Chapter 231 Human Emperor Ding!.

“Your Majesty Qi Song, it is suspected that he found a cave house left behind by the ancient alchemists, and it is very likely that the Emperor of Ren will store it.”

The Great Qin spies quickly came to report.


Emperor Qin’s eyes lit up.


Isolated island valley, overgrown with grass. A natural cave is clearly visible.

Great Qin’s 200,000 soldiers and 100,000 crossbowmen were silent. Emperor Yingzheng of Qin held the Tai’a Sword and stared at him.

“Your Majesty, this cave has a flow of aura, and the emperor of man will be in it.”

The Great Qin Stargazer held a compass in his hand to probe, and then bowed down to report to the Qin Emperor. In fact, there is no need for these waste stargazers to repay.

Emperor Qin had already sensed the breath of the human emperor.

However, Emperor Qin hesitated and did not order the entry into the cave at the first time. Without him!

Emperor Qin was suspicious in his heart.

And this doubt came from Emperor Yi of Xia. According to the speculation that the Qin Emperor won the government.

Emperor Yi of Xia was the first to arrive at this isolated island in the East China Sea. At least an hour faster than him.

But why didn’t Emperor Xia find this place?

Instead, let the Great Qin spies take the lead in discovering this place? After going through a series of things.

Emperor Qin could never underestimate Emperor Yi.

He was even more suspicious that Emperor Yi of Xia had already discovered this place, and that the hidden evil intentions were more likely to be calculating against him. Have to say.

Emperor Qin’s speculation was correct.

This was also the reason why he had delayed letting the Great Qin elite enter this cave house.


The other side.

Isolated islands, on cliffs.

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands and watched from afar as Great Qin’s 200,000 elites entered the valley. When he saw that Emperor Qin had stopped advancing and did not enter the cave mansion. A smile sketched out from the corner of Nie Zheng’s mouth.

“Worthy of being the Emperor of Qin, I have already discovered that something is wrong.”

Nie Zheng whispered.

“Your Majesty, will Emperor Qin have seen through your plan?”

Xu Fu tried to speak.


Nie Zheng smiled.

And laugh very playfully.

“You are too small to look at Emperor Qin, and with his wisdom you have long recognized that there is a problem with this cave house, but I believe that he will still choose to enter this cave house.”

Nie Zheng said softly.


“Your Majesty, since Emperor Qin knows that there is a problem with this cave house left by the Ancient Qi Alchemist, how can he enter?”

Xu Fu was puzzled.

“Because he is Yingzheng, he is the Great Qin Heavenly Son, he has a heart that looks at the world, and his conceit and pride will not make him flinch, knowing that there is danger in this cave house.” But he’ll definitely go in. ”

Nie Zheng sighed.

In fact.

This is a conspiracy.

A chigoku conspiracy.

Both opportunities and risks were placed in front of Emperor Qin’s government.

Nie Zheng believed that Emperor Qin would definitely choose to seize the human emperor.

If Emperor Qin wins the government and shrinks back, this is not the character of Emperor Qin at all.

Nie Zheng also calculated that the Qin Emperor would enter this cave house, so he would set up this poisonous plan. But what Emperor Qin didn’t know was that.

There is an ancient dragon in this cave house. And this is the information gap between the two.

This information gap was enough to make the Qin Emperor win the government fatally… Really!

It was not bad at all as Nie Zheng expected. Emperor Qin did not hesitate for long. He looked at the cave house in front of him with a certain look.

Take the lead in striding into the cave left by the Ancient Qi Alchemist.

Because Emperor Qin believed that no matter what dangers there were in the cave house, he could break them with all his might. Two hundred thousand Great Qin elites followed, followed by 100,000 crossbowmen.

A large number of torches were lit, and soon the darkness in the cave was dispelled. Stop.

This natural cave is extremely wide.

Even if 200,000 elites of Great Qin entered it, it did not appear to be so crowded. But the only headache is the intricate nature of the roads in the cave.

Each road extends into the depths of the cave house, and only by finding the right path can we find the human emperor. However, at this time, the Great Qin Stargazer came in handy.

Although these Great Qin Stargazers were really wasteful compared to the Ghost Guzi lineage. However, the induction of the strength and weakness of the aura can still be done.

I saw a dozen Great Qin stargazers holding a compass, and the hands on the compass were constantly beating and rotating, which finally pointed out a correct path for the Qin Emperor Yingzheng.

“Your Majesty, the aura is the strongest here, and the human emperor should be among them.”

Some Great Qin stargazers hurriedly informed the results of the investigation…


Emperor Qin nodded slowly.

Great Qin elites took the lead in opening the way in front of them, and they all protected the Qin Emperor in the middle.

If there was really danger ahead, then they could also react at the first time and protect the Qin Emperor thoroughly. Time is running out.

This road extending the cave house was extremely long, enough for the Qin Emperor Yingzheng to walk for half an hour, and he had not yet reached the deepest part of the cave house.

But it’s not so safe along the way.

The various formations that the Ancient Qi Alchemists had left behind caused great trouble to the Great Qin Elite.

Fortunately, because these formations had existed for too long and had no aura to support them, their power was already incomparable, and some of them had completely lost their effectiveness.

Under the destruction of Great Qin’s elite brute force.

The Fa Formations laid down by these Ancient Qi cultivators were destroyed one after another.

This also allowed Emperor Qin to start moving forward unimpeded. Another half hour has passed.

A ray of light appears ahead.

And this also made Emperor Qin’s eyes move slightly.

“Accelerate forward.”

Emperor Qin spoke in a deep voice.

Great Qin’s elite spirit was invigorated, and he escorted the Qin Emperor to quickly move towards this light. Finally!

The scene ahead was completely presented in the eyes of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. Only to see a stone platform appear in his eyes.

A mottled ancient top is placed on a stone platform.

Under the stone platform sits a crystal clear 5.1 white bone disc. Apparently, this white bone had been dead for an unknown number of years.

But its bones are crystal clear and have a faint glow of spirituality. Obviously, this white bone must have been an Ancient Qi Alchemist before he died.

Moreover, in front of this white bone, there was a jade box, and it was obvious that what was stored in it must be some kind of treasure.

“Man Emperor Ding!”

Emperor Qin’s eyes were fiery.

Just a glance.

He recognized that the ancient Ding on the stone platform was the Emperor of Man.

Because he had already obtained four human emperors before, he was too familiar with the human emperors.

“Come, take down the Emperor.”

The Qin Emperor said in a deep voice.


The four Great Qin soldiers quickly stepped forward and were about to take down the Emperor Ding on the stone platform. But it was also at this moment that a shock happened!

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