Chapter 227 Su Daji, I will protect you for the rest of your life!


Tough enough to be on par with the sky? Is this the so-called power of the human emperor? Nie Zheng silently felt the power in his body.

I could feel my heart beating vigorously and vigorously. And the source of this power is the heart of the human emperor.


Nie Zheng could not control this force.

This force was completely lurking in his body. Not listening to his dispatches at all.

In addition to making his flesh strong enough to transcend the boundaries of mortals. He couldn’t even mobilize a trace of human imperial power in his body.


Nie Zheng spoke softly.

A ripple passed through the air, and then it returned to normal again. The Emperor’s Law.

Say what you will.

I say the truth.

That’s it.

Nie Zheng tentatively used the so-called Human Emperor Law. Pity.


Things were still flowing around them, but the air had just slowed down a little, almost imperceptible. Nie Zheng was not disappointed.

Because he knows it very well.

Although he has won the heart of the human emperor, he is still not the human emperor.

Only when the Nine Weeks Great World is unified, respected by hundreds of millions of people, and the Qi Ren Emperor Jiuding breaks the shackles of heaven and earth and revives the aura, only then can he become a true human emperor.


He will also be immortal in the human world, and the great mana of a human emperor will be on par with the heavens. Of course.

Although now Nie Zheng could not mobilize the power of the human emperor.

However, the heart of the human emperor still gave him extremely terrible force. And the strength of his flesh reached an extremely frightening level. Put it this way.

If Nie Zheng alone could be an enemy of a country. Now his strength was definitely ten times that of before. And truly out of the realm of mortals.

Although he couldn’t live forever yet, he couldn’t use some imperial skills.

That’s only because he wasn’t yet a human emperor, and there was no reason why Heaven and Earth didn’t have Reiki. Otherwise.

If the Heaven and Earth Reiki remains.

Even though Nie Zheng was not a human emperor now, he was definitely comparable to who was alive. Boom!

Nie Zheng clenched his fists, and every inch of space seemed to be pinched by him. Now.

Nie Zheng had a feeling.

Now even if a mountain stands in his way.

One punch exploded, the landslide cracked, and the rivers all flowed backwards.

“Human Emperor Jiuding?”

Nie Zheng’s mind returned to calm, and murmurs came from his mouth… Chintencha!

The moon is in the sky and the stars are full of stars.

The stars were falling from the sky, and a yin and yang roulette wheel was rumbling. Oniguzi has white hair, but his spirit is vigorous.

His two fingers kept pointing at the yin-yang gossip roulette wheel.

From time to time, you can see a starlight passing by the Yin and Yang Bagua roulette wheel. A mysterious aura was spreading out in the Qin Heavenly Prison.

“See Your Majesty.”


Only to see Nie Zheng strolling into the Qin Heavenly Prison.

The disciples of the Ghost Valley Gate Sect all knelt down and prostrated their heads.

Ghost Guzi, who was originally fiddling with the yin and yang gossip roulette wheel, also quickly woke up and hurried to greet Nie Zheng.

“The old man meets His Majesty.”

Oniguzi knelt down and prostrated his head in salute.

“Get up, can the Emperor of Man ever figure out where?”

Nie Zheng said softly.

Ghost Guzi did not dare to be sloppy, and reported truthfully: “Your Majesty, Emperor Qin has won four human emperors, and the fifth human emperor should be in the south of the East China Sea according to the calculation of the old man Zhou Tianxing.” ”

“South of the East Sea?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

He vaguely remembered that above the East Sea mentioned by Xu Fu before, there was the inheritance of the Ancient Qi Alchemist. And there is a dragon that has lived from ancient times to this world.

Could it be that in the cave house of the Ancient Qi Alchemist guarded by the dragon, there was a fifth human emperor who could not succeed?

“Can you determine the exact location of the Fifth Human Emperor?”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“Your Majesty, now that the heavens and the earth have been sealed, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi does not exist, and can only be used by the power of the Heaven and Earth Starlight to carry out the Zhou Tian Xing Arithmetic Deduction, and the old man still needs seven days.”

Oniguchi replied.

“Well, in seven days, we will be waiting for your good news.”

Nie Zheng nodded, and then strode away from Qin Tianjian. Apparently.

If you want to become a human emperor, you must get the human emperor Jiuding.

Since Emperor Yingzheng of Qin had already found four human imperial thrones, the other five human imperial crowns naturally could not be obtained by him. Nie Zheng wanted to get the remaining five human emperors in the fastest time.

Then launch the station of annihilation of Qin, unify the world for nine weeks, so that the gathering of the human emperor and the nine peaks can break the shackles of heaven and earth, and the other nine weeks of the great world can rejuvenate their aura.

At that time, he can also achieve the invincible human imperial fruit in the world. What is immortality?

With the revival of the Heaven and Earth Reiki and the continuation of the path of immortality, it is natural to cultivate the art of immortality, achieve the purpose of immortality, and even cultivate into the realm of heavenly immortals.

But for Nie Zheng.

Immortal and even the so-called Heavenly Immortal Realm were far from enough for him. If you become a human emperor, you can already live forever.

And it is invincible in the human world, and its human emperor is on a par with the heavens. But……

Nie Zheng’s ambition is not just to become a human emperor! What he wants is something that the world would never dare to imagine.

This was also the deepest secret in Nie Zheng’s heart.

… Shou Xian Palace!

There are no singers dancing, and no pianists playing. There is no such thing as the joy and laughter of the past. There were only two people in the entire Shouxian Palace.

Nie Zheng and Su Daji.

“Why is Your Majesty no longer smiling today, is it because His Majesty is the concubine who has made His Majesty angry?”

Su Da’s own amazing charm or small face was a little worried.

Because her Heavenly Son Husband Jun had not sought pleasure with her as he had been since entering the Shou 947 Xiangong. Instead, he just looked at her quietly.

She was flustered when she saw it, and she felt even more that she had done something wrong and made her husband unhappy.

“Beauty, I seem to know why you don’t laugh.”

Nie Zheng gently stroked Su Daji’s hair and said softly.

“Does Your Majesty know?”

“Could it be that the concubine has some strange disease?”

Su Daji hurriedly asked questions.

Because since she was born, she has never smiled.

She also wanted to smile at her husband, but she really couldn’t laugh. Even Su Daji herself thought that she should have a strange disease.

“Beauty, you are not sick, but it is not yet time for you to smile at you.”

“But this day should not be too far away, maybe when you smile at your face, even the heavens and the earth will melt in your smile?”

Nie Zheng softly comforted.

Just looking into the eyes of the Heavenly Dome, a faint cold color was streaked.

“Your Majesty, the concubines don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Su Daji’s small face was confused.

However, Nie Zheng did not make an explanation, but looked at Su Daji with soft eyes, “Su Daji, you just need to remember that you are a woman of Yuan, and you will protect you for life, and you will definitely not become a puppet for anyone to deal with Yuan.” ”

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