Chapter 221: The Last Human Emperor in the World, Di Xin!.

“You want to be the Emperor of Man?”

Without waiting for Emperor Qin to win the government, he continued to speak. The most political eyes opened deeply. Until this moment.

The most political vaguely guessed the mind of Emperor Qin.

Emperor Qin not only wanted to live forever, perhaps he wanted to become a human emperor even more.

“Human Emperor?”

“Where is it so simple to become a human emperor?”

“Do you know how many difficulties you have to go through?”

Emperor Qin’s eyes darkened as he looked at the most political authorities.

“Emperor Yi, the human emperor is the supreme emperor of the nine nines, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth, and it is even more a taboo between heaven and earth, since the last human emperor in the world fell, the human emperor will never appear again.”

“If you want to become the emperor of man, you need three conditions, and these three conditions are more difficult than ascending to heaven..”

Emperor Qin murmured and slowly revealed the secret of becoming a human emperor.

First of all, the first point.

The human emperor is the lord of the human race.

Therefore, it is necessary to unify the Nine Weeks Great World and be respected by hundreds of millions of people.

Second point.

Find the Emperor Jiuding.

The Human Emperor Jiuding suppressed the Nine Weeks of Human Race Qiluck and had the supreme power of the earth-shattering ghost god.

Only by breaking the shackles of heaven and earth with the Nine Emperors of Man and reviving the aura between heaven and earth can the glorious and prosperous world of the ancient world be reproduced.

In this way, the Ancient Qi Alchemist will reappear and the path of eternal life will be continued, and the purpose of immortality and immortality can be achieved, and even the purpose of breaking the gate of heaven and ascending into immortals in the daytime can be achieved.

Third point!

And the most important point.

And it is a point that is almost impossible to complete. Heart of the Emperor!

Legend has it that when the last human emperor in the world fell, his human emperor heart broke through the air and disappeared into the Nine Weeks Great World.

No one knows where the heart of the human emperor is. No one has ever found the heart of a human emperor.

Even though Emperor Qin had been looking for the heart of the human emperor, he had not received half a useful piece of information. And the heart of the human emperor is the key to becoming the human emperor.

Only those who have fused the heart of the human emperor can condense the human qi luck in their own bodies, and can create a supreme god dynasty that belongs to the human race.

The first two points are still promising.

Whether it was Emperor Qin who won the government or Emperor B of Xia, they were all on the road of unifying the world for nine weeks. As for the human emperor Jiuding, according to the Qin Emperor Yingzheng, he had already found the four dings.

And he came to Yunmeng Mountain to invite Ghost Guzi to come out of the mountain, in order to let the other five human emperors of Ghost Guzi Bugua be in where only by gathering the Nine Dings could he break the Nine Weeks Great World of the Heaven Sealing Jedi and revive the aura of another heaven and earth. But the most difficult thing is the heart of the human emperor.

Since the ancient station of annihilation, the heart of the human emperor has never appeared in the eyes of the world.

“Win the government, according to what you said, the human emperor condenses the supreme qi of the human race to his own body, even if the heavenly immortals descend to the world is not their combined enemy, their human emperor divine power can be at the same level as the heavens, looking at the heavens and the earth, who can make the emperor fall?”

The most political question raised the question in his heart. Pity.

Emperor Qin did not give the answer that Juzheng wanted to know.

He shook his head in confusion and said, “The widow only knows the legend about the human emperor from the codex left by the ancient alchemist, and why the human emperor fell, the widow does not know.” ”

The most political brow frowned.

Unexpectedly, even the Qin Emperor won the government and did not know the mystery of the fall of the human emperor.

“However, the widow knew from the codex left by the Ancient Qi Alchemist that the last human emperor in the world was called Di Xin. Emperor Qin Yingzheng said softly. ”

“Human Emperor Xin?”

The tyranny was horrified!

The whole person was stunned. Di Xin?


The most political heart turned up a terrifying wave.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

If the secret about the ancient world that Emperor Yingzheng of Qin said before shocked the most political.

However, hearing Emperor Yingzheng of Qin say the name of the last human emperor in the world, but how could it make the most political person really unable to calm down? Di Xin?

The last human emperor in the world was Di Xin? Silly!

The most political is completely stupid.

He was dumbfounded, and he didn’t react for a long time.

If Di Xin is the last human emperor in the world, then is the ancient station of annihilation? Ju Zheng did not dare to think about it because his heart was trembling violently.

Because he had already associated a myth and legend that startled him. Messed up!

Totally messed up!

Makoto felt like his brain was sticky and messy. The whole person was unable to recover from the throbbing state of mind. System?

Divine Grade Grand Dark King System? Di Xin?


