Chapter 214 The Mystery of Immortality, Emperor Qin is furious!.

How can it be?

How is this possible?

How could Emperor Yi of Xia know the thoughts of His Majesty the Qin Emperor? The whole thing was stupid.

He looked at Emperor Xia Yi with a shocked face. There are already monstrous waves in my heart.

“Immortality, since ancient times, who can live forever?”

Boom murmured.

At this point, he looked up at the frightened white man and asked with a smile, “But according to what you just said, obviously the guy who won the government should have found some eyebrows on the road of immortality, right?” ”

Look at the smile on the most political face.

Bai Qi’s heart shivered. This moment.

Bai Qi suddenly realized that Emperor Xia was terrible. The horror pierced through his heart. Because as Emperor Xia Yi said.

His Majesty the Qin Emperor was already on the road of immortality.

Although it is only the beginning, whether it can truly live forever is not yet known, but it does have some eyebrows


Looking at Bai Qi’s panicked look, the most political person skimmed his lips and said, “General Bai Qi, why are you so frightened?” ”

“Is it a correct guess?”

Bai Qi shivered, and the whole person began to fall silent. Because he found himself unable to say anything more.

Otherwise, regarding some of the secrets of His Majesty the Qin Emperor, I am afraid that I will really be pierced by Emperor Xia.


The most political chuckle patted Bai Qi’s shoulder and said, “Even if General Bai Qi doesn’t say it, Lian should be able to guess 007, and Win Zheng should have obtained some Immortal Skills handed down by the Ancient Qi Alchemists, right?” ”

“But alas, it is still difficult to say whether the so-called Immortal Technique can be immortalized, and I am afraid that the guy who won the government will be caught in the fire of cultivation, and in the end, before he can kill him, he himself will be able to storm first.”


The pale complexion gradually pales.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes showed the color of extreme horror.

“General Bai Qi, I know that you are loyal to the Win government, so naturally you will not submit to Yuan.”

“But if you tell you a secret before you die, I think you will be blind when you die.”

The most political came to Bai Qi’s side.

In a voice that could only be heard by two people, he said a word to Bai Qi. But it is also because of the most political words.

Bai Qi trembled to the extreme, and looked at the regent with a shocked face. He just wanted to speak, but unfortunately he didn’t have a chance. Whew!

A knife!

Just a knife. White heads landed on the ground.

Directly transformed into a headless corpse and fell into a pool of blood.

It was just that Bai Qi’s face when he was dying was full of horror, and even his eyes were wide open in horror. No one knows what the most political and white qi said.

However, judging from the shocked expression on Bai Qi’s face, the most political sentence shocked Bai Qi to the extreme.


“Even Shuo is not sure whether he can live forever, so how dare you say that Win Zheng is ahead of Yuan?”

“You dog slave is really damned.”

Block out the sound.

The most political man casually threw the blood-stained steel knife to the ground, and his eyes were extremely indifferent.

“Wei Zhongxian.”

“The old slave is here.”

Wei Zhongxian was full of excitement and hurriedly bowed down to his master.

“Give the head of the white man to the Tang Emperor and tell him that his promise has been fulfilled.”

The most political and indifferent way.

“The old slave obeys the order.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly bent down to receive the order, but his face showed hesitation.

“What else?”

The most political frowned.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly prayed again, “Your Majesty Mingjian, there are still tens of thousands of Qin army prisoners, what should they do?” ”

“Since their masters are dead, what is the use of them living, slaughter them all?” The most political and indifferent way. ”


Wei Zhongxian inhaled a cool breath.

Unexpectedly, the master actually wanted to kill all these Qin army prisoners.

However, Wei Zhongxian did not open his mouth to dissuade him, but quickly took the order and left. Looking at Wei Zhongxian’s distant back.

A cruel smile came out of the corner of the most political mouth.

“Win the government, your Great Qin elite army is completely destroyed, I don’t know if you will hate Yuan?”

The most political looked in the direction where Great Qin was located, and murmured in his mouth.

The whole world was shocked, and nine weeks of shock.

The news that shook the world for nine weeks was circulating wildly. The Great Qin Annihilation of Tang Station was declared over.

A generation of killing gods rose and fell, and none of the two million Great Qin elites under its control survived. This news can be described as shaking the world for nine weeks.

But that’s not all!

The news that really shook the world of the Nine Weeks kept coming.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty issued a criminal edict to the people of Datang, saying that he was ashamed of the people of the Tang Dynasty, because Great Qin destroyed the Tang Dynasty and caused the people of the Tang Dynasty to be slaughtered.

