Chapter 241: A Duel in Fate.

Yao Xi is not stupid.

She slowly woke up from her shock and shame. I already understood Emperor Xia’s thoughts. Just as Emperor Yi of Xia thought.

If it was only the nominal return of Loulan to Xia, Emperor B of Xia would never have agreed. So.

Her maid was set.

The next thing is simple. Yao Xi issued a will.

The general meaning of his will is nothing more than to appease the people of Loulan and explain the matter of Loulan’s return to Xia. And Empress Yaoxi also officially announced her abdication.

Wait for Bactria to completely take over the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

Since then, there has been no Loulan Ancient Kingdom in the world, only the people of the Great Xia in the Western Desert. Although the people of Loulan could not accept this matter for a while.

But Nie Zheng believed that with the passage of time and the run-in, the people of Loulan would eventually assimilate into Xia Min and honor him only as the Great Summer Son.


The hinterland of the western desert, the water moon spring.

“This is the Seventh Human Emperor?”

Looking at the mottled ancient dings standing in the spring, Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up. Airplanes!

Nie Zheng flipped his hand over and directly sucked the human emperor Ding in front of him.

After he confirmed that he was correct, he put the human emperor into the system space. Such a scene.

It surprised Empress Yaoxi on the side.

It had already been learned that Nie Zheng had the Ancient Space Magic Instrument of the Sumire Ring on his body. Pity.

Yao Xi guessed wrong.

Nie Zheng didn’t have any Ancient Space Magic Instruments at all. This is just the most basic function of the system.

Moreover, the so-called Ancient Space Magic Instrument is simply small and pitiful compared to the system space. You must know that no matter what kind of Ancient Space Magic Instrument it is, it has a certain capacity.

However, the space of Nie Zheng’s system is infinitely large, and it can fit into whatever Nie Zheng wants to install. Let’s say the most blunt of all.

If Nie Zhengxiu is enough, it is that the three mountains, five mountains, rivers, lakes and seas can be packed into the system space.

The so-called Ancient Air Magic Instrument cannot be compared with the system space at all.

“Yao Xi, you should be glad that your choice is correct.”

Obtaining the Seventh Human Emperor Ding, and letting Lou Lan return to Xia, Nie Zheng was in a very good mood at the moment.

“Thank you Your Majesty for your compliment.”

Yao Xi bowed and replied lightly.

Although she was a little unwilling in her heart, she was powerless to change the fact that she had become the maid of the Summer Emperor, and she could only accept it helplessly

“Okay, don’t be so wronged, you want to be a maid of demise, but not everyone has this opportunity, and you will be glad for your decision in the future.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

He naturally knew that Yao Xi was very unconvinced. But that’s okay.

He would let this proud woman slowly become convinced.


Time flies, and half a month flies. Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Cao Wei had already returned triumphantly with his army and brought back the sixth human emperor. Moreover, all the remnants of the Great Qing outside the Nine Weeks Pass were purged.

Those two Great Qing Ancestors also all died outside the Guanwai.

As Cao Wei reported on the achievements of the Guanwai campaign, Nie Zheng naturally rewarded him. As Cao Qian and the others withdrew from Weiyang Palace.

Three quaint and mottled human emperors appeared in front of Nie Zheng.

“The Nine Dings of the Human Emperor, can you break the shackles of heaven and earth and revive the Nine Weeks Heaven and Earth Reiki?”

Nie Zheng strolled through Weiyang Palace.

A pair of eyes stared faintly at the three human emperors.

The first human emperor was obtained from an isolated island in the East China Sea.

The second human emperor was found by him from the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

The third human emperor was brought back by Cao Xian from outside the Nine Zhou Pass. The Emperor of Man Jiuding.

Nie Zheng had already won the third.

The Qin Emperor had four of them.

Now there are still two human emperors wandering outside.

As long as the Nine Emperors of Man and Emperor are gathered together, they can break the shackles of heaven and earth, revive the aura of the Nine Weeks Great World, and recreate the ancient brilliant and prosperous world.

But what made Nie Zheng slightly confused was that. At this moment, the three human emperors were placed in front of him.

But Nie Zheng didn’t feel the power of the human emperor at all.

It was as if the three human emperors in front of him were just the most ordinary stone dings. But Nie Zheng knew it clearly.

The human emperor is indestructible.

Even he himself could not destroy the human emperor in the slightest. Apparently.

If you want to truly show the power of the human emperor, you must gather the Nine Dings together.

“Yao Xi.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

“The slave is here.”

Yao Xi quietly appeared behind Nie Zheng and bowed to him, gradually accepting his fate of becoming the maid of Emperor Xia.

“How much time does it take for Ghost Guzi to calculate the whereabouts of the last two human emperors?”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Oni Gu said that the Heavenly Machine was disordered, and his Zhou Tianxing arithmetic had encountered difficulties, and this time it would take at least three months to deduce the whereabouts of the remaining two human emperors.”

Yao Xi answered truthfully.

“Three months?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

Because he felt like it was too long.

“Tell Ghost Guzi that three months is too long, and that Shuo will only give him one month at most, so that he must calculate the last two human emperors.”

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice.

“The slave obeys the command.”

Yao Xi did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly took the will and conveyed Nie Zheng’s will to Ghost Guzi. Looking at Yao Xi’s distant back.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

It wasn’t that he didn’t have the patience to wait, but that he was going to launch a station of annihilation against Great Qin in a month. He will reign in this station for nine weeks.

There is a saying that says it well.

The first hand is strong, and the next hand suffers.

Nowadays, the ancient kingdom of Loulan has also been annexed by Bactria and the remnants of the Great Qing outside Guanwai have also been purged.

The only thing that hindered his unification of the world for nine weeks was Great Qin, the last enemy. So.

Nie Zheng didn’t want to wait too long.

A month later was the time of the Great Xia Felling of Qin.

This great station of the Nine Weeks of Heaven is not only related to who can unify the 4.8 heavens with him and the Qin Emperor, but also an extremely important step for Nie Zheng to become the Emperor of Man.

Nie Zheng didn’t care about the false name of Emperor Qiangu. He wanted the human throne.

The human emperor is like a saint.

This is not just talk.

The implications are mythical.

If you want to become a human emperor, it is imperative to unify the world for nine weeks. Moreover.

Nie Zheng had a vague feeling.

Ying Zheng, who was far away in Great Qin, was also preparing for this stop.

According to Nie Zheng’s understanding of Emperor Qin’s Yingzheng, he would not accept defeat. Although in terms of personal force, Emperor Qin was not his own opponent.

But Great Qin’s national strength was even stronger than that of Great Xia. So.

Emperor Qin would fight to the death if he won the government.

This is also a fateful duel between the two.

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