Chapter 245 The truce strikes, with heavy casualties.

“Yingzheng, do you think you can kill Yuan?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

“Emperor Yi, I have to say that you are more arrogant than a widow.”

“But have you heard of the Heavenly Son’s Qi?”


The next moment.

Emperor Qin’s eyes lit up, and the surrounding space was faintly rippled.

The Nine Black Dragons seemed to surround him in substance, and emitted earth-shattering dragon groans.

“Heavenly Son’s Qiqi Technique?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

He really felt the terrifying pressure coming from around Emperor Qin at this moment. In particular, the other party’s eyes gave him a sense of threat.

“Then try the power of your so-called Heavenly Son’s Qiqi Technique.”


Nie Zheng’s five fingers popped out.

This side of the void is collapsing in terror.

An invisible giant palm slammed down towards Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. Airplanes!

The next moment.

Something that surprised Nie Zheng appeared. Not waiting for him to fall this shot.

Emperor Qin instantly disappeared into the same place, easily avoiding his blow. It was as if in the face of Nie Zheng’s terrifying blow, he had already budgeted. Bang!

The rocks exploded and the earth cracked.

Before Nie Zheng could strike again, the sound of the sword and dragon suddenly came from his ear. Only to see that Emperor Yingzheng of Qin did not know when he had appeared on his left side.

And a pair of sword fingers were pointing at the center of his eyebrows, accompanied by the sound of the amazing sword and dragon groaning. Clang!

Nie Zheng turned slightly sideways, although he avoided the blow from the center of his eyebrows.

However, he was still bombarded by the sword of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin on his left shoulder. But the next moment.

In addition, the shocking things of the Qin Emperor Yingzheng appeared.

His sword couldn’t hurt Emperor Xia in the slightest, it just shook it back a few steps.

“The Heavenly Son’s Qiqi Technique, is the enemy the first opportunity?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

He finally understood the source of Emperor Qin’s confidence.

The Heavenly Son Qi Technique he was cultivating was an extremely powerful Ancient Forbidden Technique.

Not only did it increase Qin Huangxiu’s cultivation by several times, but it also predicted the trajectory of his attack. This ancient forbidden art can be said to make the Qin Emperor invincible.

No wonder Emperor Qin dared to come and stand with him.

Obviously, he wanted to kill him in one fell swoop with this technique. But alas.

Nie Zheng’s cultivation had long since transcended the boundaries of mortals.

Especially after he inherited the heart of the human emperor, his body can be said to be indestructible.

Even though Emperor Qin had successfully cultivated the Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique, it was impossible to hurt him. Oh!


The nine black dragons around the Qin Emperor transformed into nine swords, and with the Qin Emperor’s sword fingers, the nine Heavenly Dragons groaned and went straight to Nie Zheng to shoot them. Rumble!

Nie Zheng’s five fingers probed out again.

The Nine Black Dragon Sword Rays were directly pinched and exploded in mid-air by him.

As soon as the whole person stepped out, he instantly appeared next to Emperor Yingzheng of Qin, and his five fingers suddenly shot down towards his heavenly spirit. Airplanes!

This blow was as heavy as a mountain, and the void was disintegrating. Face this deadly blow from Emperor Yi of Xia.

Emperor Qin’s figure disappeared strangely again, and Kankan avoided the blow.

–I have to say.

Under the blessing of the Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique, Nie Zheng really had some difficulties in trying to kill him. Whew!

Emperor Qin’s figure was retreating.

Directly pull away from Emperor Yi of Xia for what he thinks is a safe distance.

Just looking into the eyes of Emperor Xia, there was a hint of bitterness and incomprehensibility. Why is that?

What kind of monster is this guy?

With the blessing of the Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique, he couldn’t even kill him! Emperor Qin’s face was cold.

He didn’t take another shot at Nie Zheng.

Because he found an extremely fatal problem. Although he could rely on the Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique to take the lead in the enemy. But he couldn’t kill Emperor Yi of Xia at all.

Emperor Qin’s heart was full of doubts.

Is Emperor Xia really his nemesis? This moment.

The Qin Emperor had a sense of discouragement.

The inner pride and self-confidence are somewhat broken.

He had thought that the successful cultivation of the Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique and the refining of the Black Dragon Dragon Yuan in his body would be enough to kill Emperor Yi of Xia.

Until he led the elite of Great Qin to overthrow Bactria and achieve the goal of unifying the world for nine weeks. But.

He realized he was wrong.

And it’s really wrong.

He simply could not kill Emperor Yi of Xia. And at the foot of the mountain, the two armies were fighting fiercely. Although Great Qin did not show any defeat.

But as long as Emperor Yi of Xia did not die, this battle between the two countries would not stop. Will.

Not only did Emperor Qin want to quickly kill Nie Zheng and end the war between the two countries.

Nie Zheng had the same idea, wanting to take the head of Emperor Qin to crush the morale of Great Qin’s generals in one fell swoop, until he annexed the entire Great Qin.

·0 Ask for flowers…

“Win Zheng, you said that you are not the opponent of Yuan, so why do you have to resist stubbornly?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly at Emperor Qin.

And the five fingers were quietly lifting, and then they slammed down on it, trying to kill the Qin Emperor on the spot in one fell swoop. However, Emperor Qin still avoided it.

Moreover, Emperor Qin took a deep look at Nie Zheng, and the whole person disappeared as a stream of light. Apparently.

Since he couldn’t kill Emperor Xia Yi.

Emperor Qin did not want to be in love with him. See Emperor Qin win the government and retire.

Nie Zheng frowned.

Although he had the intention of killing the Qin Emperor.

But the other party’s Heavenly Son’s Qi Technique was indeed very powerful. Make it impossible for him to keep the other person at all.

······ The other side.

The sun is setting, and the blood is staining the battlefield. Both countries are collecting troops in gold.

In the boundless wilderness, it can be said that corpses are strewn across the wilderness, and the sea of blood is drifting. The first confrontation between the two countries can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

No one took advantage of this stop.

Only the lives of countless soldiers remain forever in this wilderness plain. Life is fragile.

Especially this nine-week battle for the world.

The soldiers and horses on both sides completely killed the red eye, and it is really not your death or my life. Now.

Whether it is a Great Qin general.

Or Bactria Cao and Zhao Kuangyin and others.

Everyone watched this tragic station and fell silent. Because they are fully able to see.

Whether it is the victory of Great Qin or the victory of Great Xia. The side that wins in the end will also be a crushing victory.

If this battle that was fixed for the Nine Weeks of Heaven continued like this, I was afraid that it would really hurt the foundation of the Nine Weeks World.

Mingjin collected the troops and truceded the troops.

However, the boundless wilderness, stained red with blood, blew out a fierce wind from heaven and earth.

The sound of the wind is like the cry of thousands of unjust spirits, making people feel sad and unable to control themselves.

Great Qin Barracks.

Emperor Qin’s face was silent.

Wang Qimengtian was reporting to him the number of casualties among the Great Qin soldiers and horses. Great Qin Iron Rider lost 300,000!

The Great Qin infantry lost millions.

More than 100,000 crossbowmen were killed or wounded.


Bad news came out of Wang Qi and Meng Tian’s mouths.

And this also made Emperor Qin’s eyes sink, and the whole person gradually fell silent.

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