The government felt that his whole body was numb.

He thought of the untold system in his body.

More vaguely associated with this last human emperor in the world, Xin. The most political really dare not think about it.

Because he vaguely guessed an extremely terrible truth.

“Emperor Yi, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Emperor Xia’s face full of shock, Emperor Qin’s face was shocked.

“It’s all right.”

The government hurried to calm himself down.

Then quickly suppress the panicked thoughts in my mind.

“Emperor Yi, do you wonder why the widow would reveal so many secrets to you?”

Maybe it was seeing the shocked expression on Emperor Xia’s face.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin thought that Emperor Yi was shocked by these ancient myths and legends.

“In fact, the reason why the widow has told you so many secrets is because you have also received the inheritance of the Ancient Qi Alchemist.”

“Although there is a hostility between you and me, Great Qin and Great Xia are bound to set off a stop in the Nine Weeks Great World, but on this road of seeking eternal life and long-term vision, you and I are the same.”

“After all, the widow has been lonely for too long, and if you had to seek the path of eternal life with you, perhaps the widow would not be so lonely on this road.”

Emperor Qin sighed as he won the government. Pity.

The most political thing is that I didn’t listen to a word.

The metaphor is still ringing in my mind, and my mind is already in a mess. Graveyard!

Just when the most political mood was uncertain, the Qin Emperor sighed. Just listen to the rumbling sound coming from the entire Yunmeng Mountain.

The white fog that covered the sky and the sun gradually dissipated.

The protective array that covered Yunmeng Mountain actually dispersed at this moment.. 0

“Old man Oniguzi, see Your Majesty.”

A vicissitudes of sound came from Yunmeng Mountain. Only to see a person walk out of the depths of Yunmeng Mountain.

This man, with white hair and white beard and a withered and old face, was walking towards the two men in the air. Not for a while.

Oniguzi descended on this mountain and smiled and nodded at Emperor Qin and Emperor Xia. Just if you look closely, you’ll find out.

When this ancient strange man Ghost Guzi looked at the most political, a throbbing color quietly crossed his eyes.

“Oniguzi, you have finally appeared.”

Emperor Qin Yingzheng opened his mouth coldly.

Looking at Oniguzi’s eyes, there was a cold glow.

In order to invite this ancient strange person, Emperor Yingzheng of Qin helped him figure out where the other five people were emperors.

It took him years, but this old guy just didn’t say a word, and he didn’t really come out until today. How could this not make Emperor Qin win the government dissatisfied.

“His Majesty the Qin Emperor said with a smile, the old man was not born because he was not born at the time of his birth, and this time he was born because he had already waited for someone to wait.”

Oniguzi smiled and spoke, but his eyes fell on Emperor Yi’s body. And this scene also made Emperor Qin’s face change suddenly.

The glare of the Oniguchi became even colder.

“It seems that the widow is not the one you are waiting for?”

Emperor Qin held the Tai’a sword in his hand, as if he would draw it out of its sheath at any moment.

“Your Majesty the Emperor of Qin, in the current world, if there is no Emperor B of Xia, His Majesty the Emperor of Qin may indeed be the best choice for the old man, but unfortunately, the old man and His Majesty the Qin Emperor have no relationship, so why should His Majesty the Qin Emperor be forced to be bitter?”

Oniguzi said lightly.

“Emperor Yi, the widow really underestimated you, I didn’t expect this old guy to be born because of you, it seems that you and this old guy have known each other for a long time, right?”

Emperor Qin looked at Emperor Yi of Xia. Apparently.

Emperor Qin was really angry.

“Win Zheng, since people don’t want to follow you, why do you ask for 0.6?”

The most political light opening.

But his eyes fell on Oniguzi’s body.

Because the most political can fully feel that the look in Oniguzi’s eyes is very strange, and there is a faint hint of warmth.

If the most political is not mistaken. Previously mentioned in System Rewards.

Oniguzi is a person of the world, and he is also known as a strange person of the ages, and he is absolutely loyal to him. But since he had just learned of the secret of the human emperor.

There was already a terrible inference in the heart of the government, and the look in the eyes of Oniguzi at this moment was also extremely complicated. If he hadn’t miscalculated.

The system rewards Oniguchi for absolute loyalty, but it is not so simple.

And no matter how this old guy looks, he feels that there is a great secret hidden.

“Emperor Yi, since this old guy chose to follow you, the widow naturally didn’t insist on it, but he needed to find out where the other five human emperors were.”

Emperor Qin Yingzheng stared dead at Ghost Guzi. Apparently.

Gather the people of the Emperor Jiuding.

This was crucial for Emperor Qin to win the government, and it was even more related to his path to immortality. He could never have let go of Oniguzi.

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