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty hanged himself in the Taiji Hall. Before his death, he issued a national certificate.

Since then, the Tang Dynasty has returned to Xia, hoping that the subjects of the Tang Dynasty will no longer suffer from military disasters and chaos, and even more praise Emperor Yi of the Xia Dynasty as a generation of Ming Emperors, and will certainly treat the people of the Tang Dynasty well.

All of a sudden.

The whole country of the Tang Dynasty mourned, and the subjects cried out to the name of the Tang Emperor Li Shimin for thousands of years. And Bactria also swallowed up Datang without bloodshed.

Since then, the Li Tang Dynasty has disappeared, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty has also been transformed into a state of Bactria and renamed Tang Prefecture. I haven’t waited for nine weeks for the world to react.

News of the same annexation of the Sui Dynasty by Bactria also came out. But this news has made people feel numb.

All the clear-eyed people saw it.

The collapse of the Sui and Tang kingdoms completely fulfilled Bactria. It also made the territory of Bactria boundless.


It can be seen on the map of the Nine Weeks World. The earth was divided into two for nine weeks.

Half of them were the frontiersmen of Great Qin, and the other half were the frontiersmen of Bactria.

As for the ancient country of Loulan in the western desert, it was only because the climate of the western desert was too harsh, but Loulan would be annexed by the two kingdoms of Xia and Qin sooner or later, which was also a doomed fact.

As for the remnants of the Qing forces outside the Nine Zhou Pass, they only waited for Emperor Yi of Xia to wipe out his army. The four sides of the nine-week world are the four seas of the southeast, south, and northwest.

The sea is vast and vast, and many myths and legends have been left since ancient times.

However, the four seas are too vast, and no one can confirm the authenticity of these myths and legends. Now the Nine Weeks Great World was divided into two.

Half Xia Min, half Qin Min.

Clear-eyed people can see that Xia Qin will set off an unprecedented national station. No one can guess who can claim the throne of the Emperor of the Ages. However, this unification of the world for nine weeks is inevitable.

Whether it is Bactria or Great Qin, everyone is already a soldier, silently waiting for the opening of the national station.

The other side.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace!

Or the black curtain beaded curtain.

Emperor Qin’s posture sat in the middle of it.

“White up dead? The widowed Qin army was completely destroyed? Sui and Tang were also annexed by Bactria? ”

The sound of the Qin Emperor’s whispers came from inside the bead curtain.

100 meters away.

Li Si trembled and fell to his knees, and his face was no longer bloody. Abrupt!

The beaded curtain was lifted with a loud bang. Only to see Emperor Qin win the government and stride out.

A pair of star-like eyes looked in the direction of Bactria in the distance.

“Emperor Yi, are you writing to the widow?”

Oh! Graveyard.

The Nine Dragons roared and soared.

Only to see the Qin Emperor blooming around him and gathering golden light. Nine dragon-shaped shadows surrounded him.

A breath of spleen and respect for the world rose up in the sky. The nine-fold dragon-shaped shadow that surrounded Emperor Qin soared into the sky. A terrible vision of heaven and earth also appeared.


The clear blue sky dimmed. Thunderbolts swept across the heavens and the earth.

The terrible thunder light rendered the heavens and the earth into a terrible white. There was also the sound of the dragon roaring in the heavens and the earth.

Such a terrible vision of heaven and earth simply made people smell discolored. The vision of heaven and earth lasted for a long time.

It wasn’t until the dark clouds in the sky slowly cleared that the thunder disappeared from the sky.

“Emperor Yi, you really made the widow angry.”

Emperor Qin’s eyes were deep, and his voice echoed slowly between heaven and earth.


“The subject is here!”

Lisi kowtowed in horror.

“Has the protective array of Yunmeng Mountain ever been broken?”

Emperor Qin wins the government and looks at the cold electric channel.

Feel the chill on Emperor Qin’s body.

Li Si trembled and prostrated his head, “Your Majesty, the people of the Yunmeng Mountain Ghost Valley Gate are all amazing talents, this mountain protection array is only half broken, and it will take three years to break it all.” ”

Emperor Qin wins the government and speaks coldly.

This also frightened Li Siser to tremble, deeply afraid that the Qin Emperor would be angry and reduce his guilt. Yun Mengshan is gone.

“The widow can’t wait for three years, and before opening the national station with Emperor Yi, it seems that the widow can only go there himself.”

“Oniguzi, this old guy is really stubborn!”

Emperor Qin wins a cold color under his eyes.

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