Chapter 229 opens the way with blood, the bitterness and helplessness of the Qin Emperor!

Maybe it’s a sense of it.

Emperor Qin frowned slightly.

He looked out over the vast sea ahead. Although you can’t see the Bactrian ships.

However, he knew that the ship on which Emperor Xia Emperor B was riding was gradually sailing towards the depths of the East China Sea.

“Where is the stargazer?”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth.

“The subject is here.”

A man with black hair and black beard came out of the crowd, holding a compass in his hand like a ghost valley.

“Can you determine the direction of the ships of Bactria sailing?”

Emperor Qin was suspicious.

“Your Majesty is assured that although it is impossible to calculate where the Emperor of Man is, according to the flow of the heavens and the waves on the sea, he will never follow the ship on which Emperor Di Xia is riding.”

The Great Qin Stargazer swore an assurance.


Emperor Qin nodded slowly, and the last bit of worry in his eyes dissipated. As the so-called mantis catches the yellow finch in the back.

As long as he could follow Emperor Xia Yi, even if the other party found the human emperor one step ahead, he would also have to seize it with all his might.

South of the East China Sea.

An isolated island caught Nie Zheng’s eye in the middle of the vast sea. But I don’t know why.

The silhouette of the island is covered by thick fog, making the silhouette of the island loom.

“Your Majesty, this is the place.”

“However, the island looks like it is covered by a phantom array, so it will produce a thick fog in 913, but the old man can completely break this phantom array.”

Ghost Guzi’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward to report to Nie Zhengyu.


Nie Zheng nodded.


Under the command of the Oniguzi Banner.

Hundreds of ships in Bactria finally broke through the thick fog and reached the shore of the isolated island. With Nie Zheng’s order.

Two hundred thousand Bactrian elites disembarked one after another and began to search for this isolated island according to the will of the Son of Heaven.

Once you find the Inheritance Cave House left by the Ancient Qi Alchemist, you will report to the Heavenly Son at the first time.

The other side.

Great Qin’s hundreds of station ships were not so lucky. Although Emperor Qin saw the outline of the isolated island ahead.

However, the illusion fog made the Great Qin ship begin to lose its way, and it gradually began to circle around the isolated island. It is impossible to get close to this mysterious island in the mist.

On the deck of the Great Qin Giant Ship.

A dozen stargazers holding a compass in their hands were full of cold sweat, constantly measuring the entrance to the illusion fog, anxious like ants on a hot pot.


Emperor Qin’s face was cold, and he looked at the eyes of a dozen stargazers with a touch of coldness. Apparently.

Emperor Yi of Xia had successfully set foot on this isolated island.

And his Great Qin Station ship was actually trapped in the mist illusion. In the eyes of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin, this was simply unacceptable to him.

And looking into the eyes of these stargazers, the cold killing machine has gradually risen. There is a saying that says it well.

Goods have to be thrown away, people have to die more than people.

Compared with the one vein of Ghost Guzi, these stargazers of Great Qin were simply the difference between heaven and earth. Emperor Qin was helpless and resentful in his heart.

If he could get help from Oniguzi, why should he expect these useless stargazers?

“The widow will only give you half an hour at most, and if you cannot find the entrance to this isolated island, you will apologize with death.”

Emperor Qin spoke coldly.

But also because of this sentence of his.

The ten stargazers of Great Qin looked extremely pale and quickly gathered together to discuss how to break this phantom array. Stop.

Under the pressure of death threats.

It really made these dozen stargazers think of a way.

“Your Majesty, this array should be laid out by the Ancient Qi Alchemist, but the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi does not exist, and the power of this phantom array does not exist in every way, and only by opening the way with the Blood Spirit Qi can we open up a way to the island.”

A Great Qin stargazer hurriedly bowed down to report.

“What is the Blood Essence?”

Emperor Qin frowned slightly.

The Great Qin Stargazer’s eyes trembled, but he still bent down and replied, “Your Majesty, the bloody essence is the life of the living, and only by sacrificing the life of the indomitable dead can we break through the fog and reach this isolated island.” ”

After the Great Qin Stargazer said this, he did not dare to look up at the Qin Emperor at all. Really!

Hearing these waste stargazers’ methods, Qin Huangzheng’s face was cold and terrible.

“Do you mean that you have to sacrifice the lives of the Great Qin soldiers under the command of the widow in order to open up the way to the island?”

“Did Emperor Yi of Xia also use his bloody spirit to open the way and be able to land on the island?”


Emperor Qin’s eyes were extremely cold.


A dozen Great Qin Stargazers trembled and did not dare to answer Emperor Qin’s question at all. Apparently.

Emperor Xia had the help of Ghost Guzi, a strange man of all ages, who was familiar with the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, and Bagua, and naturally successfully broke through the formation and landed on the island.

However, compared with the ghost valley, these people were not a level of existence at all, and only this method could reach the island in the fog.

“A bunch of crap, what do the widows want you to do?”

Emperor Qin spoke coldly.

The Tai’a sword in his hand almost came out of its sheath, and a sword killed these stargazers. But Qin Guangying did not do this.

Because he knew very well that if he really killed these stargazers. This trip to the East China Sea will be more difficult.

Yin Zheng could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

A ghost valley was too helpful for Emperor Yi of Xia. At this moment, the disadvantages of his Great Qin had already been revealed.

But the fifth human emperor was bound to win. This mysterious island he must also climb.

Emperor Qin sighed and seemed to be able to sacrifice the Great Qin soldiers.

“The widow wants me to open the way with the blood of life, and if there is a willing, take a step forward.”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth.

“I am waiting to repay Your Majesty with a death.”


Just look at it.

The Great Qin soldiers all took a step forward, and the Great Qin Giant Ship all tilted slightly, and none of them hesitated. From here, it can also be seen that Emperor Qin Yingzheng has such a supreme position in the eyes of Great Qin’s subjects.

“Those who have wives and children in the family take a step back.”

Emperor Qin’s eyes trembled slightly.


No one in the Great Qin soldiers retreated, and the look in the eyes of the Qin Emperor was extremely hot. Faith!

This is the belief of the Great Qin subjects in the victory of the Qin Emperor. Just one word from Emperor Qin.

Even if there is a sea of knives and fires ahead.

Great Qin, from his courtiers to his soldiers, was willing to die for Emperor Qin.

“The widow repeats again, those who have wives and children in the family, old and young, take a step back.”

Emperor Qin couldn’t bear it in his heart, but he still spoke out in a cold voice.


This time, some Great Qin soldiers took a step back.

Because of the will of the Qin Emperor, they did not dare to disobey.

“Your Majesty, let these young people continue to live to serve Your Majesty, we are all old and cannot live long, and I am willing to die for Your Majesty as much as I can.”


Only to see a group of Great Qin’s elderly soldiers walking out one after another. It was not waiting for Emperor Qin to stop it.

“Your Majesty, I am waiting.”


These old Qin soldiers pulled out their steel knives, their eyes showed a fiery color, and they all cut themselves off their necks and fell into a pool of blood.

Such a scene.

It made Emperor Qin’s eyes flutter, but his face remained calm. Just looking at the eyes of the Great Qin Stargazers, there was a touch of tyranny.

“What are you doing with all this waste?”

“Do you want the widow’s sons to bleed in vain?”

A dozen stargazers of Great Qin woke up in shock.

Hurriedly squeezed the knife with both hands, induced the blood qi on the bodies of these dead soldiers, and then began to break through the fog.

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