emperor Yi, you sinister and cunning person, even if you die in the fall of the country, you will not bow down to you.”

Li Shimin could no longer control the anger in his heart. Emperor Yi, whom he had already hated, was going to die.

At this moment, Emperor Yiyue of Xia showed this smiling look. The anger in his heart was overflowing more and more.

“Emperor Tang misunderstood, but he didn’t mean to ask you to bow your head, and do you think Lianhe would really be so boring?”

The most political and indifferent way.

“Emperor Yi, you admit that you can’t fight you, let alone the Qin Emperor, but don’t deceive people too much.” Li Shimin spoke out in a cold voice, and the Heavenly Sword in his hand could not stop trembling. ”

The trembling was not because the Tang Emperor was afraid.

Instead, his hatred for Emperor Yi of Xia made his inner anger unable to control his body, and he was deeply afraid that he would impulsively slash at Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Second Brother Li, what are you talking about?”

“After all, you and I once met as brothers in the alliance of enemies and blood, and although what Lian Lian did was a little unauthentic, you should not forget that the so-called soldiers are not tired of deception, because you were greedy and wanted to cut down Qin, and you did not take a knife to coerce you with a knife around your neck.”

The most political discontent.

“Good, good, good!”

Li Shimin’s teeth itched with hatred and he said three good words in a row.

He wanted to angrily rebuke Emperor Yi of Xia, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know what to say. Truly.

It was he who couldn’t fight others and won the plan of others.

Just as the so-called soldiers are not tired of deception, if he is replaced by the Summer Emperor, he will do the same. Seeing Li Erqi’s face was already flushed.

The government knows that the time is almost up.

“Second Brother Li, in fact, Lianhe came to send you the last journey, hoping that you can make Datang return to Xia.”


“The most political smile narrowed, and he looked solemnly at Li Shimin.”


“Emperor Yi, you are daydreaming.”

Not waiting for the regent to continue. Tang Emperor Li Shimin spit out loudly.

The look in Emperor Xia’s eyes was filled with burning anger. Really!

Di Yi this guy is not at ease.

He was so delusional that he wanted the Tang Dynasty to return to Xia, which was simply a fantasy in Li Shimin’s view. Add insult to injury.

Add fuel to the fire.

Li Shimin found that he had indeed not misread Emperor Xia. This guy is here to take advantage of the fire.


He Xia Emperor Yi was too underestimated by Li Shimin.

Even if the country was destroyed and the species was destroyed, he would definitely not bow to Emperor Xia.

“It seems that Second Brother Li is not going to agree to it?”

The most political and indifferent way.

“Emperor Yi, do you think Shuo may agree?”

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang sneered and looked at Emperor Xia’s eyes like an idiot.


The most political person sighed: “Naturally I know that the second brother is not afraid of death, even if he ends up with the end of a subjugated country.” ”

“However, I want to tell my brother one thing, no matter who wins or loses in this Great Qin Dynasty to destroy Tang, the final winner is only my Great Xia.”

The most political said here for a slight pause, and continued: “I am not afraid to tell my brother that my two million elites in Bactria will be in vain, and once you fight and lose both, my Bactria elite will round you up.” ”

Hear the words of Emperor Xia.

Li Shimin looked stunned, the anger in his eyes disappeared, and gradually showed a touch of despair. Just as he thought.

Emperor Yi of Xia really took advantage of the fire to rob him…

It was just that Li Shimin wondered why Emperor Yi of Xia would be frank and blunt with him.

Wasn’t he afraid that he would inform Bai Qi of this matter and that the two armies would deal with the soldiers and horses of Bactria together? Perhaps I felt the doubts of the Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

The most political lightly smiled: “It is not Lian conceited, even if Bai Qi knows about this matter, it is already too late, and he believes that his brother will definitely let the Tang Dynasty return to Xia.” ”

“Emperor Yi, you are really confident that you can, but do you think the union will agree?”

Li Shimin said coldly.

“Brother, you will say yes, because you are a saint of the first generation.” The regent laughed softly. ”

“Emperor Yi, what exactly are you trying to say?”

Li Shimin’s face changed slightly, and he was vaguely aware of Emperor Xia’s thoughts.

“In fact, it goes without saying that the elder brother should also know that the fall of the Tang Dynasty is already a doomed fate.”

“But did the elder brother think about it, if you lose this station, then the white killing nature, will he let the people of Datang go?”

“Brother, don’t forget that Bai Qi has already slaughtered a city, and with this god-killing heart, he will certainly continue to slaughter the people of Datang.”

“Since the elder brother is a saint of the first generation, and he is even more loved by the people of the Tang Dynasty, can’t the elder brother bear to watch the people of the Tang Dynasty being slaughtered?”

“Brother, think about it carefully, if after a thousand years, when people in later generations mention this station of Great Qin destroying Tang, they will certainly say that Bai Qi is ruthless and cruel, but the name of Brother I Saint King is only afraid that it will be destroyed.”

The most political talked.

“Emperor Yi, Ming said it, what do you mean?”

Li Shimin looked solemn, and although he had already guessed Juzheng’s thoughts, he still asked out.

“Brother Mingjian, now there is an opportunity in front of my brother, I Daxia can completely help my brother through this disaster, and I can also promise to let the people of Datang not suffer from the destruction of soldiers and families.”

“It only takes the brother to let the Tang Dynasty return to Xia after this station, which not only allows future generations to praise the brother as a generation of saints, but even the people of the Tang Dynasty in the world must be grateful to the brother.”

5.6 The most political laughs.

“Are you threatening me?”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin frowned.


“Not a threat, but a deal.”

“This transaction can be exchanged for your Tang people’s suffering from military disasters, and even more so for your Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s name as a saint of the ages.”

“Brother, since Datang is doomed to die, why are you so paranoid as to let the people of Datang bury them with you?”

“Did the elder brother really bear to watch the people of the Tang Dynasty die in this station of annihilation?”

The most political tongue blooms like a devil deceiving Li Shimin.

He believed that Li Shimin would agree. It’s not just because of the people of Datang. And his name as a saint of all ages.

What Li Shimin cares about most is his reputation.

The change of Xuanwu Gate in those years was a stain on his life.

After he ascended the throne, in order to cover up this stain, he has been trying to be a benevolent saint. So.

Most political very convinced.

In this multiple-choice question, Li Shimin will choose the correct answer. Moreover.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was simply unable to refuse his proposal.

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