Chapter 225 Female Emperor Wu Xie, System Reward!.

Maybe I felt the strange and complicated gaze of the courtiers.

Nie Zheng smiled slightly, “Cao Tian declared his will.” ”

Cao Tian did not dare to be sloppy, and hurriedly unfolded the holy will in his hand and read it out: “Fengtian Transport, the Heavenly Son’s Edict: Empress Wu Mei Niang Wen Wan Xian Shu, and for many years on behalf of the Emperor Wu Mei to approve the reading of the music to handle state affairs, thinking about it for a long time, specially crowned Wu Mei Niang as the Female Emperor of Great Xia, and gave her the name Wu Xi, and since then the female Emperor Wu Xi and the Shu Shuang Holy Emperor have come to the dynasty to jointly handle the state affairs of Great Xia. ”


As Cao Tian finished reading the Holy Will.

Manchu Wenwu was horrified, and only felt his brain roaring.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was filled with horror and disbelief. Don’t say that Manchu Wenwu was shocked and stupid on the spot.

Even Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain had a big change in his face and couldn’t sit still.

“Your Majesty, you must not.”

Cao Wei took the lead in standing up.

“Your Majesty, this must not be done.”

Zhao Kuangyin, the Great Yuan of the Terracotta Army, also stood up.

“Your Majesty, since ancient times there has been no two days in the heavens, and there has been no two masters in the country, and such a ridiculous thing is absolutely impossible.”

Sima Yi, the old guy, also came out of the crowd.

“Your Majesty, this matter must not be done, and the slave implores His Majesty to take back his life, otherwise His Majesty will not be reviled by the people?”

Even the baby Washu stood up. Cao Wei and the others spoke out to stop it.

This caused a chain reaction. Just look at it.

The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu capital came out one after another.

And all of them knelt on the ground, and even cried and prayed, so that Nie Zheng could take back this fainting will. Pity.

In the face of the bitter demands of the courtiers, Nie Zheng’s face was waveless. Apparently.

Naturally, the things he decided could not be changed by the cries of the courtiers.

“Wu Meiniang, do you dare to seduce Your Majesty?”

Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain finally couldn’t sit still.

She suddenly lifted the beaded curtain and walked out, and the look in Wu Meiniang’s eyes showed an extremely cold color. In Lü Yan’s view.

It must be Wu Meiniang, a slut, who seduced Emperor Yi.

Otherwise, no matter how faint Emperor Yi was, how could he possibly do such a ridiculous thing? I don’t blame Lu Yan for being angry.

The rise of Bactria was already going to compete with Great Qin for nine weeks. This is an opportunity that Bactria has never had.

As long as Great Qin is destroyed, Emperor Yi can go one step further and become an emperor of all ages.

However, at this most important time, Wu Meiniang, a slut, dared to seduce the Son of Heaven and wanted to ascend the throne as emperor.

This is absolutely not allowed in Lü Jie’s view.

In the face of the blockade of the Qunchen, there was also Lü Yan’s angry eyes. Wu Meiniang’s eyes were full of bitterness.

But there is no pain to say.

Where is that she wants to ascend the throne and become emperor, but her own heavenly husband insists on doing so.

“Lu Yan, back off.”

Nie Zheng scolded coldly.

And this also Lü Yan looked at Wu Meiniang with hatred and returned to the beaded curtain and sat down. Apparently.

Over the years, Lü Yan has still had a strong and domineering personality. But in front of Nie Zheng, she could only become a weak woman. Seeing Nie Zheng angry.

Lü Yan had a grudge in his heart, but he could only forcibly suppress it. Seeing that Lü Yan was all calmed by Tianzi.

His Highness’s courtiers looked anxious, and they already saw that the will of the Son of Heaven could not be changed.

“Your Majesty, please think twice.”

“Your Majesty, if the female emperor ascends the throne, where will your throne be placed?”

“Your Majesty, please, do not do such a ridiculous thing.”

The courtiers prostrated their heads and cried.

Seeing that Bactria and Great Qin were about to open a stop in the Dingding Nine Weeks Great World. But now the Son of Heaven has given such a faint will.

How could the subjects of Bactria be at ease?

How would the Great Xia Elite view the Son of Heaven? This can almost be said to be a disaster for the country and the people.

“Be bold!”


Nie Zheng took the case.

The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a cold color. The Son of Heaven was furious, and the crowd was horrified.

In a flash.

The cries and prayers throughout the Dragon Hall came to an abrupt end.

The Qunchen couldn’t help but shiver, and finally no one was talking anymore. Apparently.

Since Emperor Yi of Xia ascended the throne, all the courtiers have learned the wrist of the Heavenly Son. At this moment, the Son of Heaven was furious, and they naturally timidized.

Just look at it.

Cao Wei is also good.

Zhao Kuangyin was no different.

There was also the scheming Sima Yi and others.

At this moment, all of them stood with their heads bowed, and did not dare to say more than half a sentence.

“It seems that you have been very good to you all these years, have you forgotten what is the way of kings and subjects?”

0 Ask for flowers…

Nie Zheng’s voice was cold.

A pair of eyes fell like knives on Man Chao Wenwu’s body.

Manchu Wenwu suddenly struck a fierce spirit, and did not dare to look into the eyes of the Heavenly Son.

“I hope that all of you Qing families will remember that what Qing Qing said brooks no one to question, and if any Qing family dares to oppose it again, then wait for the Nine Tribes to be cursed.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Ministers, etc., obey the order.”

The courtiers looked at each other.

There was a look of helplessness in his eyes. Bite!

[Detecting that the host is faint, he canonizes Wu Meiniang to ascend the throne as emperor, and the reward: the heart of the human emperor.] 】Ding!

[Remind the host, the heart of the human emperor was originally left by the last human emperor Xin in the world, if the host wants to fuse the human emperor’s heart, he needs to unify the nine weeks of the world, gather the human emperor Jiuding to break the shackles of heaven and earth and the other heaven and earth Reiki revival, in order to become a real human emperor!

[Remind the host that the heart of the human emperor exists in the system space, please check the host in the system space.] A series of icy tones sounded in Nie Zheng’s ears.

This also made Nie Zheng’s eyes light up. Sure enough!

Before Oniguzi said that there was an imperial heart in his body.

It seems that it is also because the rewards that come with the system itself are the hearts of the emperor. Now.

He let Wu Meiniang ascend the throne and become emperor, and did things that were faint, and the system really rewarded the heart of the human emperor. In fact.

Nie Zheng was making Wu Meiniang emperor and was also doing an experiment. Really.

The experiment succeeded.

This also made Nie Zheng more and more speculative about the origin of the system.

Even such an unattainable thing as the heart of the human emperor can be used as a reward, so what kind of existence is the system itself?

According to the main task released by the system. The system wants him to become emperor within ten years.

The system will also be upgraded to the mythological level, and the items and abilities it rewards will also be upgraded to the mythical level. Nie Zheng’s heart was throbbing slightly.

If the Ancient Extinction Station is really that myth and legend.

That system upgrades the myth, and he can be completely fearless of that myth and legend. Nie Zheng was vaguely excited in his heart.

There is great expectation for the system upgrade to myths and legends. But before that.

He must complete the main quest released by the system and become a real human emperor.

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