Chapter 220 Ninety-Nine Supreme, Legend of the Human Emperor!.


The most political hammers clash.

The terrifying sound wave shot away in all directions. Terrible things followed.

The surrounding mountains are cracking in inches, and even the grass, trees, bamboo and stones have turned into fly ash! Such a scene.

In addition, the Qin Emperor’s face changed suddenly.

His eyes were focused on the double hammers in Emperor Xia’s hands. A dignified color rose from under his eyes.

What a terrible weapon! Emperor Qin was secretly shocked. Just one glance.

The Qin Emperor could see the horror of the golden hammer of the Batian’s drum and urn. And Emperor Qin was surprised to find one thing.

That is, the appearance of the golden hammer of the overlord drum was too abrupt, as if it appeared out of thin air. Sumire ordination?

Could it be that the Ancient Qi Alchemist’s Space Magic Weapon Shu Mi Ring? Emperor Qin was secretly shocked.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes, he flashed a look of horror. So old legends.

Ancient alchemists have the Sumire Ring that can present many items. The most political weapons suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Obviously, he had the Sumire Ring left by the Ancient Qi Alchemist on his body, otherwise how could his weapon appear out of thin air? Emperor Qin Yingzheng just wanted to ask.


Emperor Yi of Xia did not give him this opportunity at all.

“Win the government and see how many hammers you can take!”


The next moment.

The most political double hammer shook the sky.

The golden hammer of the Batian’s drum and urn rushed in Ji Zheng’s hands, and with a roar that shook the earth and smashed towards the Qin Emperor.

“Emperor Yi, stop for the time being, the widow has something to ask you.”

The Tai’a sword in the hands of the Qin Emperor turned into a shocking sword, trying to resist the fierce and matchless blow of the bombardment. Pin!

An earth-shattering noise was heard.

Only to see Tai Ah Jian and the Heavenly Drum Urn Golden Hammer collide together. How terrifying is the golden hammer of the overlord drum and urn?

With the most political Li Yuanba’s mutant level of peerless divine power, even a small mountain would be shattered on the spot. Just look at it.

The Ancient Divine Soldier Tai Ah Sword was wailing.

Originally, Xuanchen’s sword was shattered by the blast. At the same time.

A terrifying inhuman force rushed along the Tai’a Sword towards the Qin Emperor. Rumble!

The next moment.

Emperor Qin’s face changed drastically.

His whole being was swept away by an indescribable force of terror. Terrible!

It was horrible!

The most political power combined with the golden hammer of the overlord drum is simply beyond the boundaries of mortals.

“Come again.”

See that Emperor Qin can catch his own hammer. The most political eyes are hot.

When the double hammer was rushed, the void was roaring in terror, and it once again attacked the Qin Emperor to win the government. Pin pin pin!

A series of earth-shattering noises were coming.

In the face of Emperor Yi’s peerless divine power and the golden hammer of the Overlord Drum Urn in his hand, Emperor Qin could only passively resist and even the Tai’a sword in his hand faintly cracked.


Emperor Qin was constantly being blown away.

The palm of his hand holding the Tai Ah Sword was tingling, the tiger’s mouth was faintly cracking, and more blood was flowing out. Taste!

Emperor Qin Yingzheng’s figure flew upside down, and Tai Ah Jian slashed out the earth-shattering sword, temporarily forcing the most political government to retreat. Not waiting for the bombardment to continue.

Emperor Qin Yingzheng shouted violently, “Emperor Yi, don’t you want to know the secret of immortality?” ”

It is also because of the words of the Qin Emperor who won the government.

The most political figure is a meal.

The Golden Hammer in his hand also let go. See the most political finally stopped.

Emperor Qin was secretly relieved.

However, for Emperor Xia’s amazing divine power, he was also secretly shocked in his heart. If it weren’t for the fact that he had the Nine Dragon Heavenly Gang Protective Body.

He just had to be smashed to death by this guy Xia Emperor B.

“The Secret of Immortality?”

“I’m really interested.”

The most political hand will take the Heavenly Drum Ong Golden Hammer back into the system space. But that’s the same scene.

Once again, Emperor Qin’s eyes lit up 020 that the most political was also inherited by the Ancient Alchemist. And there is definitely a space magic weapon on the body.

“Emperor Yi, you and I are calm and sit down and talk slowly.” This moment. ”

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin finally regarded Emperor Yi of Xia as a figure like himself. Even the shelf of Great Qin Tianzi was lowered a lot.

on a boulder.

Winning politics and most political politics sit side by side.

There was no longer any hostility between the two, but instead fell into a silent silence. Finally.

Emperor Qin took the lead in breaking the silence.

“Emperor Yi, presumably you already know about the existence of the Ancient Qi Alchemist?”

“And you should also get the inheritance of the Ancient Alchemist, right?”

Emperor Qin looked solemnly at the most political person.

The most political did not speak, just watched the Qin Emperor win the government.

Because he only had a system, there was no so-called ancient alchemist’s inheritance at all. Of course, he couldn’t tell the truth to Emperor Qin.

Moreover, there had been speculation before the most political government that the Qin Emperor should know a lot of the secrets of the Nine Weeks Great World, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

See the most political without denying.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin was more certain in his heart that Emperor Xia, like him, had been passed on by the Ancient Qi Alchemist.

