Chapter 212 The deal is reached, a battle against the water!.



The ultimate silence.

Tang Emperor Li Shimin was silent all over.

Just a hint of bitterness came out of his eyes. Because he knows.

He really couldn’t refuse Emperor Xia’s proposal.

Whether it is for the people of the Tang Dynasty or for his reputation as a saint of all ages. He had to promise to come down.

“Emperor Yi, you can agree to your conditions, but with your Xia Emperor Yi’s intentions, I’m afraid there are still conditions that haven’t been said, right?”

Li Shimin’s face was calm.

Just if you look closely, you’ll find out.

A touch of dead silence had already risen in the eyes of this Tang Emperor.

“The elder brother is really smart, and then he is blunt.” The government nodded and admitted it calmly. ”

“After defeating the Qin army and returning to Xia after the Tang Dynasty, I hope that my brother will die to thank the world.”

The most political calm speaks.

Hear the words of Emperor Xia.

Emperor Li Shimin did not show any shock.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Emperor Yi of Xia, as if he had already anticipated this outcome.

“Well, I can promise you.”

“But you also have to promise Li Shimin one thing, that is, you want you to kill Bai Qi with your own hands and avenge Li Shimin for my people of the Tang Dynasty.”


Most Zheng nodded.

Some people may have doubts.

Why did the most important politician, Emperor Li Shimin, die? The reason is simple.

Tang Emperor Li Shimin won the hearts of the people of Datang. As long as he does not die for a day.

Even if the Tang Dynasty returns to Xia, the hearts of the people of the Tang Dynasty are still 20 to the Tang Emperor, and they will not have any sense of belonging to the Great Xia. This is also the result that the government absolutely does not want to see.

Therefore, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin had to die. Let’s use the simplest analogy.

Like the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

The people of Daming knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was buried. Therefore, the matter of the return of the Ming Dynasty to the summer has become very simple. Some people may wonder.

Couldn’t the government allow the Tang Emperor to fake his death and subdue him? A: No.

The reason is also simple.

First, the government and the Tang Emperor did not have this friendship.

Second, the Tang Emperor was a holy monarch, while the most political was a tyrant.

The two people’s paths can be said to be opposite paths, and they simply cannot come together. Zhu Yuanzhang is different.

Zhu Yuanzhang is very similar to the most political.

The two men were equally decisive in killing, and their style of action was even more similar by six or seven points. And Zhu Yuanzhang should have died.

But tyranny has allowed him to live again, so Zhu Yuanzhang has abandoned the identity of the Great Tomorrow and followed the most political side.

As for the Tang Emperor Li Shimin, it was different. The two were just making a deal.

And this transaction is the reputation of the people of Datang and his ancient saints. So.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty must die. It was also his destiny. Emperor Tang understood this truth. The government also understands this truth.

As the sons of a nation, both understand each other’s intentions, and everything is silent. The deal is closed.

There is nothing more to say about the most political ones. Directly left the Taiji Hall.

Only Tang Emperor Li Shimin sighed in the Taiji Hall and could only accept his impending fate.

Three days later!

Weishui River.

The black pressure of the Qin army overwhelmed the earth.

On the other side of the river, there are five million soldiers and horses of Datang. The two sides faced off on the banks of the Weishui River.

“An atmosphere of slaughtering heaven and earth is growing.”

The killing god Bai Qi rode on the top of the warhorse, and his eyes were extremely cold.

“Li Shimin, don’t be stubborn in the negative corner, if you surrender now, you will be able to keep your whole fart.” The killing god rose up and made a cold sound. ”

“Needless to say, today either you die or I die.”

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was wearing gold armor, and the long sword in his hand pointed at the elite of Great Qin in the air.


“One does not stay.”

The killing god Bai Qi no longer talked nonsense, and when the long sword crossed the sky, the cold and ruthless killing machine came from his mouth.


Tang Emperor Li Shimin also burst out in tears. The next moment.

The shouts of death rushed into the sky.

Only to see the soldiers and horses on both sides rushing towards each other without fear of death.

“Shoot the arrows!”


Great Qin’s 100,000 crossbowmen lined up, and the arrows that covered the sky and the sun kept shooting at the Tang army. However, the Tang infantry resisted with iron shields.

Although the iron shield in their hands could not completely resist the Great Qin crossbow, it did not cause too many casualties. Moreover, the crossbowmen of the Tang Army were also firing arrows one after another, and the arrows were stained with fire oil.

A fierce battle also began at this moment. Thundered!

When the arrows of both sides end in the sky.

Great Qin’s 300,000 iron horses took the lead in charging into the battlefield. However, the Datang Iron Horse also quickly greeted him.

Moreover, the soldiers and horses of the two sides were already fighting together in the shouts of the heavens. Messed up!

Totally messed up!

The soldiers and horses of the two sides have just turned over.

