Chapter 234: The Qin Emperor is defeated.

The soldiers and horses of Xia and Qin fought fiercely in the valley.

The Ancient Dragon fell in a pool of blood, and although it was not dead, it also suffered a fatal blow. on a boulder.

Nie Zheng and Emperor Yi of Qin were facing each other. At the same time, the cold breath of the two of them bloomed.

“Emperor Yi, you want to kill the widow?”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth in a deep voice.

“Yin Zheng, believe it or not, in fact, Shuo doesn’t want to kill you, if you are willing to let Great Qin return to Xia, you and I can be friends.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.

And he was telling the truth.

If you put aside the identity of the two hostilities. Nie Zhengjue’s two can really become friends.

“Emperor Yi, the only person in this world who can be a widow’s friend is only you.”

“Unfortunately, you should know that the widow will not bow down to you, and you and I are doomed to be enemies.”

Emperor Qin said quietly.

“I know.”

“If you bow your head, then you are not the Emperor of Qin.”

“Unfortunately, you and I are only enemies after all.”

“So Shuo can only choose to kill you.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.

“Emperor Yi, do you think you can kill the widow?”

Emperor Qin smiled slightly.

“Just try it.”

Looking at the smile on Qin Huang’s face, Nie Zheng also smiled.

Although he didn’t know what cards Emperor Qin had to make sure he wouldn’t die, he always had to try.

“Emperor Yi, the widow has to admit that 980 recognition, your cultivation in the martial arts is indeed much stronger than the widow.”

“But if you want to kill a widow, I’m afraid you won’t succeed.”

Emperor Qin said very seriously.


“Then I’m going to give it a try!”


Next moment!

Nie Zheng’s five fingers suddenly popped out towards Emperor Qin’s government.

It was as if there was a giant palm invisibly coming towards Emperor Qin’s political detectives. The air around him is in terror.

This invisible force weighed as heavy as a mountain, and it also made the Qin Emperor’s face change suddenly. Clang!

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin raised his sword to resist.

But after a loud bang.

Only to see that the indestructible Tai Ah Sword actually showed a Dao Dao crack. With a crisp cracking sound came.

Only to see that the Ancient Divine Soldier Tai’a Sword actually turned into iron filings in the sky and dissipated in the hands of Emperor Qin Yingzheng. But that’s not all!

Inheriting the heart of the human emperor, how terrible is Nie Zheng’s power?

This blow not only shattered the Ancient Divine Soldier Tai Ah Jian Zhen, but also bombarded the Qin Emperor’s body with unabated might. Bang!

A muffled sound came.

Only to see that the entire Qin Emperor was blown away.

Even the Nine Dragon Heavenly Gang on his body was shattering inches and inches, and a trail of blood was spilled into the long sky.

“Not dead?”

Watching Emperor Qin Yingzheng being blown out.

Yuan Heke Nie Zheng could clearly feel that the Qin Emperor was still alive. This also surprised him to the extreme. How terrible his own power was, Nie Zheng knew very well.

Don’t say that the Qin Emperor is a mortal fetus of flesh.

Even a diamond-made body would disappear in his blow. Oh!


Something extremely amazing happened.

Only to see the sound of a dragon groan coming from the body of the Qin Emperor who flew backwards. Nine black dragon shadows burst out from his body.

And an extremely terrifying Heaven and Earth Dragon Wei was erupting from around Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. The Nine Black Dragons roared around Emperor Yingzheng of Qin.

A terrible force that resembled ordinary dust was erupting around Emperor Yingzheng of Qin.

“Emperor Yi, you are very good, you can even force out the bottom card of the widow.”


The Nine Black Dragon Shadow Dragons groaned endlessly. The heavens and the earth and the void were humming and trembling.

Only to see that Emperor Qin’s falling figure had stopped. He gently dried the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes showed a real killing chance.


Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Although he guessed that Emperor Qin must have a hole card. But he didn’t expect that Emperor Qin was hiding so deeply.

If it weren’t for his own sudden killer, he was afraid that the Qin Emperor might not have shown his bottom card if he won the government. Boom–boom-boom!

Emperor Qin stepped into the void and walked towards Nie Zheng.

Ripples of emptiness bloomed beneath his feet.

Nine black dragon shadows surrounded the Qin Emperor, giving people a sense of illusion

“Emperor Yi, you may not know that when the widow was a child, he once ate the dragon yuan of a black dragon, even though your strength is more than the number of widows, you still can’t kill the widow.”

Emperor Qin opened his mouth coldly.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes crossed a solemn color. Although he was forced out of his own hole card by Nie Zheng.

However, he could feel that if the two really fought for life and death, he was still not the opponent of Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Black Dragon Dragon Yuan?”

Nie Zheng frowned.

Then he nodded his head. No wonder Yingzheng is so confident.

“When you say that, Naruto also wants to see if you can kill it.”


Nie Zheng stepped out and instantly appeared in front of Emperor Qin Yingzheng’s body. One punch came crashing into his heart.

That power that transcended the mortal suspected immortal seemed to shatter this side of the void. Bang!

Emperor Qin also punched out.

The Nine Black Dragons roared into the sky, turning into a huge black dragon light and shadow condensed on its fist, colliding with Nie Zheng’s fist.


The next moment.

Only to see that Emperor Qin’s fist was shattered in inches, and there was even the sound of the black dragon’s wailing.

Emperor Qin only felt a sharp pain appear above his fist, and the whole person was once again blown away, and even the nine black dragon shadows around him dimmed.

This moment.

Emperor Qin finally found out.

Even if he sacrificed the power of the Black Dragon, he was not an opponent of Emperor Yi at all. Why was Emperor Yi’s martial arts cultivation so terrible in his heart?

The Qin Emperor had always believed that he had swallowed the Black Dragon Dragon Yuan, and that he was already invincible in the world with his own force. But today I found out that Emperor Yi of Xia was even more terrifying than him.


Emperor Yingzheng of Qin used Nie Zheng’s fist to fly out thousands of feet.

The whole person left this battlefield directly, and even more quickly issued a retreat order to the Great Qin elite. Emperor Qin did not want to retreat.

However, the Great Qin soldiers and horses had already suffered heavy casualties in the fight with the evil jiao. At this moment, facing the elite siege and killing of Bactria was even more precarious. Even if he and Emperor Xia were not opponents.

He could only reluctantly give up the Fifth Human Emperor.

“Want to go?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes shone coldly.

If you don’t kill Emperor Qin at this moment, wouldn’t you lose the opportunity? Rumble!

Nie Zheng’s five fingers popped out.

Invisibly, it was as if a giant hand of the heavens was shooting down at the Qin Emperor. Thundered!

The sky trembled and the void collapsed.

Emperor Qin’s body suddenly stumbled, and there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

However, a thousand black dragon shadows rushed out from his Heavenly Spirit, and they could resist Nie Zheng’s void blow. Whew!

The next moment.

The Qin Emperor turned into a black light and disappeared. Only a trail of blood was spilled into the long sky. However, a jade box fell out.

Directly sucked into the hands of Nie Zheng.

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