Chapter 213: Which is stronger or weaker than Yingzheng?.

Summer tent.

The shouts of killing from the outside world were deafening.

The sound of swords and arrows passing by, was endless. It was accompanied by a miserable roar of the most political hand.

He looked faintly at both sides of the Weishui River.

A pair of eyes open and close across the deep color. Have to say.

The Qin Army is worthy of being an invincible division in a hundred battles.

Even in the face of the two sides of Bactria and Datang, they are still stubbornly fighting and resisting. Faced with a desperate situation of death.

This also completely stimulated the momentum of the Qin army to regard death as a homecoming.

Although the Qin army suffered heavy casualties, the soldiers and horses of the two countries also suffered a lot of losses.

The soldiers and horses of Bactria were better, after all, they were only besieging and killing the Qin army, and although the casualties were very large, they were not serious. In contrast, the Tang Dynasty soldiers and horses are much more miserable.

Under the fight with the life of the Qin army, countless Tang soldiers fell in this station forever. The soldiers and horses of both countries have already killed the red eye.

The only purpose in the heart at this moment is to destroy the other party.

Although Datang had the help of Bactria and was constantly annihilating the Qin army.

But the Qin army is indeed a difficult bone, and if you want to wipe out all the Qin army in a short time, it will take at least one day.

This is an unprecedented station of annihilation, and no one can take half a step back.

“Bai Qi is indeed a character, just this fierce and ruthless heart, it really makes Shuo appreciate him a little.”

The most political and distant look at the blood-soaked killing god in the station field rose whitely, and a touch of playfulness was outlined from the corner of his mouth.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Zhu Lao asked you, will the whole army attack and completely annihilate the Qin army?”

Wei Zhongxian quickly came and bowed down to the most political man.

“Wait, after half a day, the Qin army will be completely destroyed.”

“Tell Old Zhu Tou to make sure that he must catch Bai Qi, and he really wants to see this Great Qin Slayer God with his own eyes.” The most political whispers. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be idle, and hurried out of the tent to convey the Tianzi edict to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Half a day later. The sun sets.

The red sunset sprinkled on the banks of the Weishui River.

The blood that reflects this fierce and ruthless station is sparkling. Great Qin’s two million elites were almost dead or wounded.

Even the 300,000 Great Qin Iron Riders were only a few thousand. Great Qin’s 100,000 crossbowmen were slaughtered.


The killing god was covered in blood and was protected by tens of thousands of soldiers.

However, a fierce killing gas burst out from the bodies of tens of thousands of remnant soldiers. The eyes of tens of thousands of Qin soldiers were already red as blood.

Although some Qin soldiers were cut off their hands and feet, they still tried hard not to fall down.

Some of the swords in their hands were already broken, but they still held the broken blade and looked around at the enemies around them. On the other hand, Datang side.

Only two million of the five million soldiers and horses remained, although the casualties were extremely large, but every Tang soldier looking at the Qin army had the color of extreme hatred.

Bactria was the least casualty at this station. However, it also lost hundreds of thousands of elites. Now.

One hundred thousand crossbowmen in Bactria were holding four-star crossbows aimed at the few remaining Qin troops.

With only one order from Zhu Yuanzhang, the arrows in the sky would take the lives of tens of thousands of Qin troops.

Have to say.

In the midst of this great station of annihilation.

Bactria’s four-star crossbow played a great role.

Under the shooting of the arrows in the sky, it inflicted a great blow on the Qin army.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, even if the Qin army would be defeated, it would not be defeated so thoroughly, let alone reach the level of total annihilation.

“General, we escort you out. 【。 ”

The Qin generals roared loudly, wanting to make a way for Bai Qi to survive.

“No, we’ve already lost.”

Looking at the four-star crossbow in the hands of 100,000 soldiers of the Great Xia, the killing god Bai Qi spoke calmly. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to lead tens of thousands of Qin troops out of the siege.

Rather, he had already learned the terrible power of the four-star meal.

This kind of crossbow can shoot four arrows at a time, which is much more terrifying than the Great Qin Crossbow.

Even if tens of thousands of Qin troops have the will to fight to the death, under the shooting of such arrows, the final result can only be killed on the spot.

“General, fight with them.”

General Youqin’s left arm was gone, but he still roared with a special sword, and the murderous qi in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

“Defeat is defeat, even if I would have led you to fight to the death before, I was still defeated, and there is no need to sacrifice your life in vain at this moment.”

Bai Qi’s voice was very calm, calm as if he ignored his own life and death and desperate situation.

“All the officers and men of the army obeyed my orders and abandoned their weapons and surrendered.”

Bai Qi threw the sword in his hand to the ground.

Tens of thousands of Qin troops looked desolate, but they still obeyed orders.

“Take down the white up.”

Seeing that Bai Qi had abandoned his weapons and surrendered. Zhu Yuanzhang gave an order.

The elite of Bactria instantly surrounded Bai Qi and tens of thousands of Qin troops. Bai Qi was also tied with ropes and then taken to the summer camp.

As for the few tens of thousands of Qin troops left under his nunnery, they were also bound by ropes and taken prisoners. The other side.