A terrible death station was staged. The rivers of Weishui were quickly dyed red.

There are even more soaring fires burning in the plains. Blood and fire danced together.

The soldiers on both sides had completely killed the red eye. You can’t stop until the enemy is completely destroyed. Now.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty took the lead as a soldier, and he went to kill Bai Qi first. The killing god Bai started from holding a long sword, and he was also killing Li Shimin.

Because Bai Qi clearly knew.

As long as the Tang Emperor Li Shimin was killed, the Tang soldiers and horses would be discouraged.

At that time, the morale of Great Qin’s elite was high, and it would certainly be able to destroy all the soldiers and horses of the Great Tang.


The killing god Bai raised a sword and slashed at Li Shimin. Pin!

Mars splashes.

Li Shimin raised his sword to resist, and then the backhand sword went straight to Bai Qi’s throat to wipe it. You must know that Tang Emperor Li Shimin is not a weak son of heaven.

Although it is not comparable to the famous generals of the world, his martial arts are also extremely powerful.


The soldiers behind the two men roared in anger and were also fighting together at this moment.

The generals of the two sides were even more madly slashed and killed in the ranks of ten thousand armies, and the two banks of Weishui were completely transformed into a purgatory on earth. Have to say.

Great Qin Elite was indeed powerful.

Although it is not superior in numbers, it is extremely fierce and brave, and it is completely a deadly posture. However, the Tang soldiers and pawns had the heart of burning jade and frantically fighting with the Qin army, and the two sides could not bear to look at it with their fierce strength.


Li Shimin retreated sharply. Shake off the white up behind you.

At the same time, there was a hint of anxiety under his eyes.

At this moment, the soldiers and horses on both sides had already fought to such a fierce extent, but there were no reinforcements from Bactria yet. If it continues like this, although Datang can win, it will also be a fierce victory.

But it was also at this moment.

Something that surprised Emperor Li Shimin of Tang appeared.

Only to hear the shouts of death coming from the rear of the Qin army, accompanied by the shooting of arrows in the sky. I saw a Bactrian flag waving in the wind grinning in the wind.

The black pressed Great Xia soldiers and horses were rushing towards the Qin army.

This suddenly produced more soldiers and horses in the Great Xia, and completely gave the Qin army a painful blow.

Especially the four-star crossbow shooting arrows on the continent, I don’t know how many Qin troops were shot at the city sieve.

Moreover, 300,000 Great Xia Iron Horses disrupted the formation of the Qin army, and countless Great Xia soldiers cut off the Qin army’s back road and continued to harvest the lives of the Qin army.

“The general is not good, we are surrounded, Bactrian soldiers and horses, it is Bactrian soldiers and horses!”

A Qin general was covered in blood, and in a panic, he reported to the god of killing.

You don’t have to say it.

Bai Qi had also seen the scene of the rear of the Qin army being killed by the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia. This also made the killing god’s white face change suddenly.


The white face 770 was as cold as ice, and a pair of eyes rose bloody. He had never imagined that the Bactrian soldiers and horses would actually copy his back road. At this moment, there was a fierce Tang army that was not afraid of death, frantically rushing to kill.

In the rear, there were even Bactrian soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress the Qin army. Obviously, the Qin army was completely caught between the two sides.

At this moment, it was obviously impossible to do what Tang wanted.

“General, order a retreat.”

Some Great Qin generals anxiously shouted at Bai Bai. Apparently.

If the battle continued like this, the Qin army would definitely be completely destroyed.


“Where to retreat?”

“Do you dare to mess with the heart of the general?”


Bai Qi slashed out a sword and directly killed this Qin general under the horse.

“Listen to the orders of this general, the jade will be burned, and it will not die endlessly.”

Bai Qi let out a loud roar, his body burst out of endless anger, the sword in his hand slashed left and right, and Tang Jun constantly fell in a pool of blood.


The killing god Bai Qi was indeed ruthless and fierce.

Even though he knew that the Qin army was under siege, he still decided to fight to the death.

The Great Qin soldiers and horses found themselves trapped in the encirclement, and despair also arose in their eyes, and their morale did not decrease, but they did not want to rush towards the Tang Army and the Xia Army like a fate.

In fact.

Why didn’t Bai Qi know that the Qin army would be defeated at this station? But the whiteness was strong in his standing vision. Because he clearly understands.

Neither Bactria nor Datang would let them flee from here. They will be rounded up.

If he had ordered the withdrawal of his troops at this moment, it would certainly have greatly reduced the morale of the Qin army. In the battlefield, morale is the most important.

If morale declines, it will no longer stand and lose.

There may still be a way to survive at a dead end, and if you choose to withdraw your troops, I am afraid that there is no way to live. So.

Bai Qi killed the Qin general who disturbed the hearts of the army.

To boost the morale of the whole army, we must stand on our backs and fight to the death.

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