Chapter 218: Emperor Yi of Xia and Emperor Yingzheng of Qin meet for the first time!

“Interesting, really interesting.”

Ju Zheng laughed softly and ate words, and the corners of his mouth outlined a touch of playfulness. Make the next decision in your heart.

“Since the guy who won the government went to Yunmeng Mountain, then Shuo should also go to the same place.” Rumble! ”

Hear the words of the Master.

Wei Zhongxian felt a loud bang in his head.

Looking at the most political look in his eyes, he looked horrified.

“Your Majesty must not do it.”

“That Yunmeng Mountain is in the territory of Great Qin, and the Qin Emperor is leading an army of 100,000 to go, and there are many martial arts strongmen with him, and His Majesty must not go there.”

Wei Zhongxian kept prostrating his head and pleading.

Although he knew that his master was not only moody, but also never played his cards according to common sense. However, the master actually had to go to Yunmeng Mountain in person.

This was a personal risk when Wei Zhongxian arrived.

If the master really died in the Yunmeng Mountain, then the whole of Bactria would also be completely in civil strife, and sooner or later it would be destroyed by Great Qin.

“Okay, no need to persuade again, my mind has been decided.”

“Shun also took this opportunity to meet with the guy who won the government.”

“After all, I’ve been fighting with him for so long, and it’s time to meet again.”

Juzheng faded out.

Wei Zhongxian was in a cold sweat, but he didn’t dare to persuade him again.

Because he knew that no one could change the things set by the master.

“Since the master wants to go to Yunmeng Mountain, it is better to take 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders with him, plus eight hundred Nether Ghost Thorn guards, so that the old slave can also rest assured.”

Wei Zhongxian hurried to speak.

Since the master cannot be persuaded, he can only ensure the safety of the master to the greatest extent. Looking at Wei Zhongxian’s worried and panicked look, the most political smiled lightly, “Yunmeng Mountain is in the territory of Great Qin, if you really take thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders, you will not wait to enter the territory of Great Qin, but you are afraid that the national station will be opened.” ”

“It is better to go alone, then there is no way to win the government.”

“All right, back off,” the regent waved casually.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was bitter, but he could only bow his head and retreat.

“Win Zheng, you can’t imagine that the first time you and I met, it would actually be in your Great Qin territory.” The regent muttered, a playful look in his eyes. ”

The other side. Have to say.

Wei Zhongxian was indeed extremely loyal to Ji Zheng.

He knew that he could not persuade Tianzi, and could only quickly tell Wu Meiniang, Lü Yan and Su Jieji about this matter. It is called three women in one play.

From Wei Zhongxian’s mouth, he heard that the Ju political leaders had gone alone to Yunmeng Mountain in the territory of Great Qin. The three girls could not sit still at once, and came to Weiyang Palace to stop them.


The most political will has been decided, and no matter how the three daughters persuade them, they have not changed their minds. To put it bluntly.

Tyranny can warm them up in a thousand ways.

But he decided on things that even his woman couldn’t change. No way.

Seeing that persuasion could not move the most political, the third daughter could only helplessly agree. But before the most political departure.

But he had a good time talking to his empress wife and Sister Su for a night.

After all, this time he went to Great Qin alone, and he didn’t know how long it would take to come back.

But it is also because the most political and Wu Meiniang Su Sister have talked about their hearts. This knocked over Lu Yan’s vinegar jar.

But no way, she couldn’t say anything.

And she was still very worried about the danger of the regent’s departure. If she makes trouble at this time, won’t it add to the blockage of the most political government? No way.

Lü Yan could only helplessly return to the East Palace, and before leaving, he told the government to return safely. The most political also felt a little ashamed of Lü Yan.

But now is not the time for children to grow up.

Just by giving her a stable look, Lu Lu returned to the East Palace with peace of mind.


The most refreshed person stepped down from the dragon bed.

Wu Meiniang and Sister Su were still asleep with tired faces.

He smiled and looked at the two sleeping women, and did not wake them up to say goodbye, but took a step out and disappeared into the temple.

The direction it was heading to was the Yunmeng Mountain in the territory of Great Qin.

The other side. In the territory of Great Qin. Emperor Qin toured the east.

The people of Great Qin watched in the middle of the road.

Although they could not see the appearance of the Qin Emperor.

But looking at the dragon that Emperor Qin was riding, there was a look of reverence in his eyes. You could say so.

The situation of Emperor Qin and Emperor Xia was very similar. They were the main bones of Great Qin and Great Xia. Once they die.

Great Qin and Great Qin will certainly have civil strife, and there will be a danger of falling apart. In other words.

Whether it was Emperor Qin who wanted to unify the world for nine weeks, or Emperor Xia who wanted to unify the world for nine weeks, as long as he could kill the other party, he had already succeeded for a long time.

However, the odds are very low and almost impossible to achieve. Whether it was Emperor Xia or Emperor Qin, their own martial arts cultivation was extremely terrifying.

The so-called assassin martial arts strong man in this world wanted to assassinate the two, and it was almost impossible to succeed. That year.

Emperor Qin ordered His Holiness Tiansong to kill Emperor Xia without success.

