Chapter 219 Fight without a word, Emperor Xia vs Emperor Qin!.

The Qin Emperor won the government.

Sure enough! Boom Politics secretly admired.

Although this is the first time the two have met.

But the momentum flowing from this guy is definitely not under him. The two were silent.

Only a pair of eyes were looking at each other. If you look closely, you will find out.

There was an extremely oppressive atmosphere in the air.

Even the surrounding grass and trees were slightly bent by the invisible momentum of the two people. And the sound of birds, beasts, and insects in the mountains and forests has all disappeared.

The mountains are plunged into an atmosphere of extreme dead silence.

Even the howling wind in the valley stopped at this moment. Boom–boom-boom!


The air is constantly popping.

Terrible ripples bloomed in the void. The ground beneath their feet trembled slightly. Apparently.

This is a contest of momentum between the two men. Both must subdue each other. Pity.

Both are masters of the world, and they are also the sons of heaven of the same country.

In this competition of imperial momentum, it ended in a draw.

“Very good, even able to block the power of the widow, all over the world of nine weeks, you Emperor Yi is the first.”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth.

“You’re also very good at winning politics, but unfortunately you’re a little bit worse than when you came down.” The most political laughs. ”

“Emperor Yi, are you so arrogant, so arrogant that you think you are better than a widow?”

Emperor Qin Yingzheng smiled.

“Isn’t it?”

The most political man asked with a smile.

“Emperor Yi, the widow despises you for a verbal dispute.”

“I don’t want to embarrass you today, I hope you come from and where you go back.”

Qin Huang said lightly.

“Win Zheng, you have been seeking the art of immortality for so many years, and if you come here today to look for Ghost Valley, can you really be sure that Ghost Valley will be able to help you achieve your wish?”

The most political chuckle.

Heard the words of Emperor Yi of Xia.

Emperor Qin’s face was waveless, but a 050 smear of cold color crossed the bottom of his eyes.

“It seems that the widow has indeed underestimated you, and you can even know what the widow is doing here.”

“However, Emperor Yi, you may not understand how difficult it is to walk on the road of immortality, and you will never understand how deep secrets the Nine Weeks World hides.”

“If you knew the secrets hidden in the nine-week world, you wouldn’t be here to make noise with the oligarchs. Qin Huang said lightly. ”

“Win Zheng, you guy is good everywhere, but your lofty face is very unaccustomed.”

“Do you know what you want to do now?”

The most political smiled.

“What do you want to do?”

Emperor Qin wins the government and frowns slightly.

“I want to pick you up.”

The smile on the tyranny’s face was gone. Heard the words of Emperor Yi of Xia.

Win Zheng was stunned, and then gradually returned to calm.


“Then it depends on whether you have this ability or not.”

“If you kill a widow here, Great Qin will not attack itself.”

“In the same way, if the widow kills you, your Great Xia will fall apart.” Win Zheng also laughed. ”

“Well, that’s what Shuo thinks too, so let’s see if you can resist it!”

“If I beat you to death, it would be no wonder.”

Rumble! The next moment.

The most political step out, the foot under the mountain front are roaring and trembling. Only to see that the whole person of the government turned into a light.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Win Zheng. One punch!

The most political punch is thrown at the winning government.

When that fist roared in the heavens and the earth, the air was roaring with terror, accompanied by a fierce wind blowing through the heavens and the earth. Face this blow from Emperor Yi of Xia.

Emperor Qin’s face changed suddenly.

He also raised his fist to meet and fight with the most political opponents.


An earth-shattering noise was heard.

Only to see the two fists hit each other, a terrifying force erupted. The terrible wave of air was crashing in all directions.

The surrounding mountains and forests were instantly reduced to debris, and even the earth under the feet of the two people was cracking terribly.

“Yes, you can block this punch, and you are really quite resistant to winning the government.”

The most political laughed. But the next moment.

The most political grabbed his arms, and the fists were like meteors falling from heaven and earth, heading straight to the Qin Emperor to win the government and bombard them. Faced with the most political bombardment.

Emperor Qin was unable to maintain his composure.

A Nine Dragon Groan rose from within him. Oh!

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin raised the golden light of the Dao Dao around him, and the nine dragon-shaped shadows surrounded him. He also raised his fist and came to kill the most political.

And the Nine Dragon Shadows moved with his fists, directly with the most political opponents. Something terrible has happened!

The trees in the mountains are constantly collapsing and collapsing. The ground beneath their feet cracked like a spider’s web.

The fist of the dragon roared with terror between heaven and earth.

When the two men’s fists burst out, pieces of giant petrification turned into fly ash, and their terrible power was simply out of the realm of mortals.


The most political punch hit Emperor Qin Yingzheng’s face, directly causing half of his face to be frequently bruised and swollen. But a dragon roared and roared.

Emperor Qin also punched at the atrium of the most political heart.

The two gave each other a heavy blow, and then each of them crashed backwards. Bah!

The most political fiercely spat out a mouthful of bruises.

Suffering this blow from Emperor Qin’s winning political heart made his flesh and blood surge in his body. However, the regent playfully looked at the Qin Emperor in the distance.

Because he knows that this guy who wins the government is definitely not feeling better than him now. The other side.

Win Zheng’s face is livid.

