Chapter 230 Rob Things with Decay? The Qin Emperor also had to pay a price!


Open the way with the bloody spirit of the sacrifice of the living.

The illusionary fog that blocked the Great Qin Station Ship gradually began to break. It was just that Emperor Qin’s face did not have any happy color.

On the contrary, looking at the Great Qin soldiers who fell in a pool of blood, the sourness in his heart became more and more intense.

“Your Majesty, the warship has docked.”

More than a dozen Great Qin stargazers hurried to ask for credit.

What could be greeted was the cold and ruthless gaze of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

This also frightened the stargazers to hurry to their knees, and their bodies were trembling.

“Come people, take good care of their remains, bury them after returning to Great Qin, each will be rewarded with a reward of 1,000 taels, their families will be exempted from military service and taxes for life, and if they have children and children, they can all enter my Great Qin museum.”

Emperor Qin won the government and issued a silent order.


Lisi hurriedly knocked on the leader’s order.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin swept away the sourness in his heart, stepped out, and landed on this mysterious island.

The 200,000 Great Qin elites, under the command of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin, also began to search for the whereabouts of the fifth human emperor. But the coincidence is.

Because the Great Qin Station Ship was trapped by the fog of the phantom array before, it had been circling around the isolated island. At this moment, Emperor Qin was on the west side of the island.

Nie Zheng’s location is to the east.

The soldiers and horses of the two countries searched for the whereabouts of the human emperor in the east and the west. Obviously, it won’t be long before they get together.

However, perhaps Nie Zheng and Yin Zheng had discussed it well. Both men gave their will at the same time.

If you encounter the other side’s soldiers and horses, do not clash. Apparently.

Both sides aspire to the Fifth Human Emperor’s Ding, and unless they find any trace of the Human Emperor’s Ding, the two sides will fight and rob each other. Before finding the Emperor, the two sides did not want to make a big fuss.


Isolated island, cliff side.

The sea of clouds swirled and steamed.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, overlooking the entire isolated island.

At the same time, I also saw that on the western island, there were Great Qin soldiers and horses searching for the whereabouts of the human emperor.

“Yin Zheng this guy is still quite fast, I didn’t expect to break the fog of the phantom array so quickly.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

“Open the way with bloody essence, thanks to what these Great Qin Stargazers want to come out.”

Ghost Guzi shook his head and sighed, obviously some shame on the behavior of these Great Qin stargazers.

“Okay old man, do you think everyone has the ability to understand the yin and yang of heaven and earth?”

“Although it is indeed cruel to sacrifice the lives of living people to break through the fog of illusion, if you exchange the decay for a winning government, the decay will also do so.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

There’s an old saying goes.

One will make a thousand bones wither.

Those who become big things are informal.

On the road to the nine-week world, it is bound to be full of dead bones, which is also an unavoidable thing. If it weren’t for the help of Oniguzi, a strange man of the ages.

Nie Zheng believed that he would definitely be more ruthless than Emperor Qin.

“Your Majesty, found it!”

Jing Ke quietly appeared behind Nie Zheng and bowed down to him.


“Found it so quickly?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up and he looked back at Jing Ke.

“Your Majesty, there is a valley in the hinterland of the isolated island, and there is a natural cave in the valley, and the tunnel inside the cave is extremely wide, and there is a faint and inexplicable breath, and the Emperor of Man should be in the depths of the cave.”

Jing Ke reported truthfully.


Nie Zheng smiled and nodded.

“Your Majesty, there should be a formation protection in this cave, although the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi does not exist, but these formations are also extremely powerful, and the old man will go with you to break these formations and take out the human emperor.”

Oniguzi hurried to speak.

“No rush, no rush.”

Nie Zheng whispered softly.

He looked deeply at the 200,000 elite of Great Qin who were searching the island. A cold light crept through his eyes.

“Jing Ke, pass on the will and let the soldiers of Bactria withdraw from that valley.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

“Your Majesty?”

Jing Ke and Ghost Guzi were stunned.

But the next moment, Oniguzi came to his senses.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a touch of shock. Apparently.

Emperor Xia’s mind was simple.

He wanted to use the large pit laid by the Ancient Qi Alchemist inside the cave to kill 200,000 Great Qin elites. Your Majesty is really vicious!

Oniguzi’s heart trembled slightly, but he didn’t say anything.

After all, on the road of fighting for the world for nine weeks, either you die or I live. The so-called compassion can only harm oneself.

There is a good thing to say.

To be merciful to one’s enemies is to be cruel to oneself.

If you don’t want to be the corpse under the feet of others, then you have to walk on the corpses of others.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jing Ke took the order and left.


The Bactrian soldiers and horses withdrew from the valley. And all the troops were withdrawn.

Wait for the Great Qin soldiers to find the natural cave that hides the Emperor’s Ding.

·0 Ask for flowers 0 ···.

“Ying Zheng, don’t say that you didn’t give you a chance, the fifth human emperor is there, just see if you can take it out.”

Nie Zheng whispered softly.

Just the corners of the mouth outline a touch of cruelty. And he robbed the emperor?

Then you, the Qin Emperor, must pay the price. Punch.

There was one thing that only Nie Zheng and Xu Fu knew, not even Ghost Guzi.

In this natural cave where the Emperor Ding is stored, there is not only the inheritance of the ancient alchemist, but also a dragon that has lived from ancient times to the present world.


How can it be simple to occupy the word “dragon”?

And is it a dragon that lived from ancient times to the present world?

Although the Heart of the Human Emperor had increased Nie Zheng’s strength tenfold.

But for this dragon that had never been seen before, Nie Zhengjue’s own still had to observe it. There is a saying that says it well.

The so-called dead Dao friends do not die poor Dao.

Risking death in advance let Emperor Qin go to fight the vanguard. Let him test how powerful this dragon really is.

Nie Zheng could probably also judge whether he could subdue this dragon. Wait until the two hundred thousand elites of Great Qin die.

It was also the time when Emperor Yi of Xia struck. Don’t say Nie Zhengyin is vicious and vicious.

As the son of a nation.

He carried on his shoulders the hopes of all the subjects of Bactria.

He not only had to preserve the strength of his soldiers and horses, but also to weaken Great Qin’s forces at all times. Even if it was a sinister and vicious calculation of the Qin Emperor?

Nie Zheng even killed Emperor Qin at this moment.

If this dragon that had lived to this world since ancient times could not kill the Qin Emperor.

Then Emperor Yi of Xia did not mind taking the life of Emperor Qin, and by the way, he killed this dragon. It’s also a beautiful thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Although the Emperor of Qin was able to govern Great Qin with one heart and one mind, all his subjects were willing to die for him. This also made Nie Zheng appreciate Emperor Qin.

But appreciation is appreciation, and the enemy is the enemy. Nie Zheng clearly separated the two.

Be his enemy of Emperor Xia Yi.

Nie Zheng’s only way to do that was to kill them all. The so-called kindness and mercy are simply impossible.

Because such a useless thing as mercy and mercy will only become a stumbling block on his path to human emperorship. Plainly.

How much money is mercy worth? Nie Zheng was completely dismissive of the eight.

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