Chapter 224 wants you to ascend the throne and become emperor!


With the most political words into the ears.

Empress Wu Meiniang was stunned on the spot.

She looked at her Tianzi Husband and Princess sheepishly, and the whole person was not good.

Don’t say that Wu Meiniang was stunned and sluggish, unable to return from the words of the regent. Even Cao Tian and Shangguan Wan’er on the side were completely stunned.

The look in Tianzi’s eyes was even more incredible. Even they are dreaming.

And it was a terrible dream that could not wake up.

“Your Majesty, what are you talking about?”

A full cover of tea time passed.

Empress Wu Meiniang’s shocked eyes gradually focused. But his voice trembled to the extreme.

Looking at Tianzi Fujun’s eyes, he was even more frightened.

“He said that you would ascend the throne and become emperor, and from then on you and I would be pilgrims of both husband and wife.” The government repeated it again, and the smile on his face grew brighter. ”

“Your Majesty, you must not.”

Wu Meiniang woke up in an instant.

Her face was already miserable and bloodless, and she was even more kneeling on the ground, completely afraid to get up.

“Lady, what are you doing here?”

The regent frowned and lifted his queen’s wife up again. But Empress Wu Meiniang’s small face was as pale as paper.

Looking into the eyes of this heavenly husband of his own is like looking at a madman. Make yourself emperor?

Is this Heavenly Son of Heaven crazy?

Although he has some covetous intentions for imperial power.

From the beginning to the end, I never thought of ascending the throne and becoming emperor.157

This is simply a fantasy, and it makes Wu Meiniang feel that this is a big joke. But look at the serious expression on Tianzi Fujun’s face.

Wu Meiniang suddenly found that her Heavenly Son Husband Jun didn’t seem to be joking with her.

“Your Majesty may take back his ordination, for the concubines will never dare to do such a disobedient and deceitful thing.”

Wu Meiniang’s beautiful face was extremely serious. Because she knew it wasn’t a child’s play.

If she really agreed to Her Majesty, even if the subjects of Bactria did not dare to scold the Heavenly Son, they would definitely say that she was a demon queen.

This kind of insulting martial beauty is absolutely unbearable.

“Lady, you and I are of one heart and one mind, and whoever dares to say that you are disobedient and deceitful will condemn him to the Ten Tribes.” The most political face is cold. ”

“Your Majesty, you must not.”

Wu Meiniang was suddenly anxious and wanted to refuse. Pity.

This time the regent did not allow his wife to refuse.

“Lady, are you going to disobey the will of the Fallen?”

The most political expression is cold.

“Concubines don’t dare.”

Wu Meiniang’s soft face was bitter.

“That’s right.”

“After a while, you and I will go to the court together, and you will be crowned as the female emperor of Bactria by decree.”

“From now on, you don’t have to read the joint approval in the inner courtyard of the deep palace, and you can fully exercise the right of a female emperor.”

The regent smiled and said.

“Your Majesty, you?”

Wu Meiniang was completely speechless.

She looked at her husband with bitterness.

Her own thinking was already a mess of originality, she really didn’t know if her husband was really faint, or if she had other thoughts in her heart. But looking into the unmistakable eyes of the Maharajah.

Wu Meiniang could only reluctantly agree not to come.

It can be imagined that if Manchu Wenwu and Lü Yan learned of this, they were afraid that they would definitely scold her as a demon queen in their hearts.

“Well, that’s it.”

The most political gently stroked Wu Meiniang’s hair bun, smiled and said with relief. However, the regent also had a hint of guilt in his eyes.

He naturally knew that if he had made a holy will, he would crown Wu Meiniang as the Female Emperor of Great Xia. This event must have shocked the whole nine weeks of the world.

Perhaps the world did not dare to scold him for fainting, but he suffered his own queen’s wife to carry the pot for himself. After all, in the eyes of the world.

It must be thought that the Empress is seducing the Son of Heaven, otherwise how could she have made such a faint and absurd will? But the most political way is to do it.

Want to get rewards from the system.

He’s going to do something stupid.

Therefore, he could only work hard for his queen wife to carry the pot for himself.

“Cao Qian, swing the Dragon De Hall.”

After the government calmed his empress wife, he casually commanded Cao Qian.

“The slave obeys the order.”

Cao Tian did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly prepared the dragon dragon.

The regent dragged the empress’s wife to the dragon and went straight to the Dragon Temple.

Dragon Temple.

This is the time of the early dynasty.

The early dynasty was proceeding in an orderly manner.

The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was discussing the politics of the Bactrian Dynasty.

Some courtiers proposed to destroy the remnants of the Great Qing outside the Guanwai first.

It has also been suggested that the nine weeks have been divided into two, and that Great Qin is the greatest enemy of Bactria.

However, it should first annex the ancient kingdom of Loulan, so that it can open the station with Great Qin without worries. More ministers kept reporting on the situation in the states of Bactria.

The voices of the early courtiers were extremely lively. Lü Yan listened to the government and patiently listened to the opinions of the courtiers.

This scene is also enough to prove that Bactria is developing in a good direction.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Ge Ran!

Just when the early dynasty was going on like tea.

The shrill voice of the eunuch passed into the Longde Hall.

And this also made Manchu Dynasty Wenwu look stunned, and even Lü Yan inside the bead curtain was surprised to get up. You must know that the Son of Heaven has not been in the early dynasty for many years.

Over the years, the number of premature dynasties can be described as countless. No one expected that the Son of Heaven would actually come to the court today.

However, Qunchen and Lü Yan quickly woke up.

Everyone’s face showed excitement and excitement.

It seems that the Son of Heaven is still concerned about the government and government, and he is indeed worthy of being the Ming Emperor of Bactria. Soon.

In the eyes of the courtiers expecting joy, they saw the most political empress Wu Meiniang enter the Longde Palace. It was only what happened in the next moment that completely made the eyes of the group of ministers shudder.

What do they see? Emperor!

Daimiko sat down on the dragon chair.

But Empress Wu Meiniang actually sat on the dragon chair. And sit side by side with the Son of Heaven?

In an instant.

The eyes of the original group of courtiers gradually became silent.

In particular, the faces of Cao Qian, Zhao Kuangyin, Sima Yi and others changed slightly, and an extremely bad premonition vaguely arose in their hearts. Don’t say that the group of courtiers is quiet.

Even Lü Yan’s gaze behind the beaded curtain cooled down slightly, and the look in Wu Meiniang’s eyes gradually became unkind. Now.

The atmosphere in the entire Dragon Hall was eerie and quiet and terrible.

An invisible repression filled the entire Dragon Temple.


Zhao Gao’s eyes moved slightly.

But let’s take a step forward.

Manchu Wenwu quickly woke up and hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

“Mountain Whew.”

“Long live my Emperor.”

“Shout again.”

“Long live our Emperor.”

“Shout again.”

“Long live our Emperor.”

“All the secretaries of state are at peace.”

The most political smile slightly. The court ceremony is complete. The courtiers stood up.

It’s just that no one has taken the lead in speaking out.

After all, the Manchu Dynasty was a human spirit.

If they don’t see that the situation is a little strange today. They themselves are going to call themselves idiots.


The courtiers were all waiting for the Son of Heaven to speak.

Because they believe that the Son of Heaven will not ascend for no reason. Moreover, Empress Wu Meiniang actually sat side by side with the Son of Heaven.

Obviously, the deep meaning contained in this is absolutely not trivial.

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