Chapter 238 Ancient Demon Concubine, How can it be ordinary!.

In fact.

Nie Zheng had always been full of many questions about the Nine Weeks Great World. Why did he travel into this world?

Why are the people in the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and the Bactrian harem famous people in history? Although it seems to be a Manchu traitor, it seems to be a threat to him.

But in fact, if you look closely, you will find out.

Whether it was Manchu Wenwu, Lü Yan or Wu Zetian. Each of them is extremely capable.

And it helped him tremendously. Just the beginning.

Nie Zheng also felt that this world was just a parallel world similar to his previous life. But until Su Daji appeared.

Nie Zheng vaguely sensed that something was wrong. Thousands of Demon Princesses!

This name is not just talk.

It should be known that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu all showed their unique characteristics. Wei Zhongxian!

Vicious and vicious, he was a great eunuch who was born dependent on imperial power. Zhao Gao.

Step by step to the top, its viciousness was only above Wei Zhongxian, never below him. Cao Wei.

The ruler of the world, the adulterer of the chaotic world. Zhao Kuangyin, the imperial robe plus body.

Sima Yi.

After hiding all his life, even his own son did not believe in the existence of the shadow emperor. Wu Zetian.

Born with the posture of a female emperor, she is handy in handling the government and has a great desire for power. Lu Yan.

Strong and domineering, vicious heart. and Kan.

Bactria is extremely greedy, and the ability to accumulate wealth is difficult to find in the world.


Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, there are too many traits displayed in them.

Even the sons of heaven in several other countries have shown their unique characteristics. But……

What about Suda?

This man is known as the Eternal Demon Princess.

Only her qualities were not revealed. So.

Since Su Daji entered the palace.

Nie Zheng had a terrible inference in his heart. Su Daji did not fail to show her qualities.

It’s that the time is not right, the time has not yet come. Why doesn’t Su Daji laugh?

Because she is the most important pawn of the Great Destruction of the Gods.

The moment she laughed, it was also the moment when she became a pawn of Nuwa and the Great Destruction of the Gods began. A smile pours the world, and the country and the people are brought to harm!

When her smile bloomed, no man could resist her charm or. Even if…… Neither can the human emperor!

Even the human emperor would be confused in her stunning smile. The emperor is as holy as a man!

But the human emperor is also a man.

Rather, man has seven passions and six desires.

Even if the saint is unharmed, it does not mean that the saint cannot use Su Daji to confuse the human emperor. So!

From the moment Nie Zheng learned that there was Su Daji in this world, he had never seen her smile. He then vaguely had a speculation about the Great Destruction of the Fengshen Gods.

It is even more speculated that above the Nine Heavenly Domes, there are high saints looking down on the human world.

“Is it right to repeat the Second Great Destruction of the Gods?”

“There are ants under the saints, but under the Heavenly Dao, aren’t the saints also pawns?”

“What’s more, Shuo Ke is definitely not the Di Xin of that year.”

Nie Zheng looked at the woman in the picture scroll faintly. A cold smile came out of the corner of his mouth. You must know that he is not a human emperor Xin.

What’s more, he also had a system of unknown origin in his body. Even though he did not yet have a thorough understanding of the world.

But everything has just begun, and this game is not necessarily who loses and who wins. What do you think is a game between saints?


Miss by a mile.

From the moment Nie Zheng appeared in this world. The human emperor is like a saint, but it is not just talk.

The saint dared to calculate against him, and he had to pay a terrible price. Moreover.

Nie Zheng also had a system of unknown origin. This is also his biggest hole card against the Great Destruction of the Gods. And even…

Nie Zheng looked at the sky without saying a word, and smelled the earth without being alarmed.

He just quietly stared at the portrait of Nuwa, and a touch of cruelty passed under his eyes.

Half a month later.

The Sixth Human Emperor Ding and the Seventh Human Emperor Ding were deduced by Oniguzi.

The direction of the sixth human emperor was exactly outside the Nine Zhou Pass, where the remnants of the Great Qing were located.

The seventh human emperor was in the Western Desert Loulan Ancient Kingdom.

After hearing the news.

Nie Zhengsheng decreed.

Directly let Cao Wei lead Lü Bu and 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders, and wield 500,000 Bactrian elites to take the land outside Guanwai. He was accompanied by the disciples of the Oniguzi lineage.

Don’t underestimate the people under the Oniguzi Gate.

Each of them is an amazing talent, and they belong to the branch of the human emperor’s lineage, and their cultivation has already reached the realm of heaven and man.

Those two Great Qing Ancestors were nothing more than land immortals cultivating.

In the face of the conquest of Bactria can only end up in the end. Nie Zheng did not care about this matter of suppressing the remnants of the Great Clearance. It was even more believed that Cao Wei could bring back the sixth human emperor to him.

However, the seventh human emperor was in the Loulan Ancient Kingdom. Nie Zheng wanted to go through it himself.

Now in the Nine Weeks Great World, only Bactria and Great Qin want to compete for the world.

Loulan Ancient Country is located in the western desert, its bad weather is easy to defend and difficult to attack, can survive in the gap between the two countries. Therefore, neither Bactria nor Great Qin sent troops to Lou Lan.

Because in the vast desert and the western desert without water sources, before the troops were sent to attack Loulan, they would be defeated by the harsh weather of the western desert.

Of course.

It is not impossible to overthrow Lou Lan.

But it will pay a very high price.

Nie Zheng did not want to raise an army to destroy Lou Lan.

He wanted to return Lou Lan to Xia without bloodshed. And.

Whether it is for the sake of Lou Lan returning to Xia.

Or to get back the Seventh Human Emperor.

Nie Zheng had to personally go to the Loulan Ancient Kingdom and have a good talk with this Empress Yaoxi.

The other side.

I don’t know how Emperor Qin got the news.

Perhaps as early as many years ago, the Qin Emperor knew that there was a human emperor in the ancient kingdom of Loulan. At this critical moment of tension.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin sent envoys from Great Qin to Loulan and personally wrote a handwritten letter to Empress Loulan Yaoxi, the content of which was a promise from Emperor Qin.

Its general meaning is that she hopes that Empress Yaoxi can see the situation clearly, let Lou Lan return to Xia and offer the Emperor Ding.


This matter Qin Emperor Yingzheng should have personally embarked on. But since the East Sea and the Summer Emperor had stood one stop.

When Emperor Yingzheng of Qin returned to Xianyang Palace, he entered a state of retreat.

Because he wanted to completely refine the Black Dragon Dragon Yuan in his body, and the Immortal Technique he had cultivated had reached an extremely critical moment.

And he was risking practicing a forbidden art that had been passed down since ancient times.

The power of this forbidden technique is terrifying, and a bad one is very likely to go into the fire and die. However, in order to deal with Emperor Yi of Xia, Emperor Yingzheng of Qin could only take a risk.

He believed that by completely refining the Black Dragon Yuan in his body, the Immortal Technique would reach a new level and successfully cultivate this Ancient Forbidden Technique.

Then he would definitely not be defeated in the hands of Emperor Yi of Xia. So.

At such a critical moment.

Emperor Qin could not personally go to Loulan, and could only send envoys from Great Qin.

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