A wisp of blood came out of the corner of his mouth. Half of the face is swollen. There is a saying that says it well.

Swearing does not reveal the short, and hitting people does not punch the face. Not to mention the face of the Qin Emperor to win the government?

However, Emperor Yi of Xia actually ignored his own injuries and punched him in the face. This also made Emperor Qin Yingzheng look at Emperor Yi’s eyes with shame and anger.

Since he ascended the throne of the Qin Emperor. When was such humiliation suffered? Win politics is understood.

Di Yi this guy would rather be hurt in order to punch him in the face. This also made Win Zheng’s eyes look at Emperor Yi with an extremely cold killing chance.

“Emperor Yi, do you dare to humiliate the widow?”

Emperor Qin Yingzheng said coldly. Where is the dust? ”

“Win Zheng, you guy is used to being on top, and now whether this punch will knock you down the most political sneer.”

But I was also secretly shocked.

Emperor Qin’s martial arts cultivation was so powerful.

If someone else had punched him, he would have been blown up on the spot. To know Li Yuanba’s mutant level of peerless divine power, it is not just talk.

“Emperor Yi, you really made the widow angry.”

Emperor Qin’s voice was very cold and cold.

The look in Emperor Xia’s eyes contained a cold killing chance. However, if you look closely, you will find out.

Emperor Qin Yingzheng’s eyes quietly flashed a touch of shock. It is said that the family knows their own affairs.

Since he had cultivated the Nine Dragon Emperor Extreme Technique, which had been handed down by the Ancient Qi Cultivator, his martial cultivation had long surpassed the realm of heaven and man.

In the Nine Weeks Great World where the aura had disappeared today, his Qin Emperor’s strength to win the government was enough to call the world invincible, but the power contained in the punch that had just bombarded the government simply shocked him. Winning the government is absolutely certain.

He was definitely not an opponent of Emperor Yi in terms of strength. What kind of monster is Di Yi?

How did he cultivate to such a terrible point? Win Zheng seems to have a calm look.

But my heart was shocked.

Even more vaguely aware that if he competed with him for strength, he was afraid that he would really be praised by Emperor Yi.

“Win Zheng, I have to say that you are indeed very resistant, and today I will move with you to see if you can take a few punches.”

The most political eyes are fiery. Let’s be honest.

Ever since he had obtained Li Yuanba’s mutant-level divine power, and even more with the Eight Wilds and Six Heavenly Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong, the regent didn’t know how strong he really was.

And as a son of a country, he is not good at random shots.

After all, he was not a warrior, so naturally he wanted to maintain the power of Emperor Xia.

However, now that he had won a battle with the Qin Emperor, he had no scruples. And the bombardment also found out.

Win Zheng this guy’s martial arts cultivation is extremely terrible, and he should be able to be his opponent. Man.

They all have a martial heart.

At this moment, when encountering an opponent who was on a par with each other, the most political felt that the blood in his body was boiling. There’s an old saying goes.

It is hard to find a confidant in life.

But in the eyes of the most political government, it is more difficult to get a rival in life. Now.

Emperor Qin won the government and was his best opponent. Before the opening of the Great Qin Great Xia National Station.

The two men indulged in a stand, which was also an extremely interesting thing in the eyes of the regent. The other side.

Emperor Qin’s face was livid.

He could fully feel the heart of the government. It also aroused anger in his heart.

However, Win Zheng knew that his strength was inferior to that of Emperor Yi. He could never be stupid and close to Emperor Yi. Otherwise, it would really make Emperor Yi run all over the ground.

Because now his fists were sending a burst of numbness, and his fists and bones were faintly painful.

“Emperor Yi, I have to say that the strength of the widow is indeed inferior to yours, but congratulations on your success in angering the widow.”

“I don’t know if you can hold the power of the Tai Ah Sword.” Boom! ”

Emperor Qin Yingzheng drew his sword out of its sheath.

Tai Ah Sword set off a terrifying sword glow, and the terrible sword qi spread through the heavens and the earth, and even more bursts of dragon groans rumbled through the heavens and the earth!

A terrible vision of heaven and earth appeared.

Only to see a dark cloud covering the blue sky, and thunder raging across the heavens and the earth. Zheng!

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin was surrounded by the shadows of the Nine Dragons, and a burst of dragon groans came from around him, and he held the Tai’a Sword and pointed at Emperor Yi of Xia in the air.

The shocking killing machine locked on Emperor Yi’s body.

“Moving weapons?”

The most political sneered.

He could fully feel the terrible edge of the Tai Ah Sword.

Even if his flesh is strong and matchless, if he is hit by a sword, he is afraid that he will drink and hate on the spot.

“Win Zheng, do you think you don’t have weapons?”


The void throbbed and ripples spread.

There is nothing to hide from the most political ones.

Only to see two inky black double hammers appear. Directly in the hands of the most political authorities.

Drum Urn Golden Hammer!

The double hammer weighs 16,800 pounds. It is definitely known as the world’s largest killer. Click!

Thunder swept across the sky, and the sky was dark.

It was also born with the Golden Hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn.

A supreme ferocious aura that killed heaven and earth was soaring into the sky.

The thunder was descending from the world, and the terrible thunder roar resounded throughout the Yunmeng Mountain.

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