Chapter 223 The System Is Not the Heart of a Human Emperor?.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

The sky is full of stars, and the lonely moon is hanging high.

The most political man stood with his hands in his hands, looking up at the heavens, only a pair of eyes were slightly drifting, and he didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart that it had been three days since he returned to Bactria from Yunmeng Mountain. It’s just that no one has seen the most political people in these three days.

He had been locking himself up in Weiyang Palace and was thinking about one thing. Thinking about something that was extremely important to him.

Is the human emperor’s heart a system of unknown origin in his body? According to Oniguchi.

There is an imperial heart in him. But only the most political self knows.

He had only one system of unknown origin in his body.

If the system is the heart of the human emperor, the most political is still some people who will believe in it. Because the reason is simple.

The system can create things out of thin air, such as the Northern Dragon Rider, such as the three thousand grimaces and green clothes, such as the eight hundred nether ghost thorns. There was also Li Yuanba’s mutant-level divine power that rewarded him.

Even the Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong could instantly allow him to reach the state of perfection. Although the heart of the human emperor is a legendary thing.

However, if compared with the system, the most political hidden feeling is still some fire.

However, according to Oniguzi, there was an imperial heart in his body, and in addition to the system, the most political could not think of anything else.

“System? System? ”

The most political system is silently summoned in the heart.

It was also the first time he had actively called out to the system. Pity.

The system in his body didn’t respond in the slightest.

Just when the government accepted that the system is the heart of the human emperor. Abrupt.

A cold mechanical sound sounded in the ears of the government. Bite!

[The main line mission is released, please ask the host to become the human emperor within ten years, condense the supreme luck of the human race in his own body, and open a new chapter of the nine-week world salary. 】

[Mission Rewards: The system will perform mythological upgrades. [Note: A successful upgrade of the System Myth will help the host grow, and the system reward will evolve into a mythical ability.] 】】Ding!

[Remind the host that this system is not the heart of the human emperor, only the host needs to do the faint and cruel and unmerciful things, the system will randomly reward the host, and the human emperor’s heart is also within the scope of the system reward. Huh?

Listening to the cold mechanical sound in the ear, the whole government stayed. Main quest, become the human emperor?

The system is not the heart of the emperor? Silly!

The whole government was stupid.

Just now he still thinks that the system is the heart of the human emperor.

Unexpectedly, the next moment the system released the main quest. And remind him that the system is not the heart of the emperor.

The government suddenly woke up.

But at the same time, the heart also stirred up terrifying waves.

For the first time!

The first time the system has released the main quest task reward is that the system will perform a mythical upgrade?

And as the system myth upgrade is successful, its reward will also be increased to the mythical level? Ju Zheng was speechless.

I didn’t expect that the system was not the heart of the human emperor! This immediately shattered the previous conjecture of the government. But once again doubts arose from the bottom of the most political heart.

According to the system prompt, if the system is not the heart of the emperor, then what is the origin of the system? The most political brow furrowed.

But even if he wanted to break his head, he did not come up with a reasonable answer.

The sun rises from the east.

A touch of golden sun sprinkled on the face of the bombardment. It also gradually woke him up from his thoughts.

The regent dissipated his inner doubts, and the whole person once again seemed calm. Since the system that is already known is not the heart of the human emperor.

And the system has released the main quest to make himself the human emperor, and the system will carry out mythological upgrades, and the most political nature is to work hard for the goal of becoming the human emperor.

“Do you do something faint?”

“It seems that you can only wronged your own queen wife!”

The regent muttered to himself, and a playful look crossed his eyes.

“Cao Qian.”

“The minions are here.”

Hearing the call of the Heavenly Son, Cao Tian hurried into Weiyang Palace.

“Pass on the will, and summon Empress Wu Meiniang to come to Weiyang Palace for a visit.” The government casually commanded. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian did not dare to be idle, and hurried to convey the will of the Son of Heaven. Soon.

Empress Wu Meiniang, accompanied by Shangguan Wan’er, entered Weiyang Palace. But I don’t know if it is the illusion of Wu Meiniang.

She could clearly feel that her Heavenly Husband was looking at her with a strange look. Wu Meiniang giggled inside.

Suddenly, I had a feeling of shock in my heart.

“See Your Majesty for concubines.”

However, Wu Meiniang quickly calmed down and presented herself to Tianzi Fujun.

“Lady, come and come, I have something to discuss with you today.”

The most political smiled and pulled Wu Meiniang towards the dragon chair.

Then, without saying a word, he pulled Wu Meiniang to sit on the dragon chair with him. Such a scene.

Suddenly, Wu Meiniang’s face changed dramatically.

You must know that the dragon chair can only be sat by the emperor.

Previously, she had read the folds for the Heavenly Son, and unconsciously sat on the dragon chair once. But that incident simply made her regret it, and now that she thinks about it, she is a little afraid.

If it were not for the Heavenly Son’s pampering of himself, this kind of transgression would have been beaten into the cold palace.

At this moment, Tianzi Fujun actually pulled himself to sit on the dragon chair, did he do something wrong to make Fujun angry?

Your Majesty, the concubines do not dare to sit in the dragon chair with Your Majesty, and if the concubines do something wrong, please ask Your Majesty to punish them.

Empress Wu Meiniang’s soft little face turned pale.

She hurriedly got up from the dragon chair and was about to kneel down to Juzheng to plead guilty.

“Lady, you and I are of the same heart and wife, what are you doing?”

“If you let you sit down, where are there so many broken rules between you and me?”

Before Wu Meiniang could kneel down, the most political government hurriedly lifted up his empress wife. Then he involuntarily pressed Wu Meiniang on the dragon chair.

This also made Wu Meiniang stunned, and the look in Tianzi Fujun’s eyes crossed a touch of confusion.

“Pretty girl, in fact, Lenovo wants to discuss one thing with you.”

The regent smiled shyly.

But his smile in the eyes of the empress’s wife, Wu Meiniang, made her heart even more uneasy. Know that your Heavenly Son is dictatorial and arbitrary.

Now he even said that he wanted to discuss something with her.

This was really incredible in Wu Meiniang’s eyes.

“Your Majesty, you are the son of a nation, and no matter what you decide, why should you consult with your concubines?”

Wu Meiniang’s face was confused.

“No, no, no, this matter is related to you, so I must discuss it with you.”

2 The most political hurry to wave hands.

“Your Majesty, whatever you command, the concubines shall obey their orders.”

| Wu Meiniang said softly.


“That’s blunt.”

28 The most political eyes lit up and said, “Pretty Lady, after thinking about it again and again, I decided to let you ascend the throne and become emperor, and from now on, you and I will be both holy and pilgrimage, so Qinse and Ming, is it not a good story in the world?” ”

The most political smiled and looked at Wu Meiniang.

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