Chapter 226 Human Emperor Inheritance!.

The sun and the moon are in the sky, the female emperor of the Great Xia.

Under Nie Zheng’s will, Manchu Wenwu reluctantly accepted the fact that Wu Meiniang was proclaimed emperor. From then on, Wu Cao was able to make the Heavenly Son’s imperial power open and upright.

But when the news spread throughout Bactria, the people were in an uproar, and they couldn’t believe such a fanciful thing.

But something extremely interesting happened.

The people of Bactria did not secretly rebuke Emperor Xia for being unconscious. Instead, they all denounced Empress Wu Meiniang for seducing the Heavenly Son.

Otherwise, how could Emperor Xia do such a faint and ridiculous thing? Get!

Wu Meiniang could only carry the pot for her Tianzi husband. Although the female emperor Wu Cao ascended the throne as emperor.

However, the whole of Bactria did not have any turmoil because of this incident. After all, Emperor Xia was still alive.

As long as Emperor Yi of Xia was still alive for one day, Bactria would naturally not be in chaos.

And the subjects of Bactria could only reluctantly accept the matter of the female emperor’s ascension to the throne.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Empress Wu Meiniang!


Now she should be called Female Emperor Wuxiao.

At this moment, Wu Shuo’s face was full of grievances, and Chu Chu looked at his Tianzi Husband Jun pitifully.

“Lady Mei, I know that you have been wronged, but you have already ascended the throne as emperor, and from now on you are not only the wife of Xia, but also the female emperor of Bactria and you will have to worry more about major political affairs in the future.”

Nie Zheng pretended to be comforted.

Although he said that he had pit his wife, Nie Zheng also felt some guilt in his heart. But if he doesn’t pit his wife, how can he get the reward of the system?

“Your Majesty, you have become a hand-throwing treasurer, but the concubines will bear the infamy of the people.”

Wu Shuo was wronged.

If you do it before.

If he could ascend the throne and become emperor, Wu Cao would naturally be very happy and happy.

However, over the years, under the rule of his own Heavenly Son, the kingdom of Bactria has flourished day by day, and it has already stood shoulder to shoulder with Great Qin.

At this moment, the subjects of Great Xia were all united in their hearts and minds, and they were all preparing for a station with Great Qin.

The sudden act of such a thing by his own Heavenly Son Husband simply caught everyone off guard. But something has happened.

Wu Cao could only reluctantly accept that he had become the female emperor of Bactria.

“Lady Mei, although you are a woman, you already have the posture of an emperor, and to become a female emperor of Bactria with your talents is not only not a bad thing, but a good thing.”

“Although you are now carrying the insults given by 10,000 people, I believe that under your rule, Bactria will definitely go one step further.”

“In the future, the subjects of Bactria will certainly be convinced of you as a female emperor.”

Nie Zheng solemnly said his thing.

Others don’t know Wu Meiniang’s abilities.

However, Nie Zheng knew very clearly that his wife, the empress, was born with the talent of an emperor. The sun and the moon are in the sky, and the female emperor is in the world.

This sentence is not just a matter of words.

It is that Wu Meiniang is indeed not weaker than any Heavenly Son in ancient and modern times in the way of governing the country. If you let Wu Meiniang just read the fold for him behind the scenes.

This simply could not truly show the imperial posture of Wu Meiniang. It can be said that it is overkill. He said that perhaps others cared about the fall of imperial power. But Nie Zheng didn’t care about these things.

And his wife can’t he still believe it? Let’s say the most blunt of all.

As long as Emperor Yi of Xia lived for one day, then Bactria would not be chaotic. People make the best use of their talents.

This fully explains Nie Zheng’s art of taming people.

“The beautiful lady knows that she will certainly not live up to her husband’s trust.”

Wu Shuo looked straight and bowed to Nie Zhengyi.

“Well, don’t be aggrieved anymore, you have just become the female emperor of Bactria and you are busy with those dynasties and politics, and you will have to worry about these state affairs in the future.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“The concubines understand, so they deal with the government.”

Wu Shuo sighed secretly in his heart, and could only bid farewell to his husband. After all, there were still a large number of notes in her palace that had not been reviewed.

And tomorrow is the first day of her becoming the female emperor of Bactria on the throne, and she must also be fully prepared.

“Lady, you’ve worked hard.”

Nie Zheng sighed and felt a little ashamed of himself as the female emperor’s wife.

“Fu Jun is assured that only if the concubines live for one day, they will definitely take care of all state affairs for Fu Jun, and in the future, they will also help Fu Jun to overthrow Great Qin and help Fu Jun ascend to the throne of the Emperor of the Ages.”

Wu Shuo’s eyes were firm, and then he bowed to his Heavenly Son Husband Jun, and then he resigned. Looking at the back of his female emperor’s wife.

Nie Zheng was slightly stunned.

But then there was a laugh.

It seems that her female emperor wife has finally accepted her current identity. But that’s fine.

From now on, the affairs of the Great Xia Dynasty Hall would be held by this female emperor and Lü Yan, and he could also rest assured. However, it was thought that two women were in the same dynasty to deal with the politics of the Bactrian Dynasty.

Nie Zheng was still a little worried in his heart, really afraid that Lü Yan and Wu Meiniang would fight because of their disagreement. But Nie Zheng was just thinking about it…

Then this annoyance was put to the fore.

“Cao Qian, Er waits to retreat.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian hurriedly beckoned a group of palace eunuchs to exit Weiyang Palace. With the Weiyang Palace door closed.

Extract the heart of the human emperor!

Nie Zheng meditated in his heart.

The next moment.

Something absolutely amazing happened! Airplanes!

Void ripples, ripples spread. A ball of light!

A golden ball of light appeared in front of Nie Zheng.

An unimaginable breath was spilling out of this ball of light. Before Nie Zheng could see what this ball of light looked like. Only to see this golden ball of light shoot towards Nie Zheng in an instant. The next moment melted into the atrium of his heart.


Nie Zheng felt his heart beating wildly.

And an unimaginable force was rushing from his heart towards the veins of his limbs. The power of this force is simply unimaginable.


At the same time.

An unimaginable sharp pain made Nie Zheng take a breath of cold air. He felt as if his atrium was about to be opened at this moment.

The power that surged in the veins of his limbs rumbled like a flood beast roared inside him. An unimaginably powerful force was growing in his body.

This force was vast and endless, as if it were going to burst his body. Nie Zheng could only grit his teeth and endure.

Because he knows that this is the power brought to him by the heart of the human emperor, the process will naturally not be so easy in 2.0. And Nie Zheng was shocked to find that his body overflowed with extremely dazzling golden light.

An eternal breath was slowly spilling out of his body.

This breath was vicissitudes and sorrows, as if there were ancient ancestors chanting in his body. He is being told some of the hidden secrets that have taken place in the ancient world. Inheritance!

This is the inheritance of the human emperor!

Not only has it inherited some of the power of the human emperor. It also made Nie Zheng realize the significance of the existence of the human emperor. Finally!

A cup of tea time passed.

The inheritance of the heart of the human emperor is over.

Nie Zheng’s entire body also regained calm.

It was just a human emperor seal engraved on the center of his brow.

However, as soon as the Emperor’s mark appeared, it instantly disappeared into Nie Zheng’s brow. Make him look no different from usual.

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