Chapter 242: The Emperor of Xia is in the Dynasty, the Battle of Qin!.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.


The black dragon roared in the sky, and the dragon groaned.

A mighty wave of Huanghuang Tianzi burst out towards the Eight Heavens and Earths.

Only to see the black curtain that covered the Qin Emperor’s crown turned into fly ash.

Emperor Qin slowly got up from the futon, and an extremely terrible aura lingered around him.

This breath was terrifying to the extreme, and the nine black dragon shadows seemed to turn into substance, as if they really became nine black dragons surrounding him.

That Dragon Power made the air around him buzz endlessly. The entire Xianyang Palace that was even more vibrating was rumbling and shaking.

In particular, Emperor Qin’s eyes were rotating, and a series of divine rays were flashing in his eyes. A breath of the world’s eyes and the eight wildernesses of the world was spilling out of his eyes.

At a glance.

A glance at life and death.

Win Zheng’s eyes make people dare not look directly, as if they can penetrate the essence of all things in heaven and earth.

“The widow has finally cultivated the Heavenly Son’s Qiqi Technique!”

“Emperor Yi, this time the widow will never be defeated again!”


Void waves, ripples Dao.

Emperor Qin’s eyes were deep and terrible, and one after another terrible qi machines were spilling out of his body, and they actually began to affect the world and earth where he was.

Heavenly Son’s Qi!

This is an ancient forbidden art.

The power contained in it is terrifying.

It was also the Heavenly Son Forbidden Technique that Emperor Yingzheng of Qin had been hesitant to cultivate. But since the East China Sea isolated island after a stop.

When he returned to the Xianyang Palace, he began to practice this ancient forbidden art. Finally.

He risked the danger of going into the fire and the devil, and successfully cultivated this forbidden art.

Moreover, his Nine Dragon Emperor Extreme Skill had also been cultivated to the highest realm, completely seeing that the Black Dragon Yuan in his body was completely refined, and the whole person was out of the mortal realm.


If the heavens and the earth are full of aura.

At this moment, it is a pity that the Qin Emperor can completely become an immortal on the ground, reach the realm of heavenly immortals, and truly achieve the purpose of immortality.

Nine weeks of the world, sealed heaven and Jedi.

Even though the Qin Emperor was out of the realm of mortals.

But without the nourishment of Heaven and Earth Reiki, he still couldn’t live forever.

“Your Majesty, the emissary you sent to Loulan was killed, and Loulan returned to Xia!”

Li Si trembled and knelt down and prostrated his head, reporting a bad news to the Qin Emperor.

“No problem.”

Emperor Qin’s eyes were deep, and a kind of Gaidai invincible self-confidence was blooming from him.

“What if you give a Loulan ancient country to Emperor Yi?”

“The widow cultivated into the Heavenly Son’s Qi, and refined the Black Dragon Yuan in his body, which was enough to compete with that Emperor Yi in the martial arts cultivation.”

“Moreover, the unity of the subjects of Great Qin is enough to destroy Bactria and the widows will eventually unify the world for nine weeks.”

Emperor Qin spoke calmly.

“Where is Wang Qimengtian?”

Emperor Qin said coldly.

“The end is coming.”

Only to see Wang Qi and Meng Tian kneeling and prostrating.

“Pass on the will of the widow, and a month later in the Great Qin Dynasty, the widow will march in person.”

Emperor Qin was in charge of the government.


Wang Qi was ordered by the chief.

He then quickly withdrew from Weiyang Palace. Apparently.

With the will of the Qin Emperor Yingzheng, the great station of the Nine Weeks of Dingding is about to begin.

“Emperor Yi, if you really have the ability, let’s see if you can defeat the widow.”

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin looked in the direction of Bactria from afar, and his icy voice reverberated between heaven and earth…

The other side.

Maybe it’s a feeling.

Or maybe it’s a fatal station in the dark. Nie Zheng also looked in the direction where Great Qin was located. A touch of cold cruelty crossed his eyes.

