Chapter 239: The One Who Follows the Decay Chang, the One Who Rebels Die!.

West Desert, Loulan Ancient Country.

Endless desert, wild sand roaring past.

The sun in the sky is so hot that it burns in the air.

In this harsh environment, the ancient country of Loulan has survived for a long time, and it has to be said that it is a miracle. However, it is also because of the bad weather in the western desert.

This allowed the ancient kingdom of Loulan to survive to this day, and its people were spared the disaster of war. Look at the Desert Temple!

Empress Yaoxi’s brow frowned slightly.

Since the Five Kingdoms cut down Qin.

Over the years, she has been insomnia.

And when she learned that the three kingdoms of Tang Ming and Sui had been annexed by Bactria. Empress Yaoxi’s heart was even more uneasy. Now.

The nine-week world is divided into two.

Sooner or later, both Bactria and Great Qin will have to make a stop in the world.

It is already an indisputable fact that the ancient kingdom of Loulan is surviving in the gap between the two countries, and sooner or later it will be annexed by the two countries. As Empress Loulan, Yao Xi was sad in her heart.

She didn’t want to see her country topple.

However, she clearly knew that whether it was Emperor Xia who ruled the world or Emperor Qin who ruled the world, Lou Lan could not be alone.

Empress Yaoxi knew she had no way back. There were only two options in front of her at the moment. Either Loulan returns to Qin, or Loulan returns to Xia.

Other than that, she has absolutely no third way to go. 627 so.

These days, Empress Yaoxi has been considering whether to choose Bactria or Great Qin. As it stands.

Great Qin’s national strength was stronger than that of Great Xia.

Moreover, the prestige of the Qin Emperor Yingzheng has been praised for a long time.

It is also the person who has the most hope of fixing the world and becoming an emperor for thousands of years.

If it was chosen according to normal circumstances, Empress Yaoxi felt that she should let Lou Lan return to Qin. However, whenever she thought of Emperor Xia’s voice, a wave of uneasiness arose in her heart. Emperor Xia B!

Annexing many dynasties, Bactria became a being comparable to that of Great Qin. Her imperial skills and heart machine city government made her shudder. Every time I think of the means of Emperor Xia Yi.

Empress Yaoxi was undecided, and until now she had not made a choice. Just when Empress Yaoxi was in a tangled state.

A soft laugh sounded behind her.

“Is Empress Yaoxi considering whether to let Loulan return to Xia or whether to let Loulan return to Qin?”

This sound appeared very abruptly.

It made Empress Yaoxi wake up in shock and look at the source of the sound. Only to see Nie Zheng’s voice and smile meet Yao Xi’s eyes.

“Emperor Yi?”

Empress Yaoxi stood up in shock.

She had never imagined that Emperor Yi of Xia would actually appear in front of her. But suddenly.

Empress Yaoxi calmed down.

Just looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes showed a complicated color. No need for Emperor Xia to open his mouth.

Empress Yaoxi already knew what Emperor Xia was coming for. Apparently.

Emperor Yi of Xia would appear in front of her for only one purpose, that is, to let Lou Lan return to Xia.

“Yao Xi, I don’t want to say more nonsense, you should understand the meaning of Yuan.”

Nie Zheng said softly.

“Emperor Yi, you want me to return Lou Lan to Xia, but why should the Emperor promise you?”

Empress Yaoxi’s eyebrows were slightly cold.

In fact, it is also a kind of temptation to Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Yao Xi, between the fall and the winning government, you must make a choice, but I believe that you will definitely choose Nie Zheng to smile confidently.”

“Emperor Yi, are you so confident?”

Empress Yaoxi smiled coldly.

“Of course you are confident, because you believe that you are a smart person, and smart people can’t make wrong choices.”

“Yao Xi, you should be able to see that whether Daming is still okay, or whether it is Datang and Dasui, although these three countries were annexed by our Great Xia, the people still live and work in peace and contentment, and under the rule of Yuan, they are even more protected from the suffering of military disasters.”

Nie Zheng’s talk was also telling Yao Xi a fact. Empress Yaoxi gradually fell silent.

Because she clearly knew that what Emperor Xia said was true.

Seeing Empress Yaoxi’s hesitant face, Nie Zheng smiled slightly, knowing that he still had to add a fire.

“Yao Xi, this world is far from being as simple as you think, and you can feel that there is a mysterious force in your body, and this power should be inherited from the Ancient Qi Alchemist, right?”

Nie Zheng said softly.


Hear the words of Emperor Xia.

Yao Xi’s face changed suddenly, and she inhaled a cold breath inside.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes became more and more uncertain.

How could she not have imagined that Emperor Yi of Xia had actually seen that the power in her body was inherited from the Ancient Qi Alchemist’s lineage. You must know that the power of Empress Loulan has been passed down from generation to generation, and the source of this power is related to the Ancient Qi Alchemist.

This is also the biggest secret of the previous Empress Loulan.

Seeing Empress Yaoxi’s surprised eyes, Nie Zheng smiled slightly, “It seems that you should have some understanding of the secrets of the ancient years, and there is no need to say anything more.” ”

“However, I would like to tell you one thing, in the next nine weeks, the Heaven and Earth Reiki will revive the glorious and prosperous world of the ancient years, and when the heavens and the earth change greatly, where should Lou Lan’s future go?”

“Think about it, Loulan Guixia is your best choice.”

Nie Zheng said a lot, and his words were also very sincere.

“Reiki revival? Ancient Age? ”

Empress Lou Lan whispered in horror.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was extremely complex. This time.

Empress Lou Lan was really silent.

She began to think about the future for the people of Lou Lan. More consideration should be given to whether he should surrender to Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Emperor Yi, why do you make me believe that you can defeat Emperor Qin?”


Empress Yaoxi looked up at Emperor Yi of Xia, and her gaze was solemn to the extreme. Seeing that Yao Xi still hadn’t made a decision.

Nie Zheng smiled.

And the smile on his face is very bright.

“You don’t need to trust that you can defeat that guy who wins the government.”

“But I want to tell you one thing, if you don’t agree to let Loulan return to Xia today, then tomorrow’s Great Xia elite will slaughter the city and completely bury you Loulan in this western desert.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

But the killing intent in his words was extremely cold, and even looking at Yao Xi’s eyes was tinged with a touch of ruthlessness. Nie Zheng was by no means just talking.

Even more is no longer joking with Empress Loulan. Because he didn’t need to prove anything to Yao Xi at all.

Empress Yaoxi was also not qualified to negotiate with him at all. If Empress Yaoxi did not accede to his request.

Then tomorrow he would mobilize a million elites of Bactria and directly destroy Lou Lan. Although Loulan is located in the western desert, its environment is unimaginably harsh.

But to destroy Lou Lan, although there was some trouble for Nie Zheng, it was not impossible.

“Those who follow the decay prosper, and those who rebel die!”

“Simple, clear, clear, Yaoxi, do you understand?”

Nie Zheng spoke ruthlessly.

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