Chapter 236: The Obsession of the Ancient Qi Alchemist!.


The Ancient Evil Jiao felt it and roared at the cave house.

As if to remind Nie Zheng that something terrible was coming out of the cave house. Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

When he stepped out, he was already outside the cave house. Boom–boom!

The sound of footsteps in the cave house is from far and near.

A looming figure was coming into Nie Zheng’s eyes. Well?

The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s eyes froze.

Because an incredible picture was appearing in his eyes. What did he see?

A white bone.

A walking white bone.

At this moment, he was walking towards him step by step from the cave house. And with each step of the white bone stepped out.

The blood under his feet was frantically converging along the bones of his feet towards his whole body. What really surprised Nie Zheng was.

This white bone, which was walking out of the outside world, actually began to breed flesh and blood on its body. Especially that pair of empty eyes were gradually glowing with red blood.

Seven steps!

Just seven steps later.

This white bone turned into a young man.

And a flash of light flashed on his body, and a green robe was worn on his body. This man had a handsome eyebrow and a face like a knife.

The only extremely uncomfortable feeling was that the man’s eyes were extremely scarlet and the underside of his eyes showed an extremely rich bloodthirsty color.

And the bloody breath around him was rumbling.

It was as if there were countless unjust spirits roaring around him.

“Life and death and flesh and bones?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

A playful look came out of the corner of his mouth. Nie Zheng didn’t think about it at all.

This kind of thing, which only exists in legends, has been touched by himself. And found out under Nie Zheng’s careful observation.

Although the Qingyi Daoist who was walking towards him at this moment had changed from a white bone to a fleshy body, his eyes did not have the slightest wisdom.

Some are just bloodthirsty colors and crazy colors.

“Ancient alchemist?”

“Nourish your own regeneration with endless sperm blood, and even achieve resurrection from the dead?”

“No, it’s not the resurrection of the dead, just relying on the blood of hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers to become a corpse.”

Nie Zheng whispered in amazement.

Go without saying.

This person was definitely an ancient alchemist sitting in the cave house. Nie Zheng observed it even more subtly.

The regeneration of this ancient alchemist’s flesh was achieved entirely by relying on the flesh and blood of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Pity.

In Nie Zheng’s view.

Even if this Ancient Qi Alchemist’s flesh was reborn, the soul in his body had already dissipated. There is not even a trace of human intelligence.

“Jade….. Box…… Still…… I. Jade box! ”


The Ancient Alchemist was making intermittent sounds.

Its voice was hoarse and stiff, as harsh as the friction of gold and iron. However, his scarlet eyes stared at Nie Zheng deadly.

“Jade box?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

Could it be that the jade box that he had just taken from Emperor Yingzheng of Qin was the obsession of this ancient alchemist? Interesting!

Nie Zheng originally thought that this ancient alchemist was reborn because of his obsession with the human emperor or because he wanted to protect the human emperor ding.

But he didn’t expect that his obsession was actually the jade box in his hand. Apparently.

This jade box must contain something remarkable.

Otherwise, how can a person who has been dead for a long time be reborn because of a blood clotting of obsession?

“You’ve been dead for so long, so let’s send you to die a second time.”


Nie Zheng’s five fingers lifted violently.

Invisibly, it was as if a giant palm of emptiness was emerging.

With a terrifying power as heavy as a mountain, he blasted away towards the “Ancient Qi Alchemist”. Roar!


Only to see this ancient alchemist who had regenerated the flesh roar angrily. Something extremely surprising and terrible happened.

A stream of bloody anger rose around him, turning into a blood-colored shield of light covering him in it. After a loud bang.

The cave house is collapsing.

However, this ghostly Ancient Qi Alchemist was not damaged in the slightest, but the whole person turned into a blood glow and attacked Nie Zheng.

“Give me back the jade box!”

The sound is like a ghost, and the flesh is full of blood.

The Ancient Qi Alchemist squeezed the knife with both hands, causing the boundless blood qi around him, and a hundred blood-colored sword rays grew out of thin air, along with his sword skill.

The Hundred Zhang’s blood-colored sword rays swept through the heavens and the earth, and directly came towards Nie Zheng to slash them.

“Find Death!”


Nie Zheng punched out.

That terrible fist ran through the heavens and the earth. Thundered!

After a loud noise like a shaking mountain.

The valley was directly shattered by the aftermath of the two forces. And many Bactrian soldiers died tragically on the spot.


Oniguzi’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered the Bactrian soldiers to withdraw from this valley. Because he knew very well the horror of the Ancient Qi Alchemist.

And he was an ancient alchemist who could use magic. Although the Jedi Reiki does not exist in today’s world.

However, this ancient alchemist who was reborn with flesh and blood actually used the surrounding flesh qi as a guide to perform magic. This kind of power is not to say that it can destroy the world and the earth, but its power is absolutely beyond the ability of ordinary people to bear.

Bang Bang Bang!

As the Bactrian soldiers and horses quickly withdrew from this valley.

Only to see that in mid-air Nie Zheng was already fighting with this Ancient Qi Alchemist.



Only to see this Ancient Qi Alchemist squeezing the Fa.

A series of blood-colored thunderbolts appeared out of thin air, constantly coming towards Nie Zheng. Stop.

Although this guy is just a walking corpse.

But the techniques of his life had long been engraved in his bones.

Even though it was born at this moment because of an obsession, when its magic was unleashed, it did have an extremely terrible power.


Although this flesh-regenerating Elder Qi Alchemist was very powerful.

Moreover, Nie Zheng did not have any legal decisions, but only stood with him by relying on his flesh. But Nie Zheng’s power completely exceeded the boundaries of what a mortal should have.

Don’t say that these 0.2 Ancient Qi Alchemists are just a walking corpse.

Even if he really came back from the dead and stood with Nie Zheng, he would definitely not be Nie Zheng’s opponent. Bang!

Fists burst through the air, and the void exploded.

Nie Zheng punched out, and that brilliant fist illuminated this square world, and it directly shattered the blood-colored light shield around this ancient alchemist.


The next moment.

Under the bombardment of Nie Zheng’s terrifying and extraordinary power.

This ancient alchemist with regenerated flesh flew away, and then smashed into a mountain.

“Give me back the jade box!”



The Ancient Alchemist’s eyes were scarlet and angry, and he once again attacked and killed Nie Zheng. And a terrible stream of blood light gathered around him.

Even more faintly could see that there were evil spirits around him.

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