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang saw that Bai Qi had already surrendered.

He wiped the blood from his face fiercely, and then ordered the Tang army to retreat. At this station, the Tang army suffered heavy casualties and urgently needed to be repaired at this moment.

Moreover, Li Shimin believed that Emperor Yi of Xia would definitely honor his promise.

After all, one of the conditions for the return of the Tang Dynasty to Xia was to kill the head of the god Bai Qi.

Inside the summer camp. The highest political position is in the upper ranks.


Only to see Wei Zhongxian push the five-flowered white qi into the tent and drink at him loudly. It’s a pity.

Bai Qi became a prisoner though.

But the expression on his face was still very calm, and even the slightest wave was calm, and it was impossible to kneel.

“Great Qin’s killing god, if you don’t kneel, don’t kneel.”

The most political calm speaks.

He looked at this Great Qin Slayer God with a little interest. At the same time.

Bai Qi also looked toward the regent, and a hint of doubt rose from under his eyes.

“Who are you?”

White frowned.

“Emperor Xia B.” The most political replied with a smile. ”

But it is also because of this answer of the most political government. Bai Qi’s unfazed expression suddenly changed.

“It turns out that you are Emperor B of Xia, I didn’t expect you to be so young, no wonder even His Majesty the Qin Emperor praised you endlessly.”

White rose again to calm.

Looking at the most political eyes showed a touch of admiration and appreciation.


“It seems that the guy who won the government has a high opinion of the couplet?”

The most political smile asked.

Hearing Emperor Xia’s direct call for the name of Emperor Qin, he said with a cold face: “Those who dare to call Emperor Qin’s name directly, His Majesty the Emperor Xia is the first, but it should also be the last.” ”

“Bai Qi, it seems that you have great respect for winning the government?”

The regent got up from his seat and stroll to the front of the white man.

He personally untied the rope on his body.

And this scene suddenly made Bai shudder, and the look in his eyes at the bombardment flashed a touch of surprise. You must know that at this moment, there are only Emperor Xia and the eunuchs around him in the tent.

Isn’t Emperor Xia afraid that after he unties himself, he will take him hostage? But when Bai Qi saw the contemptuous look on Wei Zhongxian’s face.

Bai Qi suddenly realized. Apparently.

This His Majesty the Summer Emperor was a martial arts strongman, not a weak Heavenly Son…….

Bai Qi, since you are so respectful of winning politics, can you say that compared with winning politics, which is stronger or weaker?

“Does Emperor Xia really want to hear it?”

White smiled faintly.

“Of course.”

The most political is quite interested.

“His Majesty the Summer Emperor is very young, and I am a little surprised by his youthfulness.”

“Moreover, Emperor Xia was able to make the already weak Great Xia’s national strength so strong in just a few years, and his imperial skills were indeed very powerful.”

“There are very few Heavenly Sons who can achieve the level of Emperor Xia by looking at the Nine Weeks of Ancient History.”

“However, compared with His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, it is the light of the fireworks that is competing with Haoyue. Bai Qi spoke calmly. ”

His eyes showed an unusual reverence for the Qin Emperor’s victory.

“Oh, according to General Bai Qi’s meaning, Shuo is just an ant compared to Win Zheng?”

The smile on the most political face grew brighter.

“Emperor Xia, you will never know how powerful His Majesty the Qin Emperor really is.”

“Do you really think you can be compared with His Majesty the Qin Emperor?”

White smiled faintly.

But the look in the eyes of the regent was filled with a hint of pity.

“Emperor Xia, I am not afraid to tell you that if Emperor Qin wanted to unify the world for nine weeks, it could have been completed ten years ago.”

“Therefore, Emperor Xia, you will never understand the strength of His Majesty the Qin Emperor, let alone what His Majesty the Qin Emperor wants.”

“Just this contrast in state of mind, Emperor Xia, you have already lost.”

“When you are still seeking the so-called Nine Weeks of Unification, His Majesty the Qin Emperor has already gone far, far away, and you can only look at his mighty figure from a distance until you can’t see his back.”

Bai Qi said a lot.

In his eyes, his face was filled with awe and reverence for the Qin Emperor’s victory. This Great Qin Slayer God was by no means a man who had slipped and patted a horse.

Emperor Qin’s victory in government can be so praised by him, and it is obvious that what he said cannot be false.


“What does that guy want to win?”

The most political chuckle came out, and a touch of playfulness came out from the corner of his mouth.

“What he wants is immortality, to build an immortal Great Qin Dynasty, right?”

The most political squinted eyes at the white.

But it is also because of the most political sentence in the ear. Bai Qi’s originally calm expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Emperor Xia with horror on his face, unable to believe his ears. I couldn’t believe that Emperor Yi of Xia actually knew the wild hopes in His Majesty Emperor Qin’s heart! ”

“Who in the world does not die?”

“Do you really think that only Win Zheng is seeking eternal life?”

The most political sneered and looked at Bai Qi.

White was stunned and speechless.

The look in Emperor Xia’s eyes contained the color of extreme trembling!

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