“Ying Zheng, it seems that you also want to make a quick decision, right?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

He had an intuition in his mind that the Qin Emperor was also dispatching troops, and a stop in the Dingding Nine Weeks Great World was about to open.

“Cao Qian, swing the Dragon De Hall.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian hurriedly stooped down to receive the order.

.. Dragon Temple!

The early dynasty is in full swing.

The female emperor Wu Shuo listened carefully to the performance of the group of courtiers.

Lü Yan sat behind the beaded curtain and was also listening to the courtiers’ advice.

These two women listened to the government of the same dynasty, but there was no friction, which is obviously an inconceivable thing in the eyes of outsiders.

However, the Manchu Dynasty of Bactria was already used to it.

And in these days when Wu Cao and Lü Yan were in the imperial court to listen to the government.

The subjects of Bactria are united in their hearts, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Moreover, the female emperor Wu Cao also showed her talents to the Qunchen, and it can be said that the governance of Bactria was orderly and also convinced by the Qunchen.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”


Only to hear a sharp voice coming from outside the temple.

And this also surprised the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and Wu Cao Lü Jie. Apparently.

No one expected that the Son of Heaven was actually approaching.

Wu Cao hurriedly got up from the throne, and the group of courtiers even bowed down and waited.

Even Lü Yan, who was sitting behind the beaded curtain, lifted the beaded curtain and walked out, waiting for the Heavenly Son to enter the Longde Hall. Soon.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, Nie Zheng strode into the Long De Hall.

However, when the Qunchen saw the outfit on Tianzi’s body, the Qunchen secretly inhaled a cold breath, and everyone’s eyes flashed a shocking color.

What do they see?

The Son of Heaven was wearing an imperial robe and came to the court!

It should be known that the number of times the Son of Heaven came to the dynasty can be described as very small.

The first few times the Emperor wore only the Heavenly Son’s civilian clothes.

But now that Emperor Xia was actually wearing the imperial robes, it also proved that something extremely surprising was going to happen next. The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu were all old traitors and giants.

And each mind is very clever.

They didn’t have to think deeply at all, they had already vaguely guessed the reason why the Son of Heaven was approaching. And everyone’s eyes showed an extremely fiery excitement.

Even the blood in the body began to boil like magma 857. Nie Zheng!

Stride to the throne and sit down.

Female Emperor Wu Shuo was very clever to stand by the side of Tianzi Fujun.

Although she was crowned as the Female Emperor of Bactria and could exercise the rights of the Son of Heaven. But Wu Shuo is very intelligent and can also put his position in his place.

When the Heavenly Son and Husband were present, she naturally had to stand, how could she sit with her husband? If only she really sat on the throne with her Heavenly Son.

I was afraid that the eyes of Manchu Wenwu could slash her with a thousand swords.

After all, Bactria was able to be so stable because of the existence of Tianzi Fujun. If the Son of Heaven is not there.

Even though she has the posture of a female emperor.

But the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was only afraid that she would have to turn against it, so how could she make a woman emperor?

“Mountain Whew!”

Zhao Gao stepped out, and the group of ministers were about to kneel. Pity.

Before the group of courtiers could kneel and prostrate their heads, Nie Zheng casually interrupted, “These red tapes are exempt.” ”

“Cao Tian proclaims.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

Cao Tian did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly read out the will of the Son of Heaven.

“Fengtian Fortune, the Heavenly Son’s Edict: Nine weeks of the world, one division and only Bactria and Great Qin…. With his will already decided, and the station of destroying Qin is unstoppable, he hereby enfeoffs Cao Wei as the Left Yuanfu of the Logging Qin, Zhao Kuangyin as the Right Yuanshui of the Logging Qin, and Sima Yi as the Left Vanguard of the Former Army…”

Cao Tian read the holy will aloud. Manchu Wenwu listened excitedly.

Everyone’s eyes began to turn red.

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