Chapter 235 Conquers the Ancient Evil Jiao.

See Emperor Yingzheng of Qin disappear into the distant sky.

Nie Zheng’s eyebrows were cold, but he did not pursue. Because the speed of the Qin Emperor was extremely fast.

Even if he had the heart to chase, he was afraid that it would be in vain.

“Kill, one does not stay.”

Looking at the Qin soldiers who were still stubbornly resisting, Nie Zheng spoke coldly.

The crossbowmen of Bactria shot arrows from the sky, constantly killing Qin soldiers on the spot.

The morale of the elite of Bactria was greatly boosted, and the sword soldiers in their hands were even more rapid, constantly taking the lives of the Great Qin soldiers. A full hour passed.

The whole valley was covered in blood, and there was not a single living Qin soldier.

Not to mention that all of Great Qin’s 200,000 elites were killed, only a few thousand Qin soldiers escaped from this valley, and all of Great Qin’s 100,000 crossbowmen were killed.

Mountain-like corpses piled up throughout the valley. Such a scene is as terrifying as the hell of Shura. Don’t talk about Nie Zheng’s brutality.

When two countries meet, either you die or I die.

I think that when Great Qin destroyed the Tang Dynasty, Tucheng destroyed the household and left no one behind.

I don’t know how many Tang soldiers died tragically on the battlefield, and even the common people were slaughtered.

Today, the elite army of Great Qin was completely destroyed, which was just a reenactment of the scene where Great Qin destroyed Tang. But no one noticed.

The blood that had gathered into a river in the valley was quietly flowing towards the cave house of the Ancient Qi Alchemist. But the blood didn’t flow fast.

And no one noticed this detail, not even Nie Zheng.

“This is the Emperor of Man?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Gu Ding in front of him with a little curiosity.

He discovered that the so-called human emperor was cast from an unknown stone. And the seal on the body is engraved with patterns such as the sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, fish, and insects.

The human emperor is mottled and simple, as if it has been invaded by endless years, giving people a sense of simplicity and desolation. Airplanes!

Nie Zheng suddenly lifted the human emperor Ding with one hand.

And an extremely terrifying force was exerted on the human emperor.

You must know that Nie Zheng’s power is like a fairy, but the human emperor Ding has no signs of shattering, and is still entrusted by Nie Zheng in his hands.

“A good man is a good emperor, and he is really extraordinary.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

How strong his strength is only known to him.

Even a piece of 10,000-year-old Xuan Steel could be crushed into crumbs, but the Human Emperor Ding was actually intact. From this point alone, Nie Zheng could see that the Human Emperor Ding was indeed a divine object.


Nie Zheng turned over a scroll.

Directly include the human emperor into the system space.

Even the jade box taken from Emperor Qin was also put away.

“Your Majesty, this ancient dragon is still alive.”

Oniguchi whispered.


If it weren’t for Ghost Guzi’s reminder, Nie Zheng would have almost forgotten about this evil dragon.

He looked up at the Ancient Evil Jiao, but found that the body of this dragon was covered with wounds, but a pair of fierce eyes were still staring at him.

“Your Majesty, the dragon is full of treasures, and its dragon yuan can increase its longevity for a thousand years…”

Don’t wait for Oni Guzi to finish.

Nie Zheng strode towards this Ancient Evil Jiao. Oh!

See Nie Zheng coming towards him.

The Ancient Evil Jiao groaned in a low voice, and a pair of dragon eyes trembled and stared at Nie Zheng.

Because it could fully feel that the man who was coming towards him made him feel a wordless terror. If the previous Qin Emperor won the government, it felt powerful and difficult to deal with.

The man who was walking towards it at this moment made this Ancient Evil Jiao feel desperate. Although the Heaven and Earth Reiki does not exist.

The Ancient Evil Dragon cannot make waves and cast spells. But his intelligence is definitely not low.

Nie Zheng’s strength was completely seen by it.

Even the man who had just nearly killed him was thrown by this person’s punch. If this person wants to kill it, it has no chance of surviving.

“Little guy, it’s quite fierce.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

He gently patted the head of the evil dragon. Stop.

This ancient evil dragon looks fierce and terrible.

However, in front of Nie Zheng, he softened, allowing Nie Zheng to slap his head, but he did not dare to show the slightest evil image, but instead a cry of mourning came from his mouth, as if he was asking Nie Zheng for help.

“Sure enough, the intelligence is extremely high.”

Seeing that this Ancient Evil Jiao was so obedient, and that there was a pleading look in a pair of fierce eyes, this also made Nie Zheng’s eyes light up.

Although this dragon is full of treasures.

But for the heir to the heart of the emperor Nie Zheng was not needed.

It would be a great pity if such a resourceful creature were to be killed like this.

“Little fellow, if you are willing to confess that you are the Lord, then nod your head to him.”

Nie Zheng said softly.


This Ancient Evil Jiao was extremely intelligent.

The huge dragon’s head touched the ground slightly, as if it were kowtowing to Nie Zheng.

“Well, I’ll save your life.”

·0 Ask for flowers ·.

“From now on you will follow you.”


Nie Zheng smiled slightly, and the Eight Wilds and Six Heavenly Heavens and Immortals in his body were in operation. As his five fingers reached out, he gently pressed on the head of the Ancient Evil Jiao.

A mighty life force was frantically pouring into the body of the Ancient Evil Jiao. The next moment.

Something magical happened.

I saw that the scars on the body of this ancient evil dragon were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black scales of the armor that had originally been smashed by Emperor Yingzheng of Qin were constantly growing.

A cup of tea time passed.


A terrifying dragon groan came from the mouth of the Ancient Evil Dragon. The hundreds of gigantic dragon bodies stood up.

“Your Majesty be careful.”

Oniguzi’s face changed slightly, and he hurried to warn him. 0…..。

The surrounding Bactrian elite even raised his sword in his hand, obviously afraid that this dragon would raid Nie Zheng.

“No problem, all back off.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand lightly.


Oniguchi and others worry that it is completely superfluous.

Only to see the Ancient Evil Jiao bow down on the dragon’s head, and a low groan came from its mouth, as if to signal that Nie Zheng could stand on its head.

Such a scene.

Suddenly Nie Zheng smiled slightly. Unceremoniously, he walked up to the dragon’s head. With a terrifying dragon groan came.

Only to see that the Ancient Evil Jiao actually carried Nie Zheng up and flew in the long sky of heaven and earth. Such a scene.

The soldiers of the Great Xia in the valley fell to their knees one after another, and their mouths were the name of Emperor Yi of the Xia. But no one found out.

The rivers of blood that had gathered in the basins of the valley had completely disappeared. And the flesh of those dead Great Qin soldiers was quietly drying up. An eerie and eerie atmosphere quietly appeared in the valley. Pity.

Everyone’s attention was on Nie Zheng and this Ancient Evil Jiao’s body. They did not notice that a silent terror was creeping towards them. Well?


Nie Zheng, who was standing on the head of the Ancient Evil Jiao, stared at him. Suddenly he looked towards the cave house of the Ancient Qi Alchemist.


A slight almost inaudible sound of footsteps was coming from the cave house of the Ancient Qi Alchemist. The slight footsteps are inaudible.

Except for Nie Zheng who heard it, Ghost Guzi and the others were completely unaware.

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