Chapter 243 Ding Ding Nine Weeks, Who Can Rule the World?.

We’ve arrived!

They finally arrived!

Manchu Wenwu finally waited for this day. Just look at it.

Cao Wei is also good.

Zhao Kuangyin was no different.

Even the old treacherous giant is good at hiding his heart and mind Sima Yi….. The face of each of them was extremely red.

Especially a pair of eyes are extremely hot. Once!

They each had their own thoughts, and even wanted to rebel. Take the big summer and replace it!

But since Emperor Xia ascended the throne. Nearly ten years have passed.

These traitors all became loyal subjects, loyal to the side of Emperor Yi of Xia. They all had made wild hopes in their hearts.

If one day Bactria rises, they should help Emperor Yi of Xia to unify the world for nine weeks, so that Emperor B of Xia will become the emperor of the ages.

If they can succeed.

Then they will also leave a name in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and they will be able to pass through the ages and be praised by the people of later generations. Just they didn’t think about it.

This day will come so soon. Now.

The Great Summer was promulgating the will and constantly canonizing them. This also means that the station of logging Qin has officially opened.

The wild dreams they once buried in their hearts are about to be put into action and even realized.

“Minister, Cao Yi leads the way.”

“Minister, Zhao Kuangyin leads the way.”

“Minister, Sima Yi leads the way.”

“Minister, Zhao Gao leads the way.”

“Minister, Wei Zhongxian leads the way.”

“Subjects, and the Lord’s Will.”


The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu came out one after another. They knelt on the ground and prostrated the chief’s command.

Everyone’s voice trembled to the extreme. Now.

The atmosphere throughout the Dragon Hall was warm and solemn.

All eyes were also focused on the body of the big summer. On the throne.

Nie Zheng looked calm.

However, he could fully feel the excitement in the eyes of Manchu Wenwu.

“After a month, the whole country will cut down Qin, and the Emperor will also march in person, and after this station, nine weeks will return to Xia.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.

Then he got up from the throne and strode out of the Dragon Hall in a big stride.

“Nine weeks back to summer, Your Majesty is ancient!”

As Nie Zheng left the Long De Hall.

Manchu Wenwu fell to his knees one after another, saying that he was the name of Emperor Yi of Xia. All of a sudden.

The sound of Qunchen Mountain reverberated throughout the Dragon De Hall, and its voice reverberated endlessly. A month!

Just a month. Nine weeks of slaughter, the heavens and the earth are lonely.

“Bactria is mobilizing thousands of troops and horses to the frontier.”

Great Qin was also mobilizing national troops.

The Nine Weeks Great World was divided into two, leaving only Xia Min and Qin Min.

The people of both countries have already received the wind and the sound of a station that has set the Nine Weeks of the Great World is about to open. This station also means who can unify the world for nine weeks.

All the people are soldiers!


The atmosphere of the whole nine-week world was oppressive and terrible. Because the world knows.

This station will float in a sea of blood, and I don’t know how many people will die in this station. The national strength of Great Qin and Bactria can be said to be incomparable.

But if you are serious. Great Qin’s odds were higher.

Because the people of Great Qin were fierce and fierce, everyone respected the Qin Emperor with martial arts.

However, Bactria rose within ten years, and although it annexed the territory of various countries, the people’s hearts and minds were absolutely not as good as the people’s hearts of the Great Qin.

It takes time to grind in.

This was also something that Nie Zheng had no way to force.

However, although in the hearts of the people, Bactria is not as good as Great Qin.

However, in the area of military strength and strategists, Bactria absolutely had to surpass Great Qin. First of all.

Cao Wei’s fierce generals were like clouds, and the strategists were Guo Jiajiaxu and others. Sima Yi’s military tactics were even more powerful.

Zhao Kuangyin was more capable of commanding, and no one could control his way of governing the army.

Moreover, the logistics of grain, grass, money, and wealth transportation have been strategized, so that the three armed forces have no worries. Ten years.

Bactria recruited troops, and its Bactria elite has reached 30 million.

The Bactrian Iron Horse alone numbered in the millions, and there was also the blessing of a four-star crossbow. And Gao Shun’s 100,000 trapped camp.

This is an invincible division that is invincible and invincible, with the will to fall into battle and the invincible division that has no life or death. The East Factory intelligence network is spread throughout the Nine Weeks World.

Wei Zhongxian would pass on various messages to the three armies of Bactria at the first time. Jing Ke had already stepped into the Heavenly Human Realm.

In addition to the eight hundred nether ghost stabs in the Yanyu Building, he also trained tens of thousands of the most elite assassins to be responsible for the beheading of the Great Qin generals.

As for Zhao Gaoze, there were 100,000 dead soldiers obeying orders, and each of them was an outlaw, and with just one order, he could give Great Qin a painful blow.


The Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders and Lü Bu were even more of a sharp sword.

It could tear the Great Qin Elite out of a terrible gap at the first time. This ruthless and iron-blooded invincible division was personally led by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Too much, too much.

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, up and down.

The whole of Bactria was starting to run like crazy.

They are all preparing for the station of Dingding Nine Weeks World. Moreover.

The subjects of Bactria knew that Emperor Yi of Xia wanted to march in person.

This also greatly boosted the morale of the three armies, and they were bound to destroy Great Qin in one fell swoop and truly achieve the goal of unifying the world for nine weeks.

Of course.

Great Qin on the other side was also running wildly.

The Great Qin Iron Horse was all set out.

Tens of millions of elites of Great Qin were even gathered on the frontiers of the two countries.

The Qin Emperor also rode his own conquest and fought with Emperor Yi of Xia to the death. Now!

Everything is ready, only the East Wind is owed!

A stop in the Dingding Nine Weeks World is also about to open.


Time is like water, and time is like shuttle. A month is fleeting. The three armies of Bactria were ready to go.

The wind of heaven and earth was howling, and the banner of Bactria was grinning in the wind. The black pressed soldiers and horses could not see the end at a glance.

An earth-shattering killing intent of the three armies rushed into the sky. Just wait for Emperor Xia’s order.

The generals of the three armies could then march to the frontier and fight against Great Qin to the death.


Weiyang Palace.

Empty and silent, Nie Zheng was independent.

Nie Zheng hung the Heavenly Sword from his waist and was wearing the armor of the Nine Dragon Emperor. He stood quietly in front of the portrait of Nuwa.

Looking at the portrait of Nuwa, the eyes crossed a deep color. No one knew what was going on in his mind at the moment.

Nie Zheng just quietly stared at the sage Nuwa in the portrait. Long.

An eerie smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Nuwa, reenacting the Great Destruction of the Gods is not so fun, and it is by no means as calculating as Di Xin, and after becoming the Emperor of Man, you saints who are high above will know what a true human emperor is like a holy force!”

Nie Zheng whispered coldly.


He turned and strode toward the outside of Weiyang Palace.

Only its faint cold voice echoed in Weiyang Palace.

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