Chapter 240 Receiving Empress Yaoxi as a maid.

“Emperor Yi, you…?”

Empress Yaoxi’s face changed drastically.

She just wanted to rebuke Nie Zheng’s arrogant words.

But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them hard.

Because she could clearly feel from Emperor Xia’s gaze, Emperor Yi was definitely not intimidating her. If only today she really wouldn’t agree to come down.

Emperor Yi of Xia would definitely slaughter the city and destroy the households, and really bury Lou Lan in this western desert.

“Empress Qi, there are envoys of Great Qin asking to see you outside the palace.”


Only to see a female pavilion quickly enter the Wangmo Hall. When she saw Nie Zheng.

The woman’s face changed slightly, but she still quickly reported to Yao Xiyu.

“Great Qin envoys?”

Yao Xi said in his heart, “Xuan Da Qin’s envoys entered the temple for a visit.” ”


The women’s pavilion hurried to take orders.

“Emperor Yi, did you hear that, the envoys of Great Qin came, and you said that the emperor should choose you, or should he choose the emperor of Qin?” Empress Yaoxi looked coldly at Emperor Xia. ”


Nie Zheng’s threatening remarks just now made her feel humiliated.

At this moment, the envoys of Great Qin were visiting, which also made her want to see what kind of promises the Qin Emperor would give her. Pity.

Empress Yaoxi did not realize that Nie Zheng’s eyes were already extremely indifferent. Soon.

A sound of footsteps came from outside the temple.

Only to see that under the guidance of the Women’s Hall, the Great Qin envoy was holding a letter in his hand and quickly entering the Wangmo Hall.

“Great Qin envoy, meet with Your Majesty the Empress, I have a letter written by the Emperor of Qin, and I also invite Her Majesty the Empress to read it.” Great Qin envoys held the letters high above their heads. ”

Wait for the women’s museum to present the letter of the Qin Emperor to Empress Yaoxi for reading. But the next moment.

A scene of extremely tragic blood appeared. Rumble!

Only to see Nie Zheng’s five fingers shoot out violently.

This Great Qin envoy who had just entered the temple directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist. Even the handwritten letters of the Qin Emperor in his hand dissolved into fly ash. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Dead quiet!

When this cruel and bloody scene appears. Empress Yaoxi’s whole body froze in place.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes was even more terrified.

“Yao Xi, this is the first warning that Shuo gave you.”

“Now give you a cup of tea to consider whether you want Lou Lan to return to Xia.”

“If the time for a cup of tea has passed and you have not yet made a decision, then you are waiting for the country to be destroyed.”

Nie Zheng stood with his hands in his hands and spoke lightly.

It seemed that he had not paid any attention to the fact that he had slapped and killed the Great Qin envoys.


In the face of Emperor Xia’s strong domineering, Empress Yaoxi’s body trembled.

“Yao Xi, you don’t have much time.”

Nie Zheng spoke ruthlessly.


Empress Yaoxi was directly forced by Nie Zheng to a dead end.

She could fully feel the ruthless and brutal killing machine in Emperor Xia’s eyes. She was also very confident that if she did not agree to it.

Emperor Yi of Xia could definitely commit the brutal act of slaughtering the city and destroying the households.

“Yao Xi, you still have ten breaths to think about.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth calmly.

Ten breaths.

Nine breaths.

Eight breaths.

… One breath!

The time has come for ten breaths.

See Empress Yaoxi is still stuck in place.

Nie Zheng turned around and left, not stopping at all.

It’s just that before leaving, the cold light under Nie Zheng’s eyes was extremely brutal. And this also made Empress Yaoxi suddenly wake up.

“Emperor Yi, slow down.”

The next moment.

Empress Yaoxi quickly blocked Nie Zheng’s way.

Just looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes was full of complicated helplessness.

“I promise you.”

Yao Xi finally chose to bow her head.

It’s just that her words are very weak, and there is a bleak color in her eyes. Because she couldn’t refuse.

There was no way to refuse.

Unless she wanted to watch the entire people of Loulan slaughtered. Otherwise she had to agree to come down.

Because she knows one thing clearly. Emperor Yi of Xia was different from Emperor Huan of Qin.

Emperor Yi never played his cards according to common sense, and his mental killing was decisive and brutal. Since he can say that he has exterminated the country and the clan, he will certainly be able to do it. Empress Yaoxi did not want to see the people of Loulan die.

She eventually compromised with Emperor Yi of Xia. Seeing Empress Yaoxi agreed to come down.

Nie Zheng smiled.

However, his eyebrows were slightly cold: “Kneel.” ”

“Emperor Yi, you…..?”

It was also with Nie Zheng’s words entering the ears.

Empress Yaoxi’s body trembled, and the look in Emperor Xia’s eyes showed the color of extreme humiliation.


Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he repeated it again.

Some people may ask, since Empress Yaoxi has already chosen to compromise, why does Nie Zheng still want her to kneel?

·0 Ask for flowers·

The reason is simple.

Because in Nie Zheng’s view.

Although Yao Xi promised to let Lou Lan return to Xia, this woman was very reluctant in her heart.

And Yaoxi is an extremely proud person, and she will not truly give in without completely shattering her proud dignity.

“Emperor Yi, don’t go too far.”

Yao Xi looked angrily, and the color of shame and anger appeared in her eyes.

“Kneel down and prostrate yourself, and surrender to the fall.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold, and he stared at Yao Xi coldly.


Yao Xi wanted to be angry, but when she saw Nie Zheng’s cold eyes, she trembled all over her body, and a sense of fear rose in her heart.

Yao Xi still chose to kneel.

“But it was also the moment she knelt down, and Nie Zheng also smiled at the same time.”

“Yao Xi prostrated to see His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

Yao Xi bowed his head in humiliation, and there was a mist of water in his eyes.

Because she had never knelt down to anyone in her life, she had to compromise in the face of Emperor Xia’s threat today.

Look at Empress Yaoxi, who is kneeling at her feet and prostrating.

Nie Zheng said lightly, “I know that you are very dissatisfied in your heart, and you feel extremely humiliated, but your choice is right, and it also saves Lou Lan from the danger of its destruction.” ”

“From today onwards, you will not be Empress Loulan, and from now on you will follow you as a maid by your side.”


As Emperor Xia’s words entered his ears.

Yao Xi’s entire body was stunned on the spot, and her brain was roaring.

She suddenly looked up at Emperor Xia Yi, but found that the other party was looking at her with an indifferent look. She couldn’t believe it.

Emperor Yi of Xia was so inch-forward.

After annexing Lou Lan, he even wanted her to be his maid? Looking at Empress Loulan’s stunned and ashamed eyes.

Nie Zheng sneered inwardly.

It should be known that the annexation of Lou Lan is not so simple.

It is not just a nominal classification of Loulan as the territory of Bactria County.

As long as Yao Xi is in Loulan for one day, these Loulan people will not really turn into Xia Min. So Nie Zheng’s idea was simple.

Let Yao Xi become a maid by her side.

Then he sent someone to take over the entire Loulan Ancient Kingdom, and then step by step assimilated the people of Loulan into Xia Min, so that they only respected Emperor Xia, and from then on there was no one in her heart as Empress Loulan.

Otherwise, if it is only the nominal return of Loulan to Xia, continue to let Yao Xi control the ancient kingdom of Loulan. This is not the result factory that Nie Zheng wants to see.

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