Emperor Xia also paid tribute to the Qin Emperor with a great gift, and did not kill the Qin Emperor.

So both of them tacitly agreed, and this pediatric assassination trick would no longer be used.

Yun Meng Mountain.

Majestic, undulating. The clouds and mountains are foggy and the smoke is thick.

In the distance, Yunmeng Mountain is completely covered by fog, and only some wheel corridors of this mountain can be seen faintly. Thundered!

Ge Ran.

A loud roar was constantly coming.

I saw countless Great Qin elites pushing away boulders in the mountains and forests.

There were even more Great Qin soldiers with huge axes, constantly cutting down trees, and destroying everything in Yunmeng Mountain. Apparently.

Yunmeng Mountain is guarded by a phantom array, and ordinary people cannot enter the hinterland of the mountain at all.

You can only rely on brute force to disintegrate the mountain protection array little by little, and open up a way into the mountain. Now.

The Qin Emperor won the government and stood on top of a mountain front.

He looked at the Great Qin Elite Mountain Splitting Stone faintly, and a cold color occasionally crossed his eyes.

“Ghost Guzi, the widow does not want to embarrass you, but there are some things that I want to consult, I hope you can open the mountain gate, don’t be stubborn and stubborn.”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth lightly.

The sound echoes between the mountains. Pity.

Even if the Qin Emperor spoke.

Yun Mengshan did not respond at all.

The mountain protection array still did not withdraw, and this also made the Qin Emperor’s eyes become more and more cold. No one in the whole world dared to disobey his will.

However, this ghost valley of Yunmeng Mountain was soft and hard, and it was actually stubbornly resisted to such an extent, which also aroused the killing opportunity in the heart of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

“Ghost Guzi, the widow will give you ten more breaths of time to consider, otherwise don’t blame the widow for personally taking action.” Oh! ”

A terrifying dragon groan echoed through the mountains.

Only to see the Qin Emperor Yingzheng rise around the Dao Dao golden light, and there were nine dragon-shaped shadows circling out. Zheng!

The sound of the sword roaring from heaven to earth was coming. Only to see Emperor Yingzheng of Qin casually pull out the sword of Zhou Tai’a.

A breath of slaying the world was blooming from his body. Especially the Tai Ah Sword in his hand was clanging.

The terrible sword was disillusioned on the tip of the sword.

It was as if after ten breaths, if Ghost Guzi did not open the mountain gate again, the Qin Emperor would have to slash out with a sword. +!

Nine! Eight!

Two! One! Finally.

The time has come for ten breaths.

Emperor Qin raised the Tai Ah Sword with a cry of victory.

A terrifying sword burst out from the sword.

That terrible power made the air around it even more mysterious. Apparently.

The next moment, the Qin Emperor was going to cut through the mountain gate with one sword.

But it was also at this time that a light laughter came from the ground…….

“Win Zheng, since people don’t want to see you, why do you have to work hard?”


Emperor Qin wins the government and looks back at the source of the sound. Only to see a long rainbow of heaven and earth shooting from the far side of the sky. The next moment.

The figure fell on top of the mountain front.


Also with the appearance of this person. The surrounding Qin army roared in shock and roar.

A total of four martial arts masters from the Heavenly Human Realm gathered in the middle.

Ten thousand crossbowmen opened their bows and arrows, and the sharp arrows aimed at this person. It only takes an order from the Qin Emperor to shoot the future people on the spot.

“Back off.”

Ge Ran.

Before the Qin army could act, Emperor Qin opened his mouth.

Ten thousand crossbowmen hurriedly put away their arrows, and the four celestial realms silently returned to the Qin Emperor.

“You all withdraw from this mountain, and the widow wants to talk to his old friend.”

Emperor Qin wins the government and speaks lightly, but his eyes have always fallen on the body of the comer.


The surrounding Qin army hurried to take orders and withdrew from this mountain range one after another. Even the four martial arts masters of the Heavenly Human Realm quickly retreated. Now.

Only Emperor Yingzheng of Qin and this mysterious visitor were left on the mountain. It was none other than Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Emperor Xia B!”

Emperor Qin wins the government and smiled slightly.

“Emperor Qin wins the government!”

The most political also smiled, strolling towards the Qin Emperor. Although the two met for the first time.

However, the first time Emperor Qin Yingzheng saw the other party, he knew that the person who came was Emperor Yi of Xia. Because under the whole world, no one dared to call him the name of the Qin Emperor directly.

Moreover, Emperor Qin could fully feel the appearance of Emperor Yi of Xia, and even faintly gave him a sense of threat. It’s just that Emperor Qin didn’t think of it.

Emperor Yi of Xia was so bold that he dared to come to Yunmeng Mountain alone.

“Emperor Yi, I didn’t expect you and me to meet here.”

Emperor Qin casually sheathed the Tai’a sword, but his eyes kept looking at Emperor Yi, and from time to time there was a touch of admiration in his eyes.

Win has to admit it.

Emperor Yi of Xia was indeed worthy of being his opponent.

Although at this moment there is no momentum flowing out of the other party’s body.

But just from the look in Emperor Xia’s eyes, Yingzheng could feel that Emperor Yi was his mortal enemy.

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