Chapter 215 Xu Fu Visit!.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

The most political high throne.

A map of Zhang Jiuzhou’s Great World was in front of him.

The most political face is calm, holding a Zhu pen to sketch and draw, and a cold color is scratched under the eyes from time to time. Since the annexation of the Sui and Tang kingdoms.

The territory of Bactria was enough to rival that of Great Qin.

And this time Great Qin destroyed Tang’s station, and the Qin army was completely destroyed.

The government believes that this kind of blow will definitely not make Emperor Qin win the government to remain calm. The two have never met.

But both sides could sense in their darkness that the two were bound to set off a shocking station.

“Who is the Nine Weeks Co-Lord and Emperor of the Ages?”


“Win the government, whether you believe it or not, Shuo has never been interested in this emperor for thousands of years.”

“But who wins and who loses at this station between you and me will not be revealed in the future.”

“The most political stroke of the pen wrote a summer on the map of the Nine Great Worlds”

Word, casually throw the Zhu pen out.

“Your Majesty, there is a visiting warlock outside the palace who asks to see you, saying that there is a method of eternal life to offer.”


Zhao Gao quickly entered Weiyang Palace and bowed down to the Bombardment Qi.

“The Law of Immortality?”

The regent sneered, only if it was another jianghu warlock who was not afraid of death who was deceiving him.

Since the most political government expressed interest in the art of immortality, Wei Zhongxian let out this news. These days, there are many such charlatans who deceive him in exchange for glory and wealth. Pity.

All of these charlatans were killed without exception.

After all, the so-called magic they displayed was nothing more than some tricks to deceive ordinary people in the eyes of the most political authorities.

“Zhao Gao, the next time there is such a charlatan, it will be directly killed.”

The most political casually waved his hand.

“Your Majesty, this person who is a slave to the Immortal Wind Dao Bone is not like those jianghu warlocks before, so it is better for Your Majesty to meet him.”

Zhao Gao carefully began to play. Well?

The regent was stunned.

What kind of person Zhao Gao was, he naturally knew very well.

At this moment, Zhao Gao actually spoke for the warlock outside the palace, which suddenly made the most political feeling not simple. Zhao Gao is definitely a smart person.

How could he report to an ordinary jianghu warlock?

Obviously, this warlock outside the palace should have some means, otherwise Zhao Gao would never be stupid enough to speak to himself.


“This warlock looks very unusual, what is his name?”

The most political officer Lu said curiously.

“Your Majesty Qi Song, this person’s name is Xu Fu, who claims that he has inherited the lineage of the ancient alchemists, and this person who is a slave to feel that this person is very unusual, and only then did he communicate to His Majesty.”

Zhao Gao answered truthfully.

“Xu Fu?”

The most political and shy, the gaze gradually deepened.

“Interesting, indeed interesting, even Xu Fu appeared.” The regent muttered, and a touch of essence crossed his eyes. ”

When he entered the temple, he also wanted to see if this Xu Fu really had the Law of Eternal Life to offer. The most political deep voice. ”

“The slave obeys the order.”

Zhao Gao hurried to take the order and left.

But he did not find the depth of meaning in his master’s eyes.

“Your Majesty has a purpose, and Xuan Xufu will enter the palace for a visit.”

Not for a while.

The voice of the eunuch came from outside the temple. Only to see Zhao Gao turn back and return.

Surrounded by a man who was quite immortal. The regent’s eyes were sleepy.

Look carefully at this man named Xu Fu. Stop.

The temperament on Xu Fu’s body is indeed otherworldly. And step by step into the room without staining dust.

And every step out, there is an inexplicable breath under his feet dragging him forward.

It was as if Xu Fu’s entire body was walking in the air, and just this gesture was indeed eye-catching.

“Poor Dao Xu Fu, see Your Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

Xu Fu had just entered Weiyang Palace, and he had made a head of the government for the most important government.

The whole person’s performance is not humble and profane, and the temperament is transcendent, giving people a sense of uncertainty about seeing flowers in the fog. Airs?

Cast a mist before somebody’s eyes? The most political laughed.

At a glance, he could see that Xu Fu did have some skills, and his cultivation had reached the realm of heaven and man. Pity.

In Juzheng’s eyes, Xu Fu’s performance was not enough to watch, and it was a joke to try to deceive him.

“Xu Fu, why don’t you kneel when you see Yuan?”

The most political faded out of the way.

“Emperor Xia Mingjian, the poor Dao is a person outside the Fang, who only kneels to the gods of heaven and earth, and does not kneel to the mortal dust and the son of heaven.”

Xu Fu is not profane or humble.


The most political laughed.

And the smile on his face is extremely bright.

“Come man, pull him out and cut him down.”

The next moment.

The most political look was cold, and he casually gave his orders. Pedal!

The two guards quickly entered Weiyang Palace and directly grabbed Xu Fu and dragged him outside the palace. Obviously to carry out the dictation of the Son of Heaven.

Xu Fu’s face changed suddenly.

He had never imagined that Emperor Xia would not play his cards according to common sense. Metaphor!

Xu Fu was shocked, and an invisible force pushed the two guards away.

“Xu Fu, do you dare to resist the will?”


0 Ask for flowers A terrible momentum like heaven and earth erupted from the most political body. This terrifying momentum instantly covered Xu Fu’s body.

Xu Fu, who was suddenly frightened, was drenched in cold sweat, and his eyes were no longer calm, and he began to panic. Because he found out he was careless!

He had never imagined that Emperor Yi of Xia was so terrible, and just the breath that bloomed out would already oppress him.

Emperor Xia’s martial arts cultivation was simply heavenly, but he was afraid that he had already surpassed the realm of heaven and man! Xu Fu’s face was pale, and his heart trembled to the extreme.

He couldn’t believe how Emperor Xia had cultivated to such a terrifying level.

“Your Majesty is slow, can you let the poor say a word?”


Xu Fu was really able to flex and stretch, and he knelt down with a thud. See Xu Fu kneel.

The regent smiled unpredictably, and his own momentum was also withdrawn.

This also made Xu Fu secretly relieved, but his back had long been wet with cold sweat. He was absolutely sure.

If you don’t kneel down just now, you are afraid that you will die on the spot in the next moment.

“Xu Fu, didn’t you say that you were going to dedicate it to the art of immortality?”

“If you can’t hand over the art of immortality, you will be brushed with a thousand knives and chopped up to feed the dogs.”

The most political smile looked at Xu Fudao. Hiss!

Looking at the cruel smile on Emperor Xia’s face, Xu Fu inhaled the cold air without hesitation. My heart was already faintly beginning to regret coming to see this big summer.

He had thought that with his own ability and three inches of incorruptible tongue, he would definitely make Emperor Yi of Xia choose to believe him. But now it seems.

This big summer son was extremely cruel in heart.

If you can’t hand over the art of immortality, the other party is not just talking. But he will really be chopped up with a thousand knives and fed to the dogs.

Xu Fu wanted to escape.

However, looking at Emperor Xia’s cold and cruel eyes, he knew that he was afraid that he could not escape. Xu Fuqiang was calm, but his heart trembled to the extreme.

All the statements that had been prepared before were discarded by him. Because Xu Fu clearly knew.

If only I were really full of nonsense.

This great summer boy would have killed him directly, and would never have believed what he said. Xu Fu’s thinking is running at great speed.

A hint of determination crossed his eyes, and the trembling in his heart quickly calmed down.

“Your Majesty, please see.”

The next moment.

Xu Fu clapped his hands together and read words in his mouth. A shocking scene occurred.

It also made the original cold gaze of the boom instantly freeze down to righteousness.

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