“Emperor Yi, have you ever heard the legend of the Emperor of Ren?”

When Emperor Qin finished saying this.

His eyes were trembling slightly, and even his emotions were somewhat uncontrollable

“Human Emperor?”

The government was no longer calm, and his eyes looked at the winning government in shock. Human Emperor!

Two simple words, but as heavy as the ancient heavens.

Just speaking from the mouth of the winning government has already made the most political people feel a great pressure. It was as if the heavens and the earth had faded slightly because of the appearance of the word ‘human emperor’.

“Yes, the human emperor!”

Emperor Qin wins and nods his head solemnly.

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

“Emperor Yi, do you know that whether it is a widow or you Emperor Yi, why do the world, and even ourselves, call ourselves the Nine-Five-Year Dignity?”

Emperor Qin forced himself to calm down, and his eyes burned as he looked at the most political authorities.

“Commanded by heaven, he will live forever, walk on behalf of heaven, and rule over the earth, which is the Son of Heaven and also means that the Son of Heaven is also known as the Nine-Five-Year Honor.”

The government says an answer that everyone knows.

But his eyes were unusually deep and he looked at Emperor Qin to win the government.

Because the most political can feel that the next Qin Emperor will break out a shocking secret.

“Emperor Yi, you’re right.”

“But do you know the Nine-Nine Supreme?”

Emperor Qin’s eyes trembled to the extreme, and even his voice trembled a little.

“Nine-Nine Supreme?”

The regent muttered, and a shock also appeared from under his eyes……. 0 Ask for flowers…………

“Yes, Nine-Nine Supreme!”

Emperor Qin nodded solemnly and almost gritted his teeth to say these words.

“Ninety-nine supreme, the emperor of the world.”

“The heavens are unbound, the earth is unbound, and the emperor of man is in the world, and he is at the same level as the heavens.” Emperor Qin won the government and spoke out heavily. ”

“Win Zheng, what the hell are you trying to say?”


The government is really no longer calm.

He stared at Yingzheng with a deep gaze, but found that Emperor Qin’s face was a little pale, and there was an extreme trance in his eyes.

This Great Qin Tianzi could not control his emotions. The secret hidden in the legend of this human emperor is simply shocking.

“The Nine-Nine Supreme Beings are not tolerated by heaven and earth, and since the fall of the last human emperor in the world, no one dares to call themselves the Nine-Nine Supreme Beings, and no one in the world has appeared again, and the Heavenly Sons of the Hereafter have called themselves the Nine-Five Noble Ones.”

Emperor Qin wins the government and mutters.

His whole being fell into a trance.

At the same time, it also unveiled the mystery of the ancient world in a corner for the most political, and let him know the secret of the legend of the human emperor.

In ancient times. 0..。

The aura between heaven and earth is full.

There was no such thing as a dynasty at that time. There are only countless Terrans in the Nine Weeks Great World. And the ruler of the Terran race is also known as the human emperor. It was an extremely brilliant Terran flourish. There are ancient alchemists who cultivate the path of eternal life.

More swordsmen slashed thirty thousand miles with one sword.

The Terrans prosper, and the human emperor is at peace with the heavens. Have you ever heard the Emperor’s Law?


It is the law of the human emperor.

The human emperor condenses the supreme fortune of the human race with his own body, and his words are the human emperor’s law.

The sun, moon, and stars all obey orders. Heaven and earth and all things bow down.

The emperor of man ordered the sun to rise, and the sun to rise. The human emperor ordered the yin star to fall, and the yin star to fall.

Unite the supreme fortune of the Terran race and create an immortal Terran prosperity. The power of the human emperor is terrified by heaven and earth.

But an accident happened! At the end of the ancient times.

A station of annihilation took place.

The gate of heaven was wide open, and there were suspected immortals who had descended into the world.

In this great battle, countless Ancient Qi Alchemists fell. Even the human emperor fell down at this station. The human emperor has fallen!

A rain of blood fell between heaven and earth. This bloody rain lasted for nine days and nine nights. It was as if weeping for the fall of the human emperor. Since then!

Seal the heavens and the Jedi, and the road to eternal life is broken.

In the Nine Weeks Great World, there is no more Heaven and Earth Reiki left.

Don’t say that people in the future generations can’t cultivate the art of immortality.

Even if the ancient alchemists handed down many techniques, the people of later generations would not be able to cultivate at all because they did not have the support of the Heaven and Earth Reiki.

Listen to the murmuring of Emperor Qin’s winning government. The most political face was full of shock.

Although he knew that the Nine Weeks World had hidden many secrets. But I didn’t expect the hidden secret to be so amazing.

“Human Emperor?”

“Ninety-nine supreme, with the balance of heaven?”

The most political eyes throbbed, and he felt that the blood in his body was scalding.

“The Nine-Nine Supreme Being, because of the jealousy of heaven, there will be no emperor in the world since then!”

Emperor Qin wins the government in a daze.

His eyes burst into a brilliant light and looked at the most political way: but the next moment.

“Emperor Yi, if you want to live forever, there is only one way